Esempio n. 1
        public ActionResult OperationalReport()
            OperationalReportView view = new OperationalReportView();

            view.FromDate  = usDate.Date;
            view.ToDate    = usDate.Date;
            view.IncludeTL = true;

            view.ExpSelectList = unitOfwork.SubmissionRule.Get().Select(s => new SelectListItem
                Text  = s.RS_Experience,
                Value = s.RS_Id.ToString()
            view.ExpSelectList.Add(new SelectListItem
                Text  = "All",
                Value = "0"
            view.ExpSelectList = view.ExpSelectList
                                 .OrderBy(o => o.Value).ToList();
Esempio n. 2
        public ActionResult OperationalReport(OperationalReportView operationalView)
            DateTime fromDate           = operationalView.FromDate;
            DateTime todate             = operationalView.ToDate.AddDays(1);
            var      recruterDepartment = new List <int>()
                12, 14, 21
            //get the submissions for all users..
            var submissions = unitOfwork.RIC_Job_Report.GetAll()
                              .Where(s => s.RJ_Submit_Date >= fromDate && s.RJ_Submit_Date <= todate)
                              .GroupBy(s => new { s.RJ_EmpCd, s.RJ_Submitted_By }).Select(s => new
                EmpCd        = s.Key.RJ_EmpCd,
                EmployeeName = s.Key.RJ_Submitted_By,
                Submissions  = s.Count()
            //get the call statistics for all users.
            var calls = unitOfwork.CallStatistics
                        .Get(s => s.RC_Date >= fromDate && s.RC_Date <= todate)
                        .GroupBy(g => g.RC_Emp_Cd).Select(s => new
                EmpCd            = s.Key,
                CallConnectedIn  = s.Where(f => f.RC_CallType == "In").Sum(sum => sum.RC_Call_Connected),
                VoiceMessageIn   = s.Where(f => f.RC_CallType == "In").Sum(sum => sum.RC_Voice_Message),
                CallConnectedOut = s.Where(f => f.RC_CallType == "Out").Sum(sum => sum.RC_Call_Connected),
                VoiceMessageOut  = s.Where(f => f.RC_CallType == "Out").Sum(sum => sum.RC_Voice_Message)
            int expID = int.Parse(operationalView.ExpSelected);

            // get the opearational repoart based on submission and call statistics.
            operationalView.FilterData = (from emp in unitOfwork.User.getAllUsers()
                                          .Where(s => (operationalView.RemoveInactiveMember || s.RE_Resign_Date == null) &&
                                                 (s.RIC_User_Role.FirstOrDefault().RIC_Role.RR_Role_Name != AdminRoleName) &&
                                                 (s.RIC_User_Role.FirstOrDefault().RIC_Role.RR_Role_Name != directorRoleName) &&
                                                 (s.RIC_User_Role.FirstOrDefault().RIC_Role.RR_Role_Name != HrRoleName) &&
                                                 (s.RIC_User_Role.FirstOrDefault().RIC_Role.RR_Role_Name != AccMgrRoleName) &&
                                                 (s.RMS_Department == null?false:recruterDepartment.Contains(s.RMS_Department.RD_ID)) &&
                                                 ((operationalView.IncludeTL) || s.RIC_User_Role.FirstOrDefault().RUR_Role_ID != tlRoleID) &&
                                                 ((operationalView.IncludeTL) || s.RIC_User_Role.FirstOrDefault().RUR_Role_ID != mgrRoleID) &&
                                                 (s.RE_Sub_Rule_ID == expID || expID == 0)
                                          join sub in submissions
                                          on emp.RE_Emp_Cd equals sub.EmpCd into sj
                                          from sSub in sj.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                          join call in calls
                                          on emp.RE_Emp_Cd equals call.EmpCd into sCa
                                          from sCall in sCa.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                          select new OperationalList()
                EmpCd = emp.RE_Emp_Cd,
                EmployeeName = emp.RE_Jobdiva_User_Name,
                TeamLeadName = emp.ReportingTo,
                Submissions = sSub != null ? sSub.Submissions : 0,
                CallConnectedIn = sCall != null ? sCall.CallConnectedIn : 0,
                CallConnectedOut = sCall != null ? sCall.CallConnectedOut : 0,
                VoiceMessageIn = sCall != null ? sCall.VoiceMessageIn : 0,
                VoiceMessageOut = sCall != null ? sCall.VoiceMessageOut : 0
            }).Where(filter =>
                     (operationalView.SubSelected == ">" ? filter.Submissions >= operationalView.Submissions : filter.Submissions <= operationalView.Submissions) &&
                     (operationalView.CallSelect == ">" ? filter.CallConnectedOut >= operationalView.Calls : filter.CallConnectedOut <= operationalView.Calls)
            ViewBag.ShowTable             = true;
            operationalView.ExpSelectList = unitOfwork.SubmissionRule.Get().Select(s => new SelectListItem
                Text  = s.RS_Experience,
                Value = s.RS_Id.ToString()
            operationalView.ExpSelectList.Add(new SelectListItem
                Text  = "All",
                Value = "0"
            operationalView.ExpSelectList = operationalView.ExpSelectList
                                            .OrderBy(o => o.Value).ToList();