Esempio n. 1
        public static bool GetBestSolution(
            PackableBrick packableProperties, PalletProperties palletProperties, InterlayerProperties interlayer
            , ConstraintSetCasePallet constraintSet, bool allowMultipleLayerOrientations
            , Vector3D cameraPosition, bool showCotations, float fontSizeRatio, Size sz
            , ref int layerCount, ref int caseCount, ref int interlayerCount
            , ref double weightTotal, ref double weightLoad, ref double?weightNet
            , ref Vector3D bbLoad, ref Vector3D bbGlob
            , ref double volumeEfficency, ref double?weightEfficiency
            , ref string palletMapPhrase
            , ref byte[] imageBytes
            , ref string[] errors)
            List <string> lErrors = new List <string>();

            if (!packableProperties.FitsIn(palletProperties, constraintSet))
                lErrors.Add($"{packableProperties.Name} does not fit in {palletProperties.Name} with given constraint set!");
                // use a solver and get a list of sorted analyses + select the best one
                SolverCasePallet    solver   = new SolverCasePallet(packableProperties, palletProperties);
                List <AnalysisHomo> analyses = solver.BuildAnalyses(constraintSet, allowMultipleLayerOrientations);
                if (analyses.Count > 0)
                    // first solution
                    AnalysisHomo analysis = analyses[0];
                    layerCount      = analysis.Solution.LayerCount;
                    caseCount       = analysis.Solution.ItemCount;
                    interlayerCount = analysis.Solution.LayerCount;

                    weightLoad  = analysis.Solution.LoadWeight;
                    weightTotal = analysis.Solution.Weight;

                    OptDouble optNetWeight = analysis.Solution.NetWeight;
                    weightNet        = optNetWeight.Activated ? optNetWeight.Value : (double?)null;
                    bbGlob           = analysis.Solution.BBoxGlobal.DimensionsVec;
                    bbLoad           = analysis.Solution.BBoxLoad.DimensionsVec;
                    volumeEfficency  = analysis.Solution.VolumeEfficiency;
                    weightEfficiency = null;
                    if (analysis.Solution.WeightEfficiency.Activated)
                        weightEfficiency = analysis.Solution.WeightEfficiency.Value;
                    palletMapPhrase = BuildPalletMapPhrase(analysis.Solution);

                    Graphics3DImage graphics = null;
                    // generate image path
                    graphics = new Graphics3DImage(sz)
                        FontSizeRatio  = fontSizeRatio,
                        CameraPosition = cameraPosition,
                        ShowDimensions = showCotations
                    ViewerSolution sv = new ViewerSolution(analysis.Solution);
                    sv.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
                    Bitmap         bmp       = graphics.Bitmap;
                    ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter();
                    imageBytes = (byte[])converter.ConvertTo(bmp, typeof(byte[]));
                    lErrors.Add("No solution found!");
            catch (Exception ex)
            errors = lErrors.ToArray();
            return(0 == lErrors.Count);
Esempio n. 2
        public DCSBSolution SB_GetBoxCaseBestSolution(
            DCSBCase sbBox, DCSBCase sbCase, DCSBInterlayer sbInterlayer
            , DCSBConstraintSet sbConstraintSet
            , DCCompFormat expectedFormat, bool showCotations)
            List <string> lErrors = new List <string>();

                BoxProperties boxProperties = new BoxProperties(null
                                                                , sbBox.DimensionsOuter.M0, sbBox.DimensionsOuter.M1, sbBox.DimensionsOuter.M2)
                boxProperties.SetNetWeight(new OptDouble(sbBox.NetWeight.HasValue, sbBox.NetWeight.Value));
                if (null != sbBox.Colors && sbBox.Colors.Length >= 6)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                        boxProperties.SetColor((HalfAxis.HAxis)i, Color.FromArgb(sbBox.Colors[i]));
                    boxProperties.SetAllColors(Enumerable.Repeat <Color>(Color.Turquoise, 6).ToArray());
                BoxProperties caseProperties = new BoxProperties(null)
                    InsideLength = null != sbCase.DimensionsInner ? sbCase.DimensionsInner.M0 : 0.0,
                    InsideWidth  = null != sbCase.DimensionsInner ? sbCase.DimensionsInner.M1 : 0.0,
                    InsideHeight = null != sbCase.DimensionsInner ? sbCase.DimensionsInner.M2 : 0.0,
                    TapeColor    = Color.FromArgb(sbCase.TapeColor),
                    TapeWidth    = new OptDouble(sbCase.TapeWidth != 0.0, sbCase.TapeWidth)
                if (null != sbCase.Colors && sbCase.Colors.Length >= 6)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                        caseProperties.SetColor((HalfAxis.HAxis)i, Color.FromArgb(sbCase.Colors[i]));
                    caseProperties.SetAllColors(Enumerable.Repeat <Color>(Color.Chocolate, 6).ToArray());

                OptDouble            oMaxWeight    = null != sbConstraintSet.MaxWeight ? new OptDouble(sbConstraintSet.MaxWeight.Active, sbConstraintSet.MaxWeight.Value_d) : OptDouble.Zero;
                OptInt               oMaxNumber    = null != sbConstraintSet.MaxNumber ? new OptInt(sbConstraintSet.MaxNumber.Active, sbConstraintSet.MaxNumber.Value_i) : OptInt.Zero;
                ConstraintSetBoxCase constraintSet = new ConstraintSetBoxCase(caseProperties)
                    OptMaxWeight = oMaxWeight,
                    OptMaxNumber = oMaxNumber
                constraintSet.SetAllowedOrientations(new bool[] { false, false, true });
                if (!constraintSet.Valid)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid constraint set");

                Vector3D cameraPosition = Graphics3D.Corner_0;
                int      layerCount = 0, caseCount = 0, interlayerCount = 0;
                double   weightTotal = 0.0, weightLoad = 0.0, volumeEfficiency = 0.0;
                double?  weightEfficiency = 0.0;
                double?  weightNet        = (double?)null;
                Vector3D bbLoad           = new Vector3D();
                Vector3D bbGlob           = new Vector3D();
                byte[]   imageBytes       = null;
                string[] errors           = null;

                if (StackBuilderProcessor.GetBestSolution(
                        boxProperties, caseProperties, null,
                        constraintSet, sbConstraintSet.AllowMultipleLayerOrientations,
                        cameraPosition, showCotations, 0.03f,
                        new Size(expectedFormat.Size.CX, expectedFormat.Size.CY),
                        ref layerCount, ref caseCount, ref interlayerCount,
                        ref weightTotal, ref weightLoad, ref weightNet,
                        ref bbLoad, ref bbGlob,
                        ref volumeEfficiency, ref weightEfficiency,
                        ref imageBytes, ref errors))
                    foreach (string err in errors)
                    return(new DCSBSolution()
                        LayerCount = layerCount,
                        CaseCount = caseCount,
                        InterlayerCount = interlayerCount,
                        WeightLoad = weightLoad,
                        WeightTotal = weightTotal,
                        NetWeight = weightNet,
                        BBoxLoad = new DCSBDim3D(bbLoad.X, bbLoad.Y, bbLoad.Z),
                        BBoxTotal = new DCSBDim3D(bbGlob.X, bbGlob.Y, bbGlob.Z),
                        Efficiency = volumeEfficiency,
                        OutFile = new DCCompFileOutput()
                            Bytes = imageBytes,
                            Format = new DCCompFormat()
                                Format = EOutFormat.IMAGE,
                                Size = new DCCompSize()
                                    CX = expectedFormat.Size.CX,
                                    CY = expectedFormat.Size.CY
                        Errors = lErrors.ToArray()
            catch (Exception ex)
            return(new DCSBSolution()
                Errors = lErrors.ToArray()
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// FormNewBox constructor used when defining a new BoxProperties item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">Document in which the BoxProperties item is to be created</param>
        /// <param name="mode">Mode is either Mode.MODE_CASE or Mode.MODE_BOX</param>
        public FormNewBox(Document document, Mode mode)
            : base(document, null)
            if (!DesignMode)
                // set unit labels
                // save document reference
                _document = document;

                switch (mode)
                case Mode.CASE:
                    tbName.Text = _document.GetValidNewTypeName(Resources.ID_CASE);
                    uCtrlDimensionsOuter.ValueX  = UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(400.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1);
                    uCtrlDimensionsOuter.ValueY  = UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(300.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1);
                    uCtrlDimensionsOuter.ValueZ  = UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(200.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1);
                    uCtrlDimensionsInner.Checked = true;
                    uCtrlDimensionsInner.Value   = new Vector3D(
                        uCtrlDimensionsOuter.ValueX - UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(6.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1),
                        uCtrlDimensionsOuter.ValueY - UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(6.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1),
                        uCtrlDimensionsOuter.ValueZ - UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(6.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1));
                    uCtrlTapeWidth.Value = new OptDouble(true, UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(50, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1));

                case Mode.BOX:
                    tbName.Text = _document.GetValidNewTypeName(Resources.ID_BOX);
                    uCtrlDimensionsOuter.ValueX = UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(120.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1);
                    uCtrlDimensionsOuter.ValueY = UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(60.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1);
                    uCtrlDimensionsOuter.ValueZ = UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(30.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1);
                    uCtrlDimensionsInner.Value  = new Vector3D(
                        uCtrlDimensionsOuter.ValueX - UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(6.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1),
                        uCtrlDimensionsOuter.ValueY - UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(6.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1),
                        uCtrlDimensionsOuter.ValueZ - UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(6.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1));
                    uCtrlDimensionsInner.Checked = false;
                    uCtrlTapeWidth.Value         = new OptDouble(false, UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(10, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1));

                cbTapeColor.Color = Color.Beige;
                ModeInit          = mode;
                // description (same as name)
                tbDescription.Text = tbName.Text;
                // color : all faces set together / face by face
                chkAllFaces.Checked = false;
                OnAllFacesColorCheckedChanged(this, null);
                // set colors
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                    _faceColors[i] = mode == Mode.BOX ? Color.Turquoise : Color.Chocolate;
                // set textures
                _textures = new List <Pair <HalfAxis.HAxis, Texture> >();
                // set default face
                cbFace.SelectedIndex = 0;
                // weight
                Weight = UnitsManager.ConvertMassFrom(1.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1);
                // net weight
                NetWeight = new OptDouble(false, UnitsManager.ConvertMassFrom(0.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1));

                StrapperSet = new StrapperSet();
                ctrlStrapperSet.StrapperSet = StrapperSet;

                // disable Ok button
Esempio n. 4
        public DCSBSolution SB_GetBundlePalletBestSolution(
            DCSBBundle sbBundle, DCSBPallet sbPallet, DCSBInterlayer sbInterlayer
            , DCSBConstraintSet sbConstraintSet
            , DCCompFormat expectedFormat, bool showCotations)
            List <string> lErrors = new List <string>();

                BundleProperties bundleProperties = new BundleProperties(null
                                                                         , sbBundle.Name, sbBundle.Description
                                                                         , sbBundle.DimensionsUnit.M0, sbBundle.DimensionsUnit.M1, sbBundle.DimensionsUnit.M2
                                                                         , sbBundle.UnitWeight, sbBundle.Number
                                                                         , Color.FromArgb(sbBundle.Color));
                PalletProperties palletProperties = null;
                if (null != sbPallet.Dimensions)
                    palletProperties = new PalletProperties(null, sbPallet.PalletType,
                                                            sbPallet.Dimensions.M0, sbPallet.Dimensions.M1, sbPallet.Dimensions.M2)
                        Weight = sbPallet.Weight,
                        Color  = Color.FromArgb(sbPallet.Color)
                    palletProperties = new PalletProperties(null, "EUR2", 1200.0, 1000.0, 150.0);

                InterlayerProperties interlayerProperties = null;
                if (null != sbInterlayer)
                    interlayerProperties = new InterlayerProperties(null,
                                                                    sbInterlayer.Name, sbInterlayer.Description,
                                                                    sbInterlayer.Dimensions.M0, sbInterlayer.Dimensions.M1, sbInterlayer.Dimensions.M2,
                                                                    sbInterlayer.Weight, Color.FromArgb(sbInterlayer.Color));

                OptDouble oMaxWeight = null != sbConstraintSet.MaxWeight ? new OptDouble(sbConstraintSet.MaxWeight.Active, sbConstraintSet.MaxWeight.Value_d) : OptDouble.Zero;
                OptDouble oMaxHeight = null != sbConstraintSet.MaxHeight ? new OptDouble(sbConstraintSet.MaxHeight.Active, sbConstraintSet.MaxHeight.Value_d) : OptDouble.Zero;
                OptInt    oMaxNumber = null != sbConstraintSet.MaxNumber ? new OptInt(sbConstraintSet.MaxNumber.Active, sbConstraintSet.MaxNumber.Value_i) : OptInt.Zero;
                ConstraintSetCasePallet constraintSet = new ConstraintSetCasePallet()
                    OptMaxWeight = oMaxWeight,
                    OptMaxNumber = oMaxNumber
                constraintSet.SetAllowedOrientations(new bool[] { false, false, true });
                if (!constraintSet.Valid)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid constraint set");

                Vector3D cameraPosition = Graphics3D.Corner_0;
                int      layerCount = 0, caseCount = 0, interlayerCount = 0;
                double   weightTotal = 0.0, weightLoad = 0.0, volumeEfficiency = 0.0;
                double?  weightEfficiency = 0.0;
                double?  weightNet        = (double?)null;
                Vector3D bbLoad           = new Vector3D();
                Vector3D bbGlob           = new Vector3D();
                byte[]   imageBytes       = null;
                string[] errors           = null;
                string   palletMapPhrase  = string.Empty;

                if (StackBuilderProcessor.GetBestSolution(
                        bundleProperties, palletProperties, interlayerProperties,
                        constraintSet, false,
                        cameraPosition, showCotations, 0.03f,
                        new Size(expectedFormat.Size.CX, expectedFormat.Size.CY),
                        ref layerCount, ref caseCount, ref interlayerCount,
                        ref weightTotal, ref weightLoad, ref weightNet,
                        ref bbLoad, ref bbGlob,
                        ref volumeEfficiency, ref weightEfficiency,
                        ref palletMapPhrase,
                        ref imageBytes, ref errors))
                    foreach (string err in errors)
                    return(new DCSBSolution()
                        LayerCount = layerCount,
                        CaseCount = caseCount,
                        InterlayerCount = interlayerCount,
                        WeightLoad = weightLoad,
                        WeightTotal = weightTotal,
                        NetWeight = weightNet,
                        BBoxLoad = new DCSBDim3D(bbLoad.X, bbLoad.Y, bbLoad.Z),
                        BBoxTotal = new DCSBDim3D(bbGlob.X, bbGlob.Y, bbGlob.Z),
                        Efficiency = volumeEfficiency,
                        OutFile = new DCCompFileOutput()
                            Bytes = imageBytes,
                            Format = new DCCompFormat()
                                Format = EOutFormat.IMAGE,
                                Size = new DCCompSize()
                                    CX = expectedFormat.Size.CX,
                                    CY = expectedFormat.Size.CY
                        Errors = lErrors.ToArray()
            catch (Exception ex)
            return(new DCSBSolution()
                Errors = lErrors.ToArray()
        public static bool GetSolutionByLayer(
            PackableBrick packableProperties, PalletProperties palletProperties, InterlayerProperties interlayerProperties
            , ConstraintSetCasePallet constraintSet
            , LayerDesc layerDesc
            , Vector3D cameraPosition, bool showCotations, float fontSizeRatio, Size sz
            , ref int layerCount, ref int caseCount, ref int interlayerCount
            , ref double weightTotal, ref double weightLoad, ref double?weightNet
            , ref Vector3D bbLoad, ref Vector3D bbGlob
            , ref double volumeEfficency, ref double?weightEfficiency
            , ref string palletMapPhrase
            , ref byte[] imageBytes
            , ref string[] errors
            List <string> lErrors = new List <string>();

                if (!packableProperties.FitsIn(palletProperties, constraintSet))
                    lErrors.Add($"{packableProperties.Name} does not fit in {palletProperties.Name} with given constraint set!");
                SolutionLayered.SetSolver(new LayerSolver());
                var analysis = new AnalysisCasePallet(packableProperties, palletProperties, constraintSet);
                analysis.AddSolution(new List <LayerDesc>()

                layerCount      = analysis.SolutionLay.LayerCount;
                caseCount       = analysis.Solution.ItemCount;
                interlayerCount = analysis.SolutionLay.LayerCount;

                weightLoad  = analysis.Solution.LoadWeight;
                weightTotal = analysis.Solution.Weight;

                OptDouble optNetWeight = analysis.Solution.NetWeight;
                weightNet        = optNetWeight.Activated ? optNetWeight.Value : (double?)null;
                bbGlob           = analysis.Solution.BBoxGlobal.DimensionsVec;
                bbLoad           = analysis.Solution.BBoxLoad.DimensionsVec;
                volumeEfficency  = analysis.Solution.VolumeEfficiency;
                weightEfficiency = null;
                if (analysis.Solution.WeightEfficiency.Activated)
                    weightEfficiency = analysis.Solution.WeightEfficiency.Value;
                // generate image path
                Graphics3DImage graphics = new Graphics3DImage(sz)
                    FontSizeRatio  = fontSizeRatio,
                    CameraPosition = cameraPosition,
                    ShowDimensions = showCotations
                using (ViewerSolution sv = new ViewerSolution(analysis.SolutionLay))
                    sv.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
                Bitmap         bmp       = graphics.Bitmap;
                ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter();
                imageBytes = (byte[])converter.ConvertTo(bmp, typeof(byte[]));

                // pallet phrase
                palletMapPhrase = BuildPalletMapPhrase(analysis.SolutionLay);
            catch (Exception ex)
            errors = lErrors.ToArray();
            return(0 == lErrors.Count);