Esempio n. 1
        public unsafe void RgbaToYcbCrScaledIntegerLut()
            // Copy the input to the stack:
            OnStackInputCache.Byte input = OnStackInputCache.Byte.Create(this.inputSourceRGB);

            // On-stack output:
            Result result = default(Result);
            float *yPtr   = (float *)&result.Y;
            float *cbPtr  = (float *)&result.Cb;
            float *crPtr  = (float *)&result.Cr;

            // end of code-bloat block :)

            for (int i = 0; i < InputColorCount; i++)
                int i3 = i * 3;

                int r = input.Data[i3 + 0];
                int g = input.Data[i3 + 1];
                int b = input.Data[i3 + 2];

                // TODO: Maybe concatenating all the arrays in LookupTables to a flat one can improve this!
                *yPtr++  = (LookupTables.Y0[r] + LookupTables.Y1[g] + LookupTables.Y2[b]) >> 10;
                *cbPtr++ = 128 + ((LookupTables.Cb0[r] - LookupTables.Cb1[g] + LookupTables.Cb2Cr0[b]) >> 10);
                *crPtr++ = 128 + ((LookupTables.Cb2Cr0[r] - LookupTables.Cr1[g] - LookupTables.Cr2[b]) >> 10);
Esempio n. 2
        public unsafe void RgbaToYcbCrScalarFloat()
            // Copy the input to the stack:
            OnStackInputCache.Byte input = OnStackInputCache.Byte.Create(this.inputSourceRGB);

            // On-stack output:
            Result result = default(Result);
            float *yPtr   = (float *)&result.Y;
            float *cbPtr  = (float *)&result.Cb;
            float *crPtr  = (float *)&result.Cr;

            // end of code-bloat block :)

            for (int i = 0; i < InputColorCount; i++)
                int   i3 = i * 3;
                float r  = input.Data[i3 + 0];
                float g  = input.Data[i3 + 1];
                float b  = input.Data[i3 + 2];

                *yPtr++  = (0.299F * r) + (0.587F * g) + (0.114F * b);
                *cbPtr++ = 128 + ((-0.168736F * r) - (0.331264F * g) + (0.5F * b));
                *crPtr++ = 128 + ((0.5F * r) - (0.418688F * g) - (0.081312F * b));
Esempio n. 3
        public unsafe void RgbaToYcbCrSimdFloat()
            // Copy the input to the stack:
            OnStackInputCache.Byte input = OnStackInputCache.Byte.Create(this.inputSourceRGB);

            // On-stack output:
            Result result = default(Result);
            float *yPtr   = (float *)&result.Y;
            float *cbPtr  = (float *)&result.Cb;
            float *crPtr  = (float *)&result.Cr;

            // end of code-bloat block :)

            for (int i = 0; i < InputColorCount; i++)
                int i3 = i * 3;

                Vector3 vectorRgb = new Vector3(
                    input.Data[i3 + 0],
                    input.Data[i3 + 1],
                    input.Data[i3 + 2]

                Vector3 vectorY  = VectorY * vectorRgb;
                Vector3 vectorCb = VectorCb * vectorRgb;
                Vector3 vectorCr = VectorCr * vectorRgb;

                *yPtr++  = vectorY.X + vectorY.Y + vectorY.Z;
                *cbPtr++ = 128 + (vectorCb.X - vectorCb.Y + vectorCb.Z);
                *crPtr++ = 128 + (vectorCr.X - vectorCr.Y - vectorCr.Z);
Esempio n. 4
        public unsafe void RgbaToYcbCrSimdFloat()
            // Copy the input to the stack:
            OnStackInputCache.Byte input = OnStackInputCache.Byte.Create(this.inputSourceRGB);

            // On-stack output:
            Result result = default(Result);
            float *yPtr   = (float *)&result.Y;
            float *cbPtr  = (float *)&result.Cb;
            float *crPtr  = (float *)&result.Cr;

            // end of code-bloat block :)

            for (int i = 0; i < InputColorCount; i++)
                int i3 = i * 3;

                Vector3 vectorRgb = new Vector3(
                    input.Data[i3 + 0],
                    input.Data[i3 + 1],
                    input.Data[i3 + 2]

                Vector3 vectorY  = VectorY * vectorRgb;
                Vector3 vectorCb = VectorCb * vectorRgb;
                Vector3 vectorCr = VectorCr * vectorRgb;

                // Should be better in theory, but came out to be worse: :(
                // Vector3 c = new Vector3(0, 128, 128);
                // Vector3 xx = new Vector3(vectorY.X, vectorCb.X, vectorCr.X);
                // Vector3 yy = new Vector3(vectorY.Y, -vectorCb.Y, -vectorCr.Y);
                // Vector3 zz = new Vector3(vectorY.Z, vectorCb.Z, -vectorCr.Z);

                // c += xx + yy + zz;
                // *yPtr++ = c.X;
                // *cbPtr++ = c.Y;
                // *crPtr++ = c.Z;

                *yPtr++  = vectorY.X + vectorY.Y + vectorY.Z;
                *cbPtr++ = 128 + (vectorCb.X - vectorCb.Y + vectorCb.Z);
                *crPtr++ = 128 + (vectorCr.X - vectorCr.Y - vectorCr.Z);
Esempio n. 5
        public unsafe void RgbaToYcbCrScaledInteger()
            // Copy the input to the stack:
            OnStackInputCache.Byte input = OnStackInputCache.Byte.Create(this.inputSourceRGB);

            // On-stack output:
            Result result = default(Result);
            float *yPtr   = (float *)&result.Y;
            float *cbPtr  = (float *)&result.Cb;
            float *crPtr  = (float *)&result.Cr;

            // end of code-bloat block :)

            for (int i = 0; i < InputColorCount; i++)
                int i3 = i * 3;
                int r  = input.Data[i3 + 0];
                int g  = input.Data[i3 + 1];
                int b  = input.Data[i3 + 2];

                // Scale by 1024, add .5F and truncate value
                int y0 = 306 * r;   // (0.299F * 1024) + .5F
                int y1 = 601 * g;   // (0.587F * 1024) + .5F
                int y2 = 117 * b;   // (0.114F * 1024) + .5F

                int cb0 = -172 * r; // (-0.168736F * 1024) + .5F
                int cb1 = 339 * g;  // (0.331264F * 1024) + .5F
                int cb2 = 512 * b;  // (0.5F * 1024) + .5F

                int cr0 = 512 * r;  // (0.5F * 1024) + .5F
                int cr1 = 429 * g;  // (0.418688F * 1024) + .5F
                int cr2 = 83 * b;   // (0.081312F * 1024) + .5F

                *yPtr++  = (y0 + y1 + y2) >> 10;
                *cbPtr++ = 128 + ((cb0 - cb1 + cb2) >> 10);
                *crPtr++ = 128 + ((cr0 - cr1 - cr2) >> 10);