public void Add(AssemblyIdentity identity, TValue value)
            KeyValuePair <AssemblyIdentity, TValue> pair = KeyValuePair.Create(identity, value);

            _map[identity.Name] = _map.TryGetValue(identity.Name, out OneOrMany <KeyValuePair <AssemblyIdentity, TValue> > sameName) ? sameName.Add(pair) : OneOrMany.Create(pair);
 internal sealed override OneOrMany <SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax> > GetAttributeDeclarations() => OneOrMany.Create(default(SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax>));
Esempio n. 3
 internal override OneOrMany <SyntaxList <AttributeDeclarationSyntax> > GetAttributeDeclarations()
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to merge attributes from the given attributesSyntaxLists and filter out attributes by attribute target.
        /// This is the first step in attribute binding.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method can generate diagnostics for few cases where we have an invalid target specifier and the parser hasn't generated the necessary diagnostics.
        /// It should not perform any bind operations as it can lead to an attribute binding cycle.
        /// </remarks>
        private ImmutableArray <AttributeSyntax> GetAttributesToBind(
            OneOrMany <SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax> > attributeDeclarationSyntaxLists,
            AttributeLocation symbolPart,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            CSharpCompilation compilation,
            out ImmutableArray <Binder> binders)
            var attributeTarget = (IAttributeTargetSymbol)this;

            ArrayBuilder <AttributeSyntax> syntaxBuilder  = null;
            ArrayBuilder <Binder>          bindersBuilder = null;
            int attributesToBindCount = 0;

            for (int listIndex = 0; listIndex < attributeDeclarationSyntaxLists.Count; listIndex++)
                var attributeDeclarationSyntaxList = attributeDeclarationSyntaxLists[listIndex];
                if (attributeDeclarationSyntaxList.Any())
                    int prevCount = attributesToBindCount;
                    foreach (var attributeDeclarationSyntax in attributeDeclarationSyntaxList)
                        // We bind the attribute only if it has a matching target for the given ownerSymbol and attributeLocation.
                        if (MatchAttributeTarget(attributeTarget, symbolPart, attributeDeclarationSyntax.Target, diagnostics))
                            if (syntaxBuilder == null)
                                syntaxBuilder  = new ArrayBuilder <AttributeSyntax>();
                                bindersBuilder = new ArrayBuilder <Binder>();

                            var attributesToBind = attributeDeclarationSyntax.Attributes;
                            attributesToBindCount += attributesToBind.Count;

                    if (attributesToBindCount != prevCount)
                        Debug.Assert(attributeDeclarationSyntaxList.Node != null);
                        Debug.Assert(bindersBuilder != null);

                        var syntaxTree = attributeDeclarationSyntaxList.Node.SyntaxTree;
                        var binder     = compilation.GetBinderFactory(syntaxTree).GetBinder((CSharpSyntaxNode)attributeDeclarationSyntaxList.Node);

                        binder = new ContextualAttributeBinder(binder, this);
                        Debug.Assert(!binder.InAttributeArgument, "Possible cycle in attribute binding");

                        for (int i = 0; i < attributesToBindCount - prevCount; i++)

            if (syntaxBuilder != null)
                binders = bindersBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
                binders = ImmutableArray <Binder> .Empty;
                return(ImmutableArray <AttributeSyntax> .Empty);
Esempio n. 5
 internal override OneOrMany <SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax> > GetAttributeDeclarations()
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// This method does the following set of operations in the specified order:
        /// (1) GetAttributesToBind: Merge attributes from the given attributesSyntaxLists and filter out attributes by attribute target.
        /// (2) BindAttributeTypes: Bind all the attribute types to enable early decode of certain well-known attributes by type.
        /// (3) EarlyDecodeWellKnownAttributes: Perform early decoding of certain well-known attributes that could be queried by the binder in subsequent steps.
        ///     (NOTE: This step has the side effect of updating the symbol state based on the data extracted from well known attributes).
        /// (4) GetAttributes: Bind the attributes (attribute arguments and constructor) using bound attribute types.
        /// (5) DecodeWellKnownAttributes: Decode and validate bound well known attributes.
        ///     (NOTE: This step has the side effect of updating the symbol state based on the data extracted from well known attributes).
        /// (6) StoreBoundAttributesAndDoPostValidation:
        ///     (a) Store the bound attributes in lazyCustomAttributes in a thread safe manner.
        ///     (b) Perform some additional post attribute validations, such as
        ///         1) Duplicate attributes, attribute usage target validation, etc.
        ///         2) Post validation for attributes dependant on other attributes
        ///         These validations cannot be performed prior to step 6(a) as we might need to
        ///         perform a GetAttributes() call on a symbol which can introduce a cycle in attribute binding.
        ///         We avoid this cycle by performing such validations in PostDecodeWellKnownAttributes after lazyCustomAttributes have been set.
        ///     NOTE: PostDecodeWellKnownAttributes SHOULD NOT change the symbol state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Current design of early decoding well-known attributes doesn't permit decoding attribute arguments/constructor as this can lead to binding cycles.
        /// For well-known attributes used by the binder, where we need the decoded arguments, we must handle them specially in one of the following possible ways:
        ///   (a) Avoid decoding the attribute arguments during binding and delay the corresponding binder tasks to a separate post-pass executed after binding.
        ///   (b) As the cycles can be caused only when we are binding attribute arguments/constructor, special case the corresponding binder tasks based on the current BinderFlags.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="attributesSyntaxLists"></param>
        /// <param name="lazyCustomAttributesBag"></param>
        /// <param name="symbolPart">Specific part of the symbol to which the attributes apply, or <see cref="AttributeLocation.None"/> if the attributes apply to the symbol itself.</param>
        /// <param name="earlyDecodingOnly">Indicates that only early decoding should be performed.  WARNING: the resulting bag will not be sealed.</param>
        /// <returns>Flag indicating whether lazyCustomAttributes were stored on this thread. Caller should check for this flag and perform NotePartComplete if true.</returns>
        internal bool LoadAndValidateAttributes(
            OneOrMany<SyntaxList<AttributeListSyntax>> attributesSyntaxLists,
            ref CustomAttributesBag<CSharpAttributeData> lazyCustomAttributesBag,
            AttributeLocation symbolPart = AttributeLocation.None,
            bool earlyDecodingOnly = false)
            var diagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance();
            var compilation = this.DeclaringCompilation;

            ImmutableArray<Binder> binders;
            ImmutableArray<AttributeSyntax> attributesToBind = this.GetAttributesToBind(attributesSyntaxLists, symbolPart, diagnostics, compilation, out binders);

            ImmutableArray<CSharpAttributeData> boundAttributes;
            WellKnownAttributeData wellKnownAttributeData;

            if (attributesToBind.Any())
                Debug.Assert(binders.Length == attributesToBind.Length);

                // Initialize the bag so that data decoded from early attributes can be stored onto it.
                if (lazyCustomAttributesBag == null)
                    Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref lazyCustomAttributesBag, new CustomAttributesBag<CSharpAttributeData>(), null);

                // Bind the attribute types and then early decode them.
                int totalAttributesCount = attributesToBind.Length;
                var attributeTypesBuilder = new NamedTypeSymbol[totalAttributesCount];

                Binder.BindAttributeTypes(binders, attributesToBind, this, attributeTypesBuilder, diagnostics);
                ImmutableArray<NamedTypeSymbol> boundAttributeTypes = attributeTypesBuilder.AsImmutableOrNull();

                this.EarlyDecodeWellKnownAttributeTypes(boundAttributeTypes, attributesToBind);

                // Bind the attribute in two stages - early and normal.
                var attributesBuilder = new CSharpAttributeData[totalAttributesCount];

                // Early bind and decode some well-known attributes.
                EarlyWellKnownAttributeData earlyData = this.EarlyDecodeWellKnownAttributes(binders, boundAttributeTypes, attributesToBind, symbolPart, attributesBuilder);
                Debug.Assert(!attributesBuilder.Contains((attr) => attr != null && attr.HasErrors));

                // Store data decoded from early bound well-known attributes.
                // TODO: what if this succeeds on another thread, not ours?

                if (earlyDecodingOnly)
                    diagnostics.Free(); //NOTE: dropped.
                    return false;

                // Bind attributes.
                Binder.GetAttributes(binders, attributesToBind, boundAttributeTypes, attributesBuilder, diagnostics);
                boundAttributes = attributesBuilder.AsImmutableOrNull();

                // All attributes must be bound by now.
                Debug.Assert(!boundAttributes.Any((attr) => attr == null));

                // Validate attribute usage and Decode remaining well-known attributes.
                wellKnownAttributeData = this.ValidateAttributeUsageAndDecodeWellKnownAttributes(binders, attributesToBind, boundAttributes, diagnostics, symbolPart);

                // Store data decoded from remaining well-known attributes.
                // TODO: what if this succeeds on another thread but not this thread?
            else if (earlyDecodingOnly)
                diagnostics.Free(); //NOTE: dropped.
                return false;
                boundAttributes = ImmutableArray<CSharpAttributeData>.Empty;
                wellKnownAttributeData = null;
                Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref lazyCustomAttributesBag, CustomAttributesBag<CSharpAttributeData>.WithEmptyData(), null);

            this.PostDecodeWellKnownAttributes(boundAttributes, attributesToBind, diagnostics, symbolPart, wellKnownAttributeData);

            // Store attributes into the bag.
            bool lazyAttributesStoredOnThisThread = false;
            if (lazyCustomAttributesBag.SetAttributes(boundAttributes))
                lazyAttributesStoredOnThisThread = true;
                if (lazyCustomAttributesBag.IsEmpty) lazyCustomAttributesBag = CustomAttributesBag<CSharpAttributeData>.Empty;

            return lazyAttributesStoredOnThisThread;
Esempio n. 7
 public void Zero()
     Verify(OneOrMany.Create(ImmutableArray <int> .Empty));
     Verify(new OneOrMany <int>(ImmutableArray <int> .Empty));
Esempio n. 8
 internal override OneOrMany <SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax> > GetReturnTypeAttributeDeclarations()
     // Constructors don't have return type attributes
     return(OneOrMany.Create(default(SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax>)));
Esempio n. 9
 public void ImplicitConversionOperator_FromArray_HasTwoItems()
     int[] items = new OneOrMany <int>(1, 2);
     Assert.Equal(new int[] { 1, 2 }, items);
Esempio n. 10
     > GetReturnTypeAttributeDeclarations()
     // destructors can't have return type attributes
     return(OneOrMany.Create(default(SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax>)));
Esempio n. 11
        public void ImplicitConversionOperator_FromItem_HasOneItem()
            int item = new OneOrMany <int>(1);

            Assert.Equal(1, item);
Esempio n. 12
 internal override OneOrMany <SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax> > GetAttributeDeclarations() => OneOrMany.Create(_attributeLists);
     > GetAttributeDeclarations()
Esempio n. 14
 internal override OneOrMany <SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax> > GetAttributeDeclarations()
     // destructors can't have return type attributes
Esempio n. 15
        public async Task <IActionResult> Details(string i)
            string apiUrl = configuration.GetValue <string>("api:url");
            string apiKey = configuration.GetValue <string>("api:key");

            UriBuilder baseUri = new UriBuilder(apiUrl + "?apiKey=" + apiKey);

            Details details = null;

            if (i != null && i.Length > 0)
                string queryToAppend = "i=" + i;
                if (baseUri.Query != null && baseUri.Query.Length > 1)
                    baseUri.Query = baseUri.Query.Substring(1) + "&" + queryToAppend;
                    baseUri.Query = queryToAppend;

                string url = baseUri.ToString();

                using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
                    using (var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(url))
                        string apiResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        JObject o = JObject.Parse(apiResponse);
                        if ((string)o["Response"] == "True")
                            details = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Details>(apiResponse);

            Person actor = new Person()
                Name = new List <String>()

            Person director = new Person()
                Name = details.Director

            Country c = new Country()
                Name = details.Country

            int minDuration = 0;

            if (details.Runtime.Length > 0 && details.Runtime.Contains(' '))
                string[] sDuration = details.Runtime.Split(' ');
                if (sDuration.Length > 0)
                    minDuration = int.Parse(sDuration[0]);
            int hours   = 0,
                minutes = 0;

            if (minDuration > 0)
                hours   = minDuration / 60;
                minutes = minDuration % 60;
            OneOrMany <TimeSpan?> duration = new OneOrMany <TimeSpan?>(new TimeSpan(hours, minutes, 0));

            var organization = new Organization()
                Name = details.Production

            var movieSchema = new Schema.NET.Movie()
                Actor             = actor,
                CountryOfOrigin   = c,
                Director          = director,
                Duration          = duration,
                SubtitleLanguage  = details.Language,
                ProductionCompany = organization

            ViewBag.JsonLd = movieSchema.ToString();

Esempio n. 16
 internal sealed override OneOrMany <SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax> > GetAttributeDeclarations()
     // TODO: This implementation looks strange. It might make sense for the Invoke method, but
     //       not for constructor and other methods.
 internal sealed override OneOrMany <SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax> > GetAttributeDeclarations()
Esempio n. 18
 internal sealed override OneOrMany <SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax> > GetAttributeDeclarations()
 internal override OneOrMany <SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax> > GetAttributeDeclarations()
 internal override OneOrMany <SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax> > GetAttributeDeclarations()
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// This method does the following set of operations in the specified order:
        /// (1) GetAttributesToBind: Merge attributes from the given attributesSyntaxLists and filter out attributes by attribute target.
        /// (2) BindAttributeTypes: Bind all the attribute types to enable early decode of certain well-known attributes by type.
        /// (3) EarlyDecodeWellKnownAttributes: Perform early decoding of certain well-known attributes that could be queried by the binder in subsequent steps.
        ///     (NOTE: This step has the side effect of updating the symbol state based on the data extracted from well known attributes).
        /// (4) GetAttributes: Bind the attributes (attribute arguments and constructor) using bound attribute types.
        /// (5) DecodeWellKnownAttributes: Decode and validate bound well known attributes.
        ///     (NOTE: This step has the side effect of updating the symbol state based on the data extracted from well known attributes).
        /// (6) StoreBoundAttributesAndDoPostValidation:
        ///     (a) Store the bound attributes in lazyCustomAttributes in a thread safe manner.
        ///     (b) Perform some additional post attribute validations, such as
        ///         1) Duplicate attributes, attribute usage target validation, etc.
        ///         2) Post validation for attributes dependant on other attributes
        ///         These validations cannot be performed prior to step 6(a) as we might need to
        ///         perform a GetAttributes() call on a symbol which can introduce a cycle in attribute binding.
        ///         We avoid this cycle by performing such validations in PostDecodeWellKnownAttributes after lazyCustomAttributes have been set.
        ///     NOTE: PostDecodeWellKnownAttributes SHOULD NOT change the symbol state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Current design of early decoding well-known attributes doesn't permit decoding attribute arguments/constructor as this can lead to binding cycles.
        /// For well-known attributes used by the binder, where we need the decoded arguments, we must handle them specially in one of the following possible ways:
        ///   (a) Avoid decoding the attribute arguments during binding and delay the corresponding binder tasks to a separate post-pass executed after binding.
        ///   (b) As the cycles can be caused only when we are binding attribute arguments/constructor, special case the corresponding binder tasks based on the current BinderFlags.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="attributesSyntaxLists"></param>
        /// <param name="lazyCustomAttributesBag"></param>
        /// <param name="symbolPart">Specific part of the symbol to which the attributes apply, or <see cref="AttributeLocation.None"/> if the attributes apply to the symbol itself.</param>
        /// <param name="earlyDecodingOnly">Indicates that only early decoding should be performed.  WARNING: the resulting bag will not be sealed.</param>
        /// <returns>Flag indicating whether lazyCustomAttributes were stored on this thread. Caller should check for this flag and perform NotePartComplete if true.</returns>
        internal bool LoadAndValidateAttributes(
            OneOrMany <SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax> > attributesSyntaxLists,
            ref CustomAttributesBag <CSharpAttributeData> lazyCustomAttributesBag,
            AttributeLocation symbolPart = AttributeLocation.None,
            bool earlyDecodingOnly       = false)
            var diagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance();
            var compilation = this.DeclaringCompilation;

            ImmutableArray <Binder>          binders;
            ImmutableArray <AttributeSyntax> attributesToBind = this.GetAttributesToBind(attributesSyntaxLists, symbolPart, diagnostics, compilation, out binders);


            ImmutableArray <CSharpAttributeData> boundAttributes;
            WellKnownAttributeData wellKnownAttributeData;

            if (attributesToBind.Any())
                Debug.Assert(binders.Length == attributesToBind.Length);

                // Initialize the bag so that data decoded from early attributes can be stored onto it.
                if (lazyCustomAttributesBag == null)
                    Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref lazyCustomAttributesBag, new CustomAttributesBag <CSharpAttributeData>(), null);

                // Bind the attribute types and then early decode them.
                int totalAttributesCount  = attributesToBind.Length;
                var attributeTypesBuilder = new NamedTypeSymbol[totalAttributesCount];

                Binder.BindAttributeTypes(binders, attributesToBind, this, attributeTypesBuilder, diagnostics);
                ImmutableArray <NamedTypeSymbol> boundAttributeTypes = attributeTypesBuilder.AsImmutableOrNull();

                this.EarlyDecodeWellKnownAttributeTypes(boundAttributeTypes, attributesToBind);

                // Bind the attribute in two stages - early and normal.
                var attributesBuilder = new CSharpAttributeData[totalAttributesCount];

                // Early bind and decode some well-known attributes.
                EarlyWellKnownAttributeData earlyData = this.EarlyDecodeWellKnownAttributes(binders, boundAttributeTypes, attributesToBind, symbolPart, attributesBuilder);
                Debug.Assert(!attributesBuilder.Contains((attr) => attr != null && attr.HasErrors));

                // Store data decoded from early bound well-known attributes.
                // TODO: what if this succeeds on another thread, not ours?

                if (earlyDecodingOnly)
                    diagnostics.Free(); //NOTE: dropped.

                // Bind attributes.
                Binder.GetAttributes(binders, attributesToBind, boundAttributeTypes, attributesBuilder, diagnostics);
                boundAttributes = attributesBuilder.AsImmutableOrNull();

                // All attributes must be bound by now.
                Debug.Assert(!boundAttributes.Any((attr) => attr == null));

                // Validate attribute usage and Decode remaining well-known attributes.
                wellKnownAttributeData = this.ValidateAttributeUsageAndDecodeWellKnownAttributes(binders, attributesToBind, boundAttributes, diagnostics, symbolPart);

                // Store data decoded from remaining well-known attributes.
                // TODO: what if this succeeds on another thread but not this thread?
            else if (earlyDecodingOnly)
                diagnostics.Free(); //NOTE: dropped.
                boundAttributes        = ImmutableArray <CSharpAttributeData> .Empty;
                wellKnownAttributeData = null;
                Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref lazyCustomAttributesBag, CustomAttributesBag <CSharpAttributeData> .WithEmptyData(), null);

            this.PostDecodeWellKnownAttributes(boundAttributes, attributesToBind, diagnostics, symbolPart, wellKnownAttributeData);

            // Store attributes into the bag.
            bool lazyAttributesStoredOnThisThread = false;

            if (lazyCustomAttributesBag.SetAttributes(boundAttributes))
                lazyAttributesStoredOnThisThread = true;
                if (lazyCustomAttributesBag.IsEmpty)
                    lazyCustomAttributesBag = CustomAttributesBag <CSharpAttributeData> .Empty;

Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to merge attributes from the given attributesSyntaxLists and filter out attributes by attribute target.
        /// This is the first step in attribute binding.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method can generate diagnostics for few cases where we have an invalid target specifier and the parser hasn't generated the necessary diagnostics.
        /// It should not perform any bind operations as it can lead to an attribute binding cycle.
        /// </remarks>
        private ImmutableArray<AttributeSyntax> GetAttributesToBind(
            OneOrMany<SyntaxList<AttributeListSyntax>> attributeDeclarationSyntaxLists,
            AttributeLocation symbolPart,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            CSharpCompilation compilation,
            out ImmutableArray<Binder> binders)
            var attributeTarget = (IAttributeTargetSymbol)this;

            ArrayBuilder<AttributeSyntax> syntaxBuilder = null;
            ArrayBuilder<Binder> bindersBuilder = null;
            int attributesToBindCount = 0;

            for (int listIndex = 0; listIndex < attributeDeclarationSyntaxLists.Count; listIndex++)
                var attributeDeclarationSyntaxList = attributeDeclarationSyntaxLists[listIndex];
                if (attributeDeclarationSyntaxList.Any())
                    int prevCount = attributesToBindCount;
                    foreach (var attributeDeclarationSyntax in attributeDeclarationSyntaxList)
                        // We bind the attribute only if it has a matching target for the given ownerSymbol and attributeLocation.
                        if (MatchAttributeTarget(attributeTarget, symbolPart, attributeDeclarationSyntax.Target, diagnostics))
                            if (syntaxBuilder == null)
                                syntaxBuilder = new ArrayBuilder<AttributeSyntax>();
                                bindersBuilder = new ArrayBuilder<Binder>();

                            var attributesToBind = attributeDeclarationSyntax.Attributes;
                            attributesToBindCount += attributesToBind.Count;

                    if (attributesToBindCount != prevCount)
                        Debug.Assert(attributeDeclarationSyntaxList.Node != null);
                        Debug.Assert(bindersBuilder != null);

                        var syntaxTree = attributeDeclarationSyntaxList.Node.SyntaxTree;
                        var binder = compilation.GetBinderFactory(syntaxTree).GetBinder((CSharpSyntaxNode)attributeDeclarationSyntaxList.Node);

                        binder = new ContextualAttributeBinder(binder, this);
                        Debug.Assert(!binder.InAttributeArgument, "Possible cycle in attribute binding");

                        for (int i = 0; i < attributesToBindCount - prevCount; i++)

            if (syntaxBuilder != null)
                binders = bindersBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
                return syntaxBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
                binders = ImmutableArray<Binder>.Empty;
                return ImmutableArray<AttributeSyntax>.Empty;
Esempio n. 23
        private ImmutableArray <AttributeSyntax> GetAttributesToBind(
            OneOrMany <SyntaxList <AttributeListSyntax> > attributeDeclarationSyntaxLists,
            AttributeLocation symbolPart,
            BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            CSharpCompilation compilation,
            Func <AttributeSyntax, bool> attributeMatchesOpt,
            Binder rootBinderOpt,
            out ImmutableArray <Binder> binders)
            var attributeTarget = (IAttributeTargetSymbol)this;

            ArrayBuilder <AttributeSyntax> syntaxBuilder  = null;
            ArrayBuilder <Binder>          bindersBuilder = null;
            int attributesToBindCount = 0;

            for (int listIndex = 0; listIndex < attributeDeclarationSyntaxLists.Count; listIndex++)
                var attributeDeclarationSyntaxList = attributeDeclarationSyntaxLists[listIndex];
                if (attributeDeclarationSyntaxList.Any())
                    int prevCount = attributesToBindCount;
                    foreach (var attributeDeclarationSyntax in attributeDeclarationSyntaxList)
                        // We bind the attribute only if it has a matching target for the given ownerSymbol and attributeLocation.
                        if (MatchAttributeTarget(attributeTarget, symbolPart, attributeDeclarationSyntax.Target, diagnostics))
                            if (syntaxBuilder == null)
                                syntaxBuilder  = new ArrayBuilder <AttributeSyntax>();
                                bindersBuilder = new ArrayBuilder <Binder>();

                            var attributesToBind = attributeDeclarationSyntax.Attributes;
                            if (attributeMatchesOpt is null)
                                attributesToBindCount += attributesToBind.Count;
                                foreach (var attribute in attributesToBind)
                                    if (attributeMatchesOpt(attribute))

                    if (attributesToBindCount != prevCount)
                        Debug.Assert(attributeDeclarationSyntaxList.Node != null);
                        Debug.Assert(bindersBuilder != null);

                        var syntaxTree = attributeDeclarationSyntaxList.Node.SyntaxTree;
                        var binder     = rootBinderOpt ?? compilation.GetBinderFactory(syntaxTree).GetBinder(attributeDeclarationSyntaxList.Node);

                        binder = new ContextualAttributeBinder(binder, this);
                        Debug.Assert(!binder.InAttributeArgument || this is MethodSymbol {
                            MethodKind: MethodKind.LambdaMethod
                        }, "Possible cycle in attribute binding");