Esempio n. 1
 public void TestopCodeLoader()
     catch (Exception e)
Esempio n. 2
        // *************************************************************************
        // Init Engine
        // *************************************************************************
        public void Init(RAMProgram program, IDecoder decoder, string InstructionSetName = DefaultInstructionSetName)
            // Get Instruction Set
            InstructionSet = OpCodeLoader.GetSet(InstructionSetName);

            _decoder = decoder;

            // Init RAM
            if (program == null)
                Program = new RAMProgram(new List <string>());

            Program = program;
Esempio n. 3
        // *************************************************************************
        // Init Engine
        // *************************************************************************
        public void Init(RAMProgram program, IDecoder decoder, string InstructionSetName = DefaultInstructionSetName)
            //string log_name = "runtime_log.txt";
            //// Clear Old Log
            //if (File.Exists(log_name))
            //    File.Delete(log_name);
            //File.Create(log_name).Close();  // must close the file or the handle will stay open and be locked

            //// Init Logger
            //Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
            //    .WriteTo.File(log_name)
            //   // .WriteTo.Console()
            //    .CreateLogger();

            //Serilog.Debugging.SelfLog.Enable(msg => Debug.WriteLine(msg));

            //Log.Information("SAP1Emu: Begin Engine Initialization");

            // Get Instruction Set
            //Log.Information($"SAP1Emu: Using Instruction Set: \"{InstructionSetName}\"");
            InstructionSet = OpCodeLoader.GetSet(InstructionSetName);
            _decoder       = decoder;

            //_decoder = new InstructionDecoder();

            // Init RAM
            if (program == null)
                this.Program = new RAMProgram(new List <string>());
            this.Program = program;

            //Log.Information("SAP1Emu: Finished Engine Initialization");
Esempio n. 4
        public static List <string> Parse(List <string> unchecked_assembly, string InstructionSetName = DefaultInstructionSetName)

            // Get Instruction Set
            InstructionSet iset = OpCodeLoader.GetSet(InstructionSetName);

            // *********************************************************************
            // Sanitize                                                            *
            // *********************************************************************

            // Remove Blank Lines
            unchecked_assembly.RemoveAll(s => s == null);
            unchecked_assembly.RemoveAll(s => Regex.IsMatch(s, "^\\s*$"));

            // Remove Newline Comments
            unchecked_assembly.RemoveAll(s => s.Trim().First().Equals('#'));

            for (int i = 0; i < unchecked_assembly.Count; i++)
                // Trim Outter Whitespace
                unchecked_assembly[i] = unchecked_assembly[i].Trim();

                // Trim Inner Whitspace
                unchecked_assembly[i] = Regex.Replace(unchecked_assembly[i], "\\s{2,}", " ");

                // Remove Inline Comments
                unchecked_assembly[i] = Regex.Replace(unchecked_assembly[i], "\\s*#.*$", "");

                // Update Label addresses
                if (unchecked_assembly[i].Contains(':'))
                    labels.Add(new Label
                        Name       = unchecked_assembly[i].Trim().Substring(0, unchecked_assembly[i].IndexOf(':')),
                        LineNumber = i

            // *********************************************************************
            // Validate
            // *********************************************************************

            // If is not valid, will throw execptions for CLI to catch and display to user
            _ = IsValid(unchecked_assembly, iset);

            // Get rid of the labels to make it easier for conversion into binary
            // They are no longer needed anyway since we store the number they become
            // based on line numbers.
            //foreach (Label label in labels)
            //    unchecked_assembly[label.Address - 1] = Regex.Replace(unchecked_assembly[label.Address - 1], "\\s*\\w{1,6}:", "").Trim();

            // *********************************************************************
            // Assemble
            // *********************************************************************
            List <string> binary = new List <string>();

            int lines_of_asm = unchecked_assembly.Count;

            int current_line_number = 0;
            int index;

            foreach (string line in unchecked_assembly)
                if (line == "...")
                    int nop_count = (0xFFFF - 0x0800) - lines_of_asm + 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nop_count; i++)
                    StringBuilder instructionString = new StringBuilder();
                    index = 0;
                    bool instructionComplete = false;

                    if (line.Contains(':'))
                        labelDictionary.Add(line[0..line.IndexOf(':')], binary.Count);
Esempio n. 5
        public static List <string> Parse(List <string> unchecked_assembly, string InstructionSetName = DefaultInstructionSetName)
            // Get Instruction Set
            InstructionSet iset = OpCodeLoader.GetSet(InstructionSetName);

            // *********************************************************************
            // Sanitize                                                            *
            // *********************************************************************

            // Remove Blank Lines
            unchecked_assembly.RemoveAll(s => s == null);
            unchecked_assembly.RemoveAll(s => Regex.IsMatch(s, "^\\s*$"));

            // Remove Newline Comments
            unchecked_assembly.RemoveAll(s => s[0] == '#');

            for (int i = 0; i < unchecked_assembly.Count; i++)
                // *******************************
                // Trim Whitespace               *
                // *******************************

                // Outter Whitespace
                unchecked_assembly[i] = unchecked_assembly[i].Trim();

                // Inner Whitspace
                unchecked_assembly[i] = Regex.Replace(unchecked_assembly[i], "\\s{2,}", " ");
                // *******************************

                // *******************************
                // Remove Inline Comments
                // *******************************
                unchecked_assembly[i] = Regex.Replace(unchecked_assembly[i], "\\s*#.*$", "");
                // *******************************
            // *********************************************************************

            // *********************************************************************
            // Validate
            // *********************************************************************

            //if is not valid, will throw execptions for CLI to catch and display to user
            _ = IsValid(unchecked_assembly, iset);
            // *********************************************************************

            // *********************************************************************
            // Assemble
            // *********************************************************************
            List <string> binary = new List <string>();

            int lines_of_asm = unchecked_assembly.Count;

            int current_line_number = 0;

            foreach (string line in unchecked_assembly)
                if (line == "...")
                    int nop_count = 16 - lines_of_asm + 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nop_count; i++)
                    string upper_nibble_asm = line.Split(" ", 2)[0];
                    string lower_nibble_asm = line.Split(" ", 2)[1];
                    string upper_nibble_bin = "";
                    string lower_nibble_bin = "";

                    // Convert Upper Nibble
                    if (InstructionValidator.IsValidInstruction(upper_nibble_asm, iset))     // Is instruction
                        upper_nibble_bin = InstructionValidator.GetUpperNibble(line.Substring(0, 3), iset);
                    else if (Regex.IsMatch(upper_nibble_asm, "^0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]$"))                    // Is Data
                        int value_upper = (int)(Convert.ToUInt32(upper_nibble_asm, 16));
                        upper_nibble_bin = BinConverter.IntToBin4(value_upper);

                    // Convert Lower Nibble
                    int value_lower = (int)(Convert.ToUInt32(lower_nibble_asm, 16));
                    lower_nibble_bin = BinConverter.IntToBin4(value_lower);

                    binary.Add(upper_nibble_bin + lower_nibble_bin);

            // *********************************************************************

            //If a program was executed, but didnt fill in every line of RAM then throw an exception. Must have 16 elements!
            if (binary.Count != 16)
                throw new ParseException($"SAP1ASM: Program must have 16 lines.", new ParseException("Use \"NOP 0x0\" for a no-operation command or the \"...\" macro to fill in the rest with NOP 0x0."));

Esempio n. 6
        private InstructionSet GetInstructionSet()
            string InstructionSetName = "SAP1Emu";
