static void Main(string[] args) { var client = new Client() { BaseUrl = "" }; // учётные данные запросите у специалистов Loymax client.Authorization("login-here", "password-here"); var offers = OfferImportBuilder.Create("SampleTitle") // Установить название акции .WithPartner("43168568-a7f8-4582-9d45-49857634251d") // указываем id партнёра .WithState(OfferWorkingState.Running) // Акция будет сразу запущена .WithChanges(DateTime.Now, OfferChangesState.Approved) // применяется с момента загрузки .WithExpirationDate(DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)) // Истекает срок действия через 1 день .AddChain <PurchaseCalculateEventDto>() // добавляем цепочку для обработки события расчёта скидки .WithCardStateFilter(CardState.Activated) // только для активированных карт .WithDirectDiscount(ActionDiscountType.Percent, 0.1) // 10% прямой скидки .Build(); var result = client.OfferImportExport_PostOffersAsync(offers).Result; // импортируем акцию в систему Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented)); }
public static async Task ImportOfferAsync(Client client, string partnerId) { var goodsGroup = await client.GoodsGroup_GetGoodsGroupsAsync(filter_name : "Products"); // Find a product group with the Products name, which must be previously created in the Product groups section var offer = OfferImportBuilder.Create("Sample1. Discount on product group.") // Set the name of the offer .WithDescription("10% discount on product group with exclusive set.") // Add a description for the offer .WithPartner(partnerId) // Specify Partner's ID .WithState(OfferWorkingState.Running) // The offer will be run immediately .WithChanges(DateTime.Now, OfferChangesState.Approved) // Applied from specified date .WithPriority(20) // Set the priority for the offer .AddChain <PurchaseCalculateEventDto>() // Add a chain to process discount calculation event .WithChequePositionGoodsFilter( // Set the Product filter type: ChequeGoodsFilterType.OnlyGoods, // Set an additional condition under which the filter will trigger: None goodsGroupsIds: new List <Guid> { goodsGroup.Data.First().ExternalId.Value }) // Set the product group found earlier .WithDirectDiscount( // Set the Direct discount action dicsountType: ActionDiscountType.Percent, // Set the calculation method: Percentage value: 10.0, // Set the discount amount calculationExclusionTypes: new List <CalculationExclusionDiscountType> { CalculationExclusionDiscountType.Discount }) // Exclude the amount from the calculation: Direct discount .Build(); var result = await client.OfferImportExport_PostOffersAsync(offer); // Import the offer into the system Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented)); }
public static async Task ImportOfferAsync(Client client, string partnerId) { var goodsGroup = await client.GoodsGroup_GetGoodsGroupsAsync( filter_name : "Товары"); // Find a product group with the Products name, which must be previously created in the Product groups section var offer = OfferImportBuilder .Create("Sample5. Special price when buying three units of product") // Set the name of the offer .WithDescription("When buing at the price of three units of a promotional product within the framework of one cheque, the Member purchases these three items at a fixed price N.") // Add a description for the offer .WithPartner(partnerId) // Specify Partner's ID .WithState(OfferWorkingState.Running) // The offer will be run immediately .WithChanges(DateTime.Now, OfferChangesState.Approved) // Applied from specified date .WithPriority(40) // Set the priority for the offer .AddChain <PurchaseCalculateEventDto>() // Add a chain to process discount calculation event .WithChequePositionGoodsFilter( // Set the Product filter type: ChequeGoodsFilterType .GoodsQuantity, // Set an additional condition under which the filter will trigger: Quantity goodsGroupsIds: new List <Guid> { goodsGroup.Data.First().ExternalId.Value }, // Set the product group found earlier firstValue: 3.0, // The filter only triggers if the number of units in the cheque is 3.0 @operator: ComparisonOperator.Equals) .WithDirectDiscount( // Set the Direct discount action dicsountType: ActionDiscountType .PricePerUnit, // Set the calculation method: Fixed unit price value: 100.0) // Set the discount amount .Build(); var result = await client.OfferImportExport_PostOffersAsync(offer); // Import the offer into the system Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented)); }
public static async Task ImportOfferAsync(Client client, string partnerId) { var goodsGroup = await client.GoodsGroup_GetGoodsGroupsAsync(filter_name : "Products"); // Find a product group with the Products name, which must be previously created in the Product groups section var offerBuilder = OfferImportBuilder.Create("Sample3. Fixed price for the product unit.") // Set the name of the offer .WithDescription("Several chains with a given fixed value.") // Add a description for the offer .WithPartner(partnerId) // Specify Partner's ID .WithState(OfferWorkingState.Running) // The offer will be run immediately .WithChanges(DateTime.Now, OfferChangesState.Approved) // Applied from specified date .WithPriority(30); // Set the priority for the offer // Add the 1st chain to process the discount calculation event. offerBuilder.AddChain <PurchaseCalculateEventDto>() .WithChequePositionGoodsFilter( // Set the Product filter type: ChequeGoodsFilterType.OnlyGoods, // Set an additional condition under which the filter will trigger: None goodsGroupsIds: new List <Guid> { goodsGroup.Data.First().ExternalId.Value }) // Set the product group found earlier .WithDirectDiscount( // Set the Direct Discount action dicsountType: ActionDiscountType.PricePerUnit, // Set the calculation method: Fixed unit price value: 450.0); // Set the discount amount // Add the 2nd chain to process the discount calculation event. offerBuilder.AddChain <PurchaseCalculateEventDto>() .WithChequePositionGoodsFilter( // Set the Product filter type: ChequeGoodsFilterType.OnlyGoods, // Set an additional condition under which the filter will trigger: None goodsGroupsIds: new List <Guid> { goodsGroup.Data.First().ExternalId.Value }) // Set the product group found earlier .WithDirectDiscount( // Set the Direct Discount action dicsountType: ActionDiscountType .PricePerUnit, // Set the calculation method: Fixed unit price value: 350.0); // Set the discount amount // Add the 3rd chain to process the discount calculation event. offerBuilder.AddChain <PurchaseCalculateEventDto>() .WithChequePositionGoodsFilter( // Set the Product filter type: ChequeGoodsFilterType.OnlyGoods, // Set an additional condition under which the filter will trigger: None goodsGroupsIds: new List <Guid> { goodsGroup.Data.First().ExternalId.Value }) // Set the product group found earlier .WithDirectDiscount( // Set the Direct Discount action dicsountType: ActionDiscountType .PricePerUnit, // Set the calculation method: Fixed unit price value: 250.0); // Set the discount amount var offer = offerBuilder.Build(); var result = await client.OfferImportExport_PostOffersAsync(offer); // Import the offer into the system Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented)); }
public static async Task ImportOfferAsync(Client client, string partnerId) { var offer = OfferImportBuilder.Create("SampleTitle") // Set offer name .WithPartner(partnerId) // Indicate partner's ID .WithState(OfferWorkingState.Running) // The offer will be run immediately .WithChanges(DateTime.Now, OfferChangesState.Approved) // It has been applied from the moment of loading .WithExpirationDate(DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)) // Expires after 1 day .AddChain <PurchaseCalculateEventDto>() // The chain for discount calculation event processing is added .WithCardStateFilter(CardState.Activated) // for activated cards only .WithDirectDiscount(ActionDiscountType.Percent, 0.1) // 10% direct discount .Build(); var result = await client.OfferImportExport_PostOffersAsync(offer); // import the offer into the system Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented)); }
public static async Task ImportOfferAsync(Client client, string partnerId) { var goodsGroup = await client.GoodsGroup_GetGoodsGroupsAsync(filter_name : "Products"); // Find a product group with the Products name, which must be previously created in the Product groups section var offer = OfferImportBuilder.Create("Sapmle4. N+M") // Set the name of the offer .WithPartner(partnerId) // Specify Partner's ID .WithDescription("When buying 5 products, 6th as a gift.") // Add a description for the offer .WithState(OfferWorkingState.Running) // The offer will be run immediately .WithChanges(DateTime.Now, OfferChangesState.Approved) // Applied from specified date .WithPriority(35) // Set the priority of the offer .AddChain <PurchaseCalculateEventDto>() // Add a chain to process discount calculation event .WithGoodsSetDivide( // Set the Dividing into Sets action new List <GoodsSetItemDto> { new GoodsSetItemDto // Create a new set { GoodsGroup = new GoodsGroupExDto // The item source for the set is the product group that is found. { Id = goodsGroup.Data.First().ExternalId.Value.ToString(), // Set the product group ID }, Value = 6.000, // Set the number of products in the set }, }, ChequeGoodsSortType.PriceAscending, // Set the type of product sorting: Ascending prices ChequeGoodsSetType.Quantity) // Set the condition for dividing: Quantity of products .WithChequePositionGoodsFilter( // Set the Product filter type: ChequeGoodsFilterType.GoodsQuantity, // Set an additional condition under which the filter will trigger: Quantity goodsGroupsIds: new List <Guid> { goodsGroup.Data.First().ExternalId.Value }, // Set the product group found earlier firstValue: 1.0, // The filter will only trigger if the number of units in the cheque is less than or equal to 1.0 @operator: ComparisonOperator.LessOrEqual, chequeGoodsSortType: ChequeGoodsSortType.PriceAscending, dividePositions: true) .WithDirectDiscount( // Set the Direct Discount action dicsountType: ActionDiscountType.Percent, // Set the calculation method: Percentage value: 100) // Set the discount amount .Build(); var result = await client.OfferImportExport_PostOffersAsync(offer); // Import the offer into the system Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented)); }
public static async Task ImportOfferAsync(Client client, string partnerId) { var offer = OfferImportBuilder .Create("Sample6. Message to the cheque of a specific target audience") // Set the name of the offer .WithDescription("Summable offer providing specific messages for a specific target audience") // Add a description for the offer .WithPartner(partnerId) // Specify Partner's ID .WithState(OfferWorkingState.Running) // The offer will be run immediately .WithChanges(DateTime.Now, OfferChangesState.Approved) // Applied from specified date .WithPriority(45) // Set the priority for the offer .IsSum() // Summable offer .WithTargetGroup("1") // Set the identifier for target audience, which must be previously created in the Target audiences section .AddChain <PurchaseCalculateEventDto>() // Add a chain to process discount calculation event .WithChequeMessage("With love. your MegaMax") // Set the message on the cheque .Build(); var result = await client.OfferImportExport_PostOffersAsync(offer); // Import the offer into the system Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented)); }
public static async Task ImportOfferAsync(Client client, string partnerId) { var offer = OfferImportBuilder.Create("Sample2. Discount for target audience") // Set the name of the offer .WithDescription("Discount for target audience in a specific POS on the expiration date.") // Add a description for the offer .WithPartner(partnerId) // Specify Partner's ID .WithState(OfferWorkingState.Running) // The offer will be run immediately .WithChanges(DateTime.Now, OfferChangesState.Approved) // Applied from specified date .WithExpirationDate(DateTime.Now.AddDays(7)) // Set the expiration date of the offer .WithPriority(25) // Set the priority of the offer .WithMerchantFilter(new string[] { "75e67dae-130a-4030-192d-18b02d907950", "55403257-1663-4bd1-9725-20b3bfe51392" }) // Set GUIDs of points of sale in which the offer will be valid .WithTargetGroup(new string[] { "1", "2" }) // Set the identifiers of the target audiences, which must be previously created in the Target audiences section .AddChain <PurchaseCalculateEventDto>() // Add a chain to process discount calculation event .WithDirectDiscount( // Set the Direct discount action dicsountType: ActionDiscountType.Percent, // Set the calculation method: Percentage value: 15.0, // Set the discount amount calculationExclusionTypes: new List <CalculationExclusionDiscountType> { CalculationExclusionDiscountType.Discount }) // Exclude amount from the calculation: Direct discount .Build(); var result = await client.OfferImportExport_PostOffersAsync(offer); // Import the offer into the system Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented)); }