protected override void CreateFrameBuffer()
            ColorFormat requestedColorFormat = 32;

            switch (RequestedBackBufferFormat)
            case PixelFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm:
            case PixelFormat.B8G8R8A8_UNorm:
                requestedColorFormat = 32;

            case PixelFormat.B8G8R8X8_UNorm:
                requestedColorFormat = 24;

            case PixelFormat.B5G6R5_UNorm:
                requestedColorFormat = new ColorFormat(5, 6, 5, 0);

            case PixelFormat.B5G5R5A1_UNorm:
                requestedColorFormat = new ColorFormat(5, 5, 5, 1);

                throw new NotSupportedException("RequestedBackBufferFormat");

            // Query first the maximum supported profile, as some devices are crashing if we try to instantiate a 3.0 on a device supporting only 2.0
            var maximumVersion = GetMaximumSupportedProfile();

            foreach (var profile in RequestedGraphicsProfile)
                var version = OpenGLUtils.GetGLVersion(profile);
                if (version > maximumVersion)
                ContextRenderingApi = version;
                GraphicsMode        = new GraphicsMode(requestedColorFormat, 0, 0);

            throw new Exception("Unable to create a graphics context on the device. Maybe you should lower the preferred GraphicsProfile.");
Esempio n. 2
        protected override void Initialize(GameContext <iOSWindow> gameContext)
            gameForm     = gameContext.Control.GameView;
            nativeWindow = new WindowHandle(AppContextType.iOS, gameForm);

            gameForm.Load        += gameForm_Load;
            gameForm.Unload      += gameForm_Unload;
            gameForm.RenderFrame += gameForm_RenderFrame;

            // get the OpenGL ES version
            var contextAvailable = false;

            foreach (var version in OpenGLUtils.GetGLVersions(gameContext.RequestedGraphicsProfile))
                var         contextRenderingApi = MajorVersionTOEAGLRenderingAPI(version);
                EAGLContext contextTest         = null;
                    contextTest = new EAGLContext(contextRenderingApi);

                    // delete extra context
                    if (contextTest != null)

                    gameForm.ContextRenderingApi = contextRenderingApi;
                    contextAvailable             = true;
                catch (Exception)
                    // TODO: log message

            if (!contextAvailable)
                throw new Exception("Graphics context could not be created.");

            gameForm.LayerColorFormat = EAGLColorFormat.RGBA8;
            //gameForm.LayerRetainsBacking = false;
Esempio n. 3
        static List <DisplayVertex> CreateDisplayVertices(FMDL model, FSHP mesh)
            // rearrange faces
            mesh.display = mesh.lodMeshes[mesh.DisplayLODIndex].getDisplayFace().ToArray();

            List <DisplayVertex> displayVertList = new List <DisplayVertex>();

            if (mesh.lodMeshes[mesh.DisplayLODIndex].faces.Count <= 3)

            foreach (Vertex v in mesh.vertices)
                model.MaxPosition = OpenGLUtils.GetMax(model.MaxPosition, v.pos);
                model.MinPosition = OpenGLUtils.GetMin(model.MinPosition, v.pos);

                DisplayVertex displayVert = new DisplayVertex()
                    Position   = v.pos,
                    Normal     = v.nrm,
                    Color0     = v.col,
                    Color1     = v.col2,
                    TexCoord0  = v.uv0,
                    TexCoord1  = v.uv1,
                    TexCoord2  = v.uv2,
                    BlendIndex = new Vector4(
                        v.boneIds.Count > 0 ? v.boneIds[0] : -1,
                        v.boneIds.Count > 1 ? v.boneIds[1] : -1,
                        v.boneIds.Count > 2 ? v.boneIds[2] : -1,
                        v.boneIds.Count > 3 ? v.boneIds[3] : -1),
                    BlendWeight = new Vector4(
                        v.boneWeights.Count > 0 ? v.boneWeights[0] : 0,
                        v.boneWeights.Count > 1 ? v.boneWeights[1] : 0,
                        v.boneWeights.Count > 2 ? v.boneWeights[2] : 0,
                        v.boneWeights.Count > 3 ? v.boneWeights[3] : 0),


Esempio n. 4
        internal GraphicsDeviceFeatures(GraphicsDevice deviceRoot)
            mapFeaturesPerFormat = new FeaturesPerFormat[256];

            HasSRgb = true;

            using (deviceRoot.UseOpenGLCreationContext())
                Vendor   = GL.GetString(StringName.Vendor);
                Renderer = GL.GetString(StringName.Renderer);
                SupportedExtensions = GL.GetString(StringName.Extensions).Split(' ');
                int numExtensions;
                GL.GetInteger(GetPName.NumExtensions, out numExtensions);
                SupportedExtensions = new string[numExtensions];
                for (int extensionIndex = 0; extensionIndex < numExtensions; ++extensionIndex)
                    SupportedExtensions[extensionIndex] = GL.GetString(StringNameIndexed.Extensions, extensionIndex);

            var isOpenGLES3 = deviceRoot.currentVersion >= 300;

            deviceRoot.HasDepth24 = isOpenGLES3 || SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_OES_depth24");
            deviceRoot.HasPackedDepthStencilExtension = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil");
            deviceRoot.HasExtTextureFormatBGRA8888    = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888") ||
            deviceRoot.HasRenderTargetFloat = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_EXT_color_buffer_float");
            deviceRoot.HasRenderTargetHalf  = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float");
            deviceRoot.HasVAO          = isOpenGLES3 || SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_OES_vertex_array_object");
            deviceRoot.HasTextureRG    = isOpenGLES3 || SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_EXT_texture_rg");
            deviceRoot.HasKhronosDebug = deviceRoot.currentVersion >= 320 || SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_KHR_debug");

            // Either 3.2+, or 3.1+ with GL_EXT_texture_buffer
            // TODO: For now we don't have proper ES3 bindings on Android (and possibly iOS)
            deviceRoot.HasTextureBuffers = false;
            //deviceRoot.HasTextureBuffers = (deviceRoot.version >= 320)
            //                            || (deviceRoot.version >= 310 && SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_EXT_texture_buffer"));

            HasSRgb = isOpenGLES3 || SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_EXT_sRGB");

            // Compute shaders available in OpenGL ES 3.1
            HasComputeShaders  = isOpenGLES3 && deviceRoot.currentVersion >= 1;
            HasDoublePrecision = false;

            HasDepthAsSRV        = isOpenGLES3;
            HasDepthAsReadOnlyRT = isOpenGLES3;

            // TODO: from 3.1: draw indirect, separate shader object
            // TODO: check tessellation & geometry shaders: GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a
            deviceRoot.HasVAO = true;

            deviceRoot.HasDXT            = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc");
            deviceRoot.HasTextureBuffers = true;
            deviceRoot.HasKhronosDebug   = deviceRoot.currentVersion >= 430 || SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_KHR_debug");

            // Compute shaders available in OpenGL 4.3
            HasComputeShaders  = deviceRoot.version >= 430;
            HasDoublePrecision = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit");

            HasDepthAsSRV        = deviceRoot.version >= 300;
            HasDepthAsReadOnlyRT = deviceRoot.version >= 300;

            // TODO: from 4.0: tessellation, draw indirect
            // TODO: from 4.1: separate shader object

            deviceRoot.HasDepthClamp = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_ARB_depth_clamp");

            HasDriverCommandLists = false;
            HasMultiThreadingConcurrentResources = false;

            // TODO: Enum supported formats in mapFeaturesPerFormat

            // Find shader model based on OpenGL version (might need to check extensions more carefully)
            RequestedProfile = deviceRoot.requestedGraphicsProfile;
            CurrentProfile   = OpenGLUtils.GetFeatureLevel(deviceRoot.currentVersion);
Esempio n. 5
        internal GraphicsDeviceFeatures(GraphicsDevice deviceRoot)
            mapFeaturesPerFormat = new FeaturesPerFormat[256];

            HasSRgb = true;

            using (deviceRoot.UseOpenGLCreationContext())
                Vendor   = GL.GetString(StringName.Vendor);
                Renderer = GL.GetString(StringName.Renderer);
                SupportedExtensions = GL.GetString(StringName.Extensions).Split(' ');
                int numExtensions;
                GL.GetInteger(GetPName.NumExtensions, out numExtensions);
                SupportedExtensions = new string[numExtensions];
                for (int extensionIndex = 0; extensionIndex < numExtensions; ++extensionIndex)
                    SupportedExtensions[extensionIndex] = GL.GetString(StringNameIndexed.Extensions, extensionIndex);

            var isOpenGLES3 = deviceRoot.versionMajor >= 3;

            deviceRoot.HasDepth24 = isOpenGLES3 || SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_OES_depth24");
            deviceRoot.HasPackedDepthStencilExtension = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil");
            deviceRoot.HasExtTextureFormatBGRA8888    = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888") ||
            deviceRoot.HasRenderTargetFloat = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_EXT_color_buffer_float");
            deviceRoot.HasRenderTargetHalf  = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float");
            deviceRoot.HasVAO       = isOpenGLES3 || SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_OES_vertex_array_object");
            deviceRoot.HasTextureRG = isOpenGLES3 || SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_EXT_texture_rg");

            HasSRgb = isOpenGLES3 || SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_EXT_sRGB");

            // Compute shaders available in OpenGL ES 3.1
            HasComputeShaders  = isOpenGLES3 && deviceRoot.versionMinor >= 1;
            HasDoublePrecision = false;

            // TODO: from 3.1: draw indirect, separate shader object
            // TODO: check tessellation & geometry shaders: GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a
            deviceRoot.HasVAO = true;

            // Compute shaders available in OpenGL 4.3
            HasComputeShaders  = deviceRoot.versionMajor >= 4 && deviceRoot.versionMinor >= 3;
            HasDoublePrecision = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit");

            // TODO: from 4.0: tessellation, draw indirect
            // TODO: from 4.1: separate shader object

            HasDriverCommandLists = false;
            HasMultiThreadingConcurrentResources = false;

            // TODO: Enum supported formats in mapFeaturesPerFormat

            // Find shader model based on OpenGL version (might need to check extensions more carefully)
            Profile = OpenGLUtils.GetFeatureLevel(deviceRoot.versionMajor, deviceRoot.versionMinor);
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GameContext" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control">The control.</param>
        /// <param name="requestedWidth">Width of the requested.</param>
        /// <param name="requestedHeight">Height of the requested.</param>
        public GameContext(OpenTK.GameWindow control, int requestedWidth = 0, int requestedHeight = 0)
            var creationFlags = GraphicsContextFlags.Default;

            creationFlags |= GraphicsContextFlags.Embedded;

            if (requestedWidth == 0 || requestedHeight == 0)
                requestedWidth  = 1280;
                requestedHeight = 720;

            // force the stencil buffer to be not null.
            var defaultMode = GraphicsMode.Default;
            var graphicMode = new GraphicsMode(defaultMode.ColorFormat, defaultMode.Depth, 8, defaultMode.Samples, defaultMode.AccumulatorFormat, defaultMode.Buffers, defaultMode.Stereo);

            GraphicsContext.ShareContexts = true;

            if (control == null)
                int versionMajor, versionMinor;
                if (RequestedGraphicsProfile == null || RequestedGraphicsProfile.Length == 0)
                    versionMajor = 3;
                    versionMinor = 0;
                    // PC: 4.3 is commonly available (= compute shaders)
                    // MacOS X: 4.1 maximum
                    versionMajor = 4;
                    versionMinor = 1;
                    Control = TryGameWindow(requestedWidth, requestedHeight, graphicMode, versionMajor, versionMinor, creationFlags);
                    foreach (var profile in RequestedGraphicsProfile)
                        OpenGLUtils.GetGLVersion(profile, out versionMajor, out versionMinor);
                        var gameWindow = TryGameWindow(requestedWidth, requestedHeight, graphicMode, versionMajor, versionMinor, creationFlags);
                        if (gameWindow != null)
                            Control = gameWindow;
                Control = control;

            if (Control == null)
                throw new Exception("Unable to initialize graphics context.");

            RequestedWidth  = requestedWidth;
            RequestedHeight = requestedHeight;
            ContextType     = AppContextType.DesktopOpenTK;
        protected override void CreateFrameBuffer()
            int         requestedDepth       = 0;
            int         requestedStencil     = 0;
            ColorFormat requestedColorFormat = 32;

            switch (RequestedBackBufferFormat)
            case PixelFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm:
            case PixelFormat.B8G8R8A8_UNorm:
                requestedColorFormat = 32;

            case PixelFormat.B8G8R8X8_UNorm:
                requestedColorFormat = 24;

            case PixelFormat.B5G6R5_UNorm:
                requestedColorFormat = new ColorFormat(5, 6, 5, 0);

            case PixelFormat.B5G5R5A1_UNorm:
                requestedColorFormat = new ColorFormat(5, 5, 5, 1);

                throw new NotSupportedException("RequestedBackBufferFormat");

            switch (RequestedDepthStencilFormat)
            case PixelFormat.None:

            case PixelFormat.D16_UNorm:
                requestedDepth = 16;

            case PixelFormat.D24_UNorm_S8_UInt:
                requestedDepth   = 24;
                requestedStencil = 8;

            case PixelFormat.D32_Float:
                requestedDepth = 32;

            case PixelFormat.D32_Float_S8X24_UInt:
                requestedDepth   = 32;
                requestedStencil = 8;

                throw new NotSupportedException("RequestedDepthStencilFormat");

            // Some devices only allow D16_S8, let's try it as well
            // D24 and D32 are supported on OpenGL ES 3 devices
            var requestedDepthFallback = requestedDepth > 16 ? 16 : requestedDepth;

            foreach (var version in OpenGLUtils.GetGLVersions(RequestedGraphicsProfile))
                if (TryCreateFrameBuffer(MajorVersionToGLVersion(version), requestedColorFormat, requestedDepth, requestedStencil) ||
                    TryCreateFrameBuffer(MajorVersionToGLVersion(version), requestedColorFormat, requestedDepthFallback, requestedStencil))

            throw new Exception("Unable to create a graphics context on the device. Maybe you should lower the preferred GraphicsProfile.");
        internal GraphicsDeviceFeatures(GraphicsDevice deviceRoot)
            mapFeaturesPerFormat = new FeaturesPerFormat[256];

            HasSRgb = true;

            using (deviceRoot.UseOpenGLCreationContext())
                Vendor   = GL.GetString(StringName.Vendor);
                Renderer = GL.GetString(StringName.Renderer);
                SupportedExtensions = GL.GetString(StringName.Extensions).Split(' ');
                int numExtensions;
                GL.GetInteger(GetPName.NumExtensions, out numExtensions);
                SupportedExtensions = new string[numExtensions];
                for (int extensionIndex = 0; extensionIndex < numExtensions; ++extensionIndex)
                    SupportedExtensions[extensionIndex] = GL.GetString(StringNameIndexed.Extensions, extensionIndex);

            deviceRoot.HasExtTextureFormatBGRA8888 = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888") ||
            deviceRoot.HasKhronosDebug = deviceRoot.currentVersion >= 320 || SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_KHR_debug");
            deviceRoot.HasTimerQueries = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query");

            // Either 3.2+, or 3.1+ with GL_EXT_texture_buffer
            // TODO: For now we don't have proper ES3 bindings on Android (and possibly iOS)
            deviceRoot.HasTextureBuffers = false;
            //deviceRoot.HasTextureBuffers = (deviceRoot.version >= 320)
            //                            || (deviceRoot.version >= 310 && SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_EXT_texture_buffer"));

            // Compute shaders available in OpenGL ES 3.1
            HasComputeShaders  = deviceRoot.currentVersion >= 310;
            HasDoublePrecision = false;

            HasDepthAsSRV            = true;
            HasDepthAsReadOnlyRT     = true;
            HasMultisampleDepthAsSRV = true;

            deviceRoot.HasDepthClamp = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_ARB_depth_clamp");

            // TODO: from 3.1: draw indirect, separate shader object
            // TODO: check tessellation & geometry shaders: GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a
            deviceRoot.HasDXT            = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc");
            deviceRoot.HasTextureBuffers = true;
            deviceRoot.HasKhronosDebug   = deviceRoot.currentVersion >= 430 || SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_KHR_debug");
            deviceRoot.HasTimerQueries   = deviceRoot.version >= 320;

            // Compute shaders available in OpenGL 4.3
            HasComputeShaders  = deviceRoot.version >= 430;
            HasDoublePrecision = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit");

            HasDepthAsSRV            = true;
            HasDepthAsReadOnlyRT     = true;
            HasMultisampleDepthAsSRV = true;

            deviceRoot.HasDepthClamp = true;

            // TODO: from 4.0: tessellation, draw indirect
            // TODO: from 4.1: separate shader object

            deviceRoot.HasAnisotropicFiltering = SupportedExtensions.Contains("GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic");

            HasResourceRenaming = true;

            HasDriverCommandLists = false;
            HasMultiThreadingConcurrentResources = false;

            // Find shader model based on OpenGL version (might need to check extensions more carefully)
            RequestedProfile = deviceRoot.requestedGraphicsProfile;
            CurrentProfile   = OpenGLUtils.GetFeatureLevel(deviceRoot.currentVersion);

Esempio n. 9
        internal override void Initialize(GameContext gameContext)
            GameContext = gameContext;

            gameForm     = gameContext.GameView;
            nativeWindow = new WindowHandle(AppContextType.iOS, gameForm);

            gameForm.Load        += gameForm_Load;
            gameForm.Unload      += gameForm_Unload;
            gameForm.RenderFrame += gameForm_RenderFrame;

            // get the OpenGL ES version
            var contextAvailable = false;

            foreach (var version in OpenGLUtils.GetGLVersions(gameContext.RequestedGraphicsProfile))
                var         contextRenderingApi = MajorVersionTOEAGLRenderingAPI(version);
                EAGLContext contextTest         = null;
                    contextTest = new EAGLContext(contextRenderingApi);

                    // delete extra context
                    if (contextTest != null)

                    gameForm.ContextRenderingApi = contextRenderingApi;
                    contextAvailable             = true;
                catch (Exception)
                    // TODO: log message

            if (!contextAvailable)
                throw new Exception("Graphics context could not be created.");

            gameForm.LayerColorFormat = MonoTouch.OpenGLES.EAGLColorFormat.RGBA8;
            //gameForm.LayerRetainsBacking = false;

            // Setup the initial size of the window
            var width = gameContext.RequestedWidth;

            if (width == 0)
                width = (int)(gameForm.Size.Width * gameForm.ContentScaleFactor);

            var height = gameContext.RequestedHeight;

            if (height == 0)
                height = (int)(gameForm.Size.Height * gameForm.ContentScaleFactor);

            gameForm.Size = new Size(width, height);

            //gameForm.Resize += OnClientSizeChanged;
Esempio n. 10
        internal GraphicsAdapter()
            outputs = new [] { new GraphicsOutput() };

            // set default values
            int detectedVersion = 100;

            string renderer, vendor, version;
            int    versionMajor, versionMinor;

            var SDL = Stride.Graphics.SDL.Window.SDL;
            // Some platforms (i.e. Android) can only have a single window
            var sdlWindow = DefaultWindow;

            if (sdlWindow == null)
                sdlWindow = SDL.CreateWindow("Stride Hidden OpenGL", 50, 50, 1280, 720, (uint)(WindowFlags.WindowHidden | WindowFlags.WindowOpengl));

            using (var sdlContext = new SdlContext(SDL, sdlWindow))
                using (var gl = GL.GetApi(sdlContext))
                    SDL.GLSetAttribute(GLattr.GLContextProfileMask, (int)GLprofile.GLContextProfileES);
                    SDL.GLSetAttribute(GLattr.GLContextProfileMask, (int)GLprofile.GLContextProfileCore);
                    renderer = gl.GetStringS(StringName.Renderer);
                    vendor   = gl.GetStringS(StringName.Vendor);
                    version  = gl.GetStringS(StringName.Version);
                    gl.GetInteger(GetPName.MajorVersion, out versionMajor);
                    gl.GetInteger(GetPName.MinorVersion, out versionMinor);
            if (sdlWindow != DefaultWindow)

            // Stay close to D3D: Cut renderer after first / (ex: "GeForce 670/PCIe/SSE2")
            var rendererSlash = renderer.IndexOf('/');

            if (rendererSlash != -1)
                renderer = renderer.Substring(0, rendererSlash);

            // Stay close to D3D: Remove "Corporation" from vendor
            vendor = vendor.Replace(" Corporation", string.Empty);

            // Generate adapter Description
            Description = $"{vendor} {renderer}";

            // get real values
            // Note: using glGetIntegerv(GL_MAJOR_VERSION / GL_MINOR_VERSION) only works on opengl (es) >= 3.0
            detectedVersion          = versionMajor * 100 + versionMinor * 10;
            supportedGraphicsProfile = OpenGLUtils.GetFeatureLevel(detectedVersion);

            OpenGLVersion  = detectedVersion;
            OpenGLRenderer = renderer;