private void AddPinNumber(int PinNumber) { if (pin.Length <= 3) { pin += PinNumber.ToString(); UpdatePinIndicator(pin.Length); if (pin.Length == 4) { if (matchPins) { if (!pin.Equals(pinCompare)) { ClearPinNumber(); OnDoAction?.Invoke(this, new PinControlEvents(ACTIONS.PINS_NOT_MATCH, pin)); } else { OnDoAction?.Invoke(this, new PinControlEvents(ACTIONS.GO_NEXT_VIEW, pin)); } } else { OnDoAction?.Invoke(this, new PinControlEvents(ACTIONS.GO_NEXT_VIEW, pin)); } } } }
public virtual void TriggerAnimation() { if (playingAnimation || actionStarted) { return; } doingAction = true; OnDoAction.Invoke(triggerAction); //triggerAction.OnPlayerExit.Invoke(); if (debugMode) { Debug.Log("TriggerAnimation", gameObject); } if (triggerAction.animatorActionState != 0) { if (debugMode) { Debug.Log("Applied ActionState: " + triggerAction.animatorActionState, gameObject); }; } // trigger the animation behaviour & match target if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(triggerAction.playAnimation)) { if (!actionStarted) { actionStarted = true; playingAnimation = true;, 0.1f); // trigger the action animation clip if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(triggerAction.customCameraState)) { tpInput.ChangeCameraState(triggerAction.customCameraState, true); // change current camera state to a custom } } } else { actionStarted = true; } animationBehaviourDelay = 0.2f; // trigger OnDoAction Event, you can add a delay in the inspector StartCoroutine(triggerAction.OnDoActionDelay(gameObject)); // destroy the triggerAction if checked with destroyAfter if (triggerAction.destroyAfter) { StartCoroutine(DestroyActionDelay(triggerAction)); } }
public virtual void TriggerActionEvents() { DebugAction("TriggerAction Events ", gameObject); doingAction = true; // Call OnStartAction from the Controller's GenericAction inspector OnStartAction.Invoke(); // Call OnDoAction from the Controller's GenericAction OnDoAction.Invoke(triggerAction); // trigger OnDoAction Event, you can add a delay in the inspector StartCoroutine(triggerAction.OnPressActionDelay(gameObject)); }
protected virtual void TriggerActionInput() { if (triggerAction == null) { return; } if (canTriggerAction) { if ((triggerAction.autoAction && actionConditions) || (actionInput.GetButtonDown() && actionConditions)) { if (!triggerActionOnce) { OnDoAction.Invoke(triggerAction); TriggerAnimation(); } } } }
public override void TriggerAnimation() { if (playingAnimation || actionStarted) { return; } doingAction = true; OnDoAction.Invoke(triggerAction); if (debugMode) { Debug.Log("TriggerAnimation", gameObject); } // trigger the animation behaviour & match target // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(triggerAction.playAnimation)) { // playingAnimation = true; // GetComponent<PhotonView>().RPC("CrossFadeInFixedTime", RpcTarget.All, triggerAction.playAnimation, 0.1f); // trigger the action animation clip // } if (triggerAction.animatorActionState != 0) { if (debugMode) { Debug.Log("Applied ActionState: " + triggerAction.animatorActionState, gameObject); }; } // trigger the animation behaviour & match target if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(triggerAction.playAnimation)) { if (!actionStarted) { actionStarted = true; playingAnimation = true; //, 0.1f); // trigger the action animation clip GetComponent <PhotonView>().RPC("CrossFadeInFixedTime", RpcTarget.All, triggerAction.playAnimation, 0.1f); // trigger the action animation clip if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(triggerAction.customCameraState)) { tpInput.ChangeCameraState(triggerAction.customCameraState, true); // change current camera state to a custom } } } else { actionStarted = true; } // animationBehaviourDelay = 0.2f; // trigger OnDoAction Event, you can add a delay in the inspector StartCoroutine(triggerAction.OnDoActionDelay(gameObject)); // bool to limit the autoAction run just once // if (triggerAction.autoAction || triggerAction.destroyAfter) triggerActionOnce = true; // new animation triggers dont have the concept of once // destroy the triggerAction if checked with destroyAfter if (triggerAction.destroyAfter) { StartCoroutine(DestroyActionDelay(triggerAction)); } }