public OrderTransactionDTO ToDto()
            OrderTransactionDTO dto = new OrderTransactionDTO();

            dto.Action                     = (OrderTransactionActionDTO)((int)this.Action);
            dto.Amount                     = this.Amount;
            dto.CheckNumber                = this.CheckNumber;
            dto.CompanyAccountNumber       = this.CompanyAccountNumber;
            dto.CreditCard                 = new OrderTransactionCardDataDTO();
            dto.CreditCard.CardHolderName  = this.CreditCard.CardHolderName;
            dto.CreditCard.CardIsEncrypted = false;
            dto.CreditCard.CardNumber      = this.CreditCard.CardNumber;
            dto.CreditCard.ExpirationMonth = this.CreditCard.ExpirationMonth;
            dto.CreditCard.ExpirationYear  = this.CreditCard.ExpirationYear;
            dto.CreditCard.SecurityCode    = this.CreditCard.SecurityCode;
            dto.GiftCardNumber             = this.GiftCardNumber;
            dto.Id = this.Id;
            dto.LinkedToTransaction = this.LinkedToTransaction;
            dto.Messages            = this.Messages;
            dto.OrderId             = this.OrderId;
            dto.OrderNumber         = this.OrderNumber;
            dto.PurchaseOrderNumber = this.PurchaseOrderNumber;
            dto.RefNum1             = this.RefNum1;
            dto.RefNum2             = this.RefNum2;
            dto.StoreId             = this.StoreId;
            dto.Success             = this.Success;
            dto.TimeStampUtc        = this.TimeStampUtc;
            dto.Voided = this.Voided;

        /// <summary>
        ///     Allows the REST API to create or update a transaction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">
        ///     Parameters passed in the URL of the REST API call. If there is a first parameter found in the
        ///     URL, the method will assume it is the transaction ID (bvin) and that this is an update, otherwise it assumes to
        ///     create a new transaction.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="querystring">Name/value pairs from the REST API call querystring. This is not used in this method.</param>
        /// <param name="postdata">Serialized (JSON) version of the OrderTransacionDTO object</param>
        /// <returns>CategoryDTO - Serialized (JSON) version of the transaction</returns>
        public override string PostAction(string parameters, NameValueCollection querystring, string postdata)
            var data     = string.Empty;
            var bvin     = FirstParameter(parameters);
            var response = new ApiResponse <OrderTransactionDTO>();

            OrderTransactionDTO postedItem = null;

                postedItem = Json.ObjectFromJson <OrderTransactionDTO>(postdata);
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Errors.Add(new ApiError("EXCEPTION", ex.Message));

            var item = new OrderTransaction();


            var existing = HccApp.OrderServices.Transactions.Find(item.Id);

            if (existing == null || item.Id == Guid.Empty)
                item.StoreId = HccApp.CurrentStore.Id;
                item.Id      = Guid.NewGuid();
                item.StoreId = HccApp.CurrentStore.Id;
            var resultItem = HccApp.OrderServices.Transactions.Find(item.Id);

            if (resultItem != null)
                response.Content = resultItem.ToDto();

            data = Json.ObjectToJson(response);
        // Create or Update
        public override string PostAction(string parameters, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection querystring, string postdata)
            string data = string.Empty;
            string bvin = FirstParameter(parameters);
            ApiResponse <OrderTransactionDTO> response = new ApiResponse <OrderTransactionDTO>();

            OrderTransactionDTO postedItem = null;

                postedItem = MerchantTribe.Web.Json.ObjectFromJson <OrderTransactionDTO>(postdata);
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Errors.Add(new ApiError("EXCEPTION", ex.Message));

            OrderTransaction item = new OrderTransaction();


            OrderTransaction existing = MTApp.OrderServices.Transactions.Find(item.Id);

            if (existing == null || item.IdAsString == "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
                item.StoreId = MTApp.CurrentStore.Id;
                item.Id      = System.Guid.NewGuid();
                item.StoreId = MTApp.CurrentStore.Id;
            OrderTransaction resultItem = MTApp.OrderServices.Transactions.Find(item.Id);

            if (resultItem != null)
                response.Content = resultItem.ToDto();

            data = MerchantTribe.Web.Json.ObjectToJson(response);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Allows you to populate the current transaction object using a OrderTransactionDTO instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dto">An instance of the transaction from the REST API</param>
        public void FromDto(OrderTransactionDTO dto)
            if (dto == null)

            Action               = (ActionType)(int)dto.Action;
            Amount               = dto.Amount;
            CheckNumber          = dto.CheckNumber ?? string.Empty;
            CompanyAccountNumber = dto.CompanyAccountNumber ?? string.Empty;
            if (dto.CreditCard != null)
                if (dto.CreditCard.CardIsEncrypted == false)
                    CreditCard.CardNumber = dto.CreditCard.CardNumber ?? string.Empty;
                CreditCard.CardHolderName  = dto.CreditCard.CardHolderName ?? string.Empty;
                CreditCard.ExpirationMonth = dto.CreditCard.ExpirationMonth;
                CreditCard.ExpirationYear  = dto.CreditCard.ExpirationYear;
            if (dto.GiftCard != null)
                GiftCard.LineItemId     = dto.GiftCard.LineItemId;
                GiftCard.CardNumber     = dto.GiftCard.CardNumber;
                GiftCard.Amount         = dto.GiftCard.Amount;
                GiftCard.RecipientName  = dto.GiftCard.RecipientName;
                GiftCard.RecipientEmail = dto.GiftCard.RecipientEmail;
                GiftCard.ExpirationDate = dto.GiftCard.ExpirationDate;
            Id = dto.Id;
            LinkedToTransaction = dto.LinkedToTransaction ?? string.Empty;
            Messages            = dto.Messages ?? string.Empty;
            OrderId             = dto.OrderId ?? string.Empty;
            OrderNumber         = dto.OrderNumber ?? string.Empty;
            PurchaseOrderNumber = dto.PurchaseOrderNumber ?? string.Empty;
            RefNum1             = dto.RefNum1 ?? string.Empty;
            RefNum2             = dto.RefNum2 ?? string.Empty;
            StoreId             = dto.StoreId;
            Success             = dto.Success;
            TimeStampUtc        = dto.TimeStampUtc;
            Voided = dto.Voided;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Allows you to convert the current transaction object to the DTO equivalent for use with the REST API
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A new instance of OrderTransactionDTO</returns>
        public OrderTransactionDTO ToDto()
            var dto = new OrderTransactionDTO();

            dto.Action               = (OrderTransactionActionDTO)(int)Action;
            dto.Amount               = Amount;
            dto.CheckNumber          = CheckNumber;
            dto.CompanyAccountNumber = CompanyAccountNumber;
            dto.CreditCard           = new OrderTransactionCardDataDTO
                CardHolderName  = CreditCard.CardHolderName,
                CardIsEncrypted = false,
                CardNumber      = CreditCard.CardNumber,
                ExpirationMonth = CreditCard.ExpirationMonth,
                ExpirationYear  = CreditCard.ExpirationYear
            dto.GiftCard.LineItemId     = GiftCard.LineItemId;
            dto.GiftCard.CardNumber     = GiftCard.CardNumber;
            dto.GiftCard.Amount         = GiftCard.Amount;
            dto.GiftCard.RecipientName  = GiftCard.RecipientName;
            dto.GiftCard.RecipientEmail = GiftCard.RecipientEmail;
            dto.GiftCard.ExpirationDate = GiftCard.ExpirationDate;
            dto.Id = Id;
            dto.LinkedToTransaction = LinkedToTransaction;
            dto.Messages            = Messages;
            dto.OrderId             = OrderId;
            dto.OrderNumber         = OrderNumber;
            dto.PurchaseOrderNumber = PurchaseOrderNumber;
            dto.RefNum1             = RefNum1;
            dto.RefNum2             = RefNum2;
            dto.StoreId             = StoreId;
            dto.Success             = Success;
            dto.TimeStampUtc        = TimeStampUtc;
            dto.Voided = Voided;

        public void FromDto(OrderTransactionDTO dto)
            if (dto == null)

            this.Action               = (ActionType)((int)dto.Action);
            this.Amount               = dto.Amount;
            this.CheckNumber          = dto.CheckNumber ?? string.Empty;
            this.CompanyAccountNumber = dto.CompanyAccountNumber ?? string.Empty;
            if (dto.CreditCard != null)
                if (dto.CreditCard.CardIsEncrypted == false)
                    this.CreditCard.CardNumber = dto.CreditCard.CardNumber ?? string.Empty;
                this.CreditCard.CardHolderName  = dto.CreditCard.CardHolderName ?? string.Empty;
                this.CreditCard.ExpirationMonth = dto.CreditCard.ExpirationMonth;
                this.CreditCard.ExpirationYear  = dto.CreditCard.ExpirationYear;
                this.CreditCard.SecurityCode    = dto.CreditCard.SecurityCode ?? string.Empty;
            this.GiftCardNumber      = dto.GiftCardNumber ?? string.Empty;
            this.Id                  = dto.Id;
            this.LinkedToTransaction = dto.LinkedToTransaction ?? string.Empty;
            this.Messages            = dto.Messages ?? string.Empty;
            this.OrderId             = dto.OrderId ?? string.Empty;
            this.OrderNumber         = dto.OrderNumber ?? string.Empty;
            this.PurchaseOrderNumber = dto.PurchaseOrderNumber ?? string.Empty;
            this.RefNum1             = dto.RefNum1 ?? string.Empty;
            this.RefNum2             = dto.RefNum2 ?? string.Empty;
            this.StoreId             = dto.StoreId;
            this.Success             = dto.Success;
            this.TimeStampUtc        = dto.TimeStampUtc;
            this.Voided              = dto.Voided;
Esempio n. 7
        public void Order_CreateUpdateDeleteTransaction()
            //Create API Proxy
            var proxy = CreateApiProxy();

            //Create Order.
            var order = new OrderDTO
                StoreId = 1,
                Items   = new List <LineItemDTO>
                    new LineItemDTO
                        StoreId   = 1,
                        ProductId = "fcb5f832-0f72-4722-bfd9-ec099051fc00"
                    new LineItemDTO
                        StoreId   = 1,
                        ProductId = "d6895ee4-8118-4e51-905b-fc8edad5d711"
            var createResponse = proxy.OrdersCreate(order);


            //Create Order Transaction
            var orderTransaction = new OrderTransactionDTO
                Action       = OrderTransactionActionDTO.CashReceived,
                Amount       = 50,
                Messages     = "test transaction",
                OrderId      = createResponse.Content.Bvin,
                OrderNumber  = createResponse.Content.OrderNumber,
                StoreId      = 1,
                TimeStampUtc = DateTime.UtcNow
            var createTransactionResponse = proxy.OrderTransactionsCreate(orderTransaction);


            //Update Transaction
            createTransactionResponse.Content.Messages = createTransactionResponse.Content.Messages + "updated";
            var updateTransactionResponse = proxy.OrderTransactionsUpdate(createTransactionResponse.Content);

            Assert.AreEqual(createTransactionResponse.Content.Messages, updateTransactionResponse.Content.Messages);

            //Delete Transaction by Transaction unique identifier.
            var deleteTransactionResponse = proxy.OrderTransactionsDelete(updateTransactionResponse.Content.Id);


            //Delete Order
            var orderBvin      = createResponse.Content.Bvin;
            var deleteResponse = proxy.OrdersDelete(orderBvin);
