Esempio n. 1
        private void InstallFlow(IConnection connection)
            _controller.Topo.AddSwitch(connection.SwitchFeatures, connection);

            _controller.LogDebug($"[{connection.Mac}] Installing Discovery Flow");
            OfpMatch match = new OfpMatch
                Wildcards = new OfpWildcards()
                    Wildcards = OfpFlowWildcards.OFPFW_DL_TYPE | OfpFlowWildcards.OFPFW_DL_DST
                DlType = (ushort)EthernetPacketType.LLDP,
                DlDst  = EthernetAddress.NDP_MULTICAST.GetAddressBytes()

            OfpFlowMod flow = new OfpFlowMod
                Priority = _flowPriority,
                Match    = match

            flow.Actions[OfpActionType.OFPAT_OUTPUT] = new OfpActionOutput()
                Port = (ushort)OfpPort.OFPP_CONTROLLER

            //Console.WriteLine($"[{connection.Mac}]Sending LLDP");
            foreach (var port in connection.SwitchFeatures.Ports)
                _handler.SendLldpPacket(connection, port);
Esempio n. 2
        private void SendFlowMod(IConnection connection, Link link, PhysicalAddress src, PhysicalAddress dst, ushort priority = _flowPriority)
            OfpMatch match = new OfpMatch
                //Wildcards = new OfpWildcards() { Wildcards = 0 },
                Wildcards = new OfpWildcards()
                    Wildcards = ~(OfpFlowWildcards.OFPFW_DL_DST | OfpFlowWildcards.OFPFW_DL_SRC), NwDstMask = 63, NwSrcMask = 63
                DlSrc = src.GetAddressBytes(),
                DlDst = dst.GetAddressBytes()
            OfpFlowMod flow = new OfpFlowMod
                Priority = priority,
                Match    = match

            flow.Actions[OfpActionType.OFPAT_OUTPUT] = new OfpActionOutput()
                Port = link.SrcPort
            _controller.LogDebug($"[{connection.Mac}]FlowMod from [{src}] to [{dst}]");
Esempio n. 3
        public void TestOfpFlowMod()
            OfpFlowMod dst;
            //A flow entry to redirect all packets which dst-port is 3306(mysql) to dst-port 1433(sqlserver)
            OfpFlowMod src = new OfpFlowMod()
                Command = OfpFlowModCommand.OFPFC_ADD,
                Match   = new OfpMatch()
                    Wildcards = new OfpWildcards()
                        Wildcards = ~OfpFlowWildcards.OFPFW_TP_SRC
                    TpDst = 3306,
                Actions = new ActionList()
                    { OfpActionType.OFPAT_SET_TP_DST, new OfpActionTpPort(true)
                          TpPort = 1433
                      } },
                    { OfpActionType.OFPAT_OUTPUT, new OfpActionOutput()
                          Port = (ushort)OfpPort.OFPP_ALL
                      } }

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(src.ToByteArray()))
                dst = new OfpFlowMod(ms);

            Assert.AreEqual(src.Match.Wildcards, dst.Match.Wildcards);
            Assert.AreEqual(src.Match.TpDst, dst.Match.TpDst);
            Assert.IsTrue(((OfpActionOutput)dst.Actions[OfpActionType.OFPAT_OUTPUT]).Port == (ushort)OfpPort.OFPP_ALL);
            Assert.IsTrue(((OfpActionTpPort)dst.Actions[OfpActionType.OFPAT_SET_TP_DST]).TpPort == 1433);
Esempio n. 4
        private void SendFlowMod(Topology.Switch sw, Link link, IPAddress src, IPAddress dst, ushort priority = _flowPriority)
            OfpMatch match = new OfpMatch
                Wildcards = new OfpWildcards()
                    NwDstMask = 0, NwSrcMask = 0
                NwSrc = (uint)src.Address,
                NwDst = (uint)dst.Address,
            OfpFlowMod flow = new OfpFlowMod
                Priority = priority,
                Match    = match

            flow.Actions[OfpActionType.OFPAT_OUTPUT] = new OfpActionOutput()
                Port = link.SrcPort
            _controller.LogDebug($"[{sw.MacAddress}]FlowMod from [{src}] to [{dst}]");