protected void ButtonPreview_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Person currentPerson = Person.FromIdentity(Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name)); Organization org = Organization.FromIdentity(Convert.ToInt32(this.DropOrganizations.SelectedValue)); Geography geo = Geography.FromIdentity(Convert.ToInt32(this.DropGeographies.SelectedValue)); TypedMailTemplate template; if (this.DropRecipients.SelectedValue == "Members") { MemberMail membermail = new MemberMail(); template = membermail; membermail.pSubject = this.TextSubject.Text; membermail.pBodyContent = this.RadEditorBody.Content; membermail.pOrgName = org.MailPrefixInherited; membermail.pGeographyName = (geo.Identity == Geography.RootIdentity ? org.NameShort : geo.Name); } else { OfficerMail officermail = new OfficerMail(); template = officermail; officermail.pSubject = this.TextSubject.Text; officermail.pBodyContent = this.RadEditorBody.Content; officermail.pOrgName = org.MailPrefixInherited; officermail.pGeographyName = (geo.Identity == Geography.RootIdentity ? org.NameShort : geo.Name); } OutboundMail fake = template.CreateOutboundFake(currentPerson, org, geo); this.LiteralPreview.Text = fake.RenderHtml(currentPerson, org.DefaultCountry.Culture); this.RadEditorBody.Focus(); }
private void CreatePreview() { Person currentPerson = Person.FromIdentity(Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name)); Organization org = Organization.FromIdentity(Convert.ToInt32(this.DropOrganizations.SelectedValue)); if (this.DropGeographies.SelectedIndex > -1) { Geography geo = Geography.FromIdentity(Convert.ToInt32(this.DropGeographies.SelectedValue)); WelcomeMail welcomemail = new WelcomeMail(); welcomemail.pSubject = this.TextSubject.Text; welcomemail.pBodyContent = this.TextBody.Text; welcomemail.pOrgName = org.MailPrefixInherited; welcomemail.pGeographyName = ""; if (geo.Identity != Geography.RootIdentity) { welcomemail.pGeographyName = geo.Name; } OutboundMail fake = welcomemail.CreateOutboundFake(currentPerson, org, geo); this.LiteralPreview.Text = fake.RenderHtml(currentPerson, org.DefaultCountry.Culture); } this.TextBody.Focus(); }
internal static OutboundMailRecipient TransmitOneMail(OutboundMailRecipient recipient) { try { // If the mail address in illegal format, do not try to send anything: if (!Formatting.ValidateEmailFormat(recipient.EmailPerson.Email.Trim())) { string msg = "Invalid email address:\r\nEmailPerson [" + recipient.EmailPerson.Identity + "], mail [" + recipient.EmailPerson.Email + "]\r\nwill not send mail:" + recipient.OutboundMail.Title; throw new InvalidRecipientException(msg, null); } // If the mail address is marked as unreachable, do not try to send anything if (recipient.Person != null && recipient.Person.MailUnreachable) { string msg = "MailUnreachable email address:\r\nEmailPerson [" + recipient.EmailPerson.Identity + "], mail [" + recipient.EmailPerson.Email + "]\r\nwill not send mail:" + recipient.OutboundMail.Title; throw new InvalidRecipientException(msg, null); } // If the mail address is marked as unreachable, do not try to send anything if (recipient.Person != null && recipient.Person.NeverMail) { string msg = "NeverMail email address:\r\nEmailPerson [" + recipient.EmailPerson.Identity + "], mail [" + recipient.EmailPerson.Email + "]\r\nwill not send mail:" + recipient.OutboundMail.Title; throw new IgnoreRecipientException(msg, null); } // Otherwise, let's start processing OutboundMail mail = recipient.OutboundMail; bool limitToLatin1 = false; bool limitToText = false; Encoding currentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; string email = recipient.EmailPerson.Email.ToLower(); if (mail.MailType == 0 || mail.TemplateName.EndsWith("Plain")) { limitToText = true; } // TEST: Does this user require the use of a text-only message (as opposed to multipart/alternative)? if (recipient.Person != null && recipient.Person.LimitMailToText) { limitToText = true; } // This is supposedly not a problem anymore //if (email.EndsWith("") || email.EndsWith("")) //{ // limitToLatin1 = true; //} // TEST: Does this user require the limited use of the Latin-1 charset (as opposed to Unicode?) if (recipient.Person != null && recipient.Person.LimitMailToLatin1) { limitToLatin1 = true; } // Capability tests end here if (limitToLatin1) { currentEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1"); } else { currentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; } QuotedPrintable qp = QuotedPrintableEncoder[currentEncoding]; MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); if (mail.AuthorType == MailAuthorType.Person) { try { message.From = new MailAddress(mail.Author.PartyEmail, qp.EncodeMailHeaderString(mail.Author.Name + " (" + mail.Organization.MailPrefixInherited + ")"), currentEncoding); if (mail.Author.Identity == 1) { //TODO: Create alternative party mail optional data field, or organization chairman (based on roles) differently // Ugly hack message.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", qp.EncodeMailHeaderString(mail.Author.Name + " (" + mail.Organization.MailPrefixInherited + ")"), currentEncoding); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidSenderException( "Invalid author address in MailProcessor.TransmitOneMail:" + (mail.AuthorPersonId) + ";" + mail.Author.PartyEmail, ex); } } else { try { FunctionalMail.AddressItem aItem = mail.Organization.GetFunctionalMailAddressInh(mail.AuthorType); message.From = new MailAddress(aItem.Email, qp.EncodeMailHeaderString(aItem.Name), currentEncoding); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidSenderException( "Unknown MailAuthorType in MailProcessor.TransmitOneMail:" + ((int)mail.AuthorType), ex); } } if (recipient.AsOfficer && recipient.Person != null) { try { message.To.Add(new MailAddress(recipient.Person.PartyEmail, qp.EncodeMailHeaderString(recipient.Person.Name + " (" + mail.Organization.MailPrefixInherited + ")"), currentEncoding)); } catch (FormatException e) { string msg = "Invalid officer email address:\r\nperson [" + recipient.Person.Identity + "], mail [" + recipient.Person.PartyEmail + "]\r\nwill not send mail:" + recipient.OutboundMail.Title; throw new InvalidRecipientException(msg, e); } } else { try { message.To.Add(new MailAddress(recipient.EmailPerson.Email, qp.EncodeMailHeaderString(recipient.EmailPerson.Name), currentEncoding)); } catch (FormatException e) { string msg = "Invalid email address:\r\nEmailPerson [" + recipient.EmailPerson.Identity + "], mail [" + recipient.EmailPerson.Email + "]\r\nwill not send mail:" + recipient.OutboundMail.Title; throw new InvalidRecipientException(msg, e); } } string culture = mail.Organization.DefaultCountry.Culture; // UGLY UGLY UGLY HACK, NEEDS TO CHANGE ASAP: // We need to determine the culture of the recipient in order to use the right template. However, this is also dependent on the text body, which needs to be // in the same culture. At this point, we don't have the mail/recipient cultures in the schema. This would be the correct solution. // The INCORRECT but working solution is to do as we do here and check if a) it's a reporter and b) the reporter has International/English as a category. If so, // we change the culture to en-US. It's an ugly as all hell hack but it should work as a temporary stopgap. if (recipient.Reporter != null) { MediaCategories categories = recipient.Reporter.MediaCategories; foreach (MediaCategory category in categories) { if (category.Name == "International/English") { culture = Strings.InternationalCultureCode; break; } } } if (limitToText) { // if just text, then just add a plaintext body; string text = ""; //Cant really see any reson the HtmlAgilityPack shouldn't be thread safe, but what the heck, just in case.. lock (lockObject) { try { text = mail.RenderText(recipient.EmailPerson, culture); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RemoveRecipientException( "TextRendering failed for " + mail.Title + " to " + recipient.EmailPerson.Email + " will not retry.\n", ex); } } message.BodyEncoding = currentEncoding; message.Body = text; } else { // otherwise, add a multipart/alternative with text and HTML string text = ""; string html = ""; //Cant really see any reson the HtmlAgilityPack shouldn't be thread safe, but what the heck, just in case.. Exception ex = null; lock (lockObject) { try { text = mail.RenderText(recipient.EmailPerson, culture); html = mail.RenderHtml(recipient.EmailPerson, culture); } catch (Exception e) { ex = e; } } if (text == "") { throw new RemoveRecipientException( "Rendering (text) failed for " + mail.Title + " to " + recipient.EmailPerson.Email + " will not retry.\n", ex); } if (html == "" || ex != null) { throw new RemoveRecipientException( "Rendering (html) failed for " + mail.Title + " to " + recipient.EmailPerson.Email + " will not retry.\n", ex); } ContentType textContentType = new ContentType(MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain); textContentType.CharSet = currentEncoding.BodyName; ContentType htmlContentType = new ContentType(MediaTypeNames.Text.Html); htmlContentType.CharSet = currentEncoding.BodyName; AlternateView textView = null; AlternateView htmlView = null; if (limitToLatin1) { textView = new AlternateView(new MemoryStream(currentEncoding.GetBytes(text)), textContentType); htmlView = new AlternateView(new MemoryStream(currentEncoding.GetBytes(text)), htmlContentType); } else { textView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(text, textContentType); htmlView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(html, htmlContentType); } // A f*****g stupid Mono bug forces us to transfer-encode in base64: it can't encode qp properly // (the "=" is not encoded to "=3D") htmlView.TransferEncoding = TransferEncoding.Base64; textView.TransferEncoding = TransferEncoding.Base64; // Add the views in increasing order of preference message.AlternateViews.Add(textView); message.AlternateViews.Add(htmlView); } if (mail.AuthorType == MailAuthorType.PirateWeb) { message.Subject = mail.Title; } else if (mail.MailType == 0) { message.Subject = mail.Organization.MailPrefixInherited + ": " + mail.Title; } else { //Title is set up in template processing in OutboundMail rendering. message.Subject = mail.Title; } message.SubjectEncoding = currentEncoding; string smtpServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SmtpServer"]; if (Debugger.IsAttached) { Debug.WriteLine("sending " + message.Subject + " to " + recipient.EmailPerson.Email); Thread.Sleep(200); //simulate delay } if (smtpServer.ToLower() != "none") { if (smtpServer == null || smtpServer.Length < 2) { smtpServer = "localhost"; } try { SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(smtpServer, 25); client.Send(message); } catch (SmtpException e) { if (e.ToString().StartsWith("System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: 4")) { // Temporary error (SMTP 4xx). Try again. Thread.Sleep(2000); // Allow 2 seconds pause to wait for smtp-server to become available throw new ReportAndRetryRecipientException("Temporary smtp error, will retry.", e); } // Otherwise, bad recipient (assume so). Have the mail removed from the queue. List <string> recipients = new List <string>(); foreach (MailAddress address in message.To) { recipients.Add(address.Address); } ExceptionMail.Send( new ArgumentException( "Bad Recipients when sending to " + recipient.EmailPerson.Email + ": " + String.Join(", ", recipients.ToArray()), e)); if (mail.AuthorType == MailAuthorType.Person) { try { mail.Author.SendOfficerNotice( "Failed recipient(s): " + String.Join(", ", recipients.ToArray()), "Some recipients failed inexplicably in a mail from you.", 1); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Failed to SendOfficerNotice to :" + mail.AuthorPersonId, ex); } } } } return(recipient); // To pass this object onto the we're-done callback } catch (InvalidRecipientException ex) { throw ex; } catch (RetryRecipientException ex) { Thread.Sleep(2000); // Allow 2 seconds pause to avoid flooding the errorlog too fast in case of a permanent failure throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public static void SendChangeOrgMail(Person person, Membership membership, Organization newOrg) { // HACK for UPSE // This is a hack for the Swedish structure. ChangeOrgMail changeorgmail = new ChangeOrgMail(); Organization topOrg = Organization.FromIdentity(Organization.UPSEid); Organization lowOrg = membership.Organization; DateTime currentExpiry = membership.Expires; DateTime newExpiry = DateTime.Today.AddYears(1); changeorgmail.pCurrentOrg = lowOrg.Name; changeorgmail.pCurrentGeo = person.Geography.Name; changeorgmail.pNextDate = newExpiry; string tokenBase = person.PasswordHash + "-" + membership.Identity.ToString() + "-" + currentExpiry.Year.ToString(); if (newOrg.AnchorGeographyId == Geography.RootIdentity && newOrg.AutoAssignNewMembers) {//Fallback org changeorgmail.pNoLocalOrg = newOrg.Name; changeorgmail.pChangeOrg = ""; } else { changeorgmail.pNoLocalOrg = ""; changeorgmail.pChangeOrg = newOrg.Name; } if (lowOrg.AcceptsMembers) { changeorgmail.pInactiveOrg = ""; changeorgmail.pInactiveEnding = " "; } else { changeorgmail.pInactiveOrg = newOrg.Name; } changeorgmail.pStdRenewLink = "" + person.Identity.ToString() + "&Transfer=" + lowOrg.Identity.ToString() + "," + newOrg.Identity.ToString() + "&MembershipId=" + membership.Identity.ToString() + "&SecHash=" + SHA1.Hash(tokenBase + "-Transfer" + lowOrg.Identity.ToString() + "/" + newOrg.Identity.ToString()).Replace(" ", "").Substring(0, 8); OutboundMail mail = changeorgmail.CreateFunctionalOutboundMail(MailAuthorType.MemberService, OutboundMail.PriorityNormal, topOrg, Geography.Root); string test = mail.RenderHtml(person, person.PreferredCulture); test = mail.RenderText(person, person.PreferredCulture); if (mail.Body.Trim() == "") { throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to create a mailBody"); } else { //mail.AddRecipient(7838, true); mail.AddRecipient(person.Identity, false); mail.SetRecipientCount(1); mail.SetResolved(); mail.SetReadyForPickup(); } }