Esempio n. 1
        // Init - Only required method you call to setup OneSignal to receive push notifications.
        private static void Init()
                        #if ONESIGNAL_PLATFORM
            if (oneSignalPlatform != null || builder == null)

                                #if __ANDROID__
            oneSignalPlatform = new OneSignalAndroid(builder.appID, builder.googleProjectNumber, builder.displayOption, logLevel, visualLogLevel);
                #elif __IOS__
            //extract settings
            bool autoPrompt = true, inAppLaunchURL = true;

            if (builder.iOSSettings != null)
                if (builder.iOSSettings.ContainsKey(kOSSettingsKeyAutoPrompt))
                    autoPrompt = builder.iOSSettings[kOSSettingsKeyAutoPrompt];
                if (builder.iOSSettings.ContainsKey(kOSSettingsKeyInAppLaunchURL))
                    inAppLaunchURL = builder.iOSSettings[kOSSettingsKeyInAppLaunchURL];
            oneSignalPlatform = new OneSignalIOS(builder.appID, autoPrompt, inAppLaunchURL, builder.displayOption, logLevel, visualLogLevel);
Esempio n. 2
        // Init - Only required method you call to setup OneSignal to receive push notifications.
        public static void Init(NotificationOpened notificationOpenedDelegate, bool autoRegister)
            //isAndroidPlatform = (CrossDeviceInfo.Current.Platform == Platform.Android);
            //isIOSPlatform = (CrossDeviceInfo.Current.Platform == Platform.iOS);
            //isOneSignalPlatform = true; //(isAndroidPlatform || isIOSPlatform);
            //supportsLogging = (isAndroidPlatform || isIOSPlatform);

            OneSignal.notificationOpenedDelegate = notificationOpenedDelegate;
            oneSignalPlatform = DependencyService.Get <OneSignalPlatform>();
            initialized       = true;

                        #if ONESIGNAL_PLATFORM
            OneSignal.notificationOpenedDelegate = notificationOpenedDelegate;

            if (initialized)
                                #if __ANDROID__
            oneSignalPlatform = new OneSignalAndroid(logLevel, visualLevel);
                                #elif __IOS__
            oneSignalPlatform = new OneSignalIOS(autoRegister, logLevel, visualLevel);

            initialized = true;
Esempio n. 3
    // Init - Only required method you call to setup OneSignal to recieve push notifications.
    //        Call this on the first scene that is loaded.
    // appId                  = Your OneSignal AppId from
    // googleProjectNumber    = Your Google Project Number that is only required for Android GCM pushes.
    // inNotificationDelegate = Calls this delegate when a notification is opened or one is received when the user is in your game.
    // autoRegister           = Set false to delay the iOS accept notification system prompt. Defaults true.
    //                          You can then call RegisterForPushNotifications at a better point in your game to prompt them.
    public static void Init(string appId, string googleProjectNumber, NotificationReceived inNotificationDelegate, bool autoRegister)
      #if !UNITY_EDITOR
        if (initialized)
            #if UNITY_ANDROID
        oneSignalPlatform = new OneSignalAndroid(gameObjectName, googleProjectNumber, appId, logLevel, visualLogLevel);
            #elif UNITY_IPHONE
        oneSignalPlatform = new OneSignalIOS(gameObjectName, appId, autoRegister, logLevel, visualLogLevel);
            #elif UNITY_WP8
        oneSignalPlatform = new OneSignalWP80(appId);
            #elif UNITY_WP_8_1
        oneSignalPlatform = new OneSignalWPWNS(appId);
        notificationDelegate = inNotificationDelegate;

            #if !UNITY_WP8 && !UNITY_WP_8_1
        GameObject go = new GameObject(gameObjectName);
        go.AddComponent <OneSignal>();

        initialized = true;
        print("Please run OneSignal on a device to see push notifications.");
Esempio n. 4
    // Init - Only required method you call to setup OneSignal to recieve push notifications.
	//        Call this on the first scene that is loaded.
	// appId                  = Your OneSignal AppId from
	// googleProjectNumber    = Your Google Project Number that is only required for Android GCM pushes.
	// inNotificationDelegate = Calls this delegate when a notification is opened or one is received when the user is in your game.
	// autoRegister           = Set false to delay the iOS accept notification system prompt. Defaults true.
	//                          You can then call RegisterForPushNotifications at a better point in your game to prompt them.
	public static void Init(string appId, string googleProjectNumber, NotificationReceived inNotificationDelegate, bool autoRegister) {
				if (initialized) return;
					oneSignalPlatform = new OneSignalAndroid(gameObjectName, googleProjectNumber, appId, logLevel, visualLogLevel);
                #elif UNITY_IPHONE
					//oneSignalPlatform = new OneSignalIOS(gameObjectName, appId, autoRegister, logLevel, visualLogLevel);
                #elif UNITY_WP8
					oneSignalPlatform = new OneSignalWP(appId);
				notificationDelegate = inNotificationDelegate;
                #if !UNITY_WP8
					GameObject go = new GameObject(gameObjectName);
				initialized = true;
            print("Please run OneSignal on a device to see push notifications.");
Esempio n. 5
    internal static OSSubscriptionStateChanges parseOSSubscriptionStateChanges(OneSignalPlatform platform, string stateChangesJSONString)
        var stateChangesJson = Json.Deserialize(stateChangesJSONString) as Dictionary <string, object>;

        var permissionStateChanges = new OSSubscriptionStateChanges();   = platform.parseOSSubscriptionState(stateChangesJson["to"]);
        permissionStateChanges.from = platform.parseOSSubscriptionState(stateChangesJson["from"]);

    internal static OSPermissionSubscriptionState parsePermissionSubscriptionState(OneSignalPlatform platform, string jsonStr)
        var stateDict = Json.Deserialize(jsonStr) as Dictionary <string, object>;

        var state = new OSPermissionSubscriptionState();

        state.permissionStatus   = platform.parseOSPermissionState(stateDict["permissionStatus"]);
        state.subscriptionStatus = platform.parseOSSubscriptionState(stateDict["subscriptionStatus"]);

    internal static OSPermissionSubscriptionState ParsePermissionSubscriptionState(OneSignalPlatform platform, string jsonStr)
        var stateDict = Json.Deserialize(jsonStr) as Dictionary <string, object>;

        var state = new OSPermissionSubscriptionState();

        state.permissionStatus   = platform.ParseOSPermissionState(stateDict["permissionStatus"]);
        state.subscriptionStatus = platform.ParseOSSubscriptionState(stateDict["subscriptionStatus"]);

        if (stateDict.ContainsKey("emailSubscriptionStatus"))
            state.emailSubscriptionStatus = platform.ParseOSEmailSubscriptionState(stateDict["emailSubscriptionStatus"]);

Esempio n. 8
    private static void initIOS()
        bool autoPrompt = true, inAppLaunchURL = true;

        if (builder.iOSSettings != null)
            if (builder.iOSSettings.ContainsKey(kOSSettingsAutoPrompt))
                autoPrompt = builder.iOSSettings[kOSSettingsAutoPrompt];
            if (builder.iOSSettings.ContainsKey(kOSSettingsInAppLaunchURL))
                inAppLaunchURL = builder.iOSSettings[kOSSettingsInAppLaunchURL];
        oneSignalPlatform = new OneSignalIOS(gameObjectName, builder.appID, autoPrompt, inAppLaunchURL, inFocusDisplayType, logLevel, visualLogLevel, requiresUserConsent);
Esempio n. 9
    private static void Init()
      #if !UNITY_EDITOR
        if (oneSignalPlatform != null || builder == null)
            #if UNITY_ANDROID
        oneSignalPlatform = new OneSignalAndroid(gameObjectName, builder.googleProjectNumber, builder.appID, builder.displayOption, logLevel, visualLogLevel);
            #elif UNITY_IPHONE
        //extract settings
        bool autoPrompt = true, inAppAlerts = true, inAppLaunchURL = true;

        if (builder.displayOption == OSInFocusDisplayOption.None)
            inAppAlerts = false;

        if (builder.iOSSettings != null)
            if (builder.iOSSettings.ContainsKey(kOSSettingsAutoPrompt))
                autoPrompt = builder.iOSSettings[kOSSettingsAutoPrompt];
            if (builder.iOSSettings.ContainsKey(kOSSettingsInAppLaunchURL))
                inAppLaunchURL = builder.iOSSettings[kOSSettingsInAppLaunchURL];
        oneSignalPlatform = new OneSignalIOS(gameObjectName, builder.appID, autoPrompt, inAppAlerts, inAppLaunchURL, builder.displayOption, logLevel, visualLogLevel);
            #elif UNITY_WP_8_1
        oneSignalPlatform = new OneSignalWPWNS(builder.appID);

            #if !UNITY_WP_8_1
        GameObject go = new GameObject(gameObjectName);
        go.AddComponent <OneSignal>();
        print("Please run OneSignal on a device to see push notifications.");
Esempio n. 10
 private static void initWP81()
     oneSignalPlatform = new OneSignalWPWNS(builder.appID);
Esempio n. 11
 private static void initAndroid()
     oneSignalPlatform = new OneSignalAndroid(gameObjectName, builder.googleProjectNumber, builder.appID, inFocusDisplayType, logLevel, visualLogLevel, requiresUserConsent);