Esempio n. 1
            public void Should_return_empty_if_orderBy_is_null()
                string result = _builder.ToString();

Esempio n. 2
        public void Add_with_index_adds_orderby()
            OrderBy orderBy = new OrderBy("foo asc");

            orderBy.Add("bar desc");
            orderBy.Add(0, "fooBar desc");

            orderBy.Sql().MustBe("order by fooBar desc,foo asc,bar desc");
Esempio n. 3
        public List <OrderBy <Activity> > DynamicOrderBy(string orderBy, int?EntityId = null)
            var OrderByList = new List <OrderBy <Activity> >();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderBy))
                List <string> orders = orderBy.Split(',').ToList();
                orders.ForEach(x =>
                    if (x.Contains("["))
                        var ComplexOrder = x.Split(' ').ToList();
                        switch (ComplexOrder[0].Trim())
                        case "[Reviews.Rate]":
                            OrderByList.Add(OrderBy <Activity> .Add(y => y.Reviews.Where(z => !z.IsDeleted).OrderBy(z => z.Rate).Select(z => z.Rate).Sum(), ComplexOrder.Count > 1 ? ComplexOrder[1].DecodeDirection() : OrderDirection.ASC));
                        OrderByList.Add(OrderBy <Activity> .Add(x));

Esempio n. 4
        public Part AddOrderBy(string value, string name)
            var part = new Part(value, name);

Esempio n. 5
        public static void ConstructTableObjectFromPostRequest(JSONTable jt, ref BaseTable bt, ref int pageIndex, ref int pageSize, ref int totalRows,
                                                               ref SqlFilter whereFilter, ref BaseFilter join, ref OrderBy orderBy)
            pageIndex = jt.PageIndex;
            pageSize  = jt.PageSize;
            totalRows = jt.TotalRows;

            bt = (BaseTable)DatabaseObjects.GetTableObject(jt.TableName);

            ColumnList selCols = new ColumnList();

            foreach (JTableSelectColumn col in jt.JSelectColumns)
                selCols.Add(bt.TableDefinition.ColumnList.GetByCodeName(col.ColumnName), true);


            if ((jt.JOrderByList != null))
                foreach (JOrderBy jOrderBy in jt.JOrderByList)
                    orderBy = new OrderBy(true, false);
                    orderBy.Add(bt.TableDefinition.ColumnList.GetByCodeName(jOrderBy.ColumnName), OrderByItem.ToOrderDir(jOrderBy.OrderDirection));

            if (jt.JWhereClause != null && jt.JWhereClause.Trim() != "")
                whereFilter = new SqlFilter(jt.JWhereClause);
        public void CommonUse()
            // some times the select can be static in son place (the service of a DAO)
            Select s = new Select("f.Name, f.Description, b.Descriptoin").From("Foo f join f.Bar b");

            // Create a new where by checking some contition
            Where where = new Where();

            // check something and set a condition of where clause
            where.And("f.Name like :pName");

            // check something else and set another condition of where clause
            where.And("b.Asociated > :pAso");

            // Inject the where to the select

            // Create a basic order by
            OrderBy order = new OrderBy().Add("b.Asociated", true);

            // Check some condition and add an order

            // Inject the OrderBy to the select

            // And: The winner is....
            string expected = "select f.Name, f.Description, b.Descriptoin from Foo f join f.Bar b where ((f.Name like :pName) and (b.Asociated > :pAso)) order by b.Asociated desc, f.Name, b.Other";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, s.Clause);
Esempio n. 7
        public PageView(NameValueCollection nvc)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nvc["page"]))
                PageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(nvc["page"]) - 1;
                PageIndex = 0;
            PageSize = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nvc["rp"]) ? Convert.ToInt32(nvc["rp"]) : 35;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nvc["sortname"]) && nvc["sortname"] != "undefined")
                OrderByType type = nvc["sortorder"] == "desc" ? OrderByType.Desc : OrderByType.Asc;
                OrderBy.Add(nvc["sortname"], type);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nvc["qtype"]))
                QuickLuanch = new QuickLuanch
                    FieldName = nvc["qtype"],
                    Operator  = (nvc["qop"] == "Eq" ? Operator.Eq : Operator.Like),
                    Value     = nvc["query"]
Esempio n. 8
        public void Add_adds_orderby()
            OrderBy orderBy = new OrderBy("foo asc");

            orderBy.Add("bar desc");

            orderBy.Sql().MustBe("order by foo asc,bar desc");
Esempio n. 9
 public void AddOrderBy(string key, string column)
     if (OrderBy == null)
         OrderBy = new Dictionary <string, string>();
     OrderBy.Add(key, column);
        public CargoQueryExpression ThenOrderBy(Expression expression, bool descending = false)
            Debug.Assert(expression != null);
            var newInst = (CargoQueryExpression)MemberwiseClone();

            newInst.OrderBy = OrderBy.Add(new OrderByExpression(expression, descending));
Esempio n. 11
        // GET api/<controller>/5
        public DBModel.Person_FaceInfoModel Get(int id)

            //根据ID查询 Person_FaceInfoModel 对应表的所有记录
            DBModel.Person_FaceInfoModel addModel = new DBModel.Person_FaceInfoModel()
            YEasyModel.ModelDAL.Update <DBModel.Person_FaceInfoModel>(addModel, q => q.FaceID == 1);
            YEasyModel.ModelDAL.Update <DBModel.Person_FaceInfoModel>(addModel, q => q.FaceID == 1, q => q.FacePath, q => q.Remark);
            //根据ID查询 Person_FaceInfoModel 对应表的所有记录
            YEasyModel.ModelDAL.GetModel <DBModel.Person_FaceInfoModel>(id);
            YEasyModel.ModelDAL.Select <DBModel.Person_FaceInfoModel>();
            YEasyModel.ModelDAL.SelectSingleRecord <DBModel.Person_FaceInfoModel>(q => q.FaceID == id);
            YEasyModel.ModelDAL.Select <DBModel.Person_FaceInfoModel>(q => q.Create_Date > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1) &&
                                                                      q.Create_Date < DateTime.Now && q.Remark != "");
            YEasyModel.ModelDAL.SelectSingleRecord <DBModel.Person_FaceInfoModel>(q => q.FaceID == id, null, q => q.Person_ID, q => q.FacePath);
            var order = new OrderBy <DBModel.Person_FaceInfoModel>();

            order.Add(q => q.Create_Date, OrderByEnum.asc);
            YEasyModel.ModelDAL.Select <DBModel.Person_FaceInfoModel>(null, order, null);

            YEasyModel.ModelDAL.Delete <DBModel.Person_FaceInfoModel>(1);
            YEasyModel.ModelDAL.Delete <DBModel.Person_FaceInfoModel>(q => q.FacePath == "" && q.Remark == "");
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();//查询数据

            YEasyModel.ModelUtil.DataTableParse <DBModel.Person_FaceInfoModel>(dt);
            YEasyModel.ModelUtil.DataRowParse <DBModel.Person_FaceInfoModel>(dt.Rows[0]);

            return(YEasyModel.ModelDAL.Select <DBModel.Person_FaceInfoModel>(q => q.FaceID == id)[0]);//根据FaceID查询记录
        public void ToRowCount()
            Select s = new Select("f.Name, f.Description, b.Descriptoin").From("Foo f");

            s.From().Join("f.Bar b");
            Where where = new Where();
            where.And("f.Name like :pName");
            where.And("b.Asociated > :pAso");
            OrderBy order = new OrderBy().Add("b.Asociated", true);


            DetachedDynQuery ddq = new DetachedDynQuery(s);
            DetachedQuery    drc = (DetachedQuery)ddq.TransformToRowCount();

            Assert.AreEqual("select count(*) from Foo f join f.Bar b where ((f.Name like :pName) and (b.Asociated > :pAso))",
        private bool ParseOrderByExpression(MethodCallExpression expression, string order = null)
            UnaryExpression  unary            = (UnaryExpression)expression.Arguments[1];
            LambdaExpression lambdaExpression = (LambdaExpression)unary.Operand;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(order))
                order = " " + order.Trim();

            MemberExpression body = lambdaExpression.Body is MemberExpression ?
                                    (MemberExpression)lambdaExpression.Body : ((UnaryExpression)lambdaExpression.Body).Operand as MemberExpression;

            if (body != null)
                var exp = new List <string>();

                while (body.Expression is MemberExpression)
                    body = (MemberExpression)body.Expression;
                    exp.Insert(0, body.Member.Name);

                if (OrderBy == null)
                    OrderBy = new List <string>();

                OrderBy.Add(string.Format("{0}{1}", string.Join(".", exp), order));


        // Get the filters' data for UOMNameFilter.
        protected virtual void PopulateUOMNameFilter(string selectedValue, int maxItems)

            // Set up the WHERE and the ORDER BY clause by calling the CreateWhereClause_UOMNameFilter function.
            // It is better to customize the where clause there.

            // Setup the WHERE clause,

            WhereClause wc = this.CreateWhereClause_UOMNameFilter();

            // Setup the static list items

            // Add the All item.
            this.UOMNameFilter.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(this.Page.GetResourceValue("Txt:All", "FPCEstimate"), "--ANY--"));

            OrderBy orderBy = new OrderBy(false, false);
            orderBy.Add(UOMTable.UOMName, OrderByItem.OrderDir.Asc);

            string[] values = UOMTable.GetValues(UOMTable.UOMName, wc, orderBy, maxItems);

            foreach (string itemValue in values)
            // Create the item and add to the list.
            string fvalue;
            if ( UOMTable.UOMName.IsColumnValueTypeBoolean()) {
                    fvalue = itemValue;
                }else {
                    fvalue = UOMTable.UOMName.Format(itemValue);
                ListItem item = new ListItem(fvalue, itemValue);

            // Set the selected value.
            MiscUtils.SetSelectedValue(this.UOMNameFilter, selectedValue);
        // Fill the UOMID list.
        protected virtual void PopulateUOMIDDropDownList(string selectedValue, int maxItems)

            // 1. Setup the static list items

            // Add the Please Select item.
            this.UOMID.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(this.Page.GetResourceValue("Txt:PleaseSelect", "FPCEstimate"), "--PLEASE_SELECT--"));

            // 2. Set up the WHERE and the ORDER BY clause by calling the CreateWhereClause_UOMIDDropDownList function.
            // It is better to customize the where clause there.

            WhereClause wc = CreateWhereClause_UOMIDDropDownList();

            // Create the ORDER BY clause to sort based on the displayed value.

            OrderBy orderBy = new OrderBy(false, false);
                          orderBy.Add(UOMTable.UOMName, OrderByItem.OrderDir.Asc);

            System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> variables = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object> ();

            // 3. Read a total of maxItems from the database and insert them into the UOMIDDropDownList.
            UOMRecord[] itemValues  = null;
            if (wc.RunQuery)
                int counter = 0;
                int pageNum = 0;
                FormulaEvaluator evaluator = new FormulaEvaluator();
                    itemValues = UOMTable.GetRecords(wc, orderBy, pageNum, maxItems);
                    foreach (UOMRecord itemValue in itemValues)
                        // Create the item and add to the list.
                        string cvalue = null;
                        string fvalue = null;
                        if (itemValue.UOMIDSpecified)
                            cvalue = itemValue.UOMID.ToString().ToString();
                            if (counter < maxItems && this.UOMID.Items.FindByValue(cvalue) == null)

                                Boolean _isExpandableNonCompositeForeignKey = ScopeTable.Instance.TableDefinition.IsExpandableNonCompositeForeignKey(ScopeTable.UOMID);
                                if(_isExpandableNonCompositeForeignKey && ScopeTable.UOMID.IsApplyDisplayAs)
                                    fvalue = ScopeTable.GetDFKA(itemValue, ScopeTable.UOMID);
                                if ((!_isExpandableNonCompositeForeignKey) || (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fvalue)))
                                    fvalue = itemValue.Format(UOMTable.UOMName);

                                if (fvalue == null || fvalue.Trim() == "")
                                    fvalue = cvalue;
                                ListItem newItem = new ListItem(fvalue, cvalue);
                                counter += 1;
                while (itemValues.Length == maxItems && counter < maxItems);

            // 4. Set the selected value (insert if not already present).

            if (selectedValue != null &&
                selectedValue.Trim() != "" &&
                !MiscUtils.SetSelectedValue(this.UOMID, selectedValue) &&
                !MiscUtils.SetSelectedDisplayText(this.UOMID, selectedValue))

                // construct a whereclause to query a record with UOM.UOMID = selectedValue

                CompoundFilter filter2 = new CompoundFilter(CompoundFilter.CompoundingOperators.And_Operator, null);
                WhereClause whereClause2 = new WhereClause();
                filter2.AddFilter(new BaseClasses.Data.ColumnValueFilter(UOMTable.UOMID, selectedValue, BaseClasses.Data.BaseFilter.ComparisonOperator.EqualsTo, false));
                whereClause2.AddFilter(filter2, CompoundFilter.CompoundingOperators.And_Operator);

                // Execute the query
                UOMRecord[] rc = UOMTable.GetRecords(whereClause2, new OrderBy(false, false), 0, 1);
                System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> vars = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object> ();
                    // if find a record, add it to the dropdown and set it as selected item
                    if (rc != null && rc.Length == 1)

                        string fvalue = ScopeTable.UOMID.Format(selectedValue);

                        ListItem item = new ListItem(fvalue, selectedValue);
                        item.Selected = true;

Esempio n. 16
        // Get the filters' data for SiteNameFilter.
        protected virtual void PopulateSiteNameFilter(string selectedValue, int maxItems)

            // Set up the WHERE and the ORDER BY clause by calling the CreateWhereClause_SiteNameFilter function.
            // It is better to customize the where clause there.

            // Setup the WHERE clause,

            WhereClause wc = this.CreateWhereClause_SiteNameFilter();

            // Setup the static list items

            OrderBy orderBy = new OrderBy(false, false);
            orderBy.Add(VwSiteView.SiteName, OrderByItem.OrderDir.Asc);

            string[] values = VwSiteView.GetValues(VwSiteView.SiteName, wc, orderBy, maxItems);

            foreach (string itemValue in values)
            // Create the item and add to the list.
            string fvalue;
            if ( VwSiteView.SiteName.IsColumnValueTypeBoolean()) {
                    fvalue = itemValue;
                }else {
                    fvalue = VwSiteView.SiteName.Format(itemValue);
                ListItem item = new ListItem(fvalue, itemValue);

            // Set the selected value.
            MiscUtils.SetSelectedValue(this.SiteNameFilter, selectedValue);
        // Get the filters' data for ParentCatIDFilter.
        protected virtual void PopulateParentCatIDFilter(string selectedValue, int maxItems)

            // Set up the WHERE and the ORDER BY clause by calling the CreateWhereClause_ParentCatIDFilter function.
            // It is better to customize the where clause there.

            //Setup the WHERE clause.
            WhereClause wc =this.CreateWhereClause_ParentCatIDFilter();

            // Setup the static list items

            // Add the All item.
            this.ParentCatIDFilter.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(this.Page.GetResourceValue("Txt:All", "FPCEstimate"), "--ANY--"));

            OrderBy orderBy = new OrderBy(false, false);
                          orderBy.Add(CategoryTable.CatName, OrderByItem.OrderDir.Asc);

            System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object> variables = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object> ();

            string noValueFormat = Page.GetResourceValue("Txt:Other", "FPCEstimate");

            CategoryRecord[] itemValues  = null;
            if (wc.RunQuery)
                int counter = 0;
                int pageNum = 0;
                FormulaEvaluator evaluator = new FormulaEvaluator();


                    itemValues = CategoryTable.GetRecords(wc, orderBy, pageNum, maxItems);

                    foreach (CategoryRecord itemValue in itemValues)
                        // Create the item and add to the list.
                        string cvalue = null;
                        string fvalue = null;
                        if (itemValue.CatIDSpecified)
                            cvalue = itemValue.CatID.ToString();
                            if (counter < maxItems && this.ParentCatIDFilter.Items.FindByValue(cvalue) == null)

                                Boolean _isExpandableNonCompositeForeignKey = CategoryTable.Instance.TableDefinition.IsExpandableNonCompositeForeignKey(CategoryTable.ParentCatID);
                                if(_isExpandableNonCompositeForeignKey && CategoryTable.ParentCatID.IsApplyDisplayAs)
                                     fvalue = CategoryTable.GetDFKA(itemValue, CategoryTable.ParentCatID);
                                if ((!_isExpandableNonCompositeForeignKey) || (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fvalue)))
                                     fvalue = itemValue.Format(CategoryTable.CatName);

                                if (fvalue == null || fvalue.Trim() == "") fvalue = cvalue;
                                ListItem newItem = new ListItem(fvalue, cvalue);
                                counter += 1;
                while (itemValues.Length == maxItems && counter < maxItems);

            // Set the selected value.
            MiscUtils.SetSelectedValue(this.ParentCatIDFilter, selectedValue);