Esempio n. 1
 public void SendText(string text)
     if (OutputConsole.InvokeRequired)
         ANN.UI.StringArgReturningVoidDelegate d = new ANN.UI.StringArgReturningVoidDelegate(SendText);
         this.Invoke(d, new object[] { text });
Esempio n. 2
 public void WriteConsole(object text)
     OutputConsole.AppendText(text.ToString() + "\n");
Esempio n. 3
        public ProgramGenerationsGUI()

            // Number of Generations
            // Generation 0 always have only 1 patient
            // Generations 1 and forward have the number of patients defined in the PATIENTS variable
            int Generations = 2;

            // this array is called inside the RunPatients function
            // it is an array because if there is increment from the infection cycle from one patient to another,
            // different values for infection cycle have to be stored
            int[] InfectionCycle = new int[] { 2, 4 };

            // Number of Patients in Generation 1
            int Gen1Patients;

            // Number of Cycles
            int Cycles = 10;

            // Number of Classes
            int Classes = 11;

            // The "InitialParticles" is the initial amount of viral particles, that is: the initial virus population of a infection.
            int InitialParticles = 5;

            int InfectionParticles = 20;

            int MaxParticles = 1000000;             // Limite máximo de partículas que quero impor para cada ciclo (linha)

            double[] DeleteriousProbability = new double[Cycles];
            double[] BeneficialProbability  = new double[Cycles];

            bool BeneficialIncrement = false;             // if true, beneficial probability will increase by INCREMENT each cycle
            // if false, it will change from a fixed value to another fixed value, at the chosen cycle
            bool DeleteriousIncrement = false;            // if true, deleterious probability will increase by INCREMENT each cycle

            // if false, it will change from a fixed value to another fixed value, at the chosen cycle

            // Lists to keep the number of particles that go up or down the classes, during mutations
            int[][,] ClassUpParticles   = new int[Generations][, ];
            int[][,] ClassDownParticles = new int[Generations][, ];


            void MainFunction()
                Random rnd = new Random();

                // number of patients at 1st generation is defined by the number of cycles that
                // occur infection
                Gen1Patients = InfectionCycle.GetLength(0);

                // create and start the Stopwatch Class. From:
                Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();


                // Declaring the three-dimensional Matrix: it has p Patient, x lines of Cycles and y columns of Classes, defined by the variables above.

                int[][,,] Matrix = new int[Generations][, , ];

                for (int g = 0; g < Generations; g++)
                    Matrix[g] = new int[(int)Math.Pow(Gen1Patients, g), Cycles, Classes];
                    //InfectionCycle[g] = new int[(int)Math.Pow(Gen1Patients, g)];
                    ClassUpParticles[g]   = new int[(int)Math.Pow(Gen1Patients, g), Cycles];
                    ClassDownParticles[g] = new int[(int)Math.Pow(Gen1Patients, g), Cycles];

                //FillInfectionCycleArray(6, 0); // FIRST PARAMETER: initial cycle, SECOND PARAMENTER: increment

                if (DeleteriousIncrement)
                    FillDeleteriousArrayWithIncrement(0.3, 0.1);                     // FIRST PARAMETER: initial probability, SECOND PARAMENTER: increment
                    FillDeleteriousArray(0.8, 0.9, 5);                     // FIRST PARAMETER: first probability, SECOND PARAMENTER: second probability
                    // THIRD PARAMETER: cycle to change from first probability to second probability

                if (BeneficialIncrement)
                    FillBeneficialArrayWithIncrement(0.0003, 0.0001);                     // FIRST PARAMETER: initial probability, SECOND PARAMENTER: increment
                    FillBeneficialArray(0.0003, 0.0008, 5);                     // FIRST PARAMETER: first probability, SECOND PARAMENTER: second probability
                    // THIRD PARAMETER: cycle to change from first probability to second probability

                // The Matrix starts on the Patient 0, 10th position (column) on the line zero.
                // The "InitialParticles" is the amount of viral particles that exists in the class 10 on the cycle zero.
                // That is: these 5 particles have the potential to create 10 particles each.

                Matrix[0][0, 0, 10] = InitialParticles;

                RunPatients(Matrix, rnd);

                // Get the elapsed time as a TimeSpan value.
                TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed;


                // Format and display the TimeSpan value.
                string elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds / 10);

                OutputConsole.AppendText("Total Run Time: " + elapsedTime);

            void FillDeleteriousArray(double FirstProbability, double SecondProbability, int ChangeCycle)
                for (int i = 0; i < DeleteriousProbability.GetLength(0); i++)
                    if (i <= ChangeCycle)
                        DeleteriousProbability[i] = FirstProbability;
                        DeleteriousProbability[i] = SecondProbability;

            void FillDeleteriousArrayWithIncrement(double InitialProbability, double Increment)
                for (int i = 0; i < DeleteriousProbability.GetLength(0); i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        DeleteriousProbability[i] = InitialProbability;
                        if (DeleteriousProbability[i - 1] + Increment <= (1 - BeneficialProbability.GetLength(0)))
                            DeleteriousProbability[i] = DeleteriousProbability[i - 1] + Increment;
                            DeleteriousProbability[i] = DeleteriousProbability[i - 1];

            void FillBeneficialArray(double FirstProbability, double SecondProbability, int ChangeCycle)
                for (int i = 0; i < BeneficialProbability.GetLength(0); i++)
                    if (i <= ChangeCycle)
                        BeneficialProbability[i] = FirstProbability;
                        BeneficialProbability[i] = SecondProbability;

            void FillBeneficialArrayWithIncrement(double InitialProbability, double Increment)
                for (int i = 0; i < BeneficialProbability.GetLength(0); i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        BeneficialProbability[i] = InitialProbability;
                        if (BeneficialProbability[i - 1] + Increment <= (1 - DeleteriousProbability.GetLength(0)))
                            BeneficialProbability[i] = BeneficialProbability[i - 1] + Increment;
                            BeneficialProbability[i] = BeneficialProbability[i - 1];

            void RunPatients(int[][,,] Matrix, Random rndx)
                // Main Loop to create more particles on the next Cycles from the Cycle Zero (lines values).
                // Each matrix position will bring a value. This value will be mutiplied by its own class number (column value).
                for (int g = 0; g < Generations; g++)
                    for (int p = 0; p < Matrix[g].GetLength(0); p++)
                        Console.WriteLine("Patient started: GEN {0} - P {1}", g, p);

                        for (int i = 0; i < Cycles; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < Classes; j++)
                                if (i > 0)
                                    // Multiplies the number os particles from de previous Cycle by the Class number which belongs.
                                    // This is the progeny composition.
                                    //Matrix[p, i, j] = Matrix[p, (i - 1), j] * j;
                                    Matrix[g][p, i, j] = Matrix[g][p, (i - 1), j] * j;

                            CutOffMaxParticlesPerCycle(Matrix, g, p, i, rndx);
                            ApplyMutationsProbabilities(Matrix, g, p, i);

                            // if the INFECTIONCYLE array contains the cycle "i"
                            // and it is not the last generation, make infection
                            if (InfectionCycle.Contains(i) && (g < Generations - 1))
                                PickRandomParticlesForInfection(Matrix, g, p, i, rndx);
                                //Console.WriteLine("*** INFECTION CYCLE *** {0}", i);

                            // print which Cycle was finished just to give user feedback, because it may take too long to run.
                            //Console.WriteLine("Cycles processed: {0}", i);
                        //Console.WriteLine("Patients processed: GEN {0} - P {1}", g, p);

            void ApplyMutationsProbabilities(int[][,,] Matrix, int g, int p, int i)
                // This function will apply three probabilities: Deleterious, Beneficial or Neutral.
                // Their roles is to simulate real mutations of virus genome.
                // So here, there are mutational probabilities, which will bring an stochastic scenario sorting the progenies by the classes.

                int UpParticles   = 0;
                int DownParticles = 0;

                // Here a random number greater than zero and less than one is selected.
                Random rnd = new Random();
                double RandomNumber;

                // array to store the number of particles of each class, in the current cycle
                int[] ThisCycle = new int[Classes];

                for (int j = 0; j < Classes; j++)
                    // storing the number of particles of each class (j)
                    ThisCycle[j] = Matrix[g][p, i, j];

                for (int j = 0; j < Classes; j++)
                    if (ThisCycle[j] > 0 && i > 0)
                        for (int particles = ThisCycle[j]; particles > 0; particles--)
                            // In this loop, for each particle removed from the Matrix [i,j], a random number is selected.
                            RandomNumber = rnd.NextDouble();

                            // If the random number is less than the DeleteriousProbability defined, one particle of the previous Cycle will
                            // decrease one Class number. Remember this function is inside a loop for each i and each j values.
                            // So this loop will run through the whole Matrix, particle by particle on its own positions.

                            if (RandomNumber < DeleteriousProbability[i])
                            // Deleterious Mutation = 90,0% probability (0.9)
                                Matrix[g][p, i, (j - 1)] = Matrix[g][p, i, (j - 1)] + 1;
                                Matrix[g][p, i, j]       = Matrix[g][p, i, j] - 1;


                            else if (RandomNumber < (DeleteriousProbability[i] + BeneficialProbability[i]))
                            // Beneficial Mutation = 0,5% probability (0.005)
                                if (j < (Classes - 1))
                                    Matrix[g][p, i, (j + 1)] = Matrix[g][p, i, (j + 1)] + 1;
                                    Matrix[g][p, i, j]       = Matrix[g][p, i, j] - 1;
                                if (j == Classes)
                                    Matrix[g][p, i, j] = Matrix[g][p, i, j] + 1;

                ClassUpParticles[g][p, i]   = UpParticles;
                ClassDownParticles[g][p, i] = DownParticles;

            int ParticlesInCycle(int[][,,] Matrix, int g, int p, int i)
                // This funtion brings the sum value of particles by Cycle.

                int Particles = 0;

                for (int j = 0; j < Classes; j++)
                    Particles = Particles + Matrix[g][p, i, j];

            void CutOffMaxParticlesPerCycle(int[][,,] Matrix, int g, int p, int i, Random rndx)
                int ParticlesInThisCycle = ParticlesInCycle(Matrix, g, p, i);                 // Quantidade de partículas somadas por ciclo (linha)

                int[] StatusR = new int[Classes];                                             // Declarando o array que é a lista abaixo

                // Se, x = ParticlesInCycle, for maior do que o núm MaxParticles definido, então...
                if (ParticlesInThisCycle > MaxParticles)
                    // Para cada valor de x iniciando no valor de soma das partículas por ciclo;
                    // sendo x, ou seja, esta soma, maior do que o limite MaxParticles definido;
                    // então, diminua em uma unidade a soma das partículas por ciclo até que atinja o limite MaxParticles definido.

                    for (int Particles = ParticlesInCycle(Matrix, g, p, i); Particles > MaxParticles; Particles--)
                    // PARTICLES is equal to PARTICLESINTHISCYCLE, but we don't want to modifify PARTICLESINTHISCYCLE while the for loop is running
                    // also, PARTICLESINTHISCYCLE was created outside the for loop, for other purpose
                        StatusR[0]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0];
                        StatusR[1]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1];
                        StatusR[2]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2];
                        StatusR[3]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2] + Matrix[g][p, i, 3];
                        StatusR[4]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2] + Matrix[g][p, i, 3] + Matrix[g][p, i, 4];
                        StatusR[5]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2] + Matrix[g][p, i, 3] + Matrix[g][p, i, 4] + Matrix[g][p, i, 5];
                        StatusR[6]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2] + Matrix[g][p, i, 3] + Matrix[g][p, i, 4] + Matrix[g][p, i, 5] + Matrix[g][p, i, 6];
                        StatusR[7]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2] + Matrix[g][p, i, 3] + Matrix[g][p, i, 4] + Matrix[g][p, i, 5] + Matrix[g][p, i, 6] + Matrix[g][p, i, 7];
                        StatusR[8]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2] + Matrix[g][p, i, 3] + Matrix[g][p, i, 4] + Matrix[g][p, i, 5] + Matrix[g][p, i, 6] + Matrix[g][p, i, 7] + Matrix[g][p, i, 8];
                        StatusR[9]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2] + Matrix[g][p, i, 3] + Matrix[g][p, i, 4] + Matrix[g][p, i, 5] + Matrix[g][p, i, 6] + Matrix[g][p, i, 7] + Matrix[g][p, i, 8] + Matrix[g][p, i, 9];
                        StatusR[10] = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2] + Matrix[g][p, i, 3] + Matrix[g][p, i, 4] + Matrix[g][p, i, 5] + Matrix[g][p, i, 6] + Matrix[g][p, i, 7] + Matrix[g][p, i, 8] + Matrix[g][p, i, 9] + Matrix[g][p, i, 10];

                        // Gero um número aleatório de 0 ao limite do valor de soma de partículas por ciclo (linha) = ParticlesInCycle
                        // int RandomMaxParticles;
                        int rndParticle = rndx.Next(1, ParticlesInCycle(Matrix, g, p, i));

                        // Aqui gero as condições para saber de qual classe serão retiradas as partículas para que
                        // ParticlesInCycle atinja o limite estipulado por MaxParticles
                        if (rndParticle > 0 && rndParticle <= StatusR[0])
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 0] = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] - 1;

                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[0] && rndParticle <= StatusR[1])
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 1] = Matrix[g][p, i, 1] - 1;

                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[1] && rndParticle <= StatusR[2])
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 2] = Matrix[g][p, i, 2] - 1;
                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[2] && rndParticle <= StatusR[3])
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 3] = Matrix[g][p, i, 3] - 1;
                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[3] && rndParticle <= StatusR[4])
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 4] = Matrix[g][p, i, 4] - 1;
                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[4] && rndParticle <= StatusR[5])
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 5] = Matrix[g][p, i, 5] - 1;
                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[5] && rndParticle <= StatusR[6])
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 6] = Matrix[g][p, i, 6] - 1;
                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[6] && rndParticle <= StatusR[7])
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 7] = Matrix[g][p, i, 7] - 1;
                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[7] && rndParticle <= StatusR[8])
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 8] = Matrix[g][p, i, 8] - 1;
                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[8] && rndParticle <= StatusR[9])
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 9] = Matrix[g][p, i, 9] - 1;
                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[9] && rndParticle <= StatusR[10])
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 10] = Matrix[g][p, i, 10] - 1;

            void PickRandomParticlesForInfection(int[][,,] Matrix, int g, int p, int i, Random rndx)
                bool NoParticlesForInfection = false;

                // array to store the particles that will infect patients of the next generation
                // it is just a 1D array (a list) where each index is a class
                int[] InfectedParticles = new int[Classes];

                int ParticlesInThisCycle = ParticlesInCycle(Matrix, g, p, i); // Quantidade de partículas somadas por ciclo (linha)

                int[] StatusR = new int[Classes];                             // TODO melhorar o nome deste array

                for (int ParticlesSelected = 0; ParticlesSelected < InfectionParticles; ParticlesSelected++)
                    StatusR[0]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0];
                    StatusR[1]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1];
                    StatusR[2]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2];
                    StatusR[3]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2] + Matrix[g][p, i, 3];
                    StatusR[4]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2] + Matrix[g][p, i, 3] + Matrix[g][p, i, 4];
                    StatusR[5]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2] + Matrix[g][p, i, 3] + Matrix[g][p, i, 4] + Matrix[g][p, i, 5];
                    StatusR[6]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2] + Matrix[g][p, i, 3] + Matrix[g][p, i, 4] + Matrix[g][p, i, 5] + Matrix[g][p, i, 6];
                    StatusR[7]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2] + Matrix[g][p, i, 3] + Matrix[g][p, i, 4] + Matrix[g][p, i, 5] + Matrix[g][p, i, 6] + Matrix[g][p, i, 7];
                    StatusR[8]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2] + Matrix[g][p, i, 3] + Matrix[g][p, i, 4] + Matrix[g][p, i, 5] + Matrix[g][p, i, 6] + Matrix[g][p, i, 7] + Matrix[g][p, i, 8];
                    StatusR[9]  = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2] + Matrix[g][p, i, 3] + Matrix[g][p, i, 4] + Matrix[g][p, i, 5] + Matrix[g][p, i, 6] + Matrix[g][p, i, 7] + Matrix[g][p, i, 8] + Matrix[g][p, i, 9];
                    StatusR[10] = Matrix[g][p, i, 0] + Matrix[g][p, i, 1] + Matrix[g][p, i, 2] + Matrix[g][p, i, 3] + Matrix[g][p, i, 4] + Matrix[g][p, i, 5] + Matrix[g][p, i, 6] + Matrix[g][p, i, 7] + Matrix[g][p, i, 8] + Matrix[g][p, i, 9] + Matrix[g][p, i, 10];

                    // Gero um número aleatório de 0 ao limite do valor de soma de partículas por ciclo (linha) = ParticlesInCycle
                    // int RandomMaxParticles;
                    if (ParticlesInThisCycle > 0)
                        int rndParticle = rndx.Next(1, ParticlesInThisCycle);

                        // Aqui gero as condições para saber de qual classe serão retiradas as partículas para que
                        // ParticlesSelected atinja o limite estipulado por InfectioParticles
                        if (rndParticle > 0 && rndParticle <= StatusR[0])
                            InfectedParticles[0] += 1;
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 0]   -= 1;

                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[0] && rndParticle <= StatusR[1])
                            InfectedParticles[1] += 1;
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 1]   -= 1;

                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[1] && rndParticle <= StatusR[2])
                            InfectedParticles[2] += 1;
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 2]   -= 1;
                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[2] && rndParticle <= StatusR[3])
                            InfectedParticles[3] += 1;
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 3]   -= 1;
                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[3] && rndParticle <= StatusR[4])
                            InfectedParticles[4] += 1;
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 4]   -= 1;
                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[4] && rndParticle <= StatusR[5])
                            InfectedParticles[5] += 1;
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 5]   -= 1;
                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[5] && rndParticle <= StatusR[6])
                            InfectedParticles[6] += 1;
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 6]   -= 1;
                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[6] && rndParticle <= StatusR[7])
                            InfectedParticles[7] += 1;
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 7]   -= 1;
                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[7] && rndParticle <= StatusR[8])
                            InfectedParticles[8] += 1;
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 8]   -= 1;
                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[8] && rndParticle <= StatusR[9])
                            InfectedParticles[9] += 1;
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 9]   -= 1;
                        if (rndParticle > StatusR[9] && rndParticle <= StatusR[10])
                            InfectedParticles[10] += 1;
                            Matrix[g][p, i, 10]   -= 1;
                        NoParticlesForInfection = true;

                // if there are no particles for infection, there is no infection
                if (NoParticlesForInfection)
                    Console.WriteLine("Patient {0} Cycle {1} has no particles.\t\t", p, i);
                    InfectPatients(Matrix, InfectedParticles, g, p, i, rndx);

            void InfectPatients(int[][,,] Matrix, int[] InfectedParticles, int g, int p, int i, Random rndx)
                int AmountOfParticlesAvailable = InfectedParticles[0] + InfectedParticles[1] + InfectedParticles[2] + InfectedParticles[3] +
                                                 InfectedParticles[4] + InfectedParticles[5] + InfectedParticles[6] + InfectedParticles[7] +
                                                 InfectedParticles[8] + InfectedParticles[9] + InfectedParticles[10];


                int[] PatientsToInfect = new int[Gen1Patients];

                // each patient will infect a group of patients of size Gen1Patients
                int LastPatient  = ((p + 1) * Gen1Patients) - 1;                // the last patient of this group
                int FirstPatient = LastPatient - (Gen1Patients - 1);            // the first patient of this group

                for (int x = 0; x < Gen1Patients; x++)
                    PatientsToInfect[x] = FirstPatient + x;


                int patient = PatientsToInfect[Array.IndexOf(InfectionCycle, i)];

                while (AmountOfParticlesAvailable > 0)
                    int rndClass = rndx.Next(0, Classes);

                    if (InfectedParticles[rndClass] > 0)                     // there is at least one particle in the class selected
                        Matrix[g + 1][patient, 0, rndClass] += 1;
                        //ParticlesReceived[patient] += 1;
                        InfectedParticles[rndClass] -= 1;

                Console.WriteLine("G {0} P {1} infected G {2} P {3}", g, p, g + 1, patient);

            void PrintOutput(int[][,,] Matrix)
                double PercentageOfParticlesUp   = 0.0;
                double PercentageOfParticlesDown = 0.0;

                //StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("numbers.txt");
                // The writer will bring the output file (txt in this case)
                // Ensure the writer will be closed when no longer used
                //using (writer)
                    // Formatting Output for the Console screen.

                    for (int g = 0; g < Generations; g++)
                        for (int p = 0; p < Matrix[g].GetLength(0); p++)
                            for (int i = 0; i < Cycles; i++)
                                OutputConsole.AppendText("G " + g + " P " + p + " Cycle " + i + "\t");
                                //writer.Write("G {0} P {1} Cic.{2} {3}\t\t", g, p, i, ParticlesInCycle(Matrix, g, p, i));

                                for (int j = 0; j < Classes; j++)
                                    OutputConsole.AppendText(Matrix[g][p, i, j].ToString() + "\t");
                                    //writer.Write("{0}\t", Matrix[g][p, i, j]);

                                PercentageOfParticlesUp   = (Convert.ToDouble(ClassUpParticles[g][p, i]) / Convert.ToDouble(ParticlesInCycle(Matrix, g, p, i))) * 100;
                                PercentageOfParticlesDown = (Convert.ToDouble(ClassDownParticles[g][p, i]) / Convert.ToDouble(ParticlesInCycle(Matrix, g, p, i))) * 100;

                                Console.WriteLine("\nSoma do ciclo {0}: {1}", i, ParticlesInCycle(Matrix, g, p, i));
                                Console.WriteLine("Particles Up: {0}, {1} %", ClassUpParticles[g][p, i], PercentageOfParticlesUp);
                                Console.WriteLine("Particles Down: {0}, {1} %", ClassDownParticles[g][p, i], PercentageOfParticlesDown);

                            OutputConsole.AppendText("******************************************************" +