public override void CreateNewOutputRows() { int oldest = 2100; int newest = 0; while (sqlReader.Read()) { int current = sqlReader.GetInt32(0); if (current < oldest) { oldest = current; } if (current > newest) { newest = current; } } while (oldest < newest) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.Rocznik = oldest; oldest += 1; } Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.Rocznik = oldest; /* * Add rows by calling the AddRow method on the member variable named "<Output Name>Buffer". * For example, call MyOutputBuffer.AddRow() if your output was named "MyOutput". */ }
public override void CreateNewOutputRows() { var oldest = new DateTime(2100, 12, 31); var newest = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1); while (sqlReader.Read()) { var current = sqlReader.GetDateTime(0); if (DateTime.Compare(oldest, current) > 0) { oldest = current; } if (DateTime.Compare(newest, current) < 0) { newest = current; } } for (var date = oldest; newest.CompareTo(date) >= 0; date = date.AddDays(1)) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.Rok = date.Year; Output0Buffer.Miesiac = date.Month; Output0Buffer.Dzien = date.Day; } //Output0Buffer.AddRow(); //Output0Buffer.Rocznik = oldest; /* * Add rows by calling the AddRow method on the member variable named "<Output Name>Buffer". * For example, call MyOutputBuffer.AddRow() if your output was named "MyOutput". */ }
public override void CreateNewOutputRows() { DateTime startDateTime = DateTime.Now; bool fireAgain = true; string theFile = Variables.JsonFile.ToString(); var result = GetData <List <Address> >(theFile); ComponentMetaData.FireInformation(0, ComponentMetaData.Name, $"Time span: {(DateTime.Now - startDateTime).Seconds} seconds", string.Empty, 0, ref fireAgain); foreach (Address theAddress in result) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.StreetNumber = theAddress.StreetNumber; Output0Buffer.StreetName = theAddress.StreetName; Output0Buffer.StreetSubAddress = theAddress.StreetSubAddress; Output0Buffer.PropertyTypeCode = theAddress.PropertyTypeCode; Output0Buffer.Municipality = theAddress.Municipality; Output0Buffer.UAID = theAddress.UAID; Output0Buffer.UUAID = theAddress.UUAID; Output0Buffer.Province = theAddress.Province; Output0Buffer.PostalCode = theAddress.PostalCode; Output0Buffer.Country = theAddress.Country; Output0Buffer.Lat = theAddress.Coordinates.Lat; Output0Buffer.Lon = theAddress.Coordinates.Lon; } }
public override void CreateNewOutputRows() { ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true; ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3; string serviceUrl = Variables.ServiceUrl.ToString(); string endpoint = Variables.Endpoint.ToString(); _client.BaseAddress = new Uri(serviceUrl); _client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); _client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); var result = GetDataAsync(endpoint, this).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); foreach (Address theAddress in result) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.StreetNumber = theAddress.StreetNumber; Output0Buffer.StreetName = theAddress.StreetName; Output0Buffer.StreetSubAddress = theAddress.StreetSubAddress; Output0Buffer.PropertyTypeCode = theAddress.PropertyTypeCode; Output0Buffer.Municipality = theAddress.Municipality; Output0Buffer.UAID = theAddress.UAID; Output0Buffer.UUAID = theAddress.UUAID; Output0Buffer.Province = theAddress.Province; Output0Buffer.PostalCode = theAddress.PostalCode; Output0Buffer.Country = theAddress.Country; Output0Buffer.Lat = theAddress.Coordinates.Lat; Output0Buffer.Lon = theAddress.Coordinates.Lon; } }
public override void CreateNewOutputRows() { foreach (var sruba in sruby) { foreach (var smar in smary) { foreach (var srubokret in srubokrety) { foreach (var wiertarka in wiertarki) { foreach (var klucz in klucze) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.klucze = klucz; Output0Buffer.wiertarki = wiertarka; Output0Buffer.smary = smar; Output0Buffer.sruby = sruba; Output0Buffer.srubokrety = srubokret; } } } } } /* * Add rows by calling the AddRow method on the member variable named "<Output Name>Buffer". * For example, call MyOutputBuffer.AddRow() if your output was named "MyOutput". */ }
/// <summary> /// Create data rows and fill those buckets /// </summary> public override void CreateNewOutputRows() { foreach (var item in this.GetData()) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.Content = item; } }
private void addRow(string accountnumber, string name, Guid ownerid, string ownertype) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.accountnumber = accountnumber; = name; Output0Buffer.ownerid = ownerid; Output0Buffer.ownertype = ownertype; }
public override void CreateNewOutputRows() { Server server = new Server(); server.Connect(Variables.ASTabularServerCRConnectionString); Regex rx = new Regex(@"_.*_*-"); // Exclude Temp DB ConnexysReporting_UserName_3f2d309e-237d-4755-8e89-69b33f5f5992 foreach (Role role in server.Roles) { foreach (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.RoleMember member in role.Members) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.DatabaseType = "Tabular"; Output0Buffer.DatabaseName = server.Name; Output0Buffer.SourceType = "Server"; Output0Buffer.SourceName = server.Name; Output0Buffer.RoleName = role.Name; Output0Buffer.RoleMemberName = member.Name; } } foreach (Database database in server.Databases) { if (rx.Matches(database.Name).Count != 0) { continue; } foreach (ModelRole role in database.Model.Roles) { foreach (ModelRoleMember member in role.Members) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.DatabaseType = "Tabular"; Output0Buffer.DatabaseName = server.Name; Output0Buffer.SourceType = "Model"; Output0Buffer.SourceName = database.Name; Output0Buffer.RoleName = role.Name; Output0Buffer.RoleMemberName = member.Name; var permission = role.ModelPermission.ToString(); Output0Buffer.Read = permission == "Read" || permission == "ReadRefresh" || permission == "Administrator" ? "Allowed" : "None"; Output0Buffer.Process = permission == "ReadRefresh" || permission == "Administrator" ? "True" : "False"; Output0Buffer.Administrator = permission == "Administrator" ? "True" : "False"; } } } }
/// <summary> /// This is the process to generate new rows. As we only want to /// generate rows once all the rows have arrived, only call this /// at the point our internal collection has accumulated all the /// input rows. /// </summary> public override void CreateNewOutputRows() { foreach (var item in => d.ID).Select(d => new { Item = d.Key })) { //Then pick out the highest OneToMany ID for that row to use with it. // Magic happens // I don't "get" LINQ so I can't implement the poster's action int id = 0; int maxOneToManyID = 2; string title = string.Empty; id = item.Item; Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.ID = id; Output0Buffer.OneToManyDataID = maxOneToManyID; Output0Buffer.Title = title; } }
public override void CreateNewOutputRows() { string json = @"{""data"":[{""created_at"":""2016-03-12 09:45:00"",""created_at_unix"":1457772300,""shop_name"":""DK - Some name"",""location_id"":1111,""custom_location_id"":""2222"",""custom_shop_id"":""2222"",""shop_id"":3333,""count_in"":""1"",""count_out"":""1"",""timekey"":3},{""created_at"":""2016-03-12 09:45:00"",""created_at_unix"":1457772300,""shop_name"":""test2"",""location_id"":1111,""custom_location_id"":""2222"",""custom_shop_id"":""2222"",""shop_id"":3333,""count_in"":""1"",""count_out"":""1"",""timekey"":3}]}"; RootObject Test = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <RootObject>(json); /* * This is where data gets added to the output buffer. * After AddRow() you are basically mapping the column you manually added(on the left) to the data(on the right). * using a foreach loop to loop through the deserialize json */ foreach (var item in { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.createdat = item.created_at; Output0Buffer.shopname = item.shop_name; } }
public override void CreateNewOutputRows() { foreach (var keyVal in models) { for (int i = 0; i < keyVal.Value.Length; i++) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.Marka = keyVal.Key; Output0Buffer.Model = keyVal.Value[i].Item1; Output0Buffer.Rodzaj = keyVal.Value[i].Item2; } } /* * Add rows by calling the AddRow method on the member variable named "<Output Name>Buffer". * For example, call MyOutputBuffer.AddRow() if your output was named "MyOutput". */ }
/// <summary> /// This method is called once for every row that passes through the component from Input0. /// /// Example of reading a value from a column in the the row: /// string zipCode = Row.ZipCode /// /// Example of writing a value to a column in the row: /// Row.ZipCode = zipCode /// </summary> /// <param name="Row">The row that is currently passing through the component</param> public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row) { string previousName = "test"; while (! && !Row.EndOfRowset()) { previousName =; if (Row.accountid_IsNull) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.accountnumber = Row.accountnumber; =; Output0Buffer.ownerid = Row.ownerid; Output0Buffer.ownertype = Row.ownertype; } Row.NextRow(); } }
public override void CreateNewOutputRows() { Server OLAPServer = new Server(); OLAPServer.Connect(Variables.ASCubeServerCRConnectionString); foreach (Database OLAPDatabase in OLAPServer.Databases) { foreach (DatabasePermission OLAPDatabasePermission in OLAPDatabase.DatabasePermissions) { foreach (RoleMember OLAPRoleMember in OLAPDatabasePermission.Role.Members) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.DatabaseName = OLAPDatabase.Name; Output0Buffer.SourceType = "Database"; Output0Buffer.SourceName = OLAPDatabase.Name; Output0Buffer.RoleName = OLAPDatabasePermission.Role.Name; Output0Buffer.RoleMemberName = OLAPRoleMember.Name; Output0Buffer.Read = OLAPDatabasePermission.Read.ToString(); Output0Buffer.Write = OLAPDatabasePermission.Write.ToString(); Output0Buffer.Process = OLAPDatabasePermission.Process.ToString(); Output0Buffer.Administrator = OLAPDatabasePermission.Administer.ToString(); } } foreach (Cube OLAPCube in OLAPDatabase.Cubes) { foreach (CubePermission OLAPCubePermission in OLAPCube.CubePermissions) { foreach (RoleMember OLAPRoleMember in OLAPCubePermission.Role.Members) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.DatabaseName = OLAPDatabase.Name; Output0Buffer.SourceType = "Cube"; Output0Buffer.SourceName = OLAPCube.Name; Output0Buffer.RoleName = OLAPCubePermission.Role.Name; Output0Buffer.RoleMemberName = OLAPRoleMember.Name; Output0Buffer.Read = OLAPCubePermission.Read.ToString(); Output0Buffer.Write = OLAPCubePermission.Write.ToString(); Output0Buffer.Process = OLAPCubePermission.Process.ToString(); } } } } }
public override void CreateNewOutputRows() { string sourceDirectory = @"C:\ssisdata"; string fileMask = "*.txt"; // Variable for storing file properties FileInfo fileInfo; foreach (var currentFile in Directory.GetFiles(sourceDirectory, fileMask, SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { fileInfo = new FileInfo(currentFile); Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.FullName = fileInfo.FullName; Output0Buffer.Name = fileInfo.Name; Output0Buffer.LastWriteTime = fileInfo.LastWriteTime; // fileInfo.Length is type Long // Output0Buffer.Length is type Int64 // Too lazy to look, but I think Long could overflow Int64 Output0Buffer.Length = fileInfo.Length; } }
private void processDataSet(DataSet dataSet) { foreach (DataTable table in dataSet.Tables) { foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { //foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns) table.TableName | column.ColumnName | row[column] int column = -1; string value = ""; var properties = Output0Buffer.GetType().GetProperties(); Output0Buffer.AddRow(); for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++) { var property = properties[i]; if (ReferenceEquals(property.PropertyType, typeof(string))) { if (column == -1) { value = table.TableName; } else if (column < table.Columns.Count) { value = row[column] is DBNull ? null : row[column].ToString(); } else { continue; } property.SetValue(Output0Buffer, value, null); column++; } } } } }
public override void CreateNewOutputRows() { using (DirectorySearcher ds = new DirectorySearcher()) { //ds.SearchRoot = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://"); ds.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree; ds.PageSize = 100000; // This will page through the records 1000 at a time // Select all the users ds.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=User))"; using (SearchResultCollection src = ds.FindAll()) { foreach (SearchResult sr in src) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.FirstName = GetStringProperty(sr, "givenName"); Output0Buffer.LastName = GetStringProperty(sr, "sn"); string userLogin = GetStringProperty(sr, "sAMAccountName"); Output0Buffer.UserLogin = userLogin; Output0Buffer.UserMail = GetStringProperty(sr, "mail"); Output0Buffer.UserDomainName = GetStringProperty(sr, "userPrincipalName"); Output0Buffer.UserAdPath = GetStringProperty(sr, "distinguishedName"); Output0Buffer.Company = GetStringProperty(sr, "company"); Output0Buffer.Description = GetStringProperty(sr, "description"); Output0Buffer.DisplayName = GetStringProperty(sr, "displayName"); Output0Buffer.EmployeeNr = GetStringProperty(sr, "employeeNumber"); Output0Buffer.EmployeeID = GetStringProperty(sr, "employeeID"); Output0Buffer.LastLogon = GetFileTimeProperty(sr, "lastLogon"); Output0Buffer.AccountExpires = GetFileTimeProperty(sr, "accountExpires"); Output0Buffer.WhenCreated = GetStringProperty(sr, "whenCreated"); Output0Buffer.UserAccountControl = IsActiveAccount(sr); Output0Buffer.Department = GetStringProperty(sr, "department"); Output0Buffer.Manager = GetStringProperty(sr, "manager"); Output0Buffer.Mobile = GetStringProperty(sr, "mobile"); Output0Buffer.Title = GetStringProperty(sr, "title"); Output0Buffer.ObjectGUID = GetObjectGUID(sr); Output0Buffer.IsCiberEmployee = GetStringProperty(sr, "distinguishedName").IndexOf(",OU=Ciber,") > 0 ? true : false; } } // Select the group names var userGroups = new List <string>() { "*" }; var userGroupsDN = new List <string>(); foreach (string group in userGroups) { ds.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=Group)(cn=" + group + "))"; using (SearchResultCollection src = ds.FindAll()) foreach (SearchResult results in src) { userGroupsDN.Add(results.Properties["distinguishedName"][0].ToString()); } } foreach (string groupDN in userGroupsDN) { ds.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=User)(memberOf=" + groupDN + "))"; using (SearchResultCollection src = ds.FindAll()) { foreach (SearchResult sr in src) { Output1Buffer.AddRow(); string userLogin = GetStringProperty(sr, "sAMAccountName"); Output1Buffer.UserLogin = userLogin; Output1Buffer.UserGroupName = groupDN.Substring(3, (groupDN.IndexOf(',') - 3)); Output1Buffer.UserGroupAdPath = groupDN; } } } } }
public override void CreateNewOutputRows() { Server OLAPServer = new Server(); OLAPServer.Connect(Variables.ASCubeServerCRConnectionString); foreach (Database OLAPDatabase in OLAPServer.Databases) { foreach (Cube OLAPCube in OLAPDatabase.Cubes) { // CUBES foreach (MeasureGroup OLAPMeasureGroup in OLAPCube.MeasureGroups) { foreach (Measure OLAPMeasure in OLAPMeasureGroup.Measures) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.DatabaseName = OLAPDatabase.Name; Output0Buffer.SourceType = "Cube"; Output0Buffer.SourceName = OLAPCube.Name; Output0Buffer.MeasureGroupName = OLAPMeasureGroup.Name; Output0Buffer.ObjectType = "Measure"; Output0Buffer.ObjectName = OLAPMeasure.Name; } foreach (MeasureGroupDimension OLAPMeasureGroupDimension in OLAPMeasureGroup.Dimensions) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.DatabaseName = OLAPDatabase.Name; Output0Buffer.SourceType = "Cube"; Output0Buffer.SourceName = OLAPCube.Name; Output0Buffer.MeasureGroupName = OLAPMeasureGroup.Name; Output0Buffer.ObjectType = "Dimension"; if (OLAPMeasureGroupDimension.CubeDimension.Name == OLAPMeasureGroupDimension.CubeDimension.DimensionID) { Output0Buffer.ObjectName = OLAPMeasureGroupDimension.CubeDimension.Name; } else { Output0Buffer.ObjectName = string.Format("{0} ({1})" , OLAPMeasureGroupDimension.CubeDimension.Name , OLAPMeasureGroupDimension.CubeDimension.DimensionID); } } } // PERSPECTIVES foreach (Perspective OLAPPerspective in OLAPCube.Perspectives) { var mappedDimensions = new List <CubeDimension>(); var perspectiveDimensions = new List <CubeDimension>(); foreach (PerspectiveDimension OLAPPerspectiveDimension in OLAPPerspective.Dimensions) { perspectiveDimensions.Add(OLAPPerspectiveDimension.CubeDimension); } foreach (PerspectiveMeasureGroup OLAPPerspectiveMeasureGroup in OLAPPerspective.MeasureGroups) { foreach (PerspectiveMeasure OLAPPerspectiveMeasure in OLAPPerspectiveMeasureGroup.Measures) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.DatabaseName = OLAPDatabase.Name; Output0Buffer.SourceType = "Perspective"; Output0Buffer.SourceName = OLAPPerspective.Name; Output0Buffer.MeasureGroupName = OLAPPerspectiveMeasureGroup.MeasureGroup.Name; Output0Buffer.ObjectType = "Measure"; Output0Buffer.ObjectName = OLAPPerspectiveMeasure.Measure.Name; } foreach (MeasureGroupDimension OLAPMeasureGroupDimension in OLAPPerspectiveMeasureGroup.MeasureGroup.Dimensions) { if (perspectiveDimensions.Exists((x) => x.Equals(OLAPMeasureGroupDimension.CubeDimension))) { mappedDimensions.Add(OLAPMeasureGroupDimension.CubeDimension); Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.DatabaseName = OLAPDatabase.Name; Output0Buffer.SourceType = "Perspective"; Output0Buffer.SourceName = OLAPPerspective.Name; Output0Buffer.MeasureGroupName = OLAPPerspectiveMeasureGroup.MeasureGroup.Name; Output0Buffer.ObjectType = "Dimension"; if (OLAPMeasureGroupDimension.CubeDimension.Name == OLAPMeasureGroupDimension.CubeDimension.DimensionID) { Output0Buffer.ObjectName = OLAPMeasureGroupDimension.CubeDimension.Name; } else { Output0Buffer.ObjectName = string.Format("{0} ({1})" , OLAPMeasureGroupDimension.CubeDimension.Name , OLAPMeasureGroupDimension.CubeDimension.DimensionID); } } } } // PERSPECTIVE UNMAPPED DIMENSIONS perspectiveDimensions.RemoveAll((x) => mappedDimensions.Contains(x)); foreach (CubeDimension UnmappedDimension in perspectiveDimensions) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.DatabaseName = OLAPDatabase.Name; Output0Buffer.SourceType = "Perspective"; Output0Buffer.SourceName = OLAPPerspective.Name; Output0Buffer.MeasureGroupName = null; Output0Buffer.ObjectType = "Dimension"; if (UnmappedDimension.Name == UnmappedDimension.DimensionID) { Output0Buffer.ObjectName = UnmappedDimension.Name; } else { Output0Buffer.ObjectName = string.Format("{0} ({1})" , UnmappedDimension.Name , UnmappedDimension.DimensionID); } } } } } }
public override void CreateNewOutputRows() { Server server = new Server(); server.Connect(Variables.ASTabularServerCRConnectionString); Regex rx = new Regex(@"_.*_*-"); // Exclude Temp DB ConnexysReporting_UserName_GUID foreach (Database database in server.Databases) { if (rx.Matches(database.Name).Count != 0) { continue; } var model = database.Model; var relationships = new List <Relation>(); foreach (Relationship relationship in model.Relationships) { relationships.Add(new Relation(relationship.FromTable.Name, relationship.ToTable.Name)); } // Dimensions foreach (Relation relation in relationships) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.DatabaseType = "Tabular"; Output0Buffer.DatabaseName = database.Name; Output0Buffer.SourceType = "Model"; Output0Buffer.SourceName = model.Name; Output0Buffer.MeasureGroupName = relation.Fact; Output0Buffer.ObjectType = "Dimension"; Output0Buffer.ObjectName = relation.Dimension; } foreach (Table table in model.Tables) { // Measures if (table.Measures.Count > 0) { foreach (Measure measure in table.Measures) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.DatabaseType = "Tabular"; Output0Buffer.DatabaseName = database.Name; Output0Buffer.SourceType = "Model"; Output0Buffer.SourceName = model.Name; Output0Buffer.MeasureGroupName = table.Name; Output0Buffer.ObjectType = "Measure"; Output0Buffer.ObjectName = measure.Name; } } // Unmapped tables else if (!relationships.Exists(x => x.Dimension.Equals(table.Name))) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.DatabaseType = "Tabular"; Output0Buffer.DatabaseName = database.Name; Output0Buffer.SourceType = "Model"; Output0Buffer.SourceName = model.Name; Output0Buffer.MeasureGroupName = null; Output0Buffer.ObjectType = "Table"; Output0Buffer.ObjectName = table.Name; } } // Perspectives foreach (Perspective perspective in model.Perspectives) { var perspectiveFacts = new List <string>(); foreach (PerspectiveTable table in perspective.PerspectiveTables) { if (table.PerspectiveMeasures.Count > 0) { perspectiveFacts.Add(table.Name); } } foreach (PerspectiveTable table in perspective.PerspectiveTables) { if (relationships.Exists(x => x.Dimension.Equals(table.Name))) { // Dimension foreach (Relation relation in relationships.FindAll(x => x.Dimension.Equals(table.Name))) { if (perspectiveFacts.Exists(x => x.Equals(relation.Fact))) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.DatabaseType = "Tabular"; Output0Buffer.DatabaseName = database.Name; Output0Buffer.SourceType = "Perspective"; Output0Buffer.SourceName = perspective.Name; Output0Buffer.MeasureGroupName = relation.Fact; Output0Buffer.ObjectType = "Dimension"; Output0Buffer.ObjectName = relation.Dimension; } } } else if (table.PerspectiveMeasures.Count > 0) { // Fact Measures foreach (PerspectiveMeasure measure in table.PerspectiveMeasures) { Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.DatabaseType = "Tabular"; Output0Buffer.DatabaseName = database.Name; Output0Buffer.SourceType = "Perspective"; Output0Buffer.SourceName = perspective.Name; Output0Buffer.MeasureGroupName = table.Name; Output0Buffer.ObjectType = "Measure"; Output0Buffer.ObjectName = measure.Name; } } else { // Unmapped table Output0Buffer.AddRow(); Output0Buffer.DatabaseType = "Tabular"; Output0Buffer.DatabaseName = database.Name; Output0Buffer.SourceType = "Perspective"; Output0Buffer.SourceName = perspective.Name; Output0Buffer.MeasureGroupName = null; Output0Buffer.ObjectType = "Table"; Output0Buffer.ObjectName = table.Name; } } } } }