Esempio n. 1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = Path.GetFullPath("../../../Data/");

            Document           doc  = new Document(dataDir + "input.pdf");
            Page               page = doc.Pages[2];
            OperatorCollection oc   = page.Contents;

            // used path-painting operators
            Operator[] operators = new Operator[] {
                new Operator.Stroke(),
                new Operator.ClosePathStroke(),
                new Operator.Fill()

            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

            foreach (Operator op in operators)
                OperatorSelector os = new OperatorSelector(op);


            doc.Save(dataDir + "No_Graphics.pdf");
        public void SetUp()
            testee = new OperatorCollection();
            testee.Add(new CustomOperator("xxx"));

            items = testee.GetType().GetField("items", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(testee) as List <FidelyOperator>;
Esempio n. 3
        void Initialize()
            _operators = new OperatorCollection
                { ".", new MethodOperator(".", 12, true, OperatorCustomExpressions.MemberAccess) },
                { "!", new UnaryOperator("!", 11, false, Expression.Not) },
                { "*", new BinaryOperator("*", 10, true, Expression.Multiply) },
                { "/", new BinaryOperator("/", 10, true, Expression.Divide) },
                { "%", new BinaryOperator("%", 10, true, Expression.Modulo) },
                { "+", new BinaryOperator("+", 9, true, OperatorCustomExpressions.Add) },
                { "-", new BinaryOperator("-", 9, true, Expression.Subtract) },
                { "<<", new BinaryOperator("<<", 8, true, Expression.LeftShift) },
                { ">>", new BinaryOperator(">>", 8, true, Expression.RightShift) },
                { "<", new BinaryOperator("<", 7, true, Expression.LessThan) },
                { ">", new BinaryOperator(">", 7, true, Expression.GreaterThan) },
                { "<=", new BinaryOperator("<=", 7, true, Expression.LessThanOrEqual) },
                { ">=", new BinaryOperator(">=", 7, true, Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual) },
                { "==", new BinaryOperator("==", 6, true, Expression.Equal) },
                { "!=", new BinaryOperator("!=", 6, true, Expression.NotEqual) },
                { "&", new BinaryOperator("&", 5, true, Expression.And) },
                { "^", new BinaryOperator("^", 4, true, Expression.ExclusiveOr) },
                { "|", new BinaryOperator("|", 3, true, Expression.Or) },
                { "&&", new BinaryOperator("&&", 2, true, Expression.AndAlso) },
                { "||", new BinaryOperator("||", 1, true, Expression.OrElse) }

            //operators.Add("^", new BinaryOperator("^", 11, false, Expression.Power));

            //operators.Add("[", new IndexOperator("[", 0, true, OperatorCustomExpressions.ArrayAccess));
        public void SetUp()
            testee = new OperatorCollection();
            testee.Add(new CustomOperator("xxx"));

            items = testee.GetType().GetField("items", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(testee) as List<FidelyOperator>;
Esempio n. 5
 private void Initialize()
     _operators = new OperatorCollection
         { ".", new MethodOperator(".", 12, true, OperatorCustomExpressions.MemberAccess) },
         { "!", new UnaryOperator("!", 11, false, Expression.Not, ExpressionType.Not) },
         { "*", new BinaryOperator("*", 10, true, Expression.Multiply, ExpressionType.Multiply) },
         { "/", new BinaryOperator("/", 10, true, Expression.Divide, ExpressionType.Divide) },
         { "%", new BinaryOperator("%", 10, true, Expression.Modulo, ExpressionType.Modulo) },
         { "+", new BinaryOperator("+", 9, true, OperatorCustomExpressions.Add, ExpressionType.Add) },
         { "-", new BinaryOperator("-", 9, true, Expression.Subtract, ExpressionType.Subtract) },
         { "<<", new BinaryOperator("<<", 8, true, Expression.LeftShift, ExpressionType.LeftShift) },
         { ">>", new BinaryOperator(">>", 8, true, Expression.RightShift, ExpressionType.RightShift) },
         { "<", new BinaryOperator("<", 7, true, Expression.LessThan, ExpressionType.LessThan) },
         { ">", new BinaryOperator(">", 7, true, Expression.GreaterThan, ExpressionType.GreaterThan) },
         { "<=", new BinaryOperator("<=", 7, true, Expression.LessThanOrEqual, ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual) },
             new BinaryOperator(">=", 7, true, Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual, ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual)
         { "==", new BinaryOperator("==", 6, true, Expression.Equal, ExpressionType.Equal) },
         { "!=", new BinaryOperator("!=", 6, true, Expression.NotEqual, ExpressionType.NotEqual) },
         { "&", new BinaryOperator("&", 5, true, Expression.And, ExpressionType.And) },
         { "^", new BinaryOperator("^", 4, true, Expression.ExclusiveOr, ExpressionType.ExclusiveOr) },
         { "|", new BinaryOperator("|", 3, true, Expression.Or, ExpressionType.Or) },
         { "&&", new BinaryOperator("&&", 2, true, Expression.AndAlso, ExpressionType.AndAlso) },
         { "||", new BinaryOperator("||", 1, true, Expression.OrElse, ExpressionType.OrElse) },
         { ":", new TernarySeparatorOperator(":", 2, false, OperatorCustomExpressions.TernarySeparator) },
         { "=", new BinaryOperator("=", 1, false, Expression.Assign, ExpressionType.Assign) },
         { "?", new TernaryOperator("?", 1, false, Expression.Condition) }
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:RemoveGraphicsObjects
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Operators();

            Document           doc  = new Document(dataDir + "RemoveGraphicsObjects.pdf");
            Page               page = doc.Pages[2];
            OperatorCollection oc   = page.Contents;

            // Used path-painting operators
            Operator[] operators = new Operator[] {
                new Operator.Stroke(),
                new Operator.ClosePathStroke(),
                new Operator.Fill()

            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

            foreach (Operator op in operators)
                OperatorSelector os = new OperatorSelector(op);

            doc.Save(dataDir + "No_Graphics_out.pdf");
            // ExEnd:RemoveGraphicsObjects
Esempio n. 7
         * Реализация

        /// <summary>
        /// Возвращает информацию о компьютере, на котором вылетела ошибка
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static string GetSpecificInformation()
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

                OperatorCollection collection = GlobalObjects.CasEnvironment.Operators;
                foreach (Operator @operator in collection)
                    builder.AppendFormat("Company : {0}", @operator.Name);

                GlobalTermsProvider globalTermsProvider = new GlobalTermsProvider();
                    "Version : {0}.{1}",

                    "User Name : {0}", GlobalObjects.CasEnvironment.IdentityUser.Login);
            catch (Exception)

                    "Machine Name : {0}", Environment.MachineName);
            catch (Exception)

            // TODO:
            // Дата установки программы CAS
            // Используется ли ключ
Esempio n. 8
 public static BoundType BindType(string moduleName, string localName, string description, Type runtimeType,
                                  OperatorCollection allowedPrefixOperators,
                                  OperatorCollection allowedSuffixOperators,
                                  Dictionary <string, IMethodInvokeFactory> allowedMethods,
                                  Dictionary <string, IFieldAccessFactory> allowedFields)
     return(new BoundType(moduleName, localName, description, runtimeType, allowedPrefixOperators,
                          allowedMethods.Select(m => (m.Key, m.Value)),
                          allowedFields.Select(f => (f.Key, f.Value))));
Esempio n. 9
        private void ArgumentsCreation(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OperatorCollection operators = OperatorCollection.Instance;
            int count = operators.Count;
            DirectiveConditionState condition = DirectiveConditionState.Notify;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Operator           operator_ = operators[i];
                AircraftCollection aircrafts = operator_.AircraftCollection;
                int aircraftCount            = aircrafts.Count;

                for (int j = 0; j < aircraftCount; j++)
                    condition = aircrafts[j].ConditionState;
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:RemoveGraphicsObjects
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Operators();

            Document           doc  = new Document(dataDir + "RemoveGraphicsObjects.pdf");
            Page               page = doc.Pages[2];
            OperatorCollection oc   = page.Contents;

            // Used path-painting operators
            Operator[] operators = new Operator[] {
                new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.Stroke(),
                new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.ClosePathStroke(),
                new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.Fill()

            doc.Save(dataDir + "No_Graphics_out.pdf");
            // ExEnd:RemoveGraphicsObjects
        /// <summary>
        /// Создает элемент управления для отображеия списка эксплуатантов
        /// </summary>
        public OperatorCollectionControl()
            operatorCollection          = OperatorCollection.Instance;
            operatorCollection.Changed += operatorCollection_Changed;
            operatorsListStatistics     = new ObjectsListStatistics();
            flowLayoutPanelOperators    = new FlowLayoutPanel();
            // operatorsListStatistics
            operatorsListStatistics.Amount               = 0;
            operatorsListStatistics.ObjectsAmountText    = "Operator";
            operatorsListStatistics.AutoSize             = true;
            operatorsListStatistics.AutoSizeMode         = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
            operatorsListStatistics.Caption              = "Operators";
            operatorsListStatistics.DescriptionTextColor = Color.DimGray;
            operatorsListStatistics.Location             = new Point(0, 60);
            operatorsListStatistics.Name          = "operatorsListStatistics";
            operatorsListStatistics.Size          = new Size(145, 70);
            operatorsListStatistics.UpperLeftIcon = icons.GrayArrow;
            // flowLayoutPanelOperators
            flowLayoutPanelOperators.AutoSize     = true;
            flowLayoutPanelOperators.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
            flowLayoutPanelOperators.Location     = new Point(0, 136);
            flowLayoutPanelOperators.MinimumSize  = new Size(100, 100);
            DisplayerRequested += OperatorCollectionControl_DisplayerRequested;
            // OperatorCollectionControl
            AutoSize     = true;
            AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;

            Size = new Size(494, 259);
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Осуществляет заполнение пользовательских элементов управления на основе данных бизнес коллекции
        /// </summary>
        public override void FillUIElementsFromCollection()
            if (!(Collection is OperatorCollection))

            OperatorCollection operatorCollection = Collection as OperatorCollection;

            if (operatorCollection == null)


            for (int i = 0; i < operatorCollection.Count; i++)
                //ReferenceButton tempButton = new ReferenceButton();
                ReferenceOperatorListItem tempButton = new ReferenceOperatorListItem();
                tempButton.Text       = operatorCollection[i].Name;
                tempButton.Icon       = operatorCollection[i].LogoType;
                tempButton.SecondText = operatorCollection[i].Address;
                //tempButton.Margin = new Padding(BUTTONS_INTERVAL);
                tempButton.Margin = new Padding(0);
                buttons[i].DisplayerText = operatorCollection[i].Name;
                buttons[i].Tag           = operatorCollection[i].ID;
                //buttons[i].Entity = new SampleStartPage();
                buttons[i].DisplayerRequested += UIOperators_DisplayerRequested;
                buttons[i].ReflectionType      = ReflectionTypes.DisplayInNew;
            buttons.Sort(new OperatorListItemComparer());

Esempio n. 13
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Operators();

            string imageFile = dataDir + "aspose-logo.jpg";
            string inFile    = dataDir + "DrawXFormOnPage.pdf";
            string outFile   = dataDir + "blank-sample2-out.pdf";

            using (Document doc = new Document(inFile))
                OperatorCollection pageContents = doc.Pages[1].Contents;

                // the sample demonstrates
                // GSave/GRestore operators usage
                // ContatenateMatrix operator usage to position xForm
                // Do operator usage to draw xForm on page

                // wrap existing contents with GSave/GRestore operators pair
                //        this is to get initial graphics state at the and of existing contents
                //        otherwise there might remain some undesirable transformations at the end of existing operators chain
                pageContents.Insert(1, new Operator.GSave());
                pageContents.Add(new Operator.GRestore());

                // add save graphics state operator to properly clear graphics state after new commands
                pageContents.Add(new Operator.GSave());

                #region create xForm

                // create xForm
                XForm form = XForm.CreateNewForm(doc.Pages[1], doc);
                form.Contents.Add(new Operator.GSave());
                // define image width and heigh
                form.Contents.Add(new Operator.ConcatenateMatrix(200, 0, 0, 200, 0, 0));
                // load image into stream
                Stream imageStream = new FileStream(imageFile, FileMode.Open);
                // add image to Images collection of the XForm Resources
                XImage ximage = form.Resources.Images[form.Resources.Images.Count];
                // using Do operator: this operator draws image
                form.Contents.Add(new Operator.Do(ximage.Name));
                form.Contents.Add(new Operator.GRestore());


                pageContents.Add(new Operator.GSave());
                // place form to the x=100 y=500 coordinates
                pageContents.Add(new Operator.ConcatenateMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 500));
                // draw form with Do operator
                pageContents.Add(new Operator.Do(form.Name));
                pageContents.Add(new Operator.GRestore());

                pageContents.Add(new Operator.GSave());
                // place form to the x=100 y=300 coordinates
                pageContents.Add(new Operator.ConcatenateMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 300));
                // draw form with Do operator
                pageContents.Add(new Operator.Do(form.Name));
                pageContents.Add(new Operator.GRestore());

                // restore grahics state with GRestore after the GSave
                pageContents.Add(new Operator.GRestore());

Esempio n. 14
        public void InitAsync(BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker, LoadingState loadingState)
            if (backgroundWorker == null)

            if (loadingState == null)
                loadingState = new LoadingState();
            loadingState.MaxPersentage = 10;

            //Загрузка всех пользователей
            loadingState.CurrentPersentage            = 0;
            loadingState.CurrentPersentageDescription = "Loading Users";
            backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(1, loadingState);

            var users = ApiProvider.GetAllUsersAsync();

            Users = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            foreach (var user in users)
                Users.Add(user.ItemId, user.ToString());

            if (backgroundWorker.CancellationPending)

            loadingState.CurrentPersentage            = 1;
            loadingState.CurrentPersentageDescription = "Loading Operators";
            backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(1, loadingState);

            Operators = new OperatorCollection(_newLoader.GetObjectList <OperatorDTO, Operator>().ToArray());

            AllOperators = new List <AllOperators>(_newLoader.GetObjectList <AllOperatorsDTO, AllOperators>().ToArray());

            if (backgroundWorker.CancellationPending)

            loadingState.CurrentPersentage            = 2;
            loadingState.CurrentPersentageDescription = "Loading Aircrafts";
            backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(1, loadingState);

            Aircraft = new AircraftCollection(_newLoader.GetObjectList <CAAAircraftDTO, Aircraft>().ToArray());

            if (backgroundWorker.CancellationPending)

            //Загрузка всех словарей
            loadingState.CurrentPersentage            = 3;
            loadingState.CurrentPersentageDescription = "Loading Dictionaries";
            backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(1, loadingState);


            if (backgroundWorker.CancellationPending)
Esempio n. 15
        void Initialize()
            _operators = new OperatorCollection
                    {".", new MethodOperator(".", 12, true, OperatorCustomExpressions.MemberAccess)},
                    {"!", new UnaryOperator("!", 11, false, Expression.Not, ExpressionType.Not)},
                    {"*", new BinaryOperator("*", 10, true, Expression.Multiply, ExpressionType.Multiply)},
                    {"/", new BinaryOperator("/", 10, true, Expression.Divide, ExpressionType.Divide)},
                    {"%", new BinaryOperator("%", 10, true, Expression.Modulo, ExpressionType.Modulo)},
                    {"+", new BinaryOperator("+", 9, true, OperatorCustomExpressions.Add, ExpressionType.Add)},
                    {"-", new BinaryOperator("-", 9, true, Expression.Subtract, ExpressionType.Subtract)},
                    {"<<", new BinaryOperator("<<", 8, true, Expression.LeftShift, ExpressionType.LeftShift)},
                    {">>", new BinaryOperator(">>", 8, true, Expression.RightShift, ExpressionType.RightShift)},
                    {"<", new BinaryOperator("<", 7, true, Expression.LessThan, ExpressionType.LessThan)},
                    {">", new BinaryOperator(">", 7, true, Expression.GreaterThan, ExpressionType.GreaterThan)},
                    {"<=", new BinaryOperator("<=", 7, true, Expression.LessThanOrEqual, ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual)},
                    {">=", new BinaryOperator(">=", 7, true, Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual, ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual)},
                    {"==", new BinaryOperator("==", 6, true, Expression.Equal, ExpressionType.Equal)},
                    {"!=", new BinaryOperator("!=", 6, true, Expression.NotEqual, ExpressionType.NotEqual)},
                    {"&", new BinaryOperator("&", 5, true, Expression.And, ExpressionType.And)},
                    {"^", new BinaryOperator("^", 4, true, Expression.ExclusiveOr, ExpressionType.ExclusiveOr)},
                    {"|", new BinaryOperator("|", 3, true, Expression.Or, ExpressionType.Or)},
                    {"&&", new BinaryOperator("&&", 2, true, Expression.AndAlso, ExpressionType.AndAlso)},
                    {"||", new BinaryOperator("||", 1, true, Expression.OrElse, ExpressionType.OrElse)},
                    {":", new TernarySeparatorOperator(":", 2, false, OperatorCustomExpressions.TernarySeparator)},
                    {"=", new BinaryOperator("=", 1, false, Expression.Assign, ExpressionType.Assign)},
                    {"?", new TernaryOperator("?", 1, false, Expression.Condition)}

            //operators.Add("^", new BinaryOperator("^", 11, false, Expression.Power));

            //operators.Add("[", new IndexOperator("[", 0, true, OperatorCustomExpressions.ArrayAccess));