Esempio n. 1
        internal virtual void SanityCheck([email protected]_Estimates inputEstimates, RecordFormats recordFormats, [email protected]_Visitable baseMemory, params [email protected]_Visitable[] memoryVisitables)
            // At this point in time the store hasn't started so it won't show up in free memory reported from OS,
            // i.e. we have to include it here in the calculations.
            long estimatedCacheSize     = estimatedCacheSize(baseMemory, memoryVisitables);
            long freeMemory             = _freeMemoryLookup.AsLong;
            long optimalMinimalHeapSize = optimalMinimalHeapSize(inputEstimates, recordFormats);
            long actualHeapSize         = _actualHeapSizeLookup.AsLong;
            bool freeMemoryIsKnown      = freeMemory != VALUE_UNAVAILABLE;

            // Check if there's enough memory for the import
            if (freeMemoryIsKnown && actualHeapSize + freeMemory < estimatedCacheSize + optimalMinimalHeapSize)
                _monitor.insufficientAvailableMemory(estimatedCacheSize, optimalMinimalHeapSize, freeMemory);
                return;                         // there's likely not available memory, no need to warn about anything else

            // Check if the heap is big enough to handle the import
            if (actualHeapSize < optimalMinimalHeapSize)
                _monitor.insufficientHeapSize(optimalMinimalHeapSize, actualHeapSize);
                return;                         // user have been warned about heap size issue

            // Check if heap size could be tweaked
            if ((!freeMemoryIsKnown || freeMemory < estimatedCacheSize) && actualHeapSize > optimalMinimalHeapSize * 1.2)
                _monitor.abundantHeapSize(optimalMinimalHeapSize, actualHeapSize);
Esempio n. 2
        public static long EstimatedStoreSize([email protected]_Estimates estimates, RecordFormats recordFormats)
            long nodeSize           = estimates.NumberOfNodes() * recordFormats.Node().getRecordSize(NO_STORE_HEADER);
            long relationshipSize   = estimates.NumberOfRelationships() * recordFormats.Relationship().getRecordSize(NO_STORE_HEADER);
            long propertySize       = estimates.SizeOfNodeProperties() + estimates.SizeOfRelationshipProperties();
            long tempIdPropertySize = estimates.NumberOfNodes() * recordFormats.Property().getRecordSize(NO_STORE_HEADER);

            return(DefensivelyPadMemoryEstimate(nodeSize + relationshipSize + propertySize + tempIdPropertySize));
Esempio n. 3
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldNotDecideToAllocateDoubleRelationshipRecordUnitsonLargeAmountOfRelationshipsOnUnsupportedFormat() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldNotDecideToAllocateDoubleRelationshipRecordUnitsonLargeAmountOfRelationshipsOnUnsupportedFormat()
            // given
            RecordFormats formats = LATEST_RECORD_FORMATS;

            using (BatchingNeoStores stores = BatchingNeoStores.BatchingNeoStoresWithExternalPageCache(Storage.fileSystem(), Storage.pageCache(), PageCacheTracer.NULL,, formats, DEFAULT, NullLogService.Instance, EMPTY, Config.defaults()))
                Input_Estimates estimates = Inputs.knownEstimates(0, DOUBLE_RELATIONSHIP_RECORD_UNIT_THRESHOLD << 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

                // when
                bool doubleUnits = stores.DetermineDoubleRelationshipRecordUnits(estimates);

                // then
Esempio n. 4
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldReportInsufficientHeapSize()
        public virtual void ShouldReportInsufficientHeapSize()
            // given
            [email protected]_Estimates estimates = knownEstimates(1_000_000_000, 10_000_000_000L, 2_000_000_000L, 0, gibiBytes(50), gibiBytes(100), 0);

            // when
            _checker.sanityCheck(estimates, LATEST_RECORD_FORMATS, _baseMemory, _memoryUser1, _memoryUser2);

            // then
            verify(_monitor).insufficientHeapSize(anyLong(), anyLong());
Esempio n. 5
 public virtual bool DetermineDoubleRelationshipRecordUnits(Input_Estimates inputEstimates)
     _doubleRelationshipRecordUnits = _recordFormats.hasCapability(Capability.SECONDARY_RECORD_UNITS) && inputEstimates.NumberOfRelationships() > DoubleRelationshipRecordUnitThreshold;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates optimal and minimal heap size for an import. A minimal heap for an import has enough room for some amount
        /// of working memory and the part of the page cache meta data living in the heap.
        /// At the time of writing this the heap size is really only a function of store size, where parts of the page cache
        /// meta data lives in the heap. For reference page cache meta data of a store of ~18TiB takes up ~10GiB of heap,
        /// so pageCacheHeapUsage ~= storeSize / 2000. On top of that there must be some good old working memory of ~1-2 GiB
        /// for handling objects created and operating during the import.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="estimates"> input estimates. </param>
        /// <param name="recordFormats"> <seealso cref="RecordFormats"/>, containing record sizes. </param>
        /// <returns> an optimal minimal heap size to use for this import. </returns>
        public static long OptimalMinimalHeapSize([email protected]_Estimates estimates, RecordFormats recordFormats)
            long estimatedStoreSize = estimatedStoreSize(estimates, recordFormats);

            return(gibiBytes(1) + estimatedStoreSize / 2_000);