Esempio n. 1
 public MainViewModel()
     DownloadCommand       = new TrackDownloadCommand(this);
     OpenFolderCommand     = new OpenFolderCommand(this);
     SettingsCommand       = new OpenSettingsCommand(this);
     ChangeSavePathCommand = new ChangeSavePathCommand(this);
        public SettingsPageModel(PasswordBox PasswordBox)
            this.PasswordBox = PasswordBox;
            this.PasswordBox.PasswordChanged += (i1, i2) => SyncSettingsBindings();

            Configuration configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
            KeyValueConfigurationElement KeyValueConfigurationElement = configuration.AppSettings.Settings[Configurations.SERVICE_PATH];

            if (KeyValueConfigurationElement is object)
                Path = KeyValueConfigurationElement.Value;
                Path = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(Configurations.SERVICE_NAME, ".exe"));

            SelectServiceFileCommand = new OpenFileCommand(Path => {
                this.Path = Path;
                configuration.AppSettings.Settings.Add(Configurations.SERVICE_PATH, Path);
            }, Configurations.SERVICE_NAME + " Executable|" + System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(Configurations.SERVICE_NAME, ".exe"));

            SelectInputPathCommand     = new OpenFolderCommand(Path => InputPath = Path);
            SelectOutputPathCommand    = new OpenFolderCommand(Path => OutputPath = Path);
            SelectProcessedPathCommand = new OpenFolderCommand(Path => ProcessedPath = Path);
            SelectErrorPathCommand     = new OpenFolderCommand(Path => ErrorPath = Path);
            SelectSurfacePathCommand   = new OpenFolderCommand(Path => SurfacePath = Path);
            SelectAnalysisPathCommand  = new OpenFolderCommand(Path => AnalysisPath = Path);

            StopServiceCommand = new WrappedCommand(new StopServiceCommand(Configurations.SERVICE_NAME));
Esempio n. 3
        public MainViewModel(IFolderProvider folderProvider)
            Ensure.NotNull(folderProvider, "folderProvider");

            Folders = new ObservableCollection <Folder>(folderProvider.Get().OrderBy(f => f.Name.ToString()));

            Open = new OpenFolderCommand();
            Copy = new CopyToClipBoardAsTextCommand();
 public ExportCompletedViewModel(string title, FileInfo file)
     Title             = title;
     File              = file;
     OpenFileCommand   = ReactiveCommand.Create(this.WhenAnyValue(me => me.File).Select(f => f?.Exists == true));
     OpenFolderCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(this.WhenAnyValue(me => me.File).Select(f => f?.Directory?.Exists == true));
     OpenFileCommand.Subscribe(_ => Process.Start(File.FullName));
     OpenFolderCommand.Subscribe(_ => Process.Start(File.DirectoryName));
     Result = CloseCommand.Select(_ => (bool?)true);
Esempio n. 5
 public MainViewModel()
     DownloadCommand             = new TrackDownloadCommand(this);
     OpenFolderCommand           = new OpenFolderCommand(this);
     SettingsCommand             = new OpenSettingsCommand(this);
     ChangeSavePathCommand       = new ChangeSavePathCommand(this);
     SearchCommand               = new SearchCommand(this);
     SetTrackCommand             = new SetTrackCommand(this);
     AddToDownloadListCommand    = new AddToDownloadListCommand(this);
     DownloadDownloadListCommand = new DownloadDownloadListCommand(this);
Esempio n. 6
        public MainWindowViewModel()
            Items = new List <TestItem>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                Items.Add(new TestItem($"Item {i}", $"Item {i} Value"));

            Nodes = new List <TestNode>
                new TestNode
                    Header     = "Root",
                    SubHeader  = "Root Item",
                    IsExpanded = true,
                    Children   = new[]
                        new TestNode
                            Header    = "Child 1",
                            SubHeader = "Child 1 Value",
                        new TestNode
                            Header     = "Child 2",
                            SubHeader  = "Child 2 Value",
                            IsExpanded = false,
                            Children   = new[]
                                new TestNode
                                    Header    = "Grandchild",
                                    SubHeader = "Grandchild Value",
                                new TestNode
                                    Header    = "Grandmaster Flash",
                                    SubHeader = "White Lines",

            CollapseNodesCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create();
            CollapseNodesCommand.Subscribe(_ => ExpandNodes(false));
            ExpandNodesCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create();
            ExpandNodesCommand.Subscribe(_ => ExpandNodes(true));

            OpenFileCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create();
            OpenFileCommand.Subscribe(_ =>
                var ofd = new OpenFileDialog();


            OpenFolderCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create();
            OpenFolderCommand.Subscribe(_ =>
                var ofd = new OpenFolderDialog();


            shell = ShellViewModel.Instance;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new instance of this model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="window"></param>
        public MainWindowModel(Window window) : base(window, true)
            IconVisible        = false;
            updateSearched     = false;
            CloseWindowCommand = new CloseApplicationCommand();


            object dockArea = window.FindName("DP_ContentDock");

            if (dockArea is DockPanel panel)
                ISettingFactory settingFactory = new WpfPropertySettingManagerFactory();
                SettingManager  wpfSettings    = settingFactory.GetSettingsManager();

                contentDock = panel;

                BrowserUserControl localBrowser     = new BrowserUserControl(string.Empty);
                ICommand           openLocalBrowser = new MultiCommand(new List <ICommand>()
                    new OpenControlToPanel(contentDock, localBrowser, false),
                    new ChangeBrowserContentCommand(localBrowser)

                BrowserUserControl remoteBrowser     = new BrowserUserControl(string.Empty, new RemoteDocumentManagerFactory(new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0)));
                ICommand           openRemoteBrowser = new MultiCommand(new List <ICommand>()
                    new OpenControlToPanel(contentDock, remoteBrowser, false),
                    new ChangeBrowserContentCommand(remoteBrowser)

                OpenNewsCommand      = openRemoteBrowser;
                OpenChangelogCommand = openLocalBrowser;
                OpenDisclamerCommand = openLocalBrowser;
                OpenAboutCommand     = openLocalBrowser;
                OpenLicenseCommand   = openLocalBrowser;

                OpenHDPatchCommand = new OpenControlToPanel(contentDock, new ComingSoonControl());
                OpenMapCommand     = new OpenControlToPanel(contentDock, new MapUserControl());
                LaunchGameCommand  = new OpenControlToPanel(contentDock, new PatchVersionSelectionUserControl(window));
                OpenSettingCommand = new OpenControlToPanel(contentDock, new SettingsUserControl(currentWindow));
                ComingSoonCommand  = new OpenControlToPanel(contentDock, new ComingSoonControl());

                ReportIssueCommand = new OpenLinkCommand(wpfSettings.GetValue <string>("ReportIssueLink"));
                OpenEditorCommand  = new StartEditorCommand(settingManager);
                OpenSettlersConfigurationCommand = new StartSettlersConfigCommand(settingManager);
                OpenSavesFolderCommand           = new OpenFolderCommand(Environment.GetFolderPath(
                                                                         + "/TheSettlers4/Save/"

                string gameFolder    = settingManager.GetValue <string>("GameFolder");
                string textureChange = gameFolder + "Texturenwechsler.bat";
                OpenTextureChangerCommand = new StartProgramCommand(textureChange);


            ChangeGroupVisiblity    = new ToggleSubGroupVisibilityCommand(currentWindow);
            window.ContentRendered += (sender, data) =>
                if (updateSearched)
                updateSearched = true;
Esempio n. 8
 public MainWindowViewModel()
     OpenFolderCommand  = new OpenFolderCommand(this);
     NavigateToCommand  = new NavigateToCommand(this);
     CloseFolderCommand = new CloseFolderCommand(this);
Esempio n. 9
        public MainWindowViewModel(List <Task> tasks, UserGroup group)
            GridWidth = false;

            // Set the current user
            CurrentUser = RunTimeContext.Context.CurrentUser;

            #region Lists

            // The list of scheduled tasks (bind to the Schedule list in UI)
            ScheduledList = new ObservableCollection <Schedule>(ScheduleManager.GetScheduledTask(RunTimeContext.Context.CurrentUser,

            // Result list (bind to the result panel in UI)
            ResultList = new ObservableCollection <ResultTask>();

            // Property list, to use with FileLib, /!\ not implemented now :(
            Props = new ObservableCollection <Dictionary <string, string> >();

            // Task list, with all the task, given by the loading screen as constructor parameter
            TaskList = tasks == null ? new ObservableCollection <Task>() : new ObservableCollection <Task>(tasks);

            // The list of queued tasks (bind to the queue panel in UI)
            QueueList = new ObservableCollection <Task>();

            // The list of markets (Bind to the combobox with the list of markets in UI)
            MarketList = new ObservableCollection <Market>(MarketManager.GetAllMarkets(RunTimeContext.Context.DatabaseContext));


            #region Selected

            // Set the market to the main market of the user
            SelectedMarket = CurrentUser.MainMarket;

            // Set the selected task to the first one of the list
            SelectedTask = FilteredTasks.FirstOrDefault();


            #region User right

            // Those three properties are used to be bind with some UI elements like menu
            // If you bind the IsVisibility property of a control with one of those, only the group of person with the appropriate
            // rights will be able to see it
            // eg : Visibility="{Binding IsAdmin}" <-- only Admin level people will see

            // Do the user have Admin Access ?
            IsAdmin = (@group == UserGroup.Dev || @group == UserGroup.Admin) ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

            // Manager ?
            IsManager = @group == UserGroup.Manager ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

            // Or maybe a Developer ?
            IsDev = @group == UserGroup.Dev ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;


            #region Commands

            OpenConfigCommand   = new OpenConfigCommand(this);
            OpenScheduleCommand = new OpenScheduleCommand(this);

            OpenFileCommand   = new OpenFileCommand(this);
            OpenFolderCommand = new OpenFolderCommand(this);

            OpenLogCommand = new OpenLogCommand(this);

            RunCommand      = new RunTaskCommand(this);
            QueueCommand    = new QueueTaskCommand(this);
            RemoveCommand   = new RemoveTaskCommand(this);
            CloseCommand    = new CloseWindowCommand();
            MinimizeCommand = new MinimizeWindowCommand();
            MaximizeCommand = new MaximizeWindowCommand();
            LogoutCommand   = new LogoutCommand();

            ClearQueueCommand    = new ClearQueueCommand(this);
            MoveDownQueueCommand = new MoveDownQueueCommand(this);
            MoveUpQueueCommand   = new MoveUpQueueCommand(this);

            StartQueueCommand     = new StartQueueCommand(this);
            AddScheduleCommand    = new AddScheduleCommand(this);
            RemoveScheduleCommand = new RemoveScheduleCommand(this);
            ChangeScheduleCommand = new ChangeScheduleCommand(this);
            ShowAllTaskCommand    = new ShowAllTaskCommand(this);
            ShowMarketTaskCommand = new ShowMarketTaskCommand(this);

            ShowInfoCommand  = new ShowInfoCommand(this);
            ShowQueueCommand = new ShowQueueCommand(this);

            FilterResultCommand = new FilterResultCommand(this);

            ReportDevCommand = new ReportDevCommand(this);


            // Number of time in a row a task failed
            // if 3 the error window will appear automatically
            FailedInARow = 0;

            #region Hide other regions

            GridWidth = true;


            // A simple bool to see if a task is running at the moment or not
            TaskRunning = false;

            // The result filter, chaging it will change automatically the task list
            ResultFilter = "";

            // The log List
            Log = new ObservableCollection <Log>();

            // The list of currently scheduled tasks, use for rerun if failed and keep track of current running status
            CurrentlyScheduledTasks = new Dictionary <int, ScheduledTaskInfo>();

            #region Timer

            // Create new DispatcherTimer and attach event handler to it
            var launchScheduleTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
            launchScheduleTimer.Tick    += LaunchScheduleTimer_Tick;
            launchScheduleTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0);
