Esempio n. 1
         * Method: ApplyGameRules()
         * Programmer(s): Jayce Merinchuk, Upma Sharma
         * Date: August 09, 2018
         * Description: Initialize variables for use, grab passed variables and assign a score to
         * the card, choose a random card for the opponent, while loop to ensure the card is not
         * the same as the one the user has, assign it to the opponentcard box, if statement to
         * check who's card has a higher index value. If the user's card is higher, they are assigned
         * a score of the index value multiplied by 100. Set message. Add it to the total score.
         * Input(s)/Output(s): Inputs - PlayerIndex from a PickCard Method based on what button
         * is pressed.
         * Outputs - Win or Lose message based on result of if statement.
         * *************************************************************************************/
        private void ApplyGameRules(int PlayerIndex)
            // Initialize the variables for use below.
            int    NewScore   = 0;
            string WinMessage = "";

            // Grab the Player's card index to ensure the opponent card doesn't choose the same one
            int ChosenCardIndex = PlayerIndex;
            int CardValue       = ChosenCardIndex * 100;

            CardValueText.Text = "Card Value = " + CardValue;

            // Choose a random card for the AI player
            int rand = RandomGenerator.Next(1, 14);

            // While loop to ensure the AI doesn't pick the same card the Player did
            while (ChosenCardIndex == rand)
                rand = RandomGenerator.Next(1, 14);

            // Assign the card to the opponent
            int OpponentCardIndex = rand;

            /* If statement to check if chosen card value is higher than opponent card.
             * If true, compute the score, if false, score = 0 and set message to say sorry and try again. */
            if (ChosenCardIndex > OpponentCardIndex)
                NewScore    = ((ChosenCardIndex + OpponentCardIndex) * 10);
                WinMessage  = "You won and gained " + NewScore + " points!";
                PlayerScore = PlayerScore + NewScore;
                // You lose, try again, no new score
                NewScore      = ((ChosenCardIndex + OpponentCardIndex) * 10);
                WinMessage    = "Sorry, you lose this time...";
                OpponentScore = OpponentScore + NewScore;

            // Change the Start Game Button Text to "Play Again?"
            StartGameButton.Content = "Play Again?";

            // Compute score

            PlayerScoreText.Text   = $"Player Score: {PlayerScore}";
            OpponentScoreText.Text = $"Opponent Score: {OpponentScore}";
            WinText.Text           = WinMessage;
Esempio n. 2
         * Method: SetupGame()
         * Programmer(s): Jayce Merinchuk, Upma Sharma
         * Date: August 09, 2018
         * Description: This method  enables/disables starting buttons, sets up the backs of the
         * cards, and tells the user to press the start button.
         * Input(s)/Output(s): No inputs, outputs a card picture and a message to the screen.
         * *************************************************************************************/
        private void SetupGame()
            // Ensure only the start game button is waiting to be pressed
            StartGameButton.IsEnabled = true;
            PickCard1.IsEnabled       = false;
            PickCard2.IsEnabled       = false;
            PickCard3.IsEnabled       = false;
            ShuffleButton.IsEnabled   = false;

            // Start the game seeing the backs of the cards

            // Notify User to press Start Game Button
            WinText.Text           = "Click The Start Game Button!";
            PlayerScoreText.Text   = $"Player Score: {PlayerScore}";
            OpponentScoreText.Text = $"Opponent Score: {OpponentScore}";
Esempio n. 3
         * Method: Start_Click()
         * Programmer(s): Jayce Merinchuk, Upma Sharma
         * Date: August 09, 2018
         * Description: Display the back of cards, enable buttons, for loop to pick new cards,
         * while loop to ensure no two cards picked were the same, output cards to the screen.
         * Input(s)/Output(s): No inputs, removes text message, enables buttons, outputs new
         * cards to the screen.
         * *************************************************************************************/
        private void Start_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Set the text of the start Game Button back to "Start Game" and clear the Card Value text Box
            StartGameButton.Content = "Start Game";
            CardValueText.Text      = "Card Value = ";

            // Start the game seeing the backs of the cards

            // Advise the user to choose a card
            WinText.Text = "Choose a card";

            // Enable the game buttons
            PickCard1.IsEnabled     = true;
            PickCard2.IsEnabled     = true;
            PickCard3.IsEnabled     = true;
            ShuffleButton.IsEnabled = true;

            // For loop to choose the cards
            for (int i = 0; i < Cards.Length; i++)
                int CardValue = RandomGenerator.Next(1, 14);
                Cards[i] = CardValue;
            // While loop to ensure no duplicate cards are chosen
            while (Cards[0] == Cards[1] || Cards[0] == Cards[2] || Cards[1] == Cards[2])
                // For loop to choose the cards
                for (int i = 0; i < Cards.Length; i++)
                    int CardValue = RandomGenerator.Next(1, 14);
                    Cards[i] = CardValue;
            // Display Cards