Esempio n. 1
        public void Test_PATCH_unsupported_cast_PASS()
            var restClient = new JsonServiceClient(serviceUrl);

            // dummy data
            var newemp1 = new Employee()
                Id        = 123,
                Name      = "Kimo",
                StartDate = new DateTime(2015, 7, 2),
                CubicleNo = 4234,
                Email     = "*****@*****.**",

            restClient.Post <object>("/employees", newemp1);

            var emps = restClient.Get <List <Employee> >("/employees");
            var emp  = emps.First();

            var empPatch = new Operations.EmployeePatch();

            // float not currently supported by this example code
            empPatch.Add(new Operations.JsonPatchElement()
                op    = "replace",
                path  = "/longitude",
                value = "2.123",

            restClient.Patch <object>(string.Format("/employees/{0}", emp.Id), empPatch);
Esempio n. 2
        public void Test_PATCH_unsupported_cast_FAIL()
            var restClient = new JsonServiceClient(serviceUrl);

            // dummy data
            var newemp1 = new Employee()
                Id        = 123,
                Name      = "Kimo",
                StartDate = new DateTime(2015, 7, 2),
                CubicleNo = 4234,
                Email     = "*****@*****.**",

            restClient.Post <object>("/employees", newemp1);

            var emps = restClient.Get <List <Employee> >("/employees");
            var emp  = emps.First();

            var empPatch = new Operations.EmployeePatch();

            // double not currently supported by this example code
            empPatch.Add(new Operations.JsonPatchElement()
                op    = "replace",
                path  = "/othernumber",
                value = "3.1415927",

            Assert.Throws <WebServiceException>(delegate
                // InvalidCastException
                restClient.Patch <object>(string.Format("/employees/{0}", emp.Id), empPatch);
Esempio n. 3
        public void Test_PATCH_PASS()
            var restClient = new JsonServiceClient(serviceUrl);

            // register callback to grab the Location: header when executed
            string         lastResponseLocation   = "";
            HttpStatusCode lastResponseStatusCode = 0;

            restClient.LocalHttpWebResponseFilter = httpRes =>
                lastResponseLocation   = httpRes.Headers[HttpHeaders.Location];
                lastResponseStatusCode = httpRes.StatusCode;

            // dummy data
            var newemp1 = new Employee()
                Id        = 123,
                Name      = "Kimo",
                StartDate = new DateTime(2015, 7, 2),
                CubicleNo = 4234,
                Email     = "*****@*****.**",

            restClient.Post <object>("/employees", newemp1);

            var emps = restClient.Get <List <Employee> >("/employees");

            var emp = emps.First();

            var empPatch = new Operations.EmployeePatch();

            empPatch.Add(new Operations.JsonPatchElement()
                op    = "replace",
                path  = "/title",
                value = "Kahuna Laau Lapaau",

            empPatch.Add(new Operations.JsonPatchElement()
                op    = "replace",
                path  = "/cubicleno",
                value = "32",

            restClient.Patch <object>(string.Format("/employees/{0}", emp.Id), empPatch);

            var empAfterPatch = restClient.Get <Employee>(string.Format("/employees/{0}", emp.Id));

            // patched
            Assert.Equal("Kahuna Laau Lapaau", empAfterPatch.Title);
            Assert.Equal("32", empAfterPatch.CubicleNo.ToString());
            // unpatched
            Assert.Equal("*****@*****.**", empAfterPatch.Email);
        public void Test_PATCH_PASS()
            var restClient = new JsonServiceClient(serviceUrl);

            // register callback to grab the Location: header when executed
            string lastResponseLocation = "";
            HttpStatusCode lastResponseStatusCode = 0;
            restClient.LocalHttpWebResponseFilter = httpRes =>
                lastResponseLocation = httpRes.Headers[HttpHeaders.Location];
                lastResponseStatusCode = httpRes.StatusCode;

            // dummy data
            var newemp1 = new Employee()
                Id = 123,
                Name = "Kimo",
                StartDate = new DateTime(2015, 7, 2),
                CubicleNo = 4234,
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
            restClient.Post<object>("/employees", newemp1);

            var emps = restClient.Get<List<Employee>>("/employees");

            var emp = emps.First();

            var empPatch = new Operations.EmployeePatch();
            empPatch.Add(new Operations.JsonPatchElement()
                op = "replace",
                path = "/title",
                value = "Kahuna Laau Lapaau",

            empPatch.Add(new Operations.JsonPatchElement()
                op = "replace",
                path = "/cubicleno",
                value = "32",

            restClient.Patch<object>(string.Format("/employees/{0}", emp.Id), empPatch);

            var empAfterPatch = restClient.Get<Employee>(string.Format("/employees/{0}", emp.Id));

            // patched
            Assert.Equal("Kahuna Laau Lapaau", empAfterPatch.Title);
            Assert.Equal("32", empAfterPatch.CubicleNo.ToString());
            // unpatched
            Assert.Equal("*****@*****.**", empAfterPatch.Email);
        public void Test_PATCH_unsupported_cast_PASS()
            var restClient = new JsonServiceClient(serviceUrl);

            // dummy data
            var newemp1 = new Employee()
                Id = 123,
                Name = "Kimo",
                StartDate = new DateTime(2015, 7, 2),
                CubicleNo = 4234,
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
            restClient.Post<object>("/employees", newemp1);

            var emps = restClient.Get<List<Employee>>("/employees");
            var emp = emps.First();

            var empPatch = new Operations.EmployeePatch();

            // float not currently supported by this example code
            empPatch.Add(new Operations.JsonPatchElement()
                op = "replace",
                path = "/longitude",
                value = "2.123",

            restClient.Patch<object>(string.Format("/employees/{0}", emp.Id), empPatch);
        public void Test_PATCH_unsupported_cast_FAIL()
            var restClient = new JsonServiceClient(serviceUrl);

            // dummy data
            var newemp1 = new Employee()
                Id = 123,
                Name = "Kimo",
                StartDate = new DateTime(2015, 7, 2),
                CubicleNo = 4234,
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
            restClient.Post<object>("/employees", newemp1);

            var emps = restClient.Get<List<Employee>>("/employees");
            var emp = emps.First();

            var empPatch = new Operations.EmployeePatch();

            // double not currently supported by this example code
            empPatch.Add(new Operations.JsonPatchElement()
                op = "replace",
                path = "/othernumber",
                value = "3.1415927",

                // InvalidCastException
                restClient.Patch<object>(string.Format("/employees/{0}", emp.Id), empPatch);