static void Main(string[] args)
        var n      = DateTime.Now;
        var tempDi = new DirectoryInfo(string.Format("ExampleOutput-{0:00}-{1:00}-{2:00}-{3:00}{4:00}{5:00}", n.Year - 2000, n.Month, n.Day, n.Hour, n.Minute, n.Second));


        var sourceDoc = new FileInfo("../../TestDocument.docx");
        var newDoc    = new FileInfo("Modified.docx");

        if (newDoc.Exists)
        File.Copy(sourceDoc.FullName, newDoc.FullName);
        using (WordprocessingDocument wDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(newDoc.FullName, true))
            int   count;
            var   xDoc = wDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetXDocument();
            Regex regex;
            IEnumerable <XElement> content;

            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p);
            regex   = new Regex("[.]\x020+");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "." + Environment.NewLine, null);

            foreach (var para in content)
                var newPara = (XElement)TransformEnvironmentNewLineToParagraph(para);

Esempio n. 2
        public void CanReplaceTextWithQuotationMarksAndTrackedChanges()
            var partDocument = XDocument.Parse(QuotationMarksAndTrackedChangesDocumentXmlString);
            var p            = partDocument.Descendants(W.p).First();
            var innerText    = InnerText(p);

                "Text can be enclosed in “normal double quotes” and in «double angle quotation marks».",

            using var stream       = new MemoryStream();
            using var wordDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Create(stream, DocumentType);
            var part = wordDocument.AddMainDocumentPart();


            var content = partDocument.Descendants(W.p);
            var regex   = new Regex(string.Format("{0}(?<words>{1}){2}", LeftDoubleQuotationMarks, Words,
            var count = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "‘changed ${words}’", null, true, "John Doe");

            p         = partDocument.Descendants(W.p).First();
            innerText = InnerText(p);

            Assert.Equal(2, count);
                "Text can be enclosed in ‘changed normal double quotes’ and in ‘changed double angle quotation marks’.",

            Assert.Contains(p.Elements(W.ins), e => InnerText(e) == "‘changed normal double quotes’");
            Assert.Contains(p.Elements(W.ins), e => InnerText(e) == "‘changed double angle quotation marks’");
Esempio n. 3
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var sourceDoc = new FileInfo("../../TestDocument.docx");
        var newDoc    = new FileInfo("Modified.docx");

        if (newDoc.Exists)
        File.Copy(sourceDoc.FullName, newDoc.FullName);
        using (WordprocessingDocument wDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(newDoc.FullName, true))
            int   count;
            var   xDoc = wDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetXDocument();
            Regex regex;
            IEnumerable <XElement> content;

            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p);
            regex   = new Regex("[.]\x020+");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "." + Environment.NewLine, null);

            foreach (var para in content)
                var newPara = (XElement)TransformEnvironmentNewLineToParagraph(para);

Esempio n. 4
        public void CanReplaceTextWithFields()
            var partDocument = XDocument.Parse(FieldsDocumentXmlString);
            var p            = partDocument.Descendants(W.p).Last();
            var innerText    = InnerText(p);

            Assert.Equal("As stated in Article {__1} and this Section {__1.1}, this is described in Schedule C (Performance Framework).",

            using var stream       = new MemoryStream();
            using var wordDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Create(stream, DocumentType);
            var part = wordDocument.AddMainDocumentPart();


            var content = partDocument.Descendants(W.p);
            var regex   = new Regex(@"Schedule C \(Performance Framework\)");
            var count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Exhibit 4", null, true, "John Doe");

            p         = partDocument.Descendants(W.p).Last();
            innerText = InnerText(p);

            Assert.Equal(1, count);
            Assert.Equal("As stated in Article {__1} and this Section {__1.1}, this is described in Exhibit 4.", innerText);
Esempio n. 5
        public void CanReplaceTextWithQuotationMarks()
            XDocument partDocument = XDocument.Parse(QuotationMarksDocumentXmlString);
            XElement  p            = partDocument.Descendants(W.p).First();
            string    innerText    = InnerText(p);

                "Text can be enclosed in “normal double quotes” and in «double angle quotation marks».",

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                using (WordprocessingDocument wordDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Create(stream, DocumentType))
                    MainDocumentPart part = wordDocument.AddMainDocumentPart();

                    IEnumerable <XElement> content = partDocument.Descendants(W.p);
                    var regex = new Regex(string.Format("{0}(?<words>{1}){2}", LeftDoubleQuotationMarks, Words,
                    int count = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "‘changed ${words}’", null);

                    p         = partDocument.Descendants(W.p).First();
                    innerText = InnerText(p);

                    Assert.Equal(2, count);
                        "Text can be enclosed in ‘changed normal double quotes’ and in ‘changed double angle quotation marks’.",
        public void PowerPointSample()
            var sourcePres = new FileInfo(GetFilePath("TestPresentation.pptx"));
            var newPres    = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TempDir, "Modified-TestPresentation.pptx"));

            File.Copy(sourcePres.FullName, newPres.FullName);

            using var pDoc = PresentationDocument.Open(newPres.FullName, true);
            foreach (var slidePart in pDoc.PresentationPart.SlideParts)
                var xDoc = slidePart.GetXDocument();

                // Replace content
                var content = xDoc.Descendants(A.p);
                var regex   = new Regex("Hello");
                var count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "H e l l o", null);
                Log.WriteLine("Example #18 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // If you absolutely want to preserve compatibility with PowerPoint 2007, then you will need to strip the xml:space="preserve" attribute throughout.
                // This is an issue for PowerPoint only, not Word, and for 2007 only.
                // The side-effect of this is that if a run has space at the beginning or end of it, the space will be stripped upon loading, and content/layout will be affected.
                xDoc.Descendants().Attributes(XNamespace.Xml + "space").Remove();

Esempio n. 7
        public void CanReplaceTextWithSymbolsAndTrackedChanges()
            var partDocument = XDocument.Parse(SymbolsAndTrackedChangesDocumentXmlString);
            var p            = partDocument.Descendants(W.p).First();
            var innerText    = InnerText(p);

            Assert.Equal("We can also use symbols such as \uF021 or \uF028.", innerText);

            using var stream       = new MemoryStream();
            using var wordDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Create(stream, DocumentType);
            var part = wordDocument.AddMainDocumentPart();


            var content = partDocument.Descendants(W.p);
            var regex   = new Regex(@"[\uF021]");
            var count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "\uF028", null, true, "John Doe");

            p         = partDocument.Descendants(W.p).First();
            innerText = InnerText(p);

            Assert.Equal(1, count);
            Assert.Equal("We can also use symbols such as \uF028 or \uF028.", innerText);

            Assert.Contains(p.Descendants(W.ins), ins => ins.Descendants(W.sym).Any(
                                sym => sym.Attribute(W.font).Value == "Wingdings" &&
                                sym.Attribute(W._char).Value == "F028"));
Esempio n. 8
        public static int SubstituirPorRegex(string arquivoOrigem, string arquivoDestino, IEnumerable <SubstituicaoRegex> substituicoes)
            UtilitarioArquivo.ClonarArquivo(arquivoOrigem, arquivoDestino);

            int quantidadeSubstituicoes = 0;

            using (PresentationDocument presentation =
                       PresentationDocument.Open(arquivoDestino, isEditable: true))
                foreach (SlidePart slidePart in presentation.PresentationPart.SlideParts)
                    XDocument xDocument = slidePart.GetXDocument();

                    foreach (SubstituicaoRegex substituicao in substituicoes)
                        // Replace content
                        IEnumerable <XElement> content = xDocument.Descendants(A.p);
                        quantidadeSubstituicoes += OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, substituicao.Chave, substituicao.Valor, doReplacement: null);

                        // If you absolutely want to preserve compatibility with PowerPoint 2007, then you will need to strip the xml:space="preserve" attribute throughout.
                        // This is an issue for PowerPoint only, not Word, and for 2007 only.
                        // The side-effect of this is that if a run has space at the beginning or end of it, the space will be stripped upon loading, and content/layout will be affected.
                        xDocument.Descendants().Attributes(XNamespace.Xml + "space").Remove();


        public void Replace_PlaceholderInOneOrMoreRuns_SuccessfullyReplaced(
            string example,
            string propName,
            IEnumerable <string> runTexts,
            string replacement)
            // Create a test WordprocessingDocument on a MemoryStream.
            using MemoryStream stream = CreateWordprocessingDocument(runTexts);

            // Save the Word document before replacing the placeholder.
            // You can use this to inspect the input Word document.
            File.WriteAllBytes($"{example} before Replacing.docx", stream.ToArray());

            // Replace the placeholder identified by propName with the replacement text.
            using (WordprocessingDocument wordDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(stream, true))
                // Read the root element, a w:document in this case.
                // Note that GetXElement() is a shortcut for GetXDocument().Root.
                // This caches the root element and we can later write it back
                // to the main document part, using the PutXDocument() method.
                XElement document = wordDocument.MainDocumentPart.GetXElement();

                // Specify the parameters of the OpenXmlRegex.Replace() method,
                // noting that the replacement is given as a parameter.
                IEnumerable <XElement> content = document.Descendants(W.p);
                var regex = new Regex(propName);

                // Perform the replacement, thereby modifying the root element.
                OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, replacement, null);

                // Write the changed root element back to the main document part.

            // Assert that we have done it right.
            AssertReplacementWasSuccessful(stream, replacement);

            // Save the Word document after having replaced the placeholder.
            // You can use this to inspect the output Word document.
            File.WriteAllBytes($"{example} after Replacing.docx", stream.ToArray());
Esempio n. 10
        public static int SubstituirPorRegex(string arquivoOrigem, string arquivoDestino, IEnumerable <SubstituicaoRegex> substituicoes)
            UtilitarioArquivo.ClonarArquivo(arquivoOrigem, arquivoDestino);

            int quantidadeSubstituicoes = 0;

            using (WordprocessingDocument wordDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(arquivoDestino, isEditable: true))
                XDocument xDocument = wordDocument.MainDocumentPart.GetXDocument();

                IEnumerable <XElement> content = xDocument.Descendants(W.p);

                foreach (SubstituicaoRegex substituicao in substituicoes)
                    quantidadeSubstituicoes += OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, substituicao.Chave, substituicao.Valor, doReplacement: null);


Esempio n. 11
        public void WordSample2()
            var sourceDoc = new FileInfo(GetFilePath("TestDocument.docx"));
            var newDoc    = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TempDir, "Modified.docx"));

            File.Copy(sourceDoc.FullName, newDoc.FullName);

            using var wDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(newDoc.FullName, true);
            int count;
            var xDoc = wDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetXDocument();

            var content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p);
            var regex   = new Regex("[.]\x020+");

            count = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "." + Environment.NewLine, null);

            foreach (var para in content)
                var newPara = (XElement)TransformEnvironmentNewLineToParagraph(para);

Esempio n. 12
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var n      = DateTime.Now;
        var tempDi = new DirectoryInfo(string.Format("ExampleOutput-{0:00}-{1:00}-{2:00}-{3:00}{4:00}{5:00}", n.Year - 2000, n.Month, n.Day, n.Hour, n.Minute, n.Second));


        var sourceDoc = new FileInfo("../../TestDocument.docx");
        var newDoc    = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tempDi.FullName, "Modified.docx"));

        File.Copy(sourceDoc.FullName, newDoc.FullName);
        using (WordprocessingDocument wDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(newDoc.FullName, true))
            int   count;
            var   xDoc = wDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetXDocument();
            Regex regex;
            IEnumerable <XElement> content;

            // Match content (paragraph 1)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("Video");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Match(content, regex);
            Console.WriteLine("Example #1 Count: {0}", count);

            // Match content, case insensitive (paragraph 1)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("video", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Match(content, regex);
            Console.WriteLine("Example #2 Count: {0}", count);

            // Match content, with callback (paragraph 1)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("video", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Match(content, regex, (element, match) =>
                                         Console.WriteLine("Example #3 Found value: >{0}<", match.Value));

            // Replace content, beginning of paragraph (paragraph 2)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(1).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("^Video provides");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio gives", null);
            Console.WriteLine("Example #4 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Replace content, middle of paragraph (paragraph 3)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(2).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("powerful");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "good", null);
            Console.WriteLine("Example #5 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Replace content, end of paragraph (paragraph 4)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(3).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex(" [a-z.]*$");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, " super good point!", null);
            Console.WriteLine("Example #6 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Delete content, beginning of paragraph (paragraph 5)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(4).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("^Video provides");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null);
            Console.WriteLine("Example #7 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Delete content, middle of paragraph (paragraph 6)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(5).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("powerful ");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null);
            Console.WriteLine("Example #8 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Delete content, end of paragraph (paragraph 7)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(6).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("[.]$");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null);
            Console.WriteLine("Example #9 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Replace content in inserted text, same author (paragraph 8)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(7).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("Video");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio", null, true, "Eric White");
            Console.WriteLine("Example #10 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Delete content in inserted text, same author (paragraph 9)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(8).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("powerful ");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "Eric White");
            Console.WriteLine("Example #11 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Replace content partially in inserted text, same author (paragraph 10)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(9).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("Video provides ");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio gives ", null, true, "Eric White");
            Console.WriteLine("Example #12 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Delete content partially in inserted text, same author (paragraph 11)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(10).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex(" to help you prove your point");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "Eric White");
            Console.WriteLine("Example #13 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Replace content in inserted text, different author (paragraph 12)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(11).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("Video");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio", null, true, "John Doe");
            Console.WriteLine("Example #14 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Delete content in inserted text, different author (paragraph 13)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(12).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("powerful ");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "John Doe");
            Console.WriteLine("Example #15 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Replace content partially in inserted text, different author (paragraph 14)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(13).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("Video provides ");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio gives ", null, true, "John Doe");
            Console.WriteLine("Example #16 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Delete content partially in inserted text, different author (paragraph 15)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(14).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex(" to help you prove your point");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "John Doe");
            Console.WriteLine("Example #17 Deleted: {0}", count);


        var sourcePres = new FileInfo("../../TestPresentation.pptx");
        var newPres    = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tempDi.FullName, "Modified.pptx"));

        File.Copy(sourcePres.FullName, newPres.FullName);
        using (PresentationDocument pDoc = PresentationDocument.Open(newPres.FullName, true))
            foreach (var slidePart in pDoc.PresentationPart.SlideParts)
                int   count;
                var   xDoc = slidePart.GetXDocument();
                Regex regex;
                IEnumerable <XElement> content;

                // Replace content
                content = xDoc.Descendants(A.p);
                regex   = new Regex("Hello");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "H e l l o", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #18 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // If you absolutely want to preserve compatibility with PowerPoint 2007, then you will need to strip the xml:space="preserve" attribute throughout.
                // This is an issue for PowerPoint only, not Word, and for 2007 only.
                // The side-effect of this is that if a run has space at the beginning or end of it, the space will be stripped upon loading, and content/layout will be affected.
                xDoc.Descendants().Attributes(XNamespace.Xml + "space").Remove();

Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mergeTemplate">The merge template.</param>
        /// <param name="mergeObjectList">The merge object list.</param>
        /// <param name="globalMergeFields">The global merge fields.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override BinaryFile CreateDocument(MergeTemplate mergeTemplate, List <object> mergeObjectList, Dictionary <string, object> globalMergeFields)
            this.Exceptions = new List <Exception>();
            BinaryFile outputBinaryFile = null;

            var rockContext       = new RockContext();
            var binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService(rockContext);

            var templateBinaryFile = binaryFileService.Get(mergeTemplate.TemplateBinaryFileId);

            if (templateBinaryFile == null)

            // Start by creating a new document with the contents of the Template (so that Styles, etc get included)
            XDocument sourceTemplateDocX;

            // NOTE: On using multiple IDisposable, see and
            using (MemoryStream sourceTemplateStream = new MemoryStream(), outputDocStream = new MemoryStream())
                outputDocStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                // now that we have the outputdoc started, simplify the sourceTemplate
                sourceTemplateStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                var simplifiedDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(sourceTemplateStream, true);
                MarkupSimplifier.SimplifyMarkup(simplifiedDoc, this.simplifyMarkupSettingsAll);

                //// simplify any nodes that have Lava in it that might not have been caught by the MarkupSimplifier
                //// MarkupSimplifier only merges superfluous runs that are children of a paragraph
                sourceTemplateDocX = simplifiedDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetXDocument();
                    (x, m) =>
                    foreach (var nonParagraphRunsParent in x.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().Where(a => a.Parent != null && a.Name != null)
                             .Where(a => (a.Name.LocalName == "r")).Select(a => a.Parent).Distinct().ToList())
                        if (lavaRegEx.IsMatch(nonParagraphRunsParent.Value))
                            var tempParent = XElement.Parse(new Paragraph().OuterXml);
                            tempParent = MarkupSimplifier.MergeAdjacentSuperfluousRuns(tempParent);

                XElement lastLavaNode = sourceTemplateDocX.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().LastOrDefault(a => lavaRegEx.IsMatch(a.Value));

                // ensure there is a { Next } indicator after the last lava node in the template
                if (lastLavaNode != null)
                    var nextRecordMatch = nextRecordRegEx.Match(lastLavaNode.Value);
                    if (nextRecordMatch == null || !nextRecordMatch.Success)
                        // if the last lava node doesn't have a { next }, append to the end
                        lastLavaNode.Value += " {% next %} ";
                        if (!lastLavaNode.Value.EndsWith(nextRecordMatch.Value))
                            // if the last lava node does have a { next }, but there is stuff after it, add it (just in case)
                            lastLavaNode.Value += " {% next %} ";

                bool?allSameParent = null;

                using (WordprocessingDocument outputDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(outputDocStream, true))
                    var xdoc           = outputDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetXDocument();
                    var outputBodyNode = xdoc.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name.LocalName.Equals("body"));

                    int recordIndex     = 0;
                    int?lastRecordIndex = null;
                    int recordCount     = mergeObjectList.Count();
                    while (recordIndex < recordCount)
                        if (lastRecordIndex.HasValue && lastRecordIndex == recordIndex)
                            // something went wrong, so throw to avoid spinning infinitely
                            throw new Exception("Unexpected unchanged recordIndex");

                        lastRecordIndex = recordIndex;
                        using (var tempMergeTemplateStream = new MemoryStream())
                            sourceTemplateStream.Position = 0;
                            tempMergeTemplateStream.Position = 0;
                            var tempMergeTemplateX        = new XDocument(sourceTemplateDocX);
                            var tempMergeTemplateBodyNode = tempMergeTemplateX.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name.LocalName.Equals("body"));

                            // find all the Nodes that have a {% next %}.
                            List <XElement> nextIndicatorNodes = new List <XElement>();

                                (x, m) =>

                            allSameParent = allSameParent ?? nextIndicatorNodes.Count > 1 && nextIndicatorNodes.Select(a => a.Parent).Distinct().Count() == 1;

                            List <XContainer> recordContainerNodes = new List <XContainer>();

                            foreach (var nextIndicatorNodeParent in nextIndicatorNodes.Select(a => a.Parent).Where(a => a != null))
                                XContainer recordContainerNode = nextIndicatorNodeParent;
                                if (!allSameParent.Value)
                                    // go up the parent nodes until we have more than one "Next" descendent so that we know what to consider our record container
                                    while (recordContainerNode.Parent != null)
                                        if (this.nextRecordRegEx.Matches(recordContainerNode.Parent.Value).Count == 1)
                                            // still just the one "next" indicator, so go out another parent
                                            recordContainerNode = recordContainerNode.Parent;
                                            // we went too far up the parents and found multiple "next" children, so use this node as the recordContainerNode

                                if (!recordContainerNodes.Contains(recordContainerNode))

                            foreach (var recordContainerNode in recordContainerNodes)
                                //// loop thru each of the recordContainerNodes
                                //// If we have more records than nodes, we'll jump out to the outer "while" and append another template and keep going

                                XContainer mergedXRecord;

                                var recordContainerNodeXml = recordContainerNode.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting | SaveOptions.OmitDuplicateNamespaces).ReplaceWordChars();

                                if (recordIndex >= recordCount)
                                    // out of records, so clear out any remaining template nodes that haven't been merged
                                    string xml = recordContainerNodeXml;
                                    mergedXRecord = XElement.Parse(xml) as XContainer;
                                    OpenXmlRegex.Replace(mergedXRecord.Nodes().OfType <XElement>(), this.regExDot, string.Empty, (a, b) => { return(true); });

                                    //// just in case they have shared parent node, or if there is trailing {{ next }} after the last lava
                                    //// on the page, split the XML for each record and reassemble it when done
                                    List <string> xmlChunks = this.nextRecordRegEx.Split(recordContainerNodeXml).ToList();

                                    string mergedXml = string.Empty;

                                    foreach (var xml in xmlChunks)
                                        bool incRecordIndex = true;
                                        if (lavaRegEx.IsMatch(xml))
                                            if (recordIndex < recordCount)
                                                    var wordMergeObjects = new LavaDataDictionary();
                                                    wordMergeObjects.Add("Row", mergeObjectList[recordIndex]);

                                                    foreach (var field in globalMergeFields)
                                                        wordMergeObjects.Add(field.Key, field.Value);

                                                    var resolvedXml = xml.ResolveMergeFields(wordMergeObjects, true, true);
                                                    mergedXml += resolvedXml;
                                                    if (resolvedXml == xml)
                                                        // there weren't any MergeFields after all, so don't move to the next record
                                                        incRecordIndex = false;
                                                catch (Exception ex)
                                                    // if ResolveMergeFields failed, log the exception, then just return the orig xml
                                                    mergedXml += xml;

                                                if (incRecordIndex)
                                                // out of records, so put a special '{% next_empty %}' that we can use to clear up unmerged parts of the template
                                                mergedXml += " {% next_empty %} " + xml;
                                            mergedXml += xml;

                                    mergedXRecord = XElement.Parse(mergedXml) as XContainer;

                                // remove the orig nodes and replace with merged nodes
                                recordContainerNode.Add(mergedXRecord.Nodes().OfType <XElement>());

                                var mergedRecordContainer = XElement.Parse(recordContainerNode.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting));
                                if (recordContainerNode.Parent != null)
                                    // the recordContainerNode is some child/descendent of <body>
                                    // the recordContainerNode is the <body>

                                    if (recordIndex < recordCount)
                                        // add page break
                                        var pageBreakXml = new Paragraph(new Run(new Break()
                                            Type = BreakValues.Page
                                        var pageBreak     = XElement.Parse(pageBreakXml, LoadOptions.None);
                                        var lastParagraph = recordContainerNode.Nodes().OfType <XElement>().Where(a => a.Name.LocalName == "p").LastOrDefault();
                                        if (lastParagraph != null)

                                            // Add page formatting for the page before the page break.
                                            var lastSectPr = recordContainerNode.Nodes().OfType <XElement>().Where(a => a.Name.LocalName == "sectPr").LastOrDefault();
                                            if (lastSectPr != null)
                                                var paragraphPropertiesXml = new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(new SectionProperties(lastSectPr.ToString()))).OuterXml;
                                                var paragraphProperties    = XElement.Parse(paragraphPropertiesXml, LoadOptions.None);


                    // remove all the 'next' delimiters
                    OpenXmlRegex.Replace(outputBodyNode.Nodes().OfType <XElement>(), this.nextRecordRegEx, string.Empty, (xx, mm) => { return(true); });

                    // find all the 'next_empty' delimiters that we might have added and clear out the content in the paragraph nodes that follow
                        outputBodyNode.Nodes().OfType <XElement>(),
                        (xx, mm) =>
                        var afterSiblings = xx.ElementsAfterSelf().ToList();

                        // get all the paragraph elements after the 'next_empty' node and clear out the content
                        var nodesToClean = afterSiblings.Where(a => a.Name.LocalName == "p").ToList();

                        // if the next_empty node has lava, clean that up too
                        var xxContent = xx.ToString();
                        if (lavaRegEx.IsMatch(xxContent))

                        foreach (var node in nodesToClean)
                            // remove all child nodes from each paragraph node
                            if (node.HasElements)

                    // remove all the 'next_empty' delimiters
                    OpenXmlRegex.Replace(outputBodyNode.Nodes().OfType <XElement>(), this.nextEmptyRecordRegEx, string.Empty, (xx, mm) => { return(true); });

                    // remove all but the last SectionProperties element (there should only be one per section (body))
                    var sectPrItems = outputBodyNode.Nodes().OfType <XElement>().Where(a => a.Name.LocalName == "sectPr");
                    foreach (var extra in sectPrItems.Where(a => a != sectPrItems.Last()).ToList())

                    // renumber all the ids to make sure they are unique
                    var idAttrs = xdoc.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().Where(a => a.HasAttributes).Select(a => a.Attribute("id")).Where(s => s != null);
                    int lastId  = 1;
                    foreach (var attr in idAttrs)
                        attr.Value = lastId.ToString();

                    LavaDataDictionary globalMergeHash = new LavaDataDictionary();
                    foreach (var field in globalMergeFields)
                        globalMergeHash.Add(field.Key, field.Value);

                    HeaderFooterGlobalMerge(outputDoc, globalMergeHash);

                    // sweep thru any remaining un-merged body parts for any Lava having to do with Global merge fields
                    foreach (var bodyTextPart in outputDoc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.Descendants <Text>())
                        string nodeText = bodyTextPart.Text.ReplaceWordChars();
                        if (lavaRegEx.IsMatch(nodeText))
                            bodyTextPart.Text = nodeText.ResolveMergeFields(globalMergeHash, true, true);

                    // remove the last pagebreak
                    MarkupSimplifier.SimplifyMarkup(outputDoc, new SimplifyMarkupSettings {
                        RemoveLastRenderedPageBreak = true

                    // If you want to see validation errors

                     * var validator = new OpenXmlValidator();
                     * var errors = validator.Validate( outputDoc ).ToList();

                outputBinaryFile                  = new BinaryFile();
                outputBinaryFile.IsTemporary      = true;
                outputBinaryFile.ContentStream    = outputDocStream;
                outputBinaryFile.FileName         = "MergeTemplateOutput" + Path.GetExtension(templateBinaryFile.FileName);
                outputBinaryFile.MimeType         = templateBinaryFile.MimeType;
                outputBinaryFile.BinaryFileTypeId = new BinaryFileTypeService(rockContext).Get(Rock.SystemGuid.BinaryFiletype.DEFAULT.AsGuid()).Id;


        static void Main(string[] args)
            var n      = DateTime.Now;
            var tempDi = new DirectoryInfo(string.Format("ExampleOutput-{0:00}-{1:00}-{2:00}-{3:00}{4:00}{5:00}", n.Year - 2000, n.Month, n.Day, n.Hour, n.Minute, n.Second));


            string presentation       = "../../Presentation1.pptx";
            string hiddenPresentation = "../../HiddenPresentation.pptx";

            // First, load both presentations into byte arrays, simulating retrieving presentations from some source
            // such as a SharePoint server
            var baPresentation       = File.ReadAllBytes(presentation);
            var baHiddenPresentation = File.ReadAllBytes(hiddenPresentation);

            // Next, replace "thee" with "the" in the main presentation
            var         pmlMainPresentation      = new PmlDocument("Main.pptx", baPresentation);
            PmlDocument modifiedMainPresentation = null;

            using (OpenXmlMemoryStreamDocument streamDoc = new OpenXmlMemoryStreamDocument(pmlMainPresentation))
                using (PresentationDocument document = streamDoc.GetPresentationDocument())
                    var pXDoc = document.PresentationPart.GetXDocument();
                    foreach (var slideId in pXDoc.Root.Elements(P.sldIdLst).Elements(P.sldId))
                        var slideRelId = (string)slideId.Attribute(;
                        var slidePart  = document.PresentationPart.GetPartById(slideRelId);
                        var slideXDoc  = slidePart.GetXDocument();
                        var paragraphs = slideXDoc.Descendants(A.p).ToList();
                        OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paragraphs, new Regex("thee"), "the", null);
                modifiedMainPresentation = streamDoc.GetModifiedPmlDocument();

            // Combine the two presentations into a single presentation
            var slideSources = new List <SlideSource>()
                new SlideSource(modifiedMainPresentation, 0, 1, true),
                new SlideSource(new PmlDocument("Hidden.pptx", baHiddenPresentation), true),
                new SlideSource(modifiedMainPresentation, 1, true),
            PmlDocument combinedPresentation = PresentationBuilder.BuildPresentation(slideSources);

            // Replace <# TRADEMARK #> with AdventureWorks (c)
            PmlDocument modifiedCombinedPresentation = null;

            using (OpenXmlMemoryStreamDocument streamDoc = new OpenXmlMemoryStreamDocument(combinedPresentation))
                using (PresentationDocument document = streamDoc.GetPresentationDocument())
                    var pXDoc = document.PresentationPart.GetXDocument();
                    foreach (var slideId in pXDoc.Root.Elements(P.sldIdLst).Elements(P.sldId).Skip(1).Take(1))
                        var slideRelId = (string)slideId.Attribute(;
                        var slidePart  = document.PresentationPart.GetPartById(slideRelId);
                        var slideXDoc  = slidePart.GetXDocument();
                        var paragraphs = slideXDoc.Descendants(A.p).ToList();
                        OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paragraphs, new Regex("<# TRADEMARK #>"), "AdventureWorks (c)", null);
                modifiedCombinedPresentation = streamDoc.GetModifiedPmlDocument();

            // we now have a PmlDocument (which is essentially a byte array) that can be saved as necessary.
            modifiedCombinedPresentation.SaveAs(Path.Combine(tempDi.FullName, "Modified.pptx"));
Esempio n. 15
        private static object IdentifyAndTransformFields(XNode node, FieldAccumulator fieldAccumulator)
            XElement element = node as XElement;

            if (element != null)
                if (element.Name == W.sdt)
                    var alias = (string)element.Elements(W.sdtPr).Elements(W.alias).Attributes(W.val).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (alias == null || alias == "")
                        var ccContents = element
                                         .Where(e => e.Name == W.t)
                                         .Select(t => (string)t)
                        if (FieldRecognizer.IsField(ccContents, out ccContents))
                            //var isBlockLevel = element.Element(W.sdtContent).Elements(W.p).FirstOrDefault() != null;
                            var newCC = new XElement(element.Name, element.Attributes());
                            var props = element.Elements(W.sdtPr).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (props == null)
                                props = new XElement(W.sdtPr);
                            var tagElem = props.Elements(W.tag).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (tagElem == null)
                                tagElem = new XElement(W.tag);
                            var fieldId = fieldAccumulator.AddField(ccContents);
                            tagElem.SetAttributeValue(W.val, fieldId);
                        return(new XElement(element.Name,
                                            element.Nodes().Select(n => IdentifyAndTransformFields(n, fieldAccumulator))));
                    return(new XElement(element.Name,
                                        element.Nodes().Select(n => IdentifyAndTransformFields(n, fieldAccumulator))));
                if (element.Name == W.p)
                    var paraContents = element
                                       .Where(e => e.Name == W.t)
                                       .Select(t => (string)t)
                    int occurances = CountSubstring(FieldRecognizer.EmbedBegin, paraContents);
                    if (occurances == 1 &&
                        paraContents.StartsWith(FieldRecognizer.EmbedBegin + FieldRecognizer.FieldBegin) &&
                        paraContents.EndsWith(FieldRecognizer.FieldEnd + FieldRecognizer.EmbedEnd))
                        var content = paraContents
                                                 paraContents.Length - FieldRecognizer.EmbedBegin.Length - FieldRecognizer.EmbedEnd.Length)
                        if (FieldRecognizer.IsField(content, out content))
                            var fieldId = fieldAccumulator.AddField(content);
                            var      ppr = element.Elements(W.pPr).FirstOrDefault();
                            var      rpr = (ppr != null) ? ppr.Elements(W.rPr).FirstOrDefault() : null;
                            XElement r   = new XElement(W.r, rpr,
                                                        new XElement(W.t, FieldRecognizer.FieldBegin + content + FieldRecognizer.FieldEnd));
                            return(new XElement(element.Name,
                                                CCTWrap(fieldId, r)
                        // else fall through to (slower) case
                    if (paraContents.Contains(FieldRecognizer.EmbedBegin + FieldRecognizer.FieldBegin))
                        var runReplacementInfo = new List <XElement>();
                        var placeholderText    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        var r = new Regex(
                            + "\\s*"
                            + Regex.Escape(FieldRecognizer.FieldBegin)
                            + ".*?"
                            + Regex.Escape(FieldRecognizer.FieldEnd)
                            + "\\s*"
                            + Regex.Escape(FieldRecognizer.EmbedEnd));
                        var replacedCount = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(new[] { element }, r, placeholderText, (para, match) =>
                            var matchString = match.Value.Trim().Replace("\u0001", ""); // unrecognized codes/elements returned as \u0001; strip these
                            var content     = matchString.Substring(
                                matchString.Length - FieldRecognizer.EmbedBegin.Length - FieldRecognizer.EmbedEnd.Length
                            if (FieldRecognizer.IsField(content, out content))
                                runReplacementInfo.Add(CCWrap(new XElement(W.r, new XElement(W.t,
                                                                                             FieldRecognizer.FieldBegin + content + FieldRecognizer.FieldEnd))));
                        }, false);
                        if (replacedCount > 0)
                            var newPara = new XElement(element);
                            foreach (var elem in runReplacementInfo)
                                var runToReplace = newPara.Descendants(W.r).FirstOrDefault(rn => rn.Value == placeholderText &&
                                                                                           rn.Parent.Name != Templater.OD.Content);
                                if (runToReplace == null)
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Internal error");
                                    var rpr = runToReplace.Elements(W.rPr).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (rpr != null)
                            var coalescedParagraph = WordprocessingMLUtil.CoalesceAdjacentRunsWithIdenticalFormatting(newPara);
                            var transformedContent = IdentifyAndTransformFields(coalescedParagraph, fieldAccumulator);
                    var transformedParaContent = element.Nodes().Select(n => IdentifyAndTransformFields(n, fieldAccumulator)).ToArray();
                    return(new XElement(element.Name, element.Attributes(), transformedParaContent));
                if (element.Name == W.lastRenderedPageBreak)
                    // documents assembled from templates will almost always change pagination, so remove Word's pagination hints
                    // (also because they're not handled cleanly by OXPT)

                return(new XElement(element.Name,
                                    element.Nodes().Select(n => IdentifyAndTransformFields(n, fieldAccumulator))));
Esempio n. 16
        public void WordSample1()
            var sourceDoc = new FileInfo(GetFilePath("TestDocument.docx"));
            var newDoc    = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TempDir, "Modified.docx"));

            File.Copy(sourceDoc.FullName, newDoc.FullName, true);

            using var wDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(newDoc.FullName, true);
            var xDoc = wDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetXDocument();

            // Match content (paragraph 1)
            var content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Take(1);
            var regex   = new Regex("Video");
            var count   = OpenXmlRegex.Match(content, regex);

            Log.WriteLine("Example #1 Count: {0}", count);

            // Match content, case insensitive (paragraph 1)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("video", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Match(content, regex);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #2 Count: {0}", count);

            // Match content, with callback (paragraph 1)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("video", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            OpenXmlRegex.Match(content, regex, (element, match) =>
                               Log.WriteLine("Example #3 Found value: >{0}<", match.Value));

            // Replace content, beginning of paragraph (paragraph 2)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(1).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("^Video provides");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio gives", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #4 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Replace content, middle of paragraph (paragraph 3)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(2).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("powerful");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "good", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #5 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Replace content, end of paragraph (paragraph 4)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(3).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex(" [a-z.]*$");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, " super good point!", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #6 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Delete content, beginning of paragraph (paragraph 5)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(4).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("^Video provides");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #7 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Delete content, middle of paragraph (paragraph 6)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(5).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("powerful ");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #8 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Delete content, end of paragraph (paragraph 7)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(6).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("[.]$");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #9 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Replace content in inserted text, same author (paragraph 8)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(7).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("Video");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio", null, true, "Eric White");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #10 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Delete content in inserted text, same author (paragraph 9)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(8).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("powerful ");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "Eric White");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #11 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Replace content partially in inserted text, same author (paragraph 10)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(9).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("Video provides ");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio gives ", null, true, "Eric White");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #12 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Delete content partially in inserted text, same author (paragraph 11)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(10).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex(" to help you prove your point");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "Eric White");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #13 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Replace content in inserted text, different author (paragraph 12)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(11).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("Video");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio", null, true, "John Doe");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #14 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Delete content in inserted text, different author (paragraph 13)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(12).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("powerful ");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "John Doe");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #15 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Replace content partially in inserted text, different author (paragraph 14)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(13).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("Video provides ");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio gives ", null, true, "John Doe");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #16 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Delete content partially in inserted text, different author (paragraph 15)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(14).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex(" to help you prove your point");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "John Doe");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #17 Deleted: {0}", count);

            const string LeftDoubleQuotationMarks = @"[\u0022“„«»”]";
            const string Words = @"[\w\-&/]+(?:\s[\w\-&/]+)*";
            const string RightDoubleQuotationMarks = @"[\u0022”‟»«“]";

            // Replace content using replacement pattern (paragraph 16)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(15).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex($"{LeftDoubleQuotationMarks}(?<words>{Words}){RightDoubleQuotationMarks}");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "‘${words}’", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #18 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Replace content using replacement pattern in partially inserted text (paragraph 17)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(16).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex($"{LeftDoubleQuotationMarks}(?<words>{Words}){RightDoubleQuotationMarks}");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "‘${words}’", null, true, "John Doe");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #19 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Replace content using replacement pattern (paragraph 18)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(17).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex($"({LeftDoubleQuotationMarks})(video)({RightDoubleQuotationMarks})");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "$1audio$3", null, true, "John Doe");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #20 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Recognize tabs (paragraph 19)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(18).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex(@"([1-9])\.\t");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "($1)\t", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #21 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // The next two examples deal with line breaks, i.e., the <w:br/> elements.
            // Note that you should use the U+000D (Carriage Return) character (i.e., '\r')
            // to match a <w:br/> (or <w:cr/>) and replace content with a <w:br/> element.
            // Depending on your platform, the end of line character(s) provided by
            // Environment.NewLine might be "\n" (Unix), "\r\n" (Windows), or "\r" (Mac).

            // Recognize tabs and insert line breaks (paragraph 20).
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(19).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex($@"([1-9])\.{UnicodeMapper.HorizontalTabulation}");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, $"Article $1{UnicodeMapper.CarriageReturn}", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #22 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Recognize and remove line breaks (paragraph 21)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(20).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex($"{UnicodeMapper.CarriageReturn}");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, " ", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #23 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Remove soft hyphens (paragraph 22)
            var paras = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(21).Take(1).ToList();

            count  = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex($"{UnicodeMapper.SoftHyphen}"), "", null);
            count += OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex("use"), "no longer use", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #24 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // The next example deals with symbols (i.e., w:sym elements).
            // To work with symbols, you should acquire the Unicode values for the
            // symbols you wish to match or use in replacement patterns. The reason
            // is that UnicodeMapper will (a) mimic Microsoft Word in shifting the
            // Unicode values into the Unicode private use area (by adding U+F000)
            // and (b) use replacements for Unicode values that have been used in
            // conjunction with different fonts already (by adding U+E000).
            // The replacement Únicode values will depend on the order in which
            // symbols are retrieved. Therefore, you should not rely on any fixed
            // assignment.
            // In the example below, pencil will be represented by U+F021, whereas
            // spider (same value with different font) will be represented by U+E001.
            // If spider had been assigned first, spider would be U+F021 and pencil
            // would be U+E001.
            var oldPhone = UnicodeMapper.SymToChar("Wingdings", 40);
            var newPhone = UnicodeMapper.SymToChar("Wingdings", 41);
            var pencil   = UnicodeMapper.SymToChar("Wingdings", 0x21);
            var spider   = UnicodeMapper.SymToChar("Webdings", 0x21);

            // Replace or comment on symbols (paragraph 23)
            paras  = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(22).Take(1).ToList();
            count  = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex($"{oldPhone}"), $"{newPhone} (replaced with new phone)", null);
            count += OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex($"({pencil})"), "$1 (same pencil)", null);
            count += OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex($"({spider})"), "$1 (same spider)", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #25 Replaced: {0}", count);

        public void Sample2()
            var presentation       = GetFilePath("Sample2/Presentation1.pptx");
            var hiddenPresentation = GetFilePath("Sample2/HiddenPresentation.pptx");

            // First, load both presentations into byte arrays, simulating retrieving presentations from some source
            // such as a SharePoint server
            var baPresentation       = File.ReadAllBytes(presentation);
            var baHiddenPresentation = File.ReadAllBytes(hiddenPresentation);

            // Next, replace "thee" with "the" in the main presentation
            var         pmlMainPresentation = new PmlDocument("Main.pptx", baPresentation);
            PmlDocument modifiedMainPresentation;

            using (var streamDoc = new OpenXmlMemoryStreamDocument(pmlMainPresentation))
                using (var document = streamDoc.GetPresentationDocument())
                    var pXDoc = document.PresentationPart.GetXDocument();
                    foreach (var slideId in pXDoc.Root.Elements(P.sldIdLst).Elements(P.sldId))
                        var slideRelId = (string)slideId.Attribute(;
                        var slidePart  = document.PresentationPart.GetPartById(slideRelId);
                        var slideXDoc  = slidePart.GetXDocument();
                        var paragraphs = slideXDoc.Descendants(A.p).ToList();
                        OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paragraphs, new Regex("thee"), "the", null);
                modifiedMainPresentation = streamDoc.GetModifiedPmlDocument();

            // Combine the two presentations into a single presentation
            var slideSources = new List <SlideSource>
                new(modifiedMainPresentation, 0, 1, true),
                new(new PmlDocument("Hidden.pptx", baHiddenPresentation), true),
                new(modifiedMainPresentation, 1, true),
            var combinedPresentation = PresentationBuilder.BuildPresentation(slideSources);

            // Replace <# TRADEMARK #> with AdventureWorks (c)
            PmlDocument modifiedCombinedPresentation;

            using (var streamDoc = new OpenXmlMemoryStreamDocument(combinedPresentation))
                using (var document = streamDoc.GetPresentationDocument())
                    var pXDoc = document.PresentationPart.GetXDocument();
                    foreach (var slideId in pXDoc.Root.Elements(P.sldIdLst).Elements(P.sldId).Skip(1).Take(1))
                        var slideRelId = (string)slideId.Attribute(;
                        var slidePart  = document.PresentationPart.GetPartById(slideRelId);
                        var slideXDoc  = slidePart.GetXDocument();
                        var paragraphs = slideXDoc.Descendants(A.p).ToList();
                        OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paragraphs, new Regex("<# TRADEMARK #>"), "AdventureWorks (c)", null);
                modifiedCombinedPresentation = streamDoc.GetModifiedPmlDocument();

            // we now have a PmlDocument (which is essentially a byte array) that can be saved as necessary.
            modifiedCombinedPresentation.SaveAs(Path.Combine(TempDir, "ModifiedCombinedPresentation.pptx"));
Esempio n. 18
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            DateTime n      = DateTime.Now;
            var      tempDi = new DirectoryInfo(
                $"ExampleOutput-{n.Year - 2000:00}-{n.Month:00}-{n.Day:00}-{n.Hour:00}{n.Minute:00}{n.Second:00}");


            var sourceDoc = new FileInfo("../../TestDocument.docx");
            var newDoc    = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tempDi.FullName, "Modified.docx"));

            File.Copy(sourceDoc.FullName, newDoc.FullName);
            using (WordprocessingDocument wDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(newDoc.FullName, true))
                XDocument xDoc = wDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetXDocument();

                // Match content (paragraph 1)
                IEnumerable <XElement> content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Take(1);
                var regex = new Regex("Video");
                int count = OpenXmlRegex.Match(content, regex);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #1 Count: {0}", count);

                // Match content, case insensitive (paragraph 1)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("video", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Match(content, regex);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #2 Count: {0}", count);

                // Match content, with callback (paragraph 1)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("video", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                OpenXmlRegex.Match(content, regex, (element, match) =>
                                   Console.WriteLine("Example #3 Found value: >{0}<", match.Value));

                // Replace content, beginning of paragraph (paragraph 2)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(1).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("^Video provides");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio gives", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #4 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Replace content, middle of paragraph (paragraph 3)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(2).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("powerful");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "good", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #5 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Replace content, end of paragraph (paragraph 4)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(3).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex(" [a-z.]*$");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, " super good point!", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #6 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Delete content, beginning of paragraph (paragraph 5)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(4).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("^Video provides");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #7 Deleted: {0}", count);

                // Delete content, middle of paragraph (paragraph 6)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(5).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("powerful ");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #8 Deleted: {0}", count);

                // Delete content, end of paragraph (paragraph 7)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(6).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("[.]$");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #9 Deleted: {0}", count);

                // Replace content in inserted text, same author (paragraph 8)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(7).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("Video");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio", null, true, "Eric White");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #10 Deleted: {0}", count);

                // Delete content in inserted text, same author (paragraph 9)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(8).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("powerful ");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "Eric White");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #11 Deleted: {0}", count);

                // Replace content partially in inserted text, same author (paragraph 10)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(9).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("Video provides ");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio gives ", null, true, "Eric White");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #12 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Delete content partially in inserted text, same author (paragraph 11)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(10).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex(" to help you prove your point");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "Eric White");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #13 Deleted: {0}", count);

                // Replace content in inserted text, different author (paragraph 12)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(11).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("Video");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio", null, true, "John Doe");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #14 Deleted: {0}", count);

                // Delete content in inserted text, different author (paragraph 13)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(12).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("powerful ");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "John Doe");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #15 Deleted: {0}", count);

                // Replace content partially in inserted text, different author (paragraph 14)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(13).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("Video provides ");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio gives ", null, true, "John Doe");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #16 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Delete content partially in inserted text, different author (paragraph 15)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(14).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex(" to help you prove your point");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "John Doe");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #17 Deleted: {0}", count);

                const string leftDoubleQuotationMarks = @"[\u0022“„«»”]";
                const string words = @"[\w\-&/]+(?:\s[\w\-&/]+)*";
                const string rightDoubleQuotationMarks = @"[\u0022”‟»«“]";

                // Replace content using replacement pattern (paragraph 16)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(15).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex($"{leftDoubleQuotationMarks}(?<words>{words}){rightDoubleQuotationMarks}");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "‘${words}’", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #18 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Replace content using replacement pattern in partially inserted text (paragraph 17)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(16).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex($"{leftDoubleQuotationMarks}(?<words>{words}){rightDoubleQuotationMarks}");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "‘${words}’", null, true, "John Doe");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #19 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Replace content using replacement pattern (paragraph 18)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(17).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex($"({leftDoubleQuotationMarks})(video)({rightDoubleQuotationMarks})");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "$1audio$3", null, true, "John Doe");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #20 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Recognize tabs (paragraph 19)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(18).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex(@"([1-9])\.\t");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "($1)\t", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #21 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // The next two examples deal with line breaks, i.e., the <w:br/> elements.
                // Note that you should use the U+000D (Carriage Return) character (i.e., '\r')
                // to match a <w:br/> (or <w:cr/>) and replace content with a <w:br/> element.
                // Depending on your platform, the end of line character(s) provided by
                // Environment.NewLine might be "\n" (Unix), "\r\n" (Windows), or "\r" (Mac).

                // Recognize tabs and insert line breaks (paragraph 20).
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(19).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex($@"([1-9])\.{UnicodeMapper.HorizontalTabulation}");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, $"Article $1{UnicodeMapper.CarriageReturn}", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #22 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Recognize and remove line breaks (paragraph 21)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(20).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex($"{UnicodeMapper.CarriageReturn}");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, " ", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #23 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Remove soft hyphens (paragraph 22)
                List <XElement> paras = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(21).Take(1).ToList();
                count  = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex($"{UnicodeMapper.SoftHyphen}"), "", null);
                count += OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex("use"), "no longer use", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #24 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // The next example deals with symbols (i.e., w:sym elements).
                // To work with symbols, you should acquire the Unicode values for the
                // symbols you wish to match or use in replacement patterns. The reason
                // is that UnicodeMapper will (a) mimic Microsoft Word in shifting the
                // Unicode values into the Unicode private use area (by adding U+F000)
                // and (b) use replacements for Unicode values that have been used in
                // conjunction with different fonts already (by adding U+E000).
                // The replacement Únicode values will depend on the order in which
                // symbols are retrieved. Therefore, you should not rely on any fixed
                // assignment.
                // In the example below, pencil will be represented by U+F021, whereas
                // spider (same value with different font) will be represented by U+E001.
                // If spider had been assigned first, spider would be U+F021 and pencil
                // would be U+E001.
                char oldPhone = UnicodeMapper.SymToChar("Wingdings", 40);
                char newPhone = UnicodeMapper.SymToChar("Wingdings", 41);
                char pencil   = UnicodeMapper.SymToChar("Wingdings", 0x21);
                char spider   = UnicodeMapper.SymToChar("Webdings", 0x21);

                // Replace or comment on symbols (paragraph 23)
                paras  = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(22).Take(1).ToList();
                count  = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex($"{oldPhone}"), $"{newPhone} (replaced with new phone)", null);
                count += OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex($"({pencil})"), "$1 (same pencil)", null);
                count += OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex($"({spider})"), "$1 (same spider)", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #25 Replaced: {0}", count);


            var sourcePres = new FileInfo("../../TestPresentation.pptx");
            var newPres    = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tempDi.FullName, "Modified.pptx"));

            File.Copy(sourcePres.FullName, newPres.FullName);
            using (PresentationDocument pDoc = PresentationDocument.Open(newPres.FullName, true))
                foreach (SlidePart slidePart in pDoc.PresentationPart.SlideParts)
                    XDocument xDoc = slidePart.GetXDocument();

                    // Replace content
                    IEnumerable <XElement> content = xDoc.Descendants(A.p);
                    var regex = new Regex("Hello");
                    int count = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "H e l l o", null);
                    Console.WriteLine("Example #18 Replaced: {0}", count);

                    // If you absolutely want to preserve compatibility with PowerPoint 2007, then you will need to strip the xml:space="preserve" attribute throughout.
                    // This is an issue for PowerPoint only, not Word, and for 2007 only.
                    // The side-effect of this is that if a run has space at the beginning or end of it, the space will be stripped upon loading, and content/layout will be affected.
                    xDoc.Descendants().Attributes(XNamespace.Xml + "space").Remove();

Esempio n. 19
        private static object TransformToMetadata(XNode node, XElement data, TemplateError te)
            XElement element = node as XElement;

            if (element != null)
                if (element.Name == W.sdt)
                    var alias = (string)element.Elements(W.sdtPr).Elements(W.alias).Attributes(W.val).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (alias == null || alias == "" || s_AliasList.Contains(alias))
                        var ccContents = element
                                         .Where(e => e.Name == W.t)
                                         .Select(t => (string)t)
                                         .Replace('“', '"')
                                         .Replace('”', '"');
                        if (ccContents.StartsWith("<"))
                            XElement xml = TransformXmlTextToMetadata(te, ccContents);
                            if (xml.Name == W.p || xml.Name == W.r)  // this means there was an error processing the XML.
                                if (element.Parent.Name == W.p)
                            if (alias != null && xml.Name.LocalName != alias)
                                if (element.Parent.Name == W.p)
                                    return(CreateRunErrorMessage("Error: Content control alias does not match metadata element name", te));
                                    return(CreateParaErrorMessage("Error: Content control alias does not match metadata element name", te));
                        return(new XElement(element.Name,
                                            element.Nodes().Select(n => TransformToMetadata(n, data, te))));
                    return(new XElement(element.Name,
                                        element.Nodes().Select(n => TransformToMetadata(n, data, te))));
                if (element.Name == W.p)
                    var paraContents = element
                                       .Where(e => e.Name == W.t)
                                       .Select(t => (string)t)
                    int occurances = paraContents.Select((c, i) => paraContents.Substring(i)).Count(sub => sub.StartsWith("<#"));
                    if (paraContents.StartsWith("<#") && paraContents.EndsWith("#>") && occurances == 1)
                        var      xmlText = paraContents.Substring(2, paraContents.Length - 4).Trim();
                        XElement xml     = TransformXmlTextToMetadata(te, xmlText);
                        if (xml.Name == W.p || xml.Name == W.r)
                    if (paraContents.Contains("<#"))
                        List <RunReplacementInfo> runReplacementInfo = new List <RunReplacementInfo>();
                        var      thisGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        var      r        = new Regex("<#.*?#>");
                        XElement xml      = null;
                        OpenXmlRegex.Replace(new[] { element }, r, thisGuid, (para, match) =>
                            var matchString = match.Value.Trim();
                            var xmlText     = matchString.Substring(2, matchString.Length - 4).Trim().Replace('“', '"').Replace('”', '"');
                                xml = XElement.Parse(xmlText);
                            catch (XmlException e)
                                RunReplacementInfo rri = new RunReplacementInfo()
                                    Xml = null,
                                    XmlExceptionMessage     = "XmlException: " + e.Message,
                                    SchemaValidationMessage = null,
                            string schemaError = ValidatePerSchema(xml);
                            if (schemaError != null)
                                RunReplacementInfo rri = new RunReplacementInfo()
                                    Xml = null,
                                    XmlExceptionMessage     = null,
                                    SchemaValidationMessage = "Schema Validation Error: " + schemaError,
                            RunReplacementInfo rri2 = new RunReplacementInfo()
                                Xml = xml,
                                XmlExceptionMessage     = null,
                                SchemaValidationMessage = null,
                        }, false);

                        var newPara = new XElement(element);
                        foreach (var rri in runReplacementInfo)
                            var runToReplace = newPara.Descendants(W.r).FirstOrDefault(rn => rn.Value == thisGuid && rn.Parent.Name != PA.Content);
                            if (runToReplace == null)
                                throw new OpenXmlPowerToolsException("Internal error");
                            if (rri.XmlExceptionMessage != null)
                                runToReplace.ReplaceWith(CreateRunErrorMessage(rri.XmlExceptionMessage, te));
                            else if (rri.SchemaValidationMessage != null)
                                runToReplace.ReplaceWith(CreateRunErrorMessage(rri.SchemaValidationMessage, te));
                                var newXml = new XElement(rri.Xml);
                        var coalescedParagraph = WordprocessingMLUtil.CoalesceAdjacentRunsWithIdenticalFormatting(newPara);

                return(new XElement(element.Name,
                                    element.Nodes().Select(n => TransformToMetadata(n, data, te))));