Esempio n. 1
        private static void runTests(OutPutSettings output)
            Console.WriteLine("Reading text...");
            var text = File.ReadAllText(@"../../sometext.txt");

            /*var text = @"The hen named the fox chicken, and thereafter there were more chickens and hens laughing than foxes smiling
             *          and Andrew was happy and so was I and therefore I immeadiately smiled.";*/
            Benchmark(text, 1, OutPutSettings.HideAll); //warmup
            var time = Benchmark(text, 5, output);

            Console.WriteLine($"Histogram was generated in {time} ms.");
Esempio n. 2
        public static int Benchmark(string text, int repetitions, OutPutSettings output)
            if (output != OutPutSettings.HideAll)
                Console.WriteLine("Generating histograms...");

            var histogram = Enumerable.Empty <HistogramGenerator.HistogramItem <char> >();
            var time      = 0L;

            for (int i = 0; i < repetitions; i++)
                var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                histogram = HistogramGenerator.GetHistogram(text, StreamPreprocessors.DefaultTextPreprocessor);
                time += watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            if (output != OutPutSettings.HideAll)
                if (output == OutPutSettings.Full)
                    foreach (var item in histogram)
                        Console.WriteLine($"{new string(item.Path.ToArray())}: x{item.Count:#,###,##0}");


                Console.WriteLine($"Text is {text.Length:#,###,##0} characters / {StreamPreprocessors.DefaultTextPreprocessor.Process(text).Count() :#,###,##0} long.");
                Console.WriteLine($"Total words in histogram: {histogram.Sum(h => h.Count)::#,###,##0}");

            return((int)Math.Round(time / (double)repetitions, 0));