Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Restores the checkpoint for a given checkpoint id.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <BoolResult> RestoreCheckpointAsync(OperationContext context, string checkpointId)
            context = context.CreateNested();
                       async() =>
                bool successfullyUpdatedIncrementalState = false;
                    bool isIncrementalCheckpoint = false;
                    var checkpointFileExtension = ".zip";
                    if (checkpointId.EndsWith(IncrementalCheckpointIdSuffix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        isIncrementalCheckpoint = true;
                        checkpointFileExtension = ".txt";
                        // Remove the suffix to get the real checkpoint id used with central storage
                        checkpointId = checkpointId.Substring(0, checkpointId.Length - IncrementalCheckpointIdSuffix.Length);

                    var checkpointFile = _checkpointStagingDirectory / $"chkpt{checkpointFileExtension}";
                    var extractedCheckpointDirectory = _checkpointStagingDirectory / "chkpt";


                    // Creating a working temporary folder
                    using (new DisposableDirectory(_fileSystem, _checkpointStagingDirectory))
                        // Getting the checkpoint from the central store
                        await _storage.TryGetFileAsync(context, checkpointId, checkpointFile).ThrowIfFailure();

                        if (isIncrementalCheckpoint)
                            var incrementalRestoreResult = await RestoreCheckpointIncrementalAsync(context, checkpointFile, extractedCheckpointDirectory);
                            successfullyUpdatedIncrementalState = incrementalRestoreResult.Succeeded;
                            RestoreFullCheckpointAsync(checkpointFile, extractedCheckpointDirectory);

                        // Restoring the checkpoint
                        return _database.RestoreCheckpoint(context, extractedCheckpointDirectory);
                    ClearIncrementalCheckpointStateIfNeeded(context, successfullyUpdatedIncrementalState);
                       extraStartMessage: $"CheckpointId=[{checkpointId}]",
                       extraEndMessage: _ => $"CheckpointId=[{checkpointId}]"));
        private async Task ProcessEventsAsync(OperationContext context, List <EventData> messages)
            // Creating nested context for all the processing operations.
            context = context.CreateNested(nameof(EventHubContentLocationEventStore));

            if (messages.Count == 0)
                // This probably does not actually occur, but just in case, ignore empty message batch.
                // NOTE: We do this after logging to ensure we notice if the we are getting empty message batches.

            var state = new SharedEventProcessingState(context, this, messages);

            if (_eventProcessingBlocks != null)
                await context
                .CreateOperation(Tracer, () => sendToActionBlockAsync(state))
                .WithOptions(traceOperationStarted: false, endMessageFactory: r => $"TotalQueueSize={Interlocked.Read(ref _queueSize)}")
                .RunAsync(caller: "SendToActionBlockAsync")
                await ProcessEventsCoreAsync(new ProcessEventsInput(state, messages, actionBlockIndex : -1, store : this), EventDataSerializer);

            async Task <BoolResult> sendToActionBlockAsync(SharedEventProcessingState localState)
                // This local function "sends" a message into an action block based on the sender's hash code to process events in parallel from different machines.
                // (keep in mind, that the data from the same machine should be processed sequentially, because events order matters).
                // Then, it creates a local counter for each processing operation to track the results for the entire batch.
                foreach (var messageGroup in messages.GroupBy(GetProcessingIndex))
                    int actionBlockIndex     = messageGroup.Key;
                    var eventProcessingBlock = _eventProcessingBlocks ![actionBlockIndex];
                    var input = new ProcessEventsInput(localState, messageGroup, actionBlockIndex, this);

                    var sendAsyncTask = eventProcessingBlock.SendAsync(input);
                    if (sendAsyncTask.Status == TaskStatus.WaitingForActivation)
                        // The action block is busy. It means that its most likely full.
                        Tracer.Debug(context, $"Action block {actionBlockIndex} is busy. Block's queue size={eventProcessingBlock.InputCount}.");
                    bool success = await sendAsyncTask;

                    if (!success)
                        // NOTE: This case should not actually occur.
                        // Complete the operation in case we couldn't send to the action block to prevent pending event queue from getting backlogged.
                        return(new BoolResult("Failed to add message to an action block."));
Esempio n. 3
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override async Task <BoolResult> SendEventsCoreAsync(
            OperationContext context,
            ContentLocationEventData[] events,
            CounterCollection <ContentLocationEventStoreCounters> counters)
            IReadOnlyList <EventData> eventDatas;

            using (counters[Serialization].Start())
                eventDatas = SerializeEventData(context, events);

            var operationId = Guid.NewGuid();

            context = context.CreateNested(operationId);

            for (var eventNumber = 0; eventNumber < eventDatas.Count; eventNumber++)
                var eventData = eventDatas[eventNumber];
                eventData.Properties[EventFilterKey]   = _configuration.Epoch;
                eventData.Properties[SenderMachineKey] = _localMachineName;

                    $"{Tracer.Name}: Sending {eventNumber}/{events.Length} event. OpId={operationId}, Epoch='{_configuration.Epoch}', Size={eventData.Body.Count}.");
                eventData.Properties[OperationIdKey] = operationId.ToString();

                // Even though event hub client has it's own built-in retry strategy, we have to wrap all the calls into a separate
                // one to cover a few more important cases that the default strategy misses.
                await _extraEventHubClientRetryPolicy.ExecuteAsync(async() =>
                        await _partitionSender.SendAsync(eventData);
                    catch (ServerBusyException exception)
                        // TODO: Verify that the HResult is 50002. Documentation shows that this should be the error code for throttling,
                        // but documentation is done for Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.ServerBusyException and not Microsoft.Azure.EventHubs.ServerBusyException
                        Tracer.Debug(context, $"{Tracer.Name}: OpId={operationId} was throttled by EventHub. HResult={exception.HResult}");
                        Tracer.TrackMetric(context, "EventHubThrottle", 1);


Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a checkpoint for a given sequence point.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <BoolResult> CreateCheckpointAsync(OperationContext context, EventSequencePoint sequencePoint)
            context = context.CreateNested();

            string checkpointId   = "Unknown";
            long   checkpointSize = 0;

                       async() =>
                bool successfullyUpdatedIncrementalState = false;
                    // Creating a working temporary directory
                    using (new DisposableDirectory(_fileSystem, _checkpointStagingDirectory))
                        // NOTE(jubayard): this needs to be done previous to checkpointing, because we always
                        // fetch the latest version's size in this way. This implies there may be some difference
                        // between the reported value and the actual size on disk: updates will get in in-between.
                        // The better alternative is to actually open the checkpoint and ask, but it seems like too
                        // much.
                        checkpointSize = _database.GetContentDatabaseSizeBytes().GetValueOrDefault(-1);

                        // Saving checkpoint for the database into the temporary folder
                        _database.SaveCheckpoint(context, _checkpointStagingDirectory).ThrowIfFailure();

                        if (_configuration.UseIncrementalCheckpointing)
                            checkpointId = await CreateCheckpointIncrementalAsync(context, sequencePoint);
                            successfullyUpdatedIncrementalState = true;
                            checkpointId = await CreateFullCheckpointAsync(context, sequencePoint);

                        return BoolResult.Success;
                    ClearIncrementalCheckpointStateIfNeeded(context, successfullyUpdatedIncrementalState);
                       extraStartMessage: $"SequencePoint=[{sequencePoint}]",
                       extraEndMessage: result => $"SequencePoint=[{sequencePoint}] Id=[{checkpointId}] SizeMb=[{(checkpointSize < 0 ? checkpointSize:checkpointSize*1e-6)}]"));
Esempio n. 5
        protected override async Task <BoolResult> StartupCoreAsync(OperationContext context)
            // Potential error is already traced by Calibrate method. Ignore the result to avoid double reporting.
            await CalibrateAllAsync(context).IgnoreFailure();

            // Processing requests is a long running operation. Scheduling it into a dedicated thread to avoid thread pool exhaustion.
            _processReserveRequestsTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(
                () => ProcessReserveRequestsAsync(context.CreateNested(nameof(QuotaKeeper))),

            // Start purging immediately on startup to clear out residual content in the cache
            // over the cache quota if configured.
            const string Operation = "PurgeRequest";

            SendPurgeRequest(context, "Startup").FireAndForget(context, Operation);

        private async Task ProcessEventsAsync(OperationContext context, List <EventData> messages)
            // Creating nested context for all the processing operations.
            context = context.CreateNested();
            string asyncProcessing = _eventProcessingBlocks != null ? "on" : "off";

            Tracer.Info(context, $"{Tracer.Name}: Received {messages.Count} events from Event Hub. Async processing is '{asyncProcessing}'.");

            if (messages.Count == 0)
                // This probably does not actually occur, but just in case, ignore empty message batch.
                // NOTE: We do this after logging to ensure we notice if the we are getting empty message batches.

            var state = new SharedEventProcessingState(context, this, messages);

            if (_eventProcessingBlocks != null)
                await context
                .CreateOperation(Tracer, () => sendToActionBlockAsync())
                .WithOptions(traceOperationStarted: false, endMessageFactory: r => $"TotalQueueSize={Interlocked.Read(ref _queueSize)}")
                .RunAsync(caller: "SendToActionBlockAsync")
                await ProcessEventsCoreAsync(new ProcessEventsInput(state, messages, actionBlockIndex : -1, store : this), EventDataSerializer);

            async Task <BoolResult> sendToActionBlockAsync()
                // This local function "sends" a message into an action block based on the sender's hash code to process events in parallel from different machines.
                // (keep in mind, that the data from the same machine should be processed sequentially, because events order matters).
                // Then, it creates a local counter for each processing operation to track the results for the entire batch.
                foreach (var messageGroup in messages.GroupBy(GetProcessingIndex))
                    int actionBlockIndex     = messageGroup.Key;
                    var eventProcessingBlock = _eventProcessingBlocks ![actionBlockIndex];
Esempio n. 7
        protected override Task <BoolResult> StartupCoreAsync(OperationContext context)
            var bindAddress = _configuration.BindAddress;

            context.TraceInfo($"gRPC service binding on address {bindAddress}:{_configuration.Port}", component: nameof(RoxisGrpcService));

            _grpcServer = new GrpcCore.Server(GrpcEnvironment.GetServerOptions())
                // TODO: perhaps multi-bind for the frontend + backend scenario?
                Ports = { new ServerPort(bindAddress, _configuration.Port, ServerCredentials.Insecure) },
                RequestCallTokensPerCompletionQueue = _configuration.RequestCallTokensPerCompletionQueue,

            var metadataServiceGrpcAdapter = new RoxisGrpcAdapter(
            var serviceDefinition = Grpc.RoxisService.BindService(metadataServiceGrpcAdapter);


Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a checkpoint for a given sequence point.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <BoolResult> CreateCheckpointAsync(OperationContext context, EventSequencePoint sequencePoint)
            context = context.CreateNested();
                       async() =>
                bool successfullyUpdatedIncrementalState = false;
                    // Creating a working temporary directory
                    using (new DisposableDirectory(_fileSystem, _checkpointStagingDirectory))
                        // Saving checkpoint for the database into the temporary folder
                        _database.SaveCheckpoint(context, _checkpointStagingDirectory).ThrowIfFailure();

                        if (_configuration.UseIncrementalCheckpointing)
                            await CreateCheckpointIncrementalAsync(context, sequencePoint);
                            successfullyUpdatedIncrementalState = true;
                            await CreateFullCheckpointAsync(context, sequencePoint);

                        return BoolResult.Success;
                    ClearIncrementalCheckpointStateIfNeeded(context, successfullyUpdatedIncrementalState);
                       extraStartMessage: $"SequencePoint=[{sequencePoint}]",
                       extraEndMessage: _ => $"SequencePoint=[{sequencePoint}]"));
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override async Task <BoolResult> StartupCoreAsync(OperationContext context)
            // NOTE: We create and start the content location store before the inner content store just in case the
            // inner content store starts background eviction after startup. We need the content store to be initialized
            // so that it can be queried and used to unregister content.
            await _contentLocationStoreFactory.StartupAsync(context).ThrowIfFailure();

            _contentLocationStore = await _contentLocationStoreFactory.CreateAsync(LocalMachineLocation, InnerContentStore as ILocalContentStore);

            // Initializing inner store before initializing LocalLocationStore because
            // LocalLocationStore may use inner store for reconciliation purposes
            await InnerContentStore.StartupAsync(context).ThrowIfFailure();

            await _contentLocationStore.StartupAsync(context).ThrowIfFailure();

            if (_settings.EnableProactiveReplication &&
                _contentLocationStore is TransitioningContentLocationStore tcs &&
                InnerContentStore is ILocalContentStore localContentStore)
                await ProactiveReplicationAsync(context.CreateNested(nameof(DistributedContentStore <T>)), localContentStore, tcs).ThrowIfFailure();

Esempio n. 10
        private async Task ProcessEventsAsync(OperationContext context, List <EventData> messages)
            // Creating nested context for all the processing operations.
            context = context.CreateNested();
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            string asyncProcessing = _eventProcessingBlocks != null ? "on" : "off";

            Tracer.Info(context, $"{Tracer.Name}: Received {messages.Count} events from Event Hub. Async processing is '{asyncProcessing}'.");

            if (_eventProcessingBlocks != null)
                // Creating nested context to correlate all the processing operations.
                context = context.CreateNested();
                SendToActionBlockResult result = await context.PerformOperationAsync(
                    () => sendToActionBlockAsync(),
                    traceOperationStarted : false).TraceIfFailure(context);

                await ProcessEventsCoreAsync(new ProcessEventsInput(context, messages, new OperationCounters(), processingFinishedTaskSource : null), EventDataSerializer);

            void printOperationResultsAsynchronously(SendToActionBlockResult results)
                if (results)
                        t =>
                        var eventStoreCounters = t.GetAwaiter().GetResult()
                                                 .Select(c => c.EventStoreCounters)
                                                 .Aggregate((collection, counterCollection) => collection + counterCollection);

                        int duration = (int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                        context.LogProcessEventsOverview(eventStoreCounters, duration);

            async Task <SendToActionBlockResult> sendToActionBlockAsync()
                // This local function "sends" a message into an action block based on the sender's hash code to process events in parallel from different machines.
                // (keep in mind, that the data from the same machine should be processed sequentially, because events order matters).
                // Then, it creates a local counter for each processing operation to track the results for the entire batch.
                var operationTasks = new List <Task <OperationCounters> >();

                foreach (var messageGroup in messages.GroupBy(GetProcessingIndex))
                    var  eventProcessingBlock = _eventProcessingBlocks[messageGroup.Key];
                    var  input   = ProcessEventsInput.Create(context, messageGroup);
                    bool success = await eventProcessingBlock.SendAsync(input);

                    if (!success)
                        return(new SendToActionBlockResult("Failed to add message to an action block."));

                    Contract.Assert(input.ProcessingFinishedTaskSource != null);

                return(new SendToActionBlockResult(operationTasks));
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a checkpoint for a given sequence point.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <BoolResult> CreateCheckpointAsync(OperationContext context, EventSequencePoint sequencePoint)
            context = context.CreateNested(nameof(CheckpointManager));

            string checkpointId = "Unknown";
            double contentColumnFamilySizeMb  = -1;
            double contentDataSizeMb          = -1;
            double metadataColumnFamilySizeMb = -1;
            double metadataDataSizeMb         = -1;
            double sizeOnDiskMb = -1;

                       async() =>
                bool successfullyUpdatedIncrementalState = false;
                    // Creating a working temporary directory
                    using (new DisposableDirectory(_fileSystem, _checkpointStagingDirectory))
                        // Write out the time this checkpoint was generated to the database. This will be used by
                        // the workers in order to determine whether they should restore or not after restart. The
                        // checkpoint id is generated inside the upload methods, so we only generate the guid here.
                        // Since this is only used for reporting purposes, there's no harm in it.
                        var checkpointGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
                        DatabaseWriteCheckpointCreationTime(context, checkpointGuid.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow);

                        // NOTE(jubayard): this needs to be done previous to checkpointing, because we always
                        // fetch the latest version's size in this way. This implies there may be some difference
                        // between the reported value and the actual size on disk: updates will get in in-between.
                        // The better alternative is to actually open the checkpoint and ask, but it seems like too
                        // much.
                        if (_database is RocksDbContentLocationDatabase rocksDb)
                            contentColumnFamilySizeMb = rocksDb.GetLongProperty(
                                RocksDbContentLocationDatabase.Entity.ContentTracking).Select(x => x * 1e-6).GetValueOrDefault(-1);

                            contentDataSizeMb = rocksDb.GetLongProperty(
                                RocksDbContentLocationDatabase.Entity.ContentTracking).Select(x => x * 1e-6).GetValueOrDefault(-1);

                            metadataColumnFamilySizeMb = rocksDb.GetLongProperty(
                                RocksDbContentLocationDatabase.Entity.Metadata).Select(x => x * 1e-6).GetValueOrDefault(-1);

                            metadataDataSizeMb = rocksDb.GetLongProperty(
                                RocksDbContentLocationDatabase.Entity.Metadata).Select(x => x * 1e-6).GetValueOrDefault(-1);

                        // Saving checkpoint for the database into the temporary folder
                        _database.SaveCheckpoint(context, _checkpointStagingDirectory).ThrowIfFailure();

                            sizeOnDiskMb = _fileSystem
                                           .EnumerateFiles(_checkpointStagingDirectory, EnumerateOptions.Recurse)
                                           .Sum(fileInfo => fileInfo.Length) * 1e-6;
                        catch (IOException e)
                            _tracer.Error(context, $"Error counting size of checkpoint's staging directory `{_checkpointStagingDirectory}`: {e}");

                        if (_configuration.UseIncrementalCheckpointing)
                            checkpointId = await CreateCheckpointIncrementalAsync(context, sequencePoint, checkpointGuid);
                            successfullyUpdatedIncrementalState = true;
                            checkpointId = await CreateFullCheckpointAsync(context, sequencePoint, checkpointGuid);

                        return BoolResult.Success;
                    ClearIncrementalCheckpointStateIfNeeded(context, successfullyUpdatedIncrementalState);
Esempio n. 12
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override async Task <BoolResult> StartupCoreAsync(OperationContext context)
            // NOTE: We create and start the content location store before the inner content store just in case the
            // inner content store starts background eviction after startup. We need the content store to be initialized
            // so that it can be queried and used to unregister content.
            await _contentLocationStoreFactory.StartupAsync(context).ThrowIfFailure();

            _contentLocationStore = await _contentLocationStoreFactory.CreateAsync(LocalMachineLocation);

            _distributedCopier = _distributedCopierFactory(_contentLocationStore);
            await _distributedCopier.StartupAsync(context).ThrowIfFailure();

            if (_contentLocationStore is TransitioningContentLocationStore tcs && tcs.IsLocalLocationStoreEnabled)
                // Define proactive copy logic.
                async Task <ResultBase> proactiveCopyTaskFactory(OperationContext operationContext, ContentHash hash)
                    var sessionResult = await _proactiveCopySession.Value;

                    if (sessionResult)
                        return(await sessionResult.Value.ProactiveCopyIfNeededAsync(operationContext, hash, tryBuildRing : false));

                    return(new BoolResult("Failed to retrieve session for proactive copies."));

                tcs.LocalLocationStore.PreStartupInitialize(context, InnerContentStore as ILocalContentStore, _distributedCopier, proactiveCopyTaskFactory);

            // Initializing inner store before initializing LocalLocationStore because
            // LocalLocationStore may use inner store for reconciliation purposes
            await InnerContentStore.StartupAsync(context).ThrowIfFailure();

            await _contentLocationStore.StartupAsync(context).ThrowIfFailure();

            Func <ContentHash[], Task> evictionHandler;
            var localContext = context.CreateNested();

            if (_enableDistributedEviction)
                evictionHandler = hashes => EvictContentAsync(localContext, hashes);
                evictionHandler = hashes => DistributedGarbageCollectionAsync(localContext, hashes);

            // Queue is created in unstarted state because the eviction function
            // requires the context passed at startup. So we start the queue here.

            var touchContext = context.CreateNested();

            _touchNagleQueue = NagleQueue <ContentHashWithSize> .Create(
                hashes => TouchBulkAsync(touchContext, hashes),
                batchSize : _locationStoreBatchSize);

Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Restores the checkpoint for a given checkpoint id.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <BoolResult> RestoreCheckpointAsync(OperationContext context, CheckpointState checkpointState)
            context = context.CreateNested(nameof(CheckpointManager));
            var checkpointId = checkpointState.CheckpointId;

                       async nestedContext =>
                bool successfullyUpdatedIncrementalState = false;
                    bool isIncrementalCheckpoint = false;
                    var checkpointFileExtension = ".zip";
                    if (checkpointId.EndsWith(IncrementalCheckpointIdSuffix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        isIncrementalCheckpoint = true;
                        checkpointFileExtension = ".txt";
                        // Remove the suffix to get the real checkpoint id used with central storage
                        checkpointId = checkpointId.Substring(0, checkpointId.Length - IncrementalCheckpointIdSuffix.Length);

                    var checkpointFile = _checkpointStagingDirectory / $"chkpt{checkpointFileExtension}";
                    var extractedCheckpointDirectory = _checkpointStagingDirectory / "chkpt";


                    // Creating a working temporary folder
                    using (new DisposableDirectory(_fileSystem, _checkpointStagingDirectory))
                        // Getting the checkpoint from the central store
                        await _storage.TryGetFileAsync(nestedContext, checkpointId, checkpointFile, isImmutable: true).ThrowIfFailure();

                        if (isIncrementalCheckpoint)
                            var incrementalRestoreResult = await RestoreCheckpointIncrementalAsync(nestedContext, checkpointFile, extractedCheckpointDirectory);
                            RestoreFullCheckpoint(checkpointFile, extractedCheckpointDirectory);

                        // Restoring the checkpoint
                        _database.RestoreCheckpoint(nestedContext, extractedCheckpointDirectory).ThrowIfFailure();

                        // Save latest checkpoint info to file in case we get restarded and want to know about the previous checkpoint.
                        WriteLatestCheckpoint(nestedContext, checkpointState);

                        successfullyUpdatedIncrementalState = true;
                        return BoolResult.Success;
                    ClearIncrementalCheckpointStateIfNeeded(nestedContext, successfullyUpdatedIncrementalState);
                       extraStartMessage: $"CheckpointId=[{checkpointId}]",
                       extraEndMessage: _ => $"CheckpointId=[{checkpointId}]",
                       timeout: _configuration.RestoreCheckpointTimeout));