Esempio n. 1
        protected override void DescribeForm(DescribeContext context)
            context.Form("TaxonomyForm", factory => {
                var shape = (dynamic)factory;
                var form  = shape.Fieldset(
                    Id: "TaxonomyForm",
                    _OptionLabel: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "OptionLabel",
                        Name: "OptionLabel",
                        Title: "Option Label",
                        Description: T("Optionally specify a label for the first option. If no label is specified, no empty option will be rendered.")),
                    _Taxonomy: shape.SelectList(
                        Id: "TaxonomyId",
                        Name: "TaxonomyId",
                        Title: "Taxonomy",
                        Description: T("Select the taxonomy to use as a source for the list.")),
                    _SortOrder: shape.SelectList(
                        Id: "SortOrder",
                        Name: "SortOrder",
                        Title: "Sort Order",
                        Description: T("The sort order to use when presenting the term values.")),
                    _TextExpression: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "TextExpression",
                        Name: "TextExpression",
                        Title: "Text Expression",
                        Value: "{Content.DisplayText}",
                        Description: T("Specify the expression to get the display text of each option."),
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "large", "tokenized" }),
                    _ValueExpression: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "ValueExpression",
                        Name: "ValueExpression",
                        Title: "Value Expression",
                        Value: "{Content.Id}",
                        Description: T("Specify the expression to get the value of each option."),
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "large", "tokenized" }),
                    _DefaultValue: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "DefaultValue",
                        Name: "DefaultValue",
                        Title: "Default Value",
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "large", "tokenized" },
                        Description: T("The default value of this query field.")),
                    _InputType: shape.SelectList(
                        Id: "InputType",
                        Name: "InputType",
                        Title: "Input Type",
                        Description: T("The control to render when presenting the list of options.")));

                // Taxonomy
                var taxonomies = _taxonomyService.GetTaxonomies();
                foreach (var taxonomy in taxonomies)
                    form._Taxonomy.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                        Text = taxonomy.Name, Value = taxonomy.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

                // Sort Order
                form._SortOrder.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = T("None").Text, Value = ""
                form._SortOrder.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = T("Ascending").Text, Value = "Asc"
                form._SortOrder.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = T("Descending").Text, Value = "Desc"

                // Input Type
                form._InputType.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = T("Select List").Text, Value = "SelectList"
                form._InputType.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = T("Multi Select List").Text, Value = "MultiSelectList"
                form._InputType.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = T("Radio List").Text, Value = "RadioList"
                form._InputType.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = T("Check List").Text, Value = "CheckList"


            context.Form("TaxonomyValidation", factory => {
                var shape = (dynamic)factory;
                var form  = shape.Fieldset(
                    Id: "TaxonomyValidation",
                    _IsRequired: shape.Checkbox(
                        Id: "Required",
                        Name: "Required",
                        Title: "Required",
                        Value: "true",
                        Description: T("Tick this checkbox to make at least one option required.")),
                    _CustomValidationMessage: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "CustomValidationMessage",
                        Name: "CustomValidationMessage",
                        Title: "Custom Validation Message",
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "large", "tokenized" },
                        Description: T("Optionally provide a custom validation message.")),
                    _ShowValidationMessage: shape.Checkbox(
                        Id: "ShowValidationMessage",
                        Name: "ShowValidationMessage",
                        Title: "Show Validation Message",
                        Value: "true",
                        Description: T("Autogenerate a validation message when a validation error occurs for the current field. Alternatively, to control the placement of the validation message you can use the ValidationMessage element instead.")));

        protected override void DescribeForm(DescribeContext context)
            context.Form("Form", factory => {
                var shape = (dynamic)factory;
                var form  = shape.Fieldset(
                    Id: "Form",
                    _FormName: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "FormName",
                        Name: "FormName",
                        Title: "Name",
                        Value: "Untitled",
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "medium" },
                        Description: T("The name of the form.")),
                    _FormAction: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "FormAction",
                        Name: "FormAction",
                        Title: "Custom Target URL",
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "large", "tokenized" },
                        Description: T("The action of the form. Leave blank to have the form submitted to the default form controller.")),
                    _FormMethod: shape.SelectList(
                        Id: "FormMethod",
                        Name: "FormMethod",
                        Title: "Method",
                        Description: T("The method of the form.")),
                    _EnableClientValidation: shape.Checkbox(
                        Id: "EnableClientValidation",
                        Name: "EnableClientValidation",
                        Title: "Enable Client Validation",
                        Value: "true",
                        Description: T("Enables client validation.")),
                    _StoreSubmission: shape.Checkbox(
                        Id: "StoreSubmission",
                        Name: "StoreSubmission",
                        Title: "Store Submission",
                        Value: "true",
                        Description: T("Stores the submitted form into the database.")),
                    _HtmlEncode: shape.Checkbox(
                        Id: "HtmlEncode",
                        Name: "HtmlEncode",
                        Title: "Html Encode",
                        Value: "true",
                        Description: T("Check this option to automatically HTML encode submitted values to prevent code injection.")),
                    _CreateContent: shape.Checkbox(
                        Id: "CreateContent",
                        Name: "CreateContent",
                        Title: "Create Content",
                        Value: "true",
                        Description: T("Check this option to create a content item based using the submitted values. You will have to select a Content Type here and bind the form fields to the various parts and fields of the selected Content Type.")),
                    _ContentType: shape.SelectList(
                        Id: "FormBindingContentType",
                        Name: "FormBindingContentType",
                        Title: "Content Type",
                        Description: T("The Content Type to use when storing the submitted form values as a content item. Note that if you change the content type, you will have to update the form field bindings."),
                        EnabledBy: "CreateContent"),
                    _PublicationDraft: shape.Radio(
                        Id: "Publication-Draft",
                        Name: "Publication",
                        Title: "Save As Draft",
                        Value: "Draft",
                        Checked: true,
                        Description: T("Save the created content item as a draft."),
                        EnabledBy: "CreateContent"),
                    _PublicationPublish: shape.Radio(
                        Id: "Publication-Publish",
                        Name: "Publication",
                        Title: "Publish",
                        Value: "Publish",
                        Description: T("Publish the created content item."),
                        EnabledBy: "CreateContent"),
                    _Notification: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "Notification",
                        Name: "Notification",
                        Title: "Show Notification",
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "large", "tokenized" },
                        Description: T("The message to show after the form has been submitted. Leave blank if you don't want to show a message.")),
                    _RedirectUrl: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "RedirectUrl",
                        Name: "RedirectUrl",
                        Title: "Redirect URL",
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "large", "tokenized" },
                        Description: T("The URL to redirect to after the form has been submitted. Leave blank to stay on the same page. tip: you can use a Workflow to control what happens when this form is submitted.")));

                // FormMethod
                form._FormMethod.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "POST", Value = "POST"
                form._FormMethod.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "GET", Value = "GET"

                // ContentType
                var contentTypes = _contentDefinitionManager.ListTypeDefinitions().Where(IsFormBindingContentType).ToArray();
                foreach (var contentType in contentTypes.OrderBy(x => x.DisplayName))
                    form._ContentType.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                        Text = contentType.DisplayName, Value = contentType.Name

        protected override void DescribeForm(DescribeContext context)
            context.Form("Enumeration", factory => {
                var shape = (dynamic)factory;
                var form  = shape.Fieldset(
                    Id: "Enumeration",
                    _Options: shape.Textarea(
                        Id: "Options",
                        Name: "Options",
                        Title: "Options",
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "large", "tokenized" },
                        Description: T("Enter one option per line. To differentiate between an option's text and value, separate the two by a colon. For example: "Option 1:1"")),
                    _InputType: shape.SelectList(
                        Id: "InputType",
                        Name: "InputType",
                        Title: "Input Type",
                        Description: T("The control to render when presenting the list of options.")),
                    _DefaultValue: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "DefaultValue",
                        Name: "DefaultValue",
                        Title: "Default Value",
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "large", "tokenized" },
                        Description: T("The default value of this enumeration field.")));

                form._InputType.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = T("Select List").Text, Value = "SelectList"
                form._InputType.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = T("Multi Select List").Text, Value = "MultiSelectList"
                form._InputType.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = T("Radio List").Text, Value = "RadioList"
                form._InputType.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = T("Check List").Text, Value = "CheckList"


            context.Form("EnumerationValidation", factory => {
                var shape = (dynamic)factory;
                var form  = shape.Fieldset(
                    Id: "EnumerationValidation",
                    _IsRequired: shape.Checkbox(
                        Id: "Required",
                        Name: "Required",
                        Title: "Required",
                        Value: "true",
                        Description: T("Tick this checkbox to make at least one option required.")),
                    _CustomValidationMessage: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "CustomValidationMessage",
                        Name: "CustomValidationMessage",
                        Title: "Custom Validation Message",
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "large", "tokenized" },
                        Description: T("Optionally provide a custom validation message.")),
                    _ShowValidationMessage: shape.Checkbox(
                        Id: "ShowValidationMessage",
                        Name: "ShowValidationMessage",
                        Title: "Show Validation Message",
                        Value: "true",
                        Description: T("Autogenerate a validation message when a validation error occurs for the current field. Alternatively, to control the placement of the validation message you can use the ValidationMessage element instead.")));

Esempio n. 4
        protected override void DescribeForm(DescribeContext context)
            context.Form("TextArea", factory => {
                var shape = (dynamic)factory;
                var form  = shape.Fieldset(
                    Id: "TextArea",
                    _Value: shape.Textarea(
                        Id: "Value",
                        Name: "Value",
                        Title: "Value",
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "large", "tokenized" },
                        Description: T("The value of this text area.")),
                    _Rows: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "Rows",
                        Name: "Rows",
                        Title: "Rows",
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "small" },
                        Description: T("The number of rows for this text area.")),
                    _Columns: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "Columns",
                        Name: "Columns",
                        Title: "Columns",
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "small" },
                        Description: T("The number of columns for this text area.")));


            context.Form("TextAreaValidation", factory => {
                var shape = (dynamic)factory;
                var form  = shape.Fieldset(
                    Id: "TextAreaValidation",
                    _IsRequired: shape.Checkbox(
                        Id: "IsRequired",
                        Name: "IsRequired",
                        Title: "Required",
                        Value: "true",
                        Description: T("Check to make this text area a required field.")),
                    _MinimumLength: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "MinimumLength",
                        Name: "MinimumLength",
                        Title: "Minimum Length",
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "medium", "tokenized" },
                        Description: T("The minimum length required.")),
                    _MaximumLength: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "MaximumLength",
                        Name: "MaximumLength",
                        Title: "Maximum Length",
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "medium", "tokenized" },
                        Description: T("The maximum length allowed.")),
                    _CustomValidationMessage: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "CustomValidationMessage",
                        Name: "CustomValidationMessage",
                        Title: "Custom Validation Message",
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "large", "tokenized" },
                        Description: T("Optionally provide a custom validation message.")),
                    _ShowValidationMessage: shape.Checkbox(
                        Id: "ShowValidationMessage",
                        Name: "ShowValidationMessage",
                        Title: "Show Validation Message",
                        Value: "true",
                        Description: T("Autogenerate a validation message when a validation error occurs for the current field. Alternatively, to control the placement of the validation message you can use the ValidationMessage element instead.")));

        protected override void DescribeForm(DescribeContext context)
            context.Form("QueryForm", factory => {
                var shape = (dynamic)factory;
                var form  = shape.Fieldset(
                    Id: "QueryForm",
                    _OptionLabel: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "OptionLabel",
                        Name: "OptionLabel",
                        Title: "Option Label",
                        Description: T("Optionally specify a label for the first option. If no label is specified, no empty option will be rendered."),
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "large", "tokenized" }),
                    _Query: shape.SelectList(
                        Id: "QueryId",
                        Name: "QueryId",
                        Title: "Query",
                        Description: T("Select the query to use as a source for the list.")),
                    _TextExpression: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "TextExpression",
                        Name: "TextExpression",
                        Title: "Text Expression",
                        Value: "{Content.DisplayText}",
                        Description: T("Specify the expression to get the display text of each option."),
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "large", "tokenized" }),
                    _ValueExpression: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "ValueExpression",
                        Name: "ValueExpression",
                        Title: "Value Expression",
                        Value: "{Content.Id}",
                        Description: T("Specify the expression to get the value of each option."),
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "large", "tokenized" }),
                    _InputType: shape.SelectList(
                        Id: "InputType",
                        Name: "InputType",
                        Title: "Input Type",
                        Description: T("The control to render when presenting the list of options.")));

                // Query
                var queries = _contentManager.Query <QueryPart, QueryPartRecord>().Join <TitlePartRecord>().OrderBy(x => x.Title).List().ToArray();
                foreach (var query in queries)
                    form._Query.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                        Text = query.Name, Value = query.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

                // Input Type
                form._InputType.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = T("Select List").Text, Value = "SelectList"
                form._InputType.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = T("Multi Select List").Text, Value = "MultiSelectList"
                form._InputType.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = T("Radio List").Text, Value = "RadioList"
                form._InputType.Items.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = T("Check List").Text, Value = "CheckList"


            context.Form("QueryValidation", factory => {
                var shape = (dynamic)factory;
                var form  = shape.Fieldset(
                    Id: "QueryValidation",
                    _IsRequired: shape.Checkbox(
                        Id: "Required",
                        Name: "Required",
                        Title: "Required",
                        Value: "true",
                        Description: T("Tick this checkbox to make at least one option required.")),
                    _CustomValidationMessage: shape.Textbox(
                        Id: "CustomValidationMessage",
                        Name: "CustomValidationMessage",
                        Title: "Custom Validation Message",
                        Classes: new[] { "text", "large", "tokenized" },
                        Description: T("Optionally provide a custom validation message.")),
                    _ShowValidationMessage: shape.Checkbox(
                        Id: "ShowValidationMessage",
                        Name: "ShowValidationMessage",
                        Title: "Show Validation Message",
                        Value: "true",
                        Description: T("Autogenerate a validation message when a validation error occurs for the current field. Alternatively, to control the placement of the validation message you can use the ValidationMessage element instead.")));
