//actions for commands private async void GoToItemAsync(object obj) { if (Items == null || Items?.Count == 0) { return; } var list = (ListView)obj; //take the list string[] typeOfItems = new string[Items.Count]; //make an array that will contain the options //get all the items type that user have for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++) { typeOfItems[i] = Items[i].Key; } string itemToGo = await PageService.DisplayActionSheet("Select item you wanna go to", "Cancel", typeOfItems); if (itemToGo is null || itemToGo == "Cancel") { return; } var item = Items.Where(s => s.Key == itemToGo).FirstOrDefault().FirstOrDefault(); if (item is null) { return; } OnScroll?.Invoke(item, list); }
internal virtual void DoScroll() { if (MouseEnabled) { OnScroll?.Invoke(); } }
internal static void Init() { PreUpdate(); LastPosition = Position; App.platform.OnMouseButtonDown += id => { down[id] = true; pressed[id] = true; OnPress?.Invoke((MouseButton)id); }; App.platform.OnMouseButtonUp += id => { down[id] = false; released[id] = true; OnRelease?.Invoke((MouseButton)id); }; App.platform.OnMouseScroll += (x, y) => { Scroll += new Point2((int)(x / Screen.PixelSize), (int)(y / Screen.PixelSize)); OnScroll?.Invoke(); }; }
/// <summary> /// Makes a new instance of <see cref="GlfwMouse"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="window">Current context.</param> public GlfwMouse(GlfwWindow window) { handler = window; handler.OnRestore += Handler_OnRestore; cursorCallback = (w, x, y) => { OnMove?.Invoke(this, new MousePositiontEventArgs { Position = new Vector2((float)x, (float)y) }); }; scrollCallback = (w, x, y) => { OnScroll?.Invoke(this, new MouseOffsetEventArgs { Offset = new Vector2((float)x, (float)y) }); }; buttonCallback = (w, button, action, modifiers) => { OnButtonEvent?.Invoke(this, new MouseKeyEventArgs { Key = (MouseButton)button, Action = (KeyState)action, Modifiers = (KeyModifier)modifiers }); }; }
public Window(WindowConfig config) { _config = config; var opts = WindowOptions.DefaultVulkan; opts.WindowBorder = WindowBorder.Resizable; opts.Size = new Silk.NET.Maths.Vector2D <int>((int)config.Width, (int)config.Height); opts.Title = config.Title; opts.WindowState = config.Fullscreen ? WindowState.Fullscreen : WindowState.Normal; _window = Silk.NET.Windowing.Window.Create(opts); _window.Render += (time) => DrawFrame?.Invoke(time); _window.Initialize(); _input = _window.CreateInput(); var primaryKeyboard = _input.Keyboards.FirstOrDefault(); if (primaryKeyboard != null) { primaryKeyboard.KeyDown += (keyboard, key, code) => OnKeyDown?.Invoke(key); primaryKeyboard.KeyUp += (keyboard, key, code) => OnKeyUp?.Invoke(key); } for (int i = 0; i < _input.Mice.Count; i++) { _input.Mice[i].Cursor.CursorMode = config.CursorDisabled ? CursorMode.Disabled : CursorMode.Normal; _input.Mice[i].MouseMove += (mouse, pos) => OnCursorPosition?.Invoke(pos.X, pos.Y); _input.Mice[i].Scroll += (mouse, wheel) => OnScroll?.Invoke(wheel.X, wheel.Y); _input.Mice[i].MouseDown += (mouse, button) => OnMouseDown?.Invoke(button); _input.Mice[i].MouseUp += (mouse, button) => OnMouseUp?.Invoke(button); } }
public async void DidScrollAsync() { if (OnScroll.HasDelegate) { await OnScroll.InvokeAsync(new EventArgs()); } }
private async Task HandleScroll(string direction, EventArgs e) { if (OnScroll.HasDelegate) { await OnScroll.InvokeAsync(new TransferScrollArgs(direction, e)); } }
void Update() { // more to be added based on need if (Input.GetKeyDown(PAUSE)) { OnPause?.Invoke(); } if (!DialogueManager.InConversation && !TimelineController.InCutscene) { Horizontal = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"); Vertical = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"); if (Input.GetKeyDown(INTERACT)) { OnInteract?.Invoke(); } if (Input.GetKeyUp(INTERACT)) { OnStopInteract?.Invoke(); } if (!EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject()) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { OnMouseClickLeft?.Invoke(); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { OnMouseClickRight?.Invoke(); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { OnMouseUpLeft?.Invoke(); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1)) { OnMouseUpRight?.Invoke(); } } } else { Horizontal = 0; Vertical = 0; if (Input.GetKeyDown(INTERACT) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { OnNextDialogue?.Invoke(); } } int scrollDirection = (int)Input.mouseScrollDelta.y; if (scrollDirection != 0) { OnScroll?.Invoke(scrollDirection); } }
void OnScrollInvoke(int index) { ScrollIndex = index; if (OnScroll != null) { OnScroll.Execute(); } }
private void ScrollListenerOnScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int i, int arg3) { var firstIndex = CurrentAbsoluteVerseNumber; if (firstIndex == _lastPosition) { return; } _lastPosition = firstIndex; OnScroll?.Invoke(); }
public void Scroll(T2[] list, float value, float elementSize) { SetContentSize(list.Length * elementSize / ConstraintCount); int index = Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Clamp(list.Length - Elements.Count, 0, list.Length) * (1 - value)); for (int i = 0; i < Elements.Count; i++) { T2 data = index < list.Length ? list[index] : default; Elements[i].Scroll(index, data, elementSize, ConstraintCount, index < list.Length); OnScroll?.Invoke(Elements[i], index, data, elementSize, ConstraintCount, index < list.Length); index++; } }
private void ScrollToMouseLocation(Point location) { var sigArea = GetSignalArea(); var scrollArea = GetScrollbarArea(sigArea); var scrollLeftOffset = location.X - (_scrollbarDragLeft + sigArea.X); PinchedSampleOffset = (long)MapToInterval( scrollLeftOffset, new Interval(0, sigArea.Width - scrollArea.Width), new Interval(0, PinchedDataLength - sigArea.Width) ); LimitSampleOffset(sigArea); OnScroll?.Invoke(this); }
public HitBox HitTest() { var delta = UiState.ScrollDelta; if (delta != 0 && _parent.Bounds.Contains(UiState.Mouse.Position) && KeyboardManager.IsModifierDown(_modifier)) { if (delta > 0) { OnScrollBackward?.Invoke(delta / 120); } else { OnScrollForward?.Invoke(delta / 120); } OnScroll?.Invoke(delta / 120); return(HitBox.Hit(_parent)); } return(HitBox.Miss); }
private void GridMouseMoveEventCalled(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (isMouseDown) { double x = e.GetPosition(this).X; double relative = (double)(x - 10) / (this.RenderSize.Width - 20); if (relative < 0) { relative = 0; } if (relative > 1) { relative = 1; } Canvas.SetLeft(this.itemSelector, relative * (this.RenderSize.Width - 20)); this.Ratio = relative; itemColorSelection.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(GeneratorFunction(Ratio)); OnScroll?.Invoke(this, null); } }
public void Update(IFrameBasedClock clock) { while (currentState != null && currentState.Events.Count > 0) { IInputEvent e = currentState.Events.Dequeue(); if (e is InputEvent <MouseKeyEventArgs> keyEvent && keyEvent.Name == "OnButtonEvent") { OnButtonEvent?.Invoke(this, keyEvent.Info); } if (e is InputEvent <MousePositiontEventArgs> modEvent && modEvent.Name == "OnMove") { OnMove?.Invoke(this, modEvent.Info); } if (e is InputEvent <MouseOffsetEventArgs> tyEvent && tyEvent.Name == "OnScroll") { OnScroll?.Invoke(this, tyEvent.Info); } } }
private void OnScrollInvoke(int index) { _scrollIndex = _view.FirstVisiblePosition; if (_containerBehaviour.Childrens.Count > index && index >= 0) { View view = _containerBehaviour.Childrens[index].View; if (view != null) { _scrollTop = view.Top; } ScrollIndex = index; if (OnScroll != null) { OnScroll.Execute(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Bad index: " + index); } }
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { var scrollType = ScrollType.Vertical; switch (m.Msg) { case WM_HSCROL: scrollType = ScrollType.Horizontal; goto action; case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: case WM_VSCROLL: action :; OnScroll.Invoke( this, new ScrollEventArgs { ScrollType = scrollType }); break; } base.WndProc(ref m); }
private void XTrackBar_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (Capture) { Value = XtoValue(e.X); if (OnScroll != null) { OnScroll.Invoke(); } thumbState = TrackBarThumbState.Pressed; } else { if ((e.X > thumbX - this.Height / 2) && (e.X < thumbX + this.Height) && (e.Y > thumby - this.Height / 2) && (e.Y < thumby + this.Height)) { thumbState = TrackBarThumbState.Hot; } else { thumbState = TrackBarThumbState.Normal; } } this.Invalidate(); }
private void Update() { if (CheckKey(KeyCode.W)) { OnWPressed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); KeyEventArgs args = new KeyEventArgs(KeyCode.W); OnKeyPressed?.Invoke(this, args); OnMovementKeyPressed?.Invoke(this, args); } if (CheckKey(KeyCode.A)) { OnAPressed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); KeyEventArgs args = new KeyEventArgs(KeyCode.A); OnKeyPressed?.Invoke(this, args); OnMovementKeyPressed?.Invoke(this, args); } if (CheckKey(KeyCode.S)) { OnSPressed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); KeyEventArgs args = new KeyEventArgs(KeyCode.S); OnKeyPressed?.Invoke(this, args); OnMovementKeyPressed?.Invoke(this, args); } if (CheckKey(KeyCode.D)) { OnDPressed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); KeyEventArgs args = new KeyEventArgs(KeyCode.D); OnKeyPressed?.Invoke(this, args); OnMovementKeyPressed?.Invoke(this, args); } if (CheckKey(KeyCode.Space)) { OnSpacePressed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); KeyEventArgs args = new KeyEventArgs(KeyCode.Space); OnKeyPressed?.Invoke(this, args); } RunKey(KeyCode.G); RunKey(KeyCode.H); RunKey(KeyCode.Q); RunKey(KeyCode.Escape); var scrollDelta = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel"); if (scrollDelta != 0.0F) { ScrollEventArgs args; if (scrollDelta > 0.0F) { args = new ScrollEventArgs(true); OnScrollUp?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } else { args = new ScrollEventArgs(false); OnScrollDown?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } OnScroll?.Invoke(this, args); } if (CheckMouseSingle(MouseButton.LEFT)) { ClickEventArgs args = new ClickEventArgs(MouseButton.LEFT, Input.mousePosition); OnMouseClick?.Invoke(this, args); OnLeftMouseClick?.Invoke(this, args); } if (CheckMouseSingle(MouseButton.RIGHT)) { ClickEventArgs args = new ClickEventArgs(MouseButton.RIGHT, Input.mousePosition); OnMouseClick?.Invoke(this, args); OnRightMouseClick?.Invoke(this, args); } }
public void RaiseOnScroll(int absoluteVerseNumber) { CurrentAbsoluteVerseNumber = absoluteVerseNumber; OnScroll?.Invoke(); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the state of the input manager. /// </summary> public void Update() { // updates the mouse and keyboard state prevKeyState = currentKeyState; prevMouseState = currentMouseState; currentKeyState = Keyboard.GetState(); currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); // checks if any mouse buttons have been pressed if (OnMousePress != null) { if (prevMouseState.LeftButton.Equals(ButtonState.Released) && currentMouseState.LeftButton.Equals(ButtonState.Pressed)) { OnMousePress(MouseButton.LEFT); } if (prevMouseState.RightButton.Equals(ButtonState.Released) && currentMouseState.RightButton.Equals(ButtonState.Pressed)) { OnMousePress(MouseButton.RIGHT); } if (prevMouseState.MiddleButton.Equals(ButtonState.Released) && currentMouseState.MiddleButton.Equals(ButtonState.Pressed)) { OnMousePress(MouseButton.MIDDLE); } } // checks if any mouse buttons have been released if (OnMouseRelease != null) { if (currentMouseState.LeftButton.Equals(ButtonState.Released) && prevMouseState.LeftButton.Equals(ButtonState.Pressed)) { OnMouseRelease(MouseButton.LEFT); } if (currentMouseState.RightButton.Equals(ButtonState.Released) && prevMouseState.RightButton.Equals(ButtonState.Pressed)) { OnMouseRelease(MouseButton.RIGHT); } if (currentMouseState.MiddleButton.Equals(ButtonState.Released) && prevMouseState.MiddleButton.Equals(ButtonState.Pressed)) { OnMouseRelease(MouseButton.MIDDLE); } } // checks if any keys have been pressed or released if (OnKeyPress != null || OnKeyRelease != null) { Keys[] prevDownKeys = prevKeyState.GetPressedKeys(); Keys[] downKeys = currentKeyState.GetPressedKeys(); // check for newly pressed keys if (OnKeyPress != null) { List <Keys> newlyPressed = findNewKeys(downKeys, prevDownKeys); foreach (Keys key in newlyPressed) { OnKeyPress(key); } } // checks for newly released keys if (OnKeyRelease != null) { List <Keys> newlyReleased = findNewKeys <Keys>(prevDownKeys, downKeys); foreach (Keys key in newlyReleased) { OnKeyRelease(key); } } } // checks if the mouse wheel has been scrolled if (MouseScrollAmount() != 0) { OnScroll?.Invoke(MouseButton.MIDDLE); } }
public MockScrollListener() { OnScroll?.Invoke(this, new ScrollEventArgs()); }
private void HandleScroll(Vector2 pos) { OnScroll?.Invoke(); }
internal void TriggerOnScroll(float amount) { OnScroll?.Invoke(amount); }
private void UpdateMouse() { OnScroll?.Invoke(Input.GetAxis(scrollAxisName)); OnMousePosition?.Invoke(Input.mousePosition); }
public void Content() { if (!window.IsOpen || !window.IsFocused) { return; } var offset = GetCursorScreenPos(); var size = GetContentRegionAvail(); validBounds = new Rect(offset + size / 2, size); // Scroll event bool isCurrentlyInside = validBounds.IsInside(GetIO().MousePos); if (isCurrentlyInside && MathF.Abs(GetIO().MouseWheel) > 0.01f) { OnScroll?.Invoke(GetIO().MouseWheel); } // Move event if (isCurrentlyInside) { var newPosition = MousePosition; if (lastPosition != null) { OnMove?.Invoke(newPosition - lastPosition.Value); } lastPosition = MousePosition; } else { lastPosition = null; } // Drag event for (int i = 0; i < (int)ImGuiMouseButton.COUNT; i++) { var button = (ImGuiMouseButton)i; if (!validBounds.IsInside(GetIO().MouseClickedPos[i])) { continue; } if (triggerClickEvent[i] != IsMouseDown(button)) { ((triggerClickEvent[i] = IsMouseDown(button)) ? OnButtonDown : OnButtonUp)?.Invoke(ToVeldrid(button), validBounds.RelativePos(GetIO().MouseClickedPos[i])); } if (!IsMouseDragging(button)) { lastDragDelta[i] = Vector2.Zero; continue; } var delta = GetMouseDragDelta(button); OnDrag?.Invoke(ToVeldrid(button), delta - lastDragDelta[i]); lastDragDelta[i] = delta; } }
public void RaiseOnScroll(float delta, float currentY) { var args = new ControlScrollEventArgs(delta, currentY); OnScroll?.Invoke(this, args); }
public static void BroadcastOnScroll(Vector3 pointerPos) { OnScroll?.Invoke(pointerPos); }
public override void Scrolled(UIScrollView scrollView) { var offset = scrollView.ContentOffset; OnScroll?.Invoke(this, new CGPoint(offset.X, offset.Y - headerHeight)); }
public static void InvokeOnScroll() { OnScroll?.Invoke(); }