Esempio n. 1
        internal OpenCLQueue(OpenCLContext context, ComputeCommandQueue computeCommandQueue)
            Contract.Requires(context != null);
            Contract.Requires(computeCommandQueue != null);

            Context = context;
            ComputeCommandQueue = computeCommandQueue;
Esempio n. 2
        protected OpenCLMemory(OpenCLContext context, ComputeMemory computeMemory)
            Contract.Requires(context != null);
            Contract.Requires(computeMemory != null);

            Context = context;
            ComputeMemory = computeMemory;
Esempio n. 3
        internal OpenCLProgram(OpenCLContext context, ComputeProgram program)
            Contract.Requires(context != null);
            Contract.Requires(program != null);

            Context = context;
            ComputeProgram = program;
        public MagnetSimulation(OpenCLContext context, Bitmap Template)
            sourceTemplate = Template.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, Template.Width, Template.Height), PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            oclc           = context;
            randoCal       = new Random();

            blackKernel = oclc.program.CreateKernel("black");
            drawKernel  = oclc.program.CreateKernel("draw");
            magKernel   = oclc.program.CreateKernel("magnitate");

Esempio n. 5
        public OpenCLRunner(string functionName)
            var platform = OpenCLPlatform.Platforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Vendor.Contains("NVIDIA"));

            Context = new OpenCLContext(
                new OpenCLContextPropertyList(platform),
            var device = Context.Devices.First();

            CommandQueue = new OpenCLCommandQueue(Context, device, OpenCLCommandQueueProperties.None);
            var resourceName = $"FractalsWpf.OpenCL.{functionName}.cl";
            var program      = LoadProgram(resourceName);

            Kernel = program.CreateKernel(functionName);
Esempio n. 6
        private static OpenCLProgram LoadProgram(OpenCLContext context, OpenCLDevice device, string resourceName)
            var source  = GetProgramSourceFromResource(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), resourceName);
            var program = new OpenCLProgram(context, source);

                program.Build(new List <OpenCLDevice> {
                }, string.Empty, null, IntPtr.Zero);
            catch (BuildProgramFailureOpenCLException)
                var buildLog = program.GetBuildLog(device);
                throw new ApplicationException($"Error building program \"{resourceName}\":{Environment.NewLine}{buildLog}");

        public Program(MainWindow mw)
            mainWindow             = mw;
            mainWindow.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized;
            testbm = new Bitmap(1843, 1060);
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(testbm);

            g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, new Rectangle(0, 0, testbm.Width, testbm.Height));
            BitmapSource testabm = new AliasedBitmapSource(testbm);

            back          = new WriteableBitmap(testabm);
            test          = new WriteableBitmap(testabm);
            openCLContext = new OpenCLContext();
            Thread T = new Thread(() => runSimulation())
                IsBackground = true

        private void CreateOpenCLContext(OpenCLNNInitParameters oclInitPars)
            ComputePlatform platform = null;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(oclInitPars.PlatformName))
                platform = OpenCLContext.DefaultPlatform;
                platform = OpenCLContext.Platforms.Where(p => string.Compare(oclInitPars.PlatformName, p.Name, true) == 0).FirstOrDefault();

            if (platform == null) throw new OpenCLException("Platform '" + oclInitPars.PlatformName + "' not found.");

            oclContext = new OpenCLContext(ComputeDeviceTypes.All, platform);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oclInitPars.DeviceName))
                    oclDevice = oclContext.DefaultDevice;
                    //oclDevice = oclContext.Devices.Where(d => d.Type == ComputeDeviceTypes.Cpu).First();
                    oclDevice = oclContext.Devices.Where(d => string.Compare(oclInitPars.DeviceName, d.Name, true) == 0).FirstOrDefault();

                if (oclDevice == null) throw new OpenCLException("Device '" + oclInitPars.DeviceName + "' not found.");

                oclQueue = oclContext.CreateQueue(oclDevice, ComputeCommandQueueFlags.OutOfOrderExecution);
                oclContext = null;
Esempio n. 9
 public static extern OpenCLProgram clCreateProgramWithSource(OpenCLContext context, Int32 count, String Strings, [In] IntPtr[] lengths, Error error);
Esempio n. 10
 public static extern OpenCLProgram clCreateProgramWithSource(OpenCLContext context, Int32 count, [In] Byte[][] sources, [In] IntPtr[] lengths, out Error error);
Esempio n. 11
 public static OpenCLMem clCreateBuffer(OpenCLContext context, MemFlags flags, IntPtr size, [In] Byte[] bytes, out Error error)
     error = default(Error);
     Console.WriteLine("Calling OpenCLMem clCreateBuffer(OpenCLContext context, MemFlags flags, IntPtr size, [In] Byte[] bytes, out Error error)");
     return default(OpenCLMem);
Esempio n. 12
 public static extern Error clReleaseContext(OpenCLContext context);
Esempio n. 13
 private void DisposeUnmanagedResources()
     oclValueBuffer = null;
     oclQueue = null;
     oclContext = null;
Esempio n. 14
 public static extern Error clRetainContext(OpenCLContext context);
Esempio n. 15
 public static OpenCLProgram clCreateProgramWithSource(OpenCLContext context, Int32 count, [In] Byte[][] sources, [In] IntPtr[] lengths, out Error error)
     error = default(Error);
     Console.WriteLine("Calling OpenCLProgram clCreateProgramWithSource(OpenCLContext context, Int32 count, [In] Byte[][] sources, [In] IntPtr[] lengths, out Error error)");
     return default(OpenCLProgram);
Esempio n. 16
 public static extern OpenCLMem clCreateBuffer(OpenCLContext context, MemFlags flags, IntPtr size, [In] Byte[] bytes, out Error error);
Esempio n. 17
 public static Error clRetainContext(OpenCLContext context)
     Console.WriteLine("Calling Error clRetainContext(OpenCLContext context)");
     return default(Error);
Esempio n. 18
 public static Error clGetSupportedImageFormats(OpenCLContext context, MemFlags flags, MemObjectType image_type, Int32 num_entries, [Out] ImageFormat[] image_formats, Int32 num_image_formats)
     Console.WriteLine("Calling Error clGetSupportedImageFormats(OpenCLContext context, MemFlags flags, MemObjectType image_type, Int32 num_entries, [Out] ImageFormat[] image_formats, Int32 num_image_formats)");
     return default(Error);
Esempio n. 19
 public static OpenCLCommandQueue clCreateCommandQueue(OpenCLContext context, OpenCLDevice device, CommandQueueProperties properties, Error error)
     Console.WriteLine("Calling OpenCLCommandQueue clCreateCommandQueue(OpenCLContext context, OpenCLDevice device, CommandQueueProperties properties, Error error)");
     return default(OpenCLCommandQueue);
Esempio n. 20
 public static Error clGetContextInfo(OpenCLContext context, ContextInfo param_name, IntPtr param_value_size, [Out] OpenCLDevice[] param_value, IntPtr param_value_size_ret)
     Console.WriteLine("Calling Error clGetContextInfo(OpenCLContext context, ContextInfo param_name, IntPtr param_value_size, [Out] OpenCLDevice[] param_value, IntPtr param_value_size_ret)");
     return default(Error);
Esempio n. 21
 public static Error clGetContextInfo(OpenCLContext context, ContextInfo param_name, IntPtr param_value_size, IntPtr param_value, out IntPtr param_value_size_ret)
     param_value_size_ret = default(IntPtr);
     Console.WriteLine("Calling Error clGetContextInfo(OpenCLContext context, ContextInfo param_name, IntPtr param_value_size, IntPtr param_value, out IntPtr param_value_size_ret)");
     return default(Error);
Esempio n. 22
 public static OpenCLMem clCreateBuffer(OpenCLContext context, MemFlags flags, IntPtr size, IntPtr host_ptr, Error error)
     Console.WriteLine("Calling OpenCLMem clCreateBuffer(OpenCLContext context, MemFlags flags, IntPtr size, IntPtr host_ptr, Error error)");
     return default(OpenCLMem);
Esempio n. 23
 public static extern OpenCLSampler clCreateSampler(OpenCLContext context, Boolean normalized_coords, AddressingMode addressing_mode, FilterMode filter_mode, Error error);
Esempio n. 24
 private static void ComputeOpenCL(float[] inputs, float[] weights, float[] outputs, float alpha)
     string program = File.ReadAllText("");
     using (var ctx = new OpenCLContext())
     using (var prog = ctx.CompileProgram(program))
     using (var kernel = prog.CreateKernel("ActivationNeuron"))
     using (var bInputs = ctx.CreateBuffer(inputs, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite | ComputeMemoryFlags.CopyHostPointer))
     using (var bWeights = ctx.CreateBuffer(weights, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite | ComputeMemoryFlags.CopyHostPointer))
     using (var bAlpha = ctx.CreateBuffer(new[] { alpha }, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite | ComputeMemoryFlags.CopyHostPointer))
     using (var bInputCount = ctx.CreateBuffer(new[] { inputs.Length }, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite | ComputeMemoryFlags.CopyHostPointer))
     using (var bOutputs = ctx.CreateBuffer(outputs, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite | ComputeMemoryFlags.CopyHostPointer))
     using (var queue = ctx.CreateQueue())
         kernel.SetArguments(bInputs, bWeights, bOutputs, bInputCount, bAlpha);
         queue.Execute(kernel, new long[] { outputs.Length });
         queue.ReadAll(bOutputs, outputs);
Esempio n. 25
 public static OpenCLProgram clCreateProgramWithSource(OpenCLContext context, Int32 count, String Strings, [In] IntPtr[] lengths, Error error)
     Console.WriteLine("Calling OpenCLProgram clCreateProgramWithSource(OpenCLContext context, Int32 count, String Strings, [In] IntPtr[] lengths, Error error)");
     return default(OpenCLProgram);
Esempio n. 26
 public static OpenCLProgram clCreateProgramWithBinary(OpenCLContext context, Int32 num_devices, [In] OpenCLDevice[] device_list, [In] IntPtr[] lengths, [In] IntPtr[] binaries, [In] Int32[] binary_status, Error error)
     Console.WriteLine("Calling OpenCLProgram clCreateProgramWithBinary(OpenCLContext context, Int32 num_devices, [In] OpenCLDevice[] device_list, [In] IntPtr[] lengths, [In] IntPtr[] binaries, [In] Int32[] binary_status, Error error)");
     return default(OpenCLProgram);
Esempio n. 27
 public static extern Error clGetSupportedImageFormats(OpenCLContext context, MemFlags flags, MemObjectType image_type, Int32 num_entries, [Out] ImageFormat[] image_formats, Int32 num_image_formats);
Esempio n. 28
        private static void RunKernel(OpenCLPlatform platform, OpenCLDevice device)
            var context = new OpenCLContext(new List <OpenCLDevice> {
            }, new OpenCLContextPropertyList(platform), null, IntPtr.Zero);
            var program = LoadProgram(context, device, "");
            var kernel1 = program.CreateKernel("reductionVector");
            var kernel2 = program.CreateKernel("reductionComplete");

            const int numValues            = 1024 * 1024;
            const int numValuesPerWorkItem = 4;
            var       globalWorkSize       = numValues / numValuesPerWorkItem;
            const int localWorkSize        = 32;
            var       initialNumWorkGroups = globalWorkSize / localWorkSize;
            const int value = 42;
            var       data  = Enumerable.Repeat(value, numValues).Select(n => (float)n).ToArray();

            var commandQueue = new OpenCLCommandQueue(context, device, OpenCLCommandQueueProperties.None);

            var floatType = typeof(float);
            var floatSize = sizeof(float);

            var dataBuffer1      = new OpenCLBuffer(context, OpenCLMemoryFlags.ReadWrite | OpenCLMemoryFlags.AllocateHostPointer, floatType, new long[] { numValues });
            var dataBuffer2      = new OpenCLBuffer(context, OpenCLMemoryFlags.ReadWrite | OpenCLMemoryFlags.AllocateHostPointer, floatType, new long[] { initialNumWorkGroups *numValuesPerWorkItem });
            var sumBuffer        = new OpenCLBuffer(context, OpenCLMemoryFlags.WriteOnly | OpenCLMemoryFlags.AllocateHostPointer, floatType, new long[] { 1 });
            var resultDataBuffer = dataBuffer2;

            using (var pinnedData = new PinnedObject(data))
                commandQueue.WriteToBuffer(pinnedData, dataBuffer1, true, 0L, numValues);

            foreach (var index in Enumerable.Range(0, int.MaxValue))
                var dataBufferIn  = index % 2 == 0 ? dataBuffer1 : dataBuffer2;
                var dataBufferOut = index % 2 == 0 ? dataBuffer2 : dataBuffer1;
                resultDataBuffer = dataBufferOut;

                kernel1.SetMemoryArgument(0, dataBufferIn);
                kernel1.SetMemoryArgument(1, dataBufferOut);
                kernel1.SetLocalArgument(2, localWorkSize * numValuesPerWorkItem * floatSize);

                Console.WriteLine($"Calling commandQueue.Execute(kernel1) with globalWorkSize: {globalWorkSize}; localWorkSize: {localWorkSize}; num work groups: {globalWorkSize / localWorkSize}");

                commandQueue.Execute(kernel1, null, new long[] { globalWorkSize }, new long[] { localWorkSize });

                globalWorkSize /= localWorkSize;
                if (globalWorkSize <= localWorkSize)

            kernel2.SetMemoryArgument(0, resultDataBuffer);
            kernel2.SetLocalArgument(1, globalWorkSize * numValuesPerWorkItem * floatSize);
            kernel2.SetMemoryArgument(2, sumBuffer);

            Console.WriteLine($"Calling commandQueue.Execute(kernel2) with globalWorkSize: {globalWorkSize}; localWorkSize: {globalWorkSize}");

            commandQueue.Execute(kernel2, null, new long[] { globalWorkSize }, new long[] { globalWorkSize });


            var sum = new float[1];

            using (var pinnedSum = new PinnedObject(sum))
                commandQueue.ReadFromBuffer(sumBuffer, pinnedSum, true, 0L, 1L);

            const int correctAnswer = numValues * value;

            Console.WriteLine($"OpenCL final answer: {Math.Truncate(sum[0]):N0}; Correct answer: {correctAnswer:N0}");
Esempio n. 29
 public static extern OpenCLMem clCreateImage3D(OpenCLContext context, MemFlags flags, ref ImageFormat image_format, IntPtr image_width, IntPtr image_height, IntPtr image_depth, IntPtr image_row_pitch, IntPtr image_slice_pitch, IntPtr host_ptr, Error error);
Esempio n. 30
 public static OpenCLMem clCreateImage2D(OpenCLContext context, MemFlags flags, ref ImageFormat image_format, IntPtr image_width, IntPtr image_height, IntPtr image_row_pitch, IntPtr host_ptr, Error error)
     Console.WriteLine("Calling OpenCLMem clCreateImage2D(OpenCLContext context, MemFlags flags, ref ImageFormat image_format, IntPtr image_width, IntPtr image_height, IntPtr image_row_pitch, IntPtr host_ptr, Error error)");
     return default(OpenCLMem);
Esempio n. 31
 public static extern OpenCLProgram clCreateProgramWithBinary(OpenCLContext context, Int32 num_devices, [In] OpenCLDevice[] device_list, [In] IntPtr[] lengths, [In] IntPtr[] binaries, [In] Int32[] binary_status, Error error);
Esempio n. 32
 public static extern OpenCLMem clCreateBuffer(OpenCLContext context, MemFlags flags, IntPtr size, IntPtr host_ptr, Error error);
Esempio n. 33
 public static OpenCLSampler clCreateSampler(OpenCLContext context, Boolean normalized_coords, AddressingMode addressing_mode, FilterMode filter_mode, Error error)
     Console.WriteLine("Calling OpenCLSampler clCreateSampler(OpenCLContext context, Boolean normalized_coords, AddressingMode addressing_mode, FilterMode filter_mode, Error error)");
     return default(OpenCLSampler);
Esempio n. 34
 public static extern OpenCLCommandQueue clCreateCommandQueue(OpenCLContext context, OpenCLDevice device, CommandQueueProperties properties, Error error);
Esempio n. 35
 public static extern Error clGetContextInfo(OpenCLContext context, ContextInfo param_name, IntPtr param_value_size, [Out] OpenCLDevice[] param_value, IntPtr param_value_size_ret);