public void Draw(SpriteBatch b) { if (IsEmptyMenu) { return; } //b.Draw(TextureHelpers.GetSolidColorTexture(, Color.Cyan), Bounds, Color.White); // Draw the backgrounds of each slot foreach (Rectangle LockedSlot in LockedSlotBounds) { b.Draw(Game1.menuTexture, LockedSlot, new Rectangle(64, 896, 64, 64), Color.White); } foreach (Rectangle UnlockedSlot in SlotBounds) { b.Draw(Game1.menuTexture, UnlockedSlot, new Rectangle(128, 128, 64, 64), Color.White); } // Draw the items of each slot for (int i = 0; i < SlotBounds.Count; i++) { Rectangle Destination = SlotBounds[i]; // Draw a thin yellow border if mouse is hovering this slot bool IsHovered = Destination == HoveredSlot; if (IsHovered) { Color HighlightColor = Color.Yellow; Texture2D Highlight = TextureHelpers.GetSolidColorTexture(, HighlightColor); b.Draw(Highlight, Destination, Color.White * 0.25f); int BorderThickness = Destination.Width / 16; DrawHelpers.DrawBorder(b, Destination, BorderThickness, HighlightColor); } Object CurrentItem = PlaceholderItems[i]; float IconScale = IsHovered ? 1.25f : 1.0f; Color Overlay = CurrentItem.Stack == 0 ? Color.White * 0.30f : Color.White; DrawHelpers.DrawItem(b, Destination, CurrentItem, CurrentItem.Stack > 0, true, IconScale, 1.0f, Overlay, CurrentItem.Stack >= Bag.MaxStackSize ? Color.Red : Color.White); OnItemSlotRendered?.Invoke(this, new ItemSlotRenderedEventArgs(b, Destination, CurrentItem, IsHovered)); } foreach (Rectangle LockedSlot in LockedSlotBounds) { if (HoveredSlot == LockedSlot) { Color HighlightColor = Color.Yellow; Texture2D Highlight = TextureHelpers.GetSolidColorTexture(, HighlightColor); b.Draw(Highlight, LockedSlot, Color.White * 0.25f); int BorderThickness = LockedSlot.Width / 16; DrawHelpers.DrawBorder(b, LockedSlot, BorderThickness, HighlightColor); } } }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch b) { if (IsEmptyMenu) { return; } //b.Draw(TextureHelpers.GetSolidColorTexture(, Color.Orange), Bounds, Color.White); // Draw column headers for (int i = 0; i < ColumnHeaderBounds.Count; i++) { Rectangle Destination = ColumnHeaderBounds[i]; b.Draw(Game1.menuTexture, Destination, new Rectangle(64, 896, 64, 64), Color.White); Rectangle IconDestination = new Rectangle(Destination.X + Destination.Width / 4, Destination.Y + Destination.Height / 4, Destination.Width / 2, Destination.Height / 2); ColumnType Type = (ColumnType)(i % ColumnsPerGroup); if (Type == ColumnType.RowValue) { //Could also use Game1.mouseCursors with SourceSprite = new Rectangle(280, 411, 16, 16); b.Draw(GoldIconTexture, IconDestination, GoldIconSourceRect, Color.White); } else { Rectangle SourceRect = ItemBag.QualityIconTexturePositions[ConvertColumnTypeToObjectQuality(Type)]; b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, IconDestination, SourceRect, Color.White); } } // Draw cells foreach (var KVP in SlotBounds) { int ItemId = KVP.Key; foreach (var KVP2 in KVP.Value) { ColumnType ColumnType = KVP2.Key; Rectangle Destination = KVP2.Value; b.Draw(Game1.menuTexture, Destination, new Rectangle(128, 128, 64, 64), Color.White); // Draw a thin yellow border if mouse is hovering this slot bool IsHovered = Destination == HoveredSlot; if (IsHovered) { Color HighlightColor = Color.Yellow; Texture2D Highlight = TextureHelpers.GetSolidColorTexture(, HighlightColor); b.Draw(Highlight, Destination, Color.White * 0.25f); int BorderThickness = Destination.Width / 16; DrawHelpers.DrawBorder(b, Destination, BorderThickness, HighlightColor); } if (ColumnType != ColumnType.RowValue) { ObjectQuality Quality = ConvertColumnTypeToObjectQuality(ColumnType); Object CurrentItem = Placeholders[ItemId][Quality]; float IconScale = IsHovered ? 1.25f : 1.0f; Color Overlay = CurrentItem.Stack == 0 ? Color.White * 0.30f : Color.White; DrawHelpers.DrawItem(b, Destination, CurrentItem, CurrentItem.Stack > 0, true, IconScale, 1.0f, Overlay, CurrentItem.Stack >= Bag.MaxStackSize ? Color.Red : Color.White); OnItemSlotRendered?.Invoke(this, new ItemSlotRenderedEventArgs(b, Destination, CurrentItem, IsHovered)); } else { // Sum up the value of all different qualities of this item int SummedValue = Placeholders[ItemId].Values.Sum(x => x.Stack * ItemBag.GetSingleItemPrice(x)); int NumDigits = DrawHelpers.GetNumDigits(SummedValue); // Compute width/height of the number float ValueScale; int ValueWidth, ValueHeight, CurrentIteration = 0; do { ValueScale = (2.7f - CurrentIteration * 0.1f) * Destination.Width / (float)BagInventoryMenu.DefaultInventoryIconSize; ValueWidth = (int)DrawHelpers.MeasureNumber(SummedValue, ValueScale); ValueHeight = (int)(DrawHelpers.TinyDigitBaseHeight * ValueScale); CurrentIteration++; } while (ValueWidth > Destination.Width * 1.04); // * 1.04 to let the value extend very slightly outside the bounds of the slot // Draw the number in the center of the slot Vector2 TopLeftPosition = new Vector2(Destination.X + (Destination.Width - ValueWidth) / 2 + 1, Destination.Y + (Destination.Height - ValueHeight) / 2); Color ValueColor = GetValueColor(SummedValue); Utility.drawTinyDigits(SummedValue, b, TopLeftPosition, ValueScale, 0f, ValueColor); } } } }