Esempio n. 1
        public bool Bake(apModifiedVertexRig srcModVert, apOptMesh mesh, apPortrait portrait)
            _vertexUniqueID = srcModVert._vertexUniqueID;
            _vertIndex      = srcModVert._vertIndex;
            _mesh           = mesh;

            _weightPairs = new OptWeightPair[srcModVert._weightPairs.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < srcModVert._weightPairs.Count; i++)
                apModifiedVertexRig.WeightPair srcWeightPair = srcModVert._weightPairs[i];
                OptWeightPair optWeightPair = new OptWeightPair(srcWeightPair);

                _weightPairs[i] = optWeightPair;

Esempio n. 2
        public bool Bake(apModifiedVertexRig srcModVert, apOptMesh mesh, apPortrait portrait)
            _vertexUniqueID = srcModVert._vertexUniqueID;
            _vertIndex      = srcModVert._vertIndex;
            _mesh           = mesh;

            //변경 : 8.2 유효한 Weight Pair만 전달하자
            List <apModifiedVertexRig.WeightPair> validSrcWeightPairs = new List <apModifiedVertexRig.WeightPair>();

            for (int i = 0; i < srcModVert._weightPairs.Count; i++)
                apModifiedVertexRig.WeightPair srcWeightPair = srcModVert._weightPairs[i];
                if (srcWeightPair == null)
                if (srcWeightPair._weight <= 0.00001f)

            _weightPairs = new OptWeightPair[validSrcWeightPairs.Count];

            //변경 : 8.2 유효한 Vertex가 없어도 일단 Bake는 되어야 한다.
            //if(srcModVert._weightPairs.Count == 0)
            //	//Rig가 안된 Vertex가 있다.
            //	Debug.LogError("AnyPortrait : There is a vertex with no rigging data. The Rigging Modifier is not applied to this mesh [" + + "]. Check the Rigging value.");
            //	return false;

            //for (int i = 0; i < srcModVert._weightPairs.Count; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < validSrcWeightPairs.Count; i++)
                //apModifiedVertexRig.WeightPair srcWeightPair = srcModVert._weightPairs[i];
                apModifiedVertexRig.WeightPair srcWeightPair = validSrcWeightPairs[i];

                //추가 : 유효한 Weight만 추가 > 이 코드가 버그를 발생시킨다.
                //if(srcWeightPair._weight <= 0.00001f)
                //	continue;
                OptWeightPair optWeightPair = new OptWeightPair(srcWeightPair);

                _weightPairs[i] = optWeightPair;

            //변경 : 8.2 0개라도 Bake를 하는 것으로 변경
            //if(_weightPairs.Length == 0)
            //	//처리된 Pair가 없으면 false
            //	Debug.LogError("AnyPortrait : There is a vertex with no valid rigging data. The Rigging Modifier is not applied to this mesh [" + + "]. Check the Rigging value.");
            //	return false;

            //추가 : Normalize를 하자
            float totalWeight = 0.0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < _weightPairs.Length; i++)
                totalWeight += _weightPairs[i]._weight;
            //Noamlize는 1 이상일 때에만
            //if (totalWeight > 0.0f)
            if (totalWeight > 1.0f)
                //if(totalWeight > 1.0f)
                //	Debug.LogError("OPT Rigging Weight Normalize [" + totalWeight + "]");

                for (int i = 0; i < _weightPairs.Length; i++)
                    //Debug.LogError("[" + i + "] : " + _weightPairs[i]._weight + " >> " + (_weightPairs[i]._weight / totalWeight));
                    _weightPairs[i]._weight /= totalWeight;
            //변경 8.2 : Weight 에러는 없다.
            //	//전체 Weight가 0이다?
            //	Debug.LogError("AnyPortrait : There is a vertex with a sum of Rigging values of zero. The Rigging Modifier is not applied to this mesh [" + + "]. Check the Rigging value.");
            //	return false;
