Esempio n. 1
        public void SendDownstream(TupleStream tuple)
            // Console.WriteLine("Remote synchronous and asynchronous delegates.");
            // Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 80));
            // Console.WriteLine();
            foreach (Replica rep in this.OutputReplicas)
                Uri nodeUri = rep.resolve(tuple);
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Sending {0} to {1}", tuple.Elems[0], nodeUri));
                IDictionary prop = new Hashtable();
                prop["name"]            = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                prop["typeFilterLevel"] = TypeFilterLevel.Full;
                TcpChannel channel = new TcpChannel(prop, null, null);
                ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel, false);

                Node op = (Node)Activator.GetObject(
                    nodeUri.ToString() + "/op");

                // This delegate is an asynchronous delegate. Two delegates must
                // be created. The first is the system-defined AsyncCallback
                // delegate, which references the method that the remote type calls
                // back when the remote method is done.

                AsyncCallback RemoteCallback = new AsyncCallback(this.RemoteCallBack);

                // Create the delegate to the remote method you want to use
                // asynchronously.
                OperatorDelegate RemoteDel = new OperatorDelegate(op.Execute);

                // Start the method call. Note that execution on this
                // thread continues immediately without waiting for the return of
                // the method call.
                IAsyncResult RemAr = RemoteDel.BeginInvoke(tuple, RemoteCallback, null);
            // WaitHandle.WaitAll(AsyncHandles);
            // handleNum = 0;