Esempio n. 1
    public override void Initialize()
        //Create a copy of the creature color dictionary that will be modified by the config screen
        this.configColors = new Dictionary <string, Color>(BloodMod.creatureColors);
        this.Tabs         = new OpTab[1];
        int num  = 0;
        int num2 = 0;
        int num3 = 0;
        int num4 = 0;

        this.Tabs[0]                  = new OpTab("Options");
        this.creatureLabel            = new OpLabel(new Vector2(490f, 375f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), "None Selected", FLabelAlignment.Center, true);
        this.colorPicker              = new OpColorPicker(new Vector2(250f, 250f), "bloodColor");
        this.previewOld               = new OpImage(new Vector2(250f, 150f), "Futile_White");
        this.previewOld.sprite.scaleX = 10f;
        this.previewOld.sprite.scaleY = 4f;
        this.oldLabel                 = new OpLabel(new Vector2(250f, 220f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), "Default", FLabelAlignment.Left, true);
        this.previewNew               = new OpImage(new Vector2(420f, 150f), "Futile_White");
        this.previewNew.sprite.scaleX = 10f;
        this.previewNew.sprite.scaleY = 4f;
        this.newLabel                 = new OpLabel(new Vector2(420f, 220f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), "Modified", FLabelAlignment.Left, true);
        this.resetButton              = new OpSimpleButton(new Vector2(425f, 305f), new Vector2(150f, 45f), "reset", "Reset to Default");
        this.resetButton.description  = "Reset this creature's blood color to the mod's default.";
        this.modName                  = new OpLabel(new Vector2(400f, 552f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), "BLOOD MOD", FLabelAlignment.Center, true);
        this.modCredit                = new OpLabel(new Vector2(400f, 532f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), "Created by LeeMoriya", FLabelAlignment.Center, false);
        this.modVersion               = new OpLabel(new Vector2(400f, 518f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), "Version: 1.01", FLabelAlignment.Center, false);
        this.rect                        = new OpRect(new Vector2(230f, 130f), new Vector2(370f, 360f), 0f);                       = new OpLabel(new Vector2(405f, 462f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), "Select creatures on the left and adjust their blood color using", FLabelAlignment.Center, false);
        this.guide2                      = new OpLabel(new Vector2(405f, 442f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), "the color picker below. Finalize changes by clicking 'Apply'", FLabelAlignment.Center, false);
        this.bloodPreview                = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(30f, 2f), "_prev", false);
        this.bloodPreviewLabel           = new OpLabel(new Vector2(66f, 5f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), "Preview all blood colors", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.selectedSprite              = new OpImage(new Vector2(0f, 0f), "Futile_White");
        this.selectedSprite.sprite.scale = 17f;
        this.selectedSprite.sprite.alpha = 0.05f;
        this.selectedSprite.description  = "?";
        this.selectedSprite.sprite.SetAnchor(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
        this.realisticPreset             = new OpSimpleButton(new Vector2(265f, 85f), new Vector2(130f, 31f), "real", "Realistic Preset");
        this.vibrantPreset               = new OpSimpleButton(new Vector2(435f, 85f), new Vector2(130f, 31f), "vibrant", "Vibrant Preset");
        this.realisticPreset.description = "Blood colors will be more realistic.";
        this.vibrantPreset.description   = "Blood colors will more closely match the creature's color.";
        this.bloodlust             = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(265f, 45f), "gore", false);
        this.bloodlust.description = "Blood effects are increased dramatically";
        this.bloodlustLabel        = new OpLabel(new Vector2(295f, 48f), new Vector2(), "Bloodlust Mode", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.compat             = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(265f, 12f), "wash", false);
        this.compat.description = "Rainfall from the mod Downpour will wash away blood.";
        this.compatLabel        = new OpLabel(new Vector2(295f, 15f), new Vector2(), "Downpour Compatibility", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.preset             = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(), "preset", false);
        foreach (PartialityMod mod in PartialityManager.Instance.modManager.loadedMods)
            if (mod.ModID == "Downpour")
                this.Tabs[0].AddItems(this.compat, this.compatLabel);
        this.Tabs[0].AddItems(this.selectedSprite, this.colorPicker, this.creatureLabel, this.previewOld, this.previewNew, this.oldLabel, this.newLabel, this.resetButton, this.bloodPreviewLabel, this.modName, this.modCredit, this.rect,, this.guide2, this.modVersion, this.bloodPreview, this.realisticPreset, this.vibrantPreset, this.bloodlust, this.bloodlustLabel, this.preset);
        //Create individual buttons/sprites/color pickers for each creature
        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Color> creature in this.configColors)
            if (creature.Key != "Overseer")
                if (num < 11)
                    OpColorPicker  picker = new OpColorPicker(new Vector2(250f, 270f), creature.Key, OpColorPicker.ColorToHex(BloodMod.defaultColors[creature.Key]));
                    OpSimpleButton button = new OpSimpleButton(new Vector2(21f, 548f) + (buttonOffset * num), new Vector2(40f, 40f), creature.Key + "but", "");
                    OpImage        sprite = new OpImage(new Vector2(21f, 548f) + (buttonOffset * num) + spriteOffset, BloodColor.GetCreatureSprite(creature.Key));
                    sprite.color = BloodColor.GetCreatureSpriteColor(creature.Key);
                    sprite.sprite.SetAnchor(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
                    sprite.description = creature.Key;
                    button.description = creature.Key;
                    this.Tabs[0].AddItems(button, sprite, picker);
                else if (num2 < 11)
                    OpColorPicker  picker = new OpColorPicker(new Vector2(250f, 270f), creature.Key, OpColorPicker.ColorToHex(BloodMod.defaultColors[creature.Key]));
                    OpSimpleButton button = new OpSimpleButton(new Vector2(21f, 548f) + (buttonOffset * num2) + buttonOffset2, new Vector2(40f, 40f), creature.Key + "but", "");
                    OpImage        sprite = new OpImage(new Vector2(21f, 548f) + (buttonOffset * num2) + buttonOffset2 + spriteOffset, BloodColor.GetCreatureSprite(creature.Key));
                    sprite.color = BloodColor.GetCreatureSpriteColor(creature.Key);
                    sprite.sprite.SetAnchor(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
                    sprite.description = creature.Key;
                    button.description = creature.Key;
                    this.Tabs[0].AddItems(button, sprite, picker);
                else if (num3 < 11)
                    OpColorPicker  picker = new OpColorPicker(new Vector2(250f, 270f), creature.Key, OpColorPicker.ColorToHex(BloodMod.defaultColors[creature.Key]));
                    OpSimpleButton button = new OpSimpleButton(new Vector2(21f, 548f) + (buttonOffset * num3) + (buttonOffset2 * 2), new Vector2(40f, 40f), creature.Key + "but", "");
                    OpImage        sprite = new OpImage(new Vector2(21f, 548f) + (buttonOffset * num3) + (buttonOffset2 * 2) + spriteOffset, BloodColor.GetCreatureSprite(creature.Key));
                    sprite.color = BloodColor.GetCreatureSpriteColor(creature.Key);
                    sprite.sprite.SetAnchor(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
                    sprite.description = creature.Key;
                    button.description = creature.Key;
                    this.Tabs[0].AddItems(button, sprite, picker);
                    OpColorPicker  picker = new OpColorPicker(new Vector2(250f, 270f), creature.Key, OpColorPicker.ColorToHex(BloodMod.defaultColors[creature.Key]));
                    OpSimpleButton button = new OpSimpleButton(new Vector2(21f, 548f) + (buttonOffset * num4) + (buttonOffset2 * 3), new Vector2(40f, 40f), creature.Key + "but", "");
                    OpImage        sprite = new OpImage(new Vector2(21f, 548f) + (buttonOffset * num4) + (buttonOffset2 * 3) + spriteOffset, BloodColor.GetCreatureSprite(creature.Key));
                    sprite.color = BloodColor.GetCreatureSpriteColor(creature.Key);
                    sprite.sprite.SetAnchor(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
                    sprite.description = creature.Key;
                    button.description = creature.Key;
                    this.Tabs[0].AddItems(button, sprite, picker);
            this.selected = "Slugcat";
Esempio n. 2
    public override void Initialize()
        regionList = RegionFinder.Generate().ToArray();

        this.Tabs    = new OpTab[1];
        this.Tabs[0] = new OpTab("Weather");

        //Weather Type
        this.logo             = new OpImage(new Vector2(270f, 540f), "logo");
        this.logo2            = new OpImage(new Vector2(270f, 540f), "logo2");
        this.weatherType      = new OpRadioButtonGroup("Type", 0);
        this.weatherTypeLabel = new OpLabel(new Vector2(30f, 570f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Weather Type", FLabelAlignment.Left, true);
        this.rainWeather      = new OpRadioButton(new Vector2(0f, 800f));
        this.rainButton       = new OpSimpleButton(new Vector2(30f, 540f), new Vector2(70f, 25f), "rainButton", "Rain");
        this.snowWeather      = new OpRadioButton(new Vector2(0f, 800f));
        this.snowButton       = new OpSimpleButton(new Vector2(130f, 540f), new Vector2(70f, 25f), "snowButton", "Snow");
        this.weatherType.SetButtons(new OpRadioButton[] { rainWeather, snowWeather });
        //this.weatherType.valueInt = 1;
        this.versionNumber     = new OpLabel(new Vector2(10f, -5f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), "Version: " + Downpour.mod.Version, FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.snowWarning       = new OpLabel(305f, 525f, "Snow is experimental, use at your own risk!", false);
        this.snowWarning.color = new Color(0.85f, 0f, 0f);
        this.Tabs[0].AddItems(rainButton, rainWeather, snowWeather, snowButton, weatherType, weatherTypeLabel, versionNumber, snowWarning);

        //Weather Sliders
        this.rainIntensity                = new OpLabel(new Vector2(topAnchor.x, topAnchor.y), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Rain Settings", FLabelAlignment.Left, true);
        this.intensitySliderLabel         = new OpLabel(new Vector2(topAnchor.x + 40f, topAnchor.y - 83f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Weather Progression", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.weatherIntensity             = new OpSlider(new Vector2(topAnchor.x + 25, topAnchor.y - 60f), "weatherIntensity", new IntVector2(0, 3), 50f, false, 0);
        this.rainSettingsDescription      = new OpLabel(new Vector2(topAnchor.x, topAnchor.y - 20f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Enable or disable rain specific settings:", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.directionSliderLabel         = new OpLabel(new Vector2(topAnchor.x + 47f, topAnchor.y - 143f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Weather Direction", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.weatherDirection             = new OpSlider(new Vector2(topAnchor.x + 25, topAnchor.y - 120f), "weatherDirection", new IntVector2(0, 3), 50f, false, 0);
        this.rainChanceLabel              = new OpLabel(new Vector2(topAnchor.x + 47f, topAnchor.y - 203f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Weather Chance", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.rainChanceSlider             = new OpSlider(new Vector2(topAnchor.x + 25, topAnchor.y - 180f), "weatherChance", new IntVector2(0, 100), 1.5f, false, 100);
        this.weatherIntensity.description = "Configure whether the intensity of the chosen weather increases as the cycle progresses or fix it to a certain intensity.";
        this.weatherDirection.description = "Configure whether rain should fall towards a random or chosen direction.";
        this.rainChanceSlider.description = "Configure whether the chosen weather will occur during a cycle.";
        this.topRect = new OpRect(new Vector2(15f, 250f), new Vector2(570f, 270f), 0.1f);
        this.Tabs[0].AddItems(rainIntensity, weatherIntensity, intensitySliderLabel, directionSliderLabel, weatherDirection, topRect, logo, logo2, rainChanceSlider, rainChanceLabel);

        this.lightningCheck             = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x, checkAnchor.y - 30f), "Lightning", false);
        this.lightningLabel             = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 30f, checkAnchor.y - 36f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Lightning", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.paletteCheck               = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x, checkAnchor.y + 10), "Palette", true);
        this.paletteLabel               = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 30f, checkAnchor.y + 4f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Palette changes", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.muteCheck                  = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 150f, checkAnchor.y + 10), "Mute", false);
        this.muteLabel                  = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 180f, checkAnchor.y + 4f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Mute interiors", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.waterCheck                 = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 150f, checkAnchor.y - 30f), "Water", false);
        this.waterLabel                 = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 180f, checkAnchor.y - 36f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Water ripples", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.strikeCheck                = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x, checkAnchor.y - 70f), "Strike", true);
        this.strikeLabel                = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 30f, checkAnchor.y - 76f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Lightning Strikes", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.strikeDamage               = new OpSliderSubtle(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 10f, checkAnchor.y - 105f), "Damage", new IntVector2(0, 2), 110, false, 1);
        this.damageLabel                = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 10f, checkAnchor.y - 123f), new Vector2(), "Damage Type: ", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.bgOn                       = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 150f, checkAnchor.y - 70f), "Background", true);
        this.bgLabel                    = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 180f, checkAnchor.y - 76f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Background", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.decalCheck                 = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 150f, checkAnchor.y - 30f), "Decals", true);
        this.decalLabel                 = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 180f, checkAnchor.y - 36f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Surface decals", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.dustCheck                  = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 150f, checkAnchor.y - 70f), "Dust", true);
        this.dustLabel                  = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 180f, checkAnchor.y - 76f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Snow dust", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.blizzardCheck              = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 150f, checkAnchor.y - 110f), "Blizzard", true);
        this.blizzardLabel              = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 180f, checkAnchor.y - 116f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Blizzard", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.effectCheck                = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 150f, checkAnchor.y + 10), "Effect", true);
        this.effectLabel                = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 180f, checkAnchor.y + 4f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Effect Colors", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.dustCheck.description      = "Puffs of snow appear when landing on the ground.";
        this.decalCheck.description     = "Adds snowy decals to surfaces.";
        this.lightningCheck.description = "Lightning will appear at higher weather intensities.";
        this.paletteCheck.description   = "The region will become darker with higher rain intensity.";
        this.muteCheck.description      = "Mute the sound effect added to interiors when its raining outside.";
        this.waterCheck.description     = "Rain drops can interact with water surfaces and cause ripples, may impact performance.";
        this.bgOn.description           = "Enable or disable collision with background elements, may impact performance.";
        this.strikeDamage.description   = "Adjust the damage type of Lightning Strikes";
        this.strikeCheck.description    = "When weather intensity is high enough, lightning strikes can occur.";
        this.effectCheck.description    = "Whitens things like plants and signs so they better match the snowy palette, can ruin some custom props";
        this.blizzardCheck.description  = "Replaces the end-of-cycle rain with a roaring blizzard and affects normal gameplay";
        this.Tabs[0].AddItems(lightningLabel, lightningCheck, strikeCheck, strikeLabel, strikeDamage, damageLabel, rainSettingsDescription, paletteCheck, muteCheck, waterCheck, bgOn, paletteLabel, muteLabel, waterLabel, bgLabel, dustCheck, dustLabel, decalCheck, decalLabel, effectCheck, effectLabel, blizzardCheck, blizzardLabel);

        //Particle Limit
        this.rainOption = new OpLabel(new Vector2(topAnchor.x + 366f, topAnchor.y - 223f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Particle Limit", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.rainSlider = new OpSlider(new Vector2(topAnchor.x + 275f, topAnchor.y - 200f), "rainAmount", new IntVector2(10, 80), 3.3f, false, 50);
        this.Tabs[0].AddItems(rainSlider, rainOption);

        if (regionList != null)
            this.regionLabelList   = new OpLabel[regionList.Length];
            this.regionChecks      = new OpCheckBox[regionList.Length];
            this.regionLabel       = new OpLabel(new Vector2(30f, 200f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Region Settings", FLabelAlignment.Left, true);
            this.regionDescription = new OpLabel(new Vector2(30f, 175f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Enable and Disable weather on a per-region basis.", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
            this.Tabs[0].AddItems(regionLabel, regionDescription);
            for (int i = 0; i < regionList.Length; i++)
                if (i < 10)
                    regionChecks[i]    = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(30f + (55f * i), 150f), regionList[i], true);
                    regionLabelList[i] = new OpLabel(new Vector2(60f + (55f * i), 142f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), regionList[i], FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
                else if (i >= 10 && i < 20)
                    regionChecks[i]    = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(-520f + (55f * i), 105f), regionList[i], true);
                    regionLabelList[i] = new OpLabel(new Vector2(-490f + (55f * i), 97f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), regionList[i], FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
                else if (i >= 20 && i < 30)
                    regionChecks[i]    = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(-1070f + (55f * i), 60f), regionList[i], true);
                    regionLabelList[i] = new OpLabel(new Vector2(-1040f + (55f * i), 52f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), regionList[i], FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
                else if (i >= 30)
                    regionChecks[i]    = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(-1650f + (55f * i), 15f), regionList[i], true);
                    regionLabelList[i] = new OpLabel(new Vector2(-1620f + (55f * i), 7f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), regionList[i], FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
                this.Tabs[0].AddItems(regionLabelList[i], regionChecks[i]);
                if (regionList[i] == "SS")
                    regionChecks[i].valueBool = false;
        Downpour.configLoaded = true;
Esempio n. 3
 private void SetUp(OpImage op, SpirvInstructionTreeBuilder treeBuilder)
     ResultType   = treeBuilder.ResolveType(op.IdResultType);
     SampledImage = treeBuilder.GetNode(op.SampledImage);
     SetUpDecorations(op, treeBuilder);