Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Find all the paths avalaible between map start point and destination point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="Path{T}"/> array containing all the paths avalaible from start to destination.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">No start or destination node are given in the map.</exception>
        public Path <T>[] FindAllPaths()
            Node <T>         startNode       = null;                   // Start node from which begin the navigation
            Node <T>         destinationNode = null;                   // Destination node to be reached
            Node <T>         actualNode      = null;                   // Actual visited node
            Path <T>         foundPath       = null;                   // Path found by a search
            List <Path <T> > resultPathList  = new List <Path <T> >(); // List of paths found by all the search cycles

            SearchState searchResult = SearchState.Searching;          // Flag used to let the function cycle
            OpenClosedNodeCollection <T> nodeCollection = null;        // Collection containing the nodes that can be visited or must be ignored
            List <Node <T> >             pathNodeList   = null;        // List of node that defines the path
            double foundPathCost = 0;                                  // Cost of the found path

            // Get the start node from the node map
            startNode = this.NodeMap.GetStartNode();

            // Get the destination node from the node map
            destinationNode = this.NodeMap.GetDestinationNode();

            // Throw an exception if there are no starting or destination node
            if (startNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(startNode));

            if (destinationNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(destinationNode));

            // Initialize che collections
            pathNodeList   = new List <Node <T> >();
            nodeCollection = new OpenClosedNodeCollection <T>();

            // Begin from the start node
            actualNode = startNode;

            // Begin the search
                searchResult = this.ComputeFindPath(destinationNode, ref actualNode, nodeCollection);

                // Create the path if destination as been reached
                if (searchResult == SearchState.Found)
                    // Destination reached, saving the search
                    foundPathCost = actualNode.PathCost;

                    // Pupulate the list. Starting node must be the first in the list
                    while (actualNode != null)
                        pathNodeList.Insert(0, actualNode);
                        actualNode = actualNode.Parent;

                    // Populate the found path
                    foundPath = new Path <T>(pathNodeList, foundPathCost);

                    // Add the found path the path list

                    // Reset the search
                    actualNode   = startNode;
                    searchResult = SearchState.Searching;
            }while (searchResult == SearchState.Searching);

            // Sort all the paths and return them as array

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute a pass to find the path. It must be cycled untill the result is <see cref="SearchState.Found"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destinationNode">Destination <see cref="Node{T}"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="actualNode">Actual visited <see cref="Node{T}"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="nodeCollection">Collection containing the nodes that can be visited or must be ignored.</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the path finding.</returns>
        private SearchState ComputeFindPath(Node <T> destinationNode, ref Node <T> actualNode, OpenClosedNodeCollection <T> nodeCollection)
            SearchState searchResult = SearchState.Searching;       // Flag used to let the function cycle

            Node <T>[] childNodes  = null;                          // Array of child nodes
            Node <T>   nearestNode = null;                          // Node nearest to the actual node

            // Destination reached, stopping the search
            if (actualNode.Equals(destinationNode))
                searchResult = SearchState.Found;

            // Get the child nodes
            childNodes = this.NodeMap.GetChildNodes(actualNode);

            // Adding actual node to the closed list

            // Analizing child nodes
            if (childNodes.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.Length; i++)
                    // Add child node the the open list

                // Getting the nearest node
                nearestNode = nodeCollection.GetNearestNode();

                if (nearestNode != null)
                    actualNode = nearestNode;
                    // No open nodes, going backward
                    actualNode = actualNode.Parent;

                    // No path avalaible, stopping the search
                    if (actualNode == null)
                        searchResult = SearchState.NotFound;
                // No child nodes, going backward
                actualNode = actualNode.Parent;

                // No path avalaible, stopping the search
                if (actualNode == null)
                    searchResult = SearchState.NotFound;
