public IEnumerable<WinningBid> GenerateNextSequenceOfBidsAfter(Offer offer, WinningBid currentWinningBid) { var bids = new List<WinningBid>(); if (currentWinningBid.MaximumBid.IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(offer.MaximumBid)) { var bidFromOffer = new WinningBid(offer.Bidder, offer.MaximumBid, offer.MaximumBid, offer.TimeOfOffer); bids.Add(bidFromOffer); bids.Add(CalculateNextBid(bidFromOffer, new Offer(currentWinningBid.Bidder, currentWinningBid.MaximumBid, currentWinningBid.TimeOfBid))); } else { if (currentWinningBid.HasNotReachedMaximumBid()) { var currentBiddersLastBid = new WinningBid(currentWinningBid.Bidder, currentWinningBid.MaximumBid, currentWinningBid.MaximumBid, currentWinningBid.TimeOfBid); bids.Add(currentBiddersLastBid); bids.Add(CalculateNextBid(currentBiddersLastBid, offer)); } else bids.Add(new WinningBid(offer.Bidder, currentWinningBid.CurrentAuctionPrice.BidIncrement(), offer.MaximumBid, offer.TimeOfOffer)); } return bids; }
public static void LogOffer(Offer offer) { System.Console.WriteLine ("-------------------"); System.Console.WriteLine ("Offer : " + offer.Reference); System.Console.WriteLine ("Features : "+offer.Features.Count); foreach (var feature in offer.Features) { LogFeature(feature); } System.Console.WriteLine("Resources : "+offer.Resources.Count); foreach(var res in offer.Resources) { LogResource(res); } System.Console.WriteLine("Offer bundles : "+offer.BundlesReferences.Count); foreach(var bdl in offer.BundlesReferences) { System.Console.WriteLine("Bundle : "+bdl); } System.Console.WriteLine("Offer additional parameters : "+offer.AdditionalParameters.Keys.Count); foreach(var param in offer.AdditionalParameters.Keys) { System.Console.WriteLine("Parameter : " + param + " = " + offer.AdditionalParameters[param]); } System.Console.WriteLine ("-------------------"); }
public IHttpActionResult CreateOffer(OfferInputModel offerInput) { if (offerInput == null) { return this.BadRequest("Invalid Offer data"); } if (!this.ModelState.IsValid) { return this.BadRequest(ModelState); } var currentUserId = this.User.Identity.GetUserId(); var offer = new Offer() { Title = offerInput.Title, Description = offerInput.Description, Price = offerInput.InitialPrice, ExppirationDate = offerInput.ExpirationDate, PublishedOn = DateTime.Now, UserSellerId = currentUserId }; this.Data.Offers.Add(offer); this.Data.SaveChanges(); return this.CreatedAtRoute( "DefaultApi", new { id = offer.Id }, new { offer.Id, Seller = this.User.Identity.GetUserName(), Message = "Offer created" } ); }
public void ShowOffer(Offer offer) { textBoxOfferName.Text = offer.Name; textBoxOfferTeaser.Text = offer.Teaser; textBoxOfferPrice.Text = offer.Price; }
public void AddOffer(Offer offer) { if (offer.SellPrice < offer.Product.BuyPrice) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } offers.Add(offer); }
public static void Add(Offer offre) { using (ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext()) { db.Offers.Add(offre); db.SaveChanges(); } }
public EditOfferWindow(Offer offer) { InitializeComponent(); _offer = offer; _offerController = new OfferController(_offer); ShowOffer(_offer); }
private WinningBid CalculateNextBid(WinningBid winningbid, Offer offer) { WinningBid bid; if (winningbid.CanBeExceededBy(offer.MaximumBid)) bid = new WinningBid(offer.Bidder, offer.MaximumBid, winningbid.CurrentAuctionPrice.BidIncrement(), offer.TimeOfOffer); else bid = new WinningBid(offer.Bidder, offer.MaximumBid, offer.MaximumBid, offer.TimeOfOffer); return bid; }
public void SetOffer(Offer offer) { title.text = offer.GetName(); type.text = "Type: " + offer.GetType(); points.text = Convert.ToString(offer.GetPoints()); if(offer.GetTier() != null) { tier.text = "Tier: " + offer.GetTier(); } StartCoroutine (DownloadImage (offer.GetLogo())); }
public static int AddOffer(Offer offer) { return SQLDataAccess.ExecuteScalar<int>("[Catalog].[sp_AddOffer]", CommandType.StoredProcedure, new SqlParameter("@ProductID", offer.ProductId), new SqlParameter("@ArtNo", offer.ArtNo), new SqlParameter("@Amount", offer.Amount), new SqlParameter("@Price", offer.Price), new SqlParameter("@SupplyPrice", offer.SupplyPrice), new SqlParameter("@ColorID", offer.ColorID ?? (object)DBNull.Value), new SqlParameter("@SizeID", offer.SizeID ?? (object)DBNull.Value), new SqlParameter("@Main", offer.Main)); }
public static Offer CreateNewOffer( decimal price, ItemAvailability availability, ItemCondition itemCondition ) { var result = new Offer { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Availability = availability, Condition = itemCondition, Currency = "USD", Price = price, PriceValidityStartDate = System.DateTime.Now, PriceValidityEndDate = System.DateTime.Now.AddYears( 100 ) }; return result; }
public Banner(Offer offer) { this.Type = offer.Type; this.lp = offer.lp; this.category = offer.category; this.revenuetype = offer.revenuetype; this.revenuevalue = offer.revenuevalue; this.payouttype = offer.payouttype; this.payoutvalue = offer.payoutvalue; =; this.staticvalues = offer.staticvalues; this.offername = offer.offername; }
public OfferViewModel(Offer offer) { this.Type = offer.Type; =; this.advertiserId = offer.advertiser.advertiserid; this.categoryId = offer.category.categoryID; this.lp = offer.lp; this.offerID = offer.offerID; this.offername = offer.offername; this.payouttypeId = offer.payouttype.dealID; this.payoutvalue = offer.payoutvalue; this.revenuetypeId = offer.revenuetype.dealID; this.revenuevalue = offer.revenuevalue; this.staticvalues = offer.staticvalues; }
public void OnPopulateOffers(Offer[] offers) { int childCount = rewardsGrid.transform.childCount; for (int i = childCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Debug.Log("Deleting i: " + i); GameObject.DestroyImmediate(rewardsGrid.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject); } for (int i = 0; i < offers.Length; i++) { Offer offer = offers[i]; RewardObject rewardGO = (RewardObject) GameObject.Instantiate(rewardObjectPrefab); rewardGO.transform.SetParent(rewardsGrid.transform); rewardGO.transform.localScale =; rewardGO.SetOffer(offer); } }
public void MakeOffer(Guid propertyId, decimal price, Guid ownerId) { var property = _propertyRepository.Get(propertyId); if(property == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("Cant find property"); var user = _userRepository.Get(ownerId); var offer = new Offer(); offer.Owner = user; offer.OfferedPrice = price; offer.Property = property; offer.Status = EStatus.Pending; _offerRepository.SaveOrUpdate(offer); _offerRepository.DbContext.CommitChanges(); }
public void Bid(Guid auctionId, Guid memberId, decimal amount) { using (DomainEvents.Register(OutBid())) using (DomainEvents.Register(BidPlaced())) { var member = _memberService.GetMember(memberId); if (member.CanBid) { var auction = _auctions.FindBy(auctionId); var bidAmount = new Money(amount); var offer = new Offer(memberId, bidAmount, _clock.Time()); auction.PlaceBidFor(offer, _clock.Time()); } } }
public void PrintOffer(O2GOfferTableRow offerRow, string sInstrument) { Offer offer; if (mOffers.FindOffer(offerRow.OfferID, out offer)) { if (offerRow.isTimeValid && offerRow.isBidValid && offerRow.isAskValid) { offer.Date = offerRow.Time; offer.Bid = offerRow.Bid; offer.Ask = offerRow.Ask; } } else { offer = new Offer(offerRow.OfferID, offerRow.Instrument, offerRow.Digits, offerRow.PointSize, offerRow.Time, offerRow.Bid, offerRow.Ask); mOffers.AddOffer(offer); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sInstrument) || offerRow.Instrument.Equals(sInstrument)) { Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, Bid={2}, Ask={3}", offer.OfferID, offer.Instrument, offer.Bid, offer.Ask); } }
/// <summary> /// This method will send a confirmation mail to both players in a match /// </summary> /// <param name="offer"></param> private void SendMatchConfirmation(Offer offer) { var fbContext = FacebookWebContext.Current; var tennisUsers = ModelUtils.GetTennisUsers(this.DB); TennisUserModel tennisUser1 = tennisUsers.Where(u => u.FacebookId == offer.FacebookId).FirstOrDefault(); TennisUserModel tennisUser2 = tennisUsers.Where(u => u.FacebookId == offer.AcceptedById).FirstOrDefault(); string location = OfferModel.GetLocationLink(LocationModel.Create(offer)); Dictionary<string, string> tokens = new Dictionary<string, string>(); tokens.Add("FacebookId1", tennisUser1.FacebookId.ToString()); tokens.Add("Rating1", IndexModel.FormatRating(tennisUser1.Rating)); tokens.Add("Name1", tennisUser1.Name.ToString()); tokens.Add("FacebookId2", tennisUser2.FacebookId.ToString()); tokens.Add("Rating2", IndexModel.FormatRating(tennisUser2.Rating)); tokens.Add("Name2", tennisUser2.Name.ToString()); tokens.Add("Date", IndexModel.FormatLongDate(offer.MatchDateUtc, tennisUser1.TimeZoneOffset)); tokens.Add("Location", location); tokens.Add("Comments", offer.Message); tokens.Add("OfferId", offer.OfferId.ToString()); string subject = string.Format("TennisLoop: Match Scheduled and Confirmed"); string template = Server.MapPath("/content/matchaccepted.htm"); SendMessage(new long[] { tennisUser1.FacebookId, tennisUser2.FacebookId }, subject, template, tokens); }
public void Test_Offer_CRUD() { #region Arrange var tmpCustomer = new CustomerConnector().Create(new Customer() { Name = "TmpCustomer", CountryCode = "SE", City = "Testopolis" }); var tmpArticle = new ArticleConnector().Create(new Article() { Description = "TmpArticle", Type = ArticleType.Stock, PurchasePrice = 100 }); #endregion Arrange IOfferConnector connector = new OfferConnector(); #region CREATE var newOffer = new Offer() { Comments = "TestOrder", CustomerNumber = tmpCustomer.CustomerNumber, OfferDate = new DateTime(2019, 1, 20), //"2019-01-20", OfferRows = new List <OfferRow>() { new OfferRow() { ArticleNumber = tmpArticle.ArticleNumber, Quantity = 10 }, new OfferRow() { ArticleNumber = tmpArticle.ArticleNumber, Quantity = 20 }, new OfferRow() { ArticleNumber = tmpArticle.ArticleNumber, Quantity = 15 } } }; var createdOffer = connector.Create(newOffer); MyAssert.HasNoError(connector); Assert.AreEqual("TestOrder", createdOffer.Comments); Assert.AreEqual("TmpCustomer", createdOffer.CustomerName); Assert.AreEqual(3, createdOffer.OfferRows.Count); #endregion CREATE #region UPDATE createdOffer.Comments = "UpdatedTestOrder"; var updatedOffer = connector.Update(createdOffer); MyAssert.HasNoError(connector); Assert.AreEqual("UpdatedTestOrder", updatedOffer.Comments); #endregion UPDATE #region READ / GET var retrievedOffer = connector.Get(createdOffer.DocumentNumber); MyAssert.HasNoError(connector); Assert.AreEqual("UpdatedTestOrder", retrievedOffer.Comments); #endregion READ / GET #region DELETE //Not allowed #endregion DELETE #region Delete arranged resources new CustomerConnector().Delete(tmpCustomer.CustomerNumber); new ArticleConnector().Delete(tmpArticle.ArticleNumber); #endregion Delete arranged resources }
public bool deleteOffer(Offer offer) { if (offers.Exists(o => o.Id == offer.Id)) { int temp = offers.IndexOf(offers.Single(o => o.Id == offer.Id)); offers.RemoveAt(temp); offer.delete(); if (onOffersChangeHandler != null) onOffersChangeHandler(); return true; } else return false; }
public ActionResult CreateOffer(DateTime date, long[] locations, string courtData, string comments, long? opponentId) { var fbContext = FacebookWebContext.Current; TennisUserModel tennisUser = ModelUtils.GetTennisUsers(this.DB).Where(u => u.FacebookId == fbContext.UserId).FirstOrDefault(); if (null != tennisUser) { List<long> pushIds = new List<long>(); Court court = ProcessCourtData(courtData); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(courtData)) { CourtJson courtJson = JsonSerializer.Current.DeserializeObject<CourtJson>(courtData); if (null != courtJson && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( { court = this.DB.Court.Where(c => c.CourtId == courtJson.GuidId).FirstOrDefault(); if (null == court) { court = new Court(); court.CourtId = courtJson.GuidId; court.Name =; court.Latitude = courtJson.latitude; court.Longitude = courtJson.longitude; this.DB.Court.InsertOnSubmit(court); } } } //Add the entry, send out the messages Offer offer = new Offer(); offer.OfferId = Guid.NewGuid(); offer.FacebookId = tennisUser.FacebookId; offer.MatchDateUtc = IndexModel.GetUtcDate(date, tennisUser.TimeZoneOffset); offer.PostDateUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; offer.Message = comments; offer.PreferredLocationId = tennisUser.City.LocationId; offer.Court = court; // BUGBUG: we dont' seem to set the completed flag anywhere currently offer.Completed = false; User opponent = null; if (opponentId.HasValue && opponentId.Value != 0) { opponent = this.DB.User.Where(u => u.FacebookId == opponentId.Value).FirstOrDefault(); } if (null != opponent) { offer.SpecificOpponentId = opponent.FacebookId; pushIds.Add(opponent.FacebookId); } else { var tennisUsers = ModelUtils.GetTennisUsers(this.DB); var matchUsers = tennisUsers.Where (u => this.DB.CoordinateDistanceMiles(u.City.Latitude, u.City.Longitude, tennisUser.City.Latitude, tennisUser.City.Longitude) < 15 && Math.Abs(tennisUser.Rating - u.Rating) <= 0.25 && u.Gender == tennisUser.Gender && u.FacebookId != tennisUser.FacebookId && u.EmailOffers ); foreach (var tu in matchUsers) { pushIds.Add(tu.FacebookId); } } this.DB.Offer.InsertOnSubmit(offer); this.DB.SubmitChanges(); string template = Server.MapPath("/content/matchrequest.htm"); string subject = string.Format("TennisLoop: Match Requested from <fb:name uid='{0}' capitalize='true'></fb:name>", tennisUser.FacebookId); SendMessage(pushIds, subject, template, offer, tennisUser); // Send out messages to all matching users return Json ( new { UserOffers = RenderPartialViewToString("UserOffers", ModelUtils.GetModel<UserOffersModel>(FacebookWebContext.Current.UserId, this.DB)), UserChallenges = RenderPartialViewToString("UserChallenges", ModelUtils.GetModel<UserOffersModel>(FacebookWebContext.Current.UserId, this.DB)) } ); } return Json(""); }
public ResponseDetail saveOfferDynamic(Offer offerDetail) { return(objTransacRepo.saveOfferDynamic(offerDetail)); }
public ResponseDetail SaveOffer(Offer ObjOffer) { return(objTransacRepo.SaveOffer(ObjOffer)); }
public override Offer ApplyOn(Offer offer) { // implementation coming soon return(base.ApplyOn(offer)); }
public Product(string name, int unitPrice, Offer offer = null) { = name; this.UnitPrice = unitPrice; this.Offer = offer; }
/// <inheritdoc /> public async Task <Offer> SaveOffer(Offer offer) { return(await this.offerRepository.SaveOffer(offer).ConfigureAwait(false)); }
public static List <Offer> GetAllOffers() { //var ids = GetAllIds(); var ids = new List <string>() { "207624" }; List <Offer> offers = new List <Offer>(); foreach (var id in ids) { string urlAddress = $"{id}"; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(urlAddress); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader readStream = null; if (response.CharacterSet == null) { readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream); } else { readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.GetEncoding(response.CharacterSet)); } HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument(); htmlDoc.OptionFixNestedTags = true; htmlDoc.Load(readStream); var offer = new Offer(); if (htmlDoc.DocumentNode != null) { HtmlNode title = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("/html/body/div[3]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/h2[1]"); if (title != null) { offer.Title = title.InnerText; } HtmlNode price = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("/html/body/div[3]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/h2[2]"); if (price != null) { offer.Price = price.InnerText; } HtmlNode table = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("/html/body/div[3]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/table"); var counter = 0; foreach (HtmlNode row in table.SelectNodes("tr")) { foreach (HtmlNode cell in row.SelectNodes("th|td")) { if (counter == 1) { offer.Area = cell.InnerText; } else if (counter == 3) { offer.Specs = cell.InnerText; } else if (counter == 5) { offer.Floor = cell.InnerText; } else if (counter == 7) { offer.Added = cell.InnerText; } else if (counter == 9) { offer.Visit = cell.InnerText; } counter++; } } HtmlNode info = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("/html/body/div[3]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[4]/text()"); if (info != null) { offer.Info = info.InnerText; } HtmlNode person = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("/html/body/div[3]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[6]/div[1]/text()"); if (person != null) { offer.Person = person.InnerText; } HtmlNode location = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("/html/body/div[3]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[6]/div[2]/text()"); if (location != null) { offer.Location = location.InnerText; } HtmlNode phone = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("/html/body/div[3]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[6]/div[3]/text()"); if (phone != null) { offer.Phone = phone.InnerText; } offers.Add(offer); } response.Close(); readStream.Close(); } } return(offers); }
private IEnumerable <Offer> GetOffersList() { var offer_list = new List <Offer>(); var car_list = new List <Car>(); var car1 = new Car() { Brand = "Fiat", Model = "Punto", Body = "Hatchback", EngineCapacity = 1.2m, Type = AutoCar.Core.Domain.Types.CarType.Passenger, FuelType = Fuel.Benzyna, DoorsAmount = 5, Country = "Polska", IsAutomatic = false, EnginePower = 60, IsDamaged = false, Year = "2003", Mileage = 2480000, OwnerAmount = 1, VinNummer = "F12345UFG88983", Price = 3500, }; var car2 = new Car() { Brand = "VW", Model = "Golf", Body = "Hatchback", EngineCapacity = 1.6m, Type = AutoCar.Core.Domain.Types.CarType.Passenger, FuelType = Fuel.Benzyna, DoorsAmount = 5, Country = "Niemcy", IsAutomatic = false, EnginePower = 90, IsDamaged = false, Year = "2006", Mileage = 3240000, OwnerAmount = 1, VinNummer = "LDG2233HEDG67726", Price = 5500, }; var personalUserData1 = new PersonalData("Jan", "Kowalski", DateTime.Parse("1988-08-01"), "Warszawa", "Wroclawska 1234", "", "05-001", "111111111", VoivodeList.Mazowieckie); var personalUserData2 = new PersonalData("Andrzej", "Kowalski", DateTime.Parse("1987-04-01"), "Wroclaw", "Warszawska 1234", "", "55-001", "222222222", VoivodeList.Dolnoslaskie); Offer offer1 = new Offer("Fiat Punto 1.2", "Do sprzedania ładne Punto w świetnym stanie", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddDays(30)); offer1.OfferingUser = new User("punciak123", "*****@*****.**", "User"); offer1.OfferingUser.SetUserPassword("admin123"); offer1.CarToOffer = car1; offer_list.Add(offer1); Offer offer2 = new Offer("VW Golf IV super oferta", "Do sprzedania ładnego golfa w świetnym stanie", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddDays(25)); offer2.OfferingUser = new User("golfiak222", "*****@*****.**", "User"); offer2.OfferingUser.SetUserPassword("admin123"); offer2.CarToOffer = car2; offer_list.Add(offer2); return(offer_list); }
public static OfferDto ToDto(this Offer offer) => new OfferDto(offer.OfferId);
public ActionResult OfferMaster(string ActionName, string OfferCode) { List <SelectListItem> Activeoption = new List <SelectListItem>(); Activeoption.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Active", Value = "Y" }); Activeoption.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Deactive", Value = "N" }); ViewBag.ActiveOptions = Activeoption; List <SelectListItem> option = new List <SelectListItem>(); //option.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "All", Value = "A" }); option.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "No", Value = "A" }); option.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Yes", Value = "Y" }); ViewBag.DropDownOptions = option; List <SelectListItem> idStatus = new List <SelectListItem>(); idStatus.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "All", Value = "A" }); idStatus.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Active", Value = "Y" }); idStatus.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Deactive", Value = "N" }); ViewBag.idStatus = idStatus; List <SelectListItem> ForBillType = new List <SelectListItem>(); ForBillType.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Any Bill", Value = "All" }); ForBillType.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "First Bill", Value = "FirstBill" }); ForBillType.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Second Bill", Value = "SecondBill" }); ForBillType.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Third Bill", Value = "ThirdBill" }); ViewBag.ForBillType = ForBillType; List <SelectListItem> ForDateType = new List <SelectListItem>(); ForDateType.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Range", Value = "R" }); ForDateType.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Date", Value = "D" }); ViewBag.ForDateType = ForDateType; List <SelectListItem> OfferType = new List <SelectListItem>(); OfferType.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Offer On Value", Value = "OfferOnValue" }); OfferType.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Extra PV", Value = "ExtraPV" }); OfferType.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Buy this Get that", Value = "BuythisGetthat" }); ViewBag.OfferTypeOptions = OfferType; List <SelectListItem> Days = new List <SelectListItem>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 31; i++) { Days.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = i.ToString(), Value = i.ToString(), Selected = (i == 1?true:false) }); } ViewBag.Days = Days; List <Offer> OList = objTransacManager.GetAllBuyThisGetThatOfferList("Active", true); List <SelectListItem> CombineOfferList = new List <SelectListItem>(); foreach (var rec in OList) { CombineOfferList.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = rec.OfferName, Value = rec.AID.ToString(), Selected = false }); } ViewBag.CombineOfferListOptions = CombineOfferList; Offer objoffer = new Offer(); objoffer.ActionName = ActionName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OfferCode)) { int code = int.Parse(OfferCode); objoffer = objOfferManager.getOfferDetail(code, null); objoffer.ActionName = ActionName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objoffer.CombineWithOffer)) { var combineList = objoffer.CombineWithOffer.Split(','); foreach (var rec in CombineOfferList) { if (combineList.Contains(rec.Value)) { rec.Selected = true; } } } } ViewBag.CombineOfferListOptions = CombineOfferList; var AccessTo = new UserController().UserCanAccess((Session["LoginUser"] as User).UserId, "Offers"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccessTo)) { ViewBag.UserCanAccess = AccessTo; return(View(objoffer)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Dashboard", "Home")); } }
private bool HandleTradeOfferUpdate(Offer offer) { if(knownTradeOffers.ContainsKey(offer.TradeOfferId) && knownTradeOffers[offer.TradeOfferId] == offer.TradeOfferState) { return false; } //make sure the api loaded correctly sometimes the items are missing if(IsOfferValid(offer)) { SendOfferToHandler(offer); } else { var resp = webApi.GetTradeOffer(offer.TradeOfferId); if(IsOfferValid(resp.Offer)) { SendOfferToHandler(resp.Offer); } else { Debug.WriteLine("Offer returned from steam api is not valid : " + resp.Offer.TradeOfferId); return false; } } return true; }
private void EnqueueAndSuccess(Offer <TOut> offer) { _buffer.Enqueue(offer.Element); offer.CompletionSource.NonBlockingTrySetResult(QueueOfferResult.Enqueued.Instance); }
private void SendOfferToHandler(Offer offer) { knownTradeOffers[offer.TradeOfferId] = offer.TradeOfferState; OnTradeOfferUpdated(new TradeOffer(session, offer)); }
private Action <IInput> Callback() { return(GetAsyncCallback <IInput>( input => { var offer = input as Offer <TOut>; if (offer != null) { if (_stage._maxBuffer != 0) { BufferElement(offer); if (IsAvailable(_stage.Out)) { Push(_stage.Out, _buffer.Dequeue()); } } else if (IsAvailable(_stage.Out)) { Push(_stage.Out, offer.Element); offer.CompletionSource.NonBlockingTrySetResult(QueueOfferResult.Enqueued.Instance); } else if (_pendingOffer == null) { _pendingOffer = offer; } else { switch (_stage._overflowStrategy) { case OverflowStrategy.DropHead: case OverflowStrategy.DropBuffer: _pendingOffer.CompletionSource.NonBlockingTrySetResult(QueueOfferResult.Dropped.Instance); _pendingOffer = offer; break; case OverflowStrategy.DropTail: case OverflowStrategy.DropNew: offer.CompletionSource.NonBlockingTrySetResult(QueueOfferResult.Dropped.Instance); break; case OverflowStrategy.Backpressure: offer.CompletionSource.NonBlockingTrySetException( new IllegalStateException( "You have to wait for previous offer to be resolved to send another request")); break; case OverflowStrategy.Fail: var bufferOverflowException = new BufferOverflowException( $"Buffer overflow (max capacity was: {_stage._maxBuffer})!"); offer.CompletionSource.NonBlockingTrySetResult(new QueueOfferResult.Failure(bufferOverflowException)); _completion.SetException(bufferOverflowException); FailStage(bufferOverflowException); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } } var completion = input as Completion; if (completion != null) { if (_stage._maxBuffer != 0 && _buffer.NonEmpty || _pendingOffer != null) { _terminating = true; } else { _completion.SetResult(new object()); CompleteStage(); } } var failure = input as Failure; if (failure != null) { _completion.SetException(failure.Ex); FailStage(failure.Ex); } })); }
private void ProcessXml(XmlDocument doc, string photoPath) { try { //var cats = new Dictionary<string, string>(); //XmlNodeList categories = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Category"); //if (categories.Count != 0) //{ // int i = 0; // foreach (XmlNode categoryXml in categories) // { // if (categoryXml.Attributes != null) // { // Category category = CategoryService.GetCategoryFromDbByCategoryId(int.Parse(categoryXml.Attributes["ID"].InnerText)); // if (category == null) // { // try // { // Category cat = new Category(); // cat.Name = categoryXml.Attributes["Name"].InnerText; // cat.ParentCategoryId = int.Parse(categoryXml.Attributes["ParentCategory"].InnerText); // cat.Picture = string.Empty; // cat.SortOrder = Math.Max(Interlocked.Increment(ref i), i - 1); // cat.Enabled = true; // cats.Add(categoryXml.Attributes["ID"].InnerText, CategoryService.AddCategory(cat, true).ToString()); // //cats.Add(categoryXml.Attributes["ID"].InnerText, // // CategoryService.AddCategory(categoryXml.Attributes["Name"].InnerText, // // int.Parse(categoryXml.Attributes["ParentCategory"].InnerText), "", // // Math.Max(Interlocked.Increment(ref i), i - 1), true, // // true).ToString()); // CategoryService.UpdateCategory(category, true); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // AdvantShop.Diagnostics.Debug.LogError(ex); // } // } // else // { // category.Name = categoryXml.Attributes["Name"].InnerText; // category.ParentCategoryId = int.Parse(categoryXml.Attributes["ParentCategory"].InnerText); // CategoryService.UpdateCategory(category, true); // cats.Add(category.CategoryId.ToString(), category.CategoryId.ToString()); // } // } // } //} if (doc.GetElementsByTagName("Products").Count != 0) { var products = new Dictionary <string, Product>(); var productCats = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var productUnits = new Dictionary <string, string>(); XmlNode productsXml = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Products")[0]; foreach (XmlNode prodXml in productsXml.ChildNodes) { if (prodXml.Attributes != null) { var product = new Product { ArtNo = prodXml.Attributes["SKU"].InnerText, Name = prodXml.Attributes["Name"].InnerText, Description = prodXml.Attributes["Description"].InnerText, Unit = prodXml.Attributes["Unit"].InnerText, Enabled = true, UrlPath = UrlService.GetAvailableValidUrl(0, ParamType.Product, prodXml.Attributes["SKU"].InnerText) }; productCats.Add(product.ArtNo, prodXml.Attributes["Category"].InnerText); try { products.Add(product.ArtNo, product); } catch (Exception ex) { Log(ex.Message, "InvalidData"); } } } XmlNodeList offers = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Offer"); if (offers.Count != 0) { foreach (XmlNode offer in offers) { if (offer.Attributes != null) { Product product = products[offer.Attributes["ProductSKU"].InnerText]; if (product == null) { break; } var pOffer = new Offer(); float price; if (float.TryParse(offer.Attributes["Price"].Value.Replace('.', ','), out price)) { pOffer.Price = price; } int amount; if (int.TryParse(offer.Attributes["Amount"].InnerText, out amount)) { pOffer.Amount = amount; } if (product.Offers == null) { product.Offers = new List <Offer>(); } product.Offers.Add(pOffer); } } } foreach (Product product in products.Values) { UpdateInsertProduct(product, productCats[product.ArtNo]); } LuceneSearch.CreateAllIndexInBackground(); ProductService.PreCalcProductParamsMassInBackground(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(photoPath)) { XmlNodeList photos = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Photo"); if (photos.Count != 0) { FileHelpers.UpdateDirectories(); foreach (XmlNode photo in photos) { if (photo.Attributes != null) { var fullfilename = photoPath + photo.Attributes["FileName"].Value; if (File.Exists(fullfilename)) { ProductService.AddProductPhotoByArtNo(photo.Attributes["ProductSKU"].Value, fullfilename, photo.Attributes["Description"].Value, false, null); } File.Delete(fullfilename); } } } } XmlNodeList props = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Property"); if (props.Count != 0) { foreach (XmlNode prop in props) { if (prop.Attributes != null) { var product = ProductService.GetProduct(prop.Attributes["ProductSKU"].InnerText); if (product.ID == 0) { break; } // TODO use PropertyService //ProductService.AddProperty(product.Id, prop.Attributes["Name"].Value, // prop.Attributes["Value"].Value, 0); } } } } Log("Import successfull", "SuccessImport"); } catch (Exception ex) { Log(ex.Message, "InvalidData"); } CategoryService.RecalculateProductsCountManual(); CategoryService.ClearCategoryCache(); XmlElement summary = _sdsLog.CreateElement("LogSummary"); XmlElement el = _sdsLog.CreateElement("Added"); el.InnerText = _added.ToString("d"); summary.AppendChild(el); el = _sdsLog.CreateElement("Updated"); el.InnerText = _updated.ToString("d"); summary.AppendChild(el); el = _sdsLog.CreateElement("Errors"); el.InnerText = _errors.ToString("d"); summary.AppendChild(el); if (_sdsLog.DocumentElement != null) { _sdsLog.DocumentElement.AppendChild(summary); } }
//public async Task<Offer> GetOfferAsync(int id) //{ // var offer = await offersRepository.GetAsync(o => o.Id == id); // return offer; //} public void Delete(Offer offer) { offersRepository.Delete(offer); }
public ResponseDetail SaveBuyThisGetThatOffer(Offer ObjOffer) { return(objTransacRepo.SaveBuyThisGetThatOffer(ObjOffer)); }
public void CreateOffer(Offer offer) { offersRepository.Add(offer); }
public bool updateOffer(Offer offer) { if (offers.Exists(o=> o.Id == offer.Id)) { offer.update(); offers[offers.FindIndex(ind => ind.Id == offer.Id)] = offer; if (onOffersChangeHandler != null) onOffersChangeHandler(); return true; } else return false; }
public void UpdateOffer(Offer offer) { offersRepository.Update(offer); }
public bool addOffer(Offer offer) { if (offers.Exists(o => o.Id == offer.Id)) return false; else { Offer offerSaved =; if (offerSaved != null) { offers.Add(offerSaved); onOffersChangeHandler(); return true; } } return false; }
public void Delete(Offer item) { Db.Offers.Remove(item); }
private static bool SendMessage(IEnumerable<long> pushIds, string subject, string templatePath, Offer offer, TennisUserModel tennisUser) { string location = OfferModel.GetLocationLink(LocationModel.Create(offer)); Dictionary<string, string> tokens = new Dictionary<string, string>(); tokens.Add("FacebookId", tennisUser.FacebookId.ToString()); tokens.Add("Rating", IndexModel.FormatRating(tennisUser.Rating)); tokens.Add("Date", IndexModel.FormatLongDate(offer.MatchDateUtc, tennisUser.TimeZoneOffset).Replace(",", " @ ")); tokens.Add("Name", tennisUser.Name.ToString()); tokens.Add("Location", location); tokens.Add("Comments", offer.Message); tokens.Add("OfferId", offer.OfferId.ToString()); return SendMessage(pushIds, subject, templatePath, tokens); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Game game1 = new Game { GameID = 1, GameName = "Doom Eternal", GamePrice = 60, GameStock = 451, IsOnSale = false }; Game game2 = new Game { GameID = 2, GameName = "Cyberpunk 2077", GamePrice = 70, GameStock = 1332, IsOnSale = false }; Game game3 = new Game { GameID = 3, GameName = "GTA V", GamePrice = 30, GameStock = 54, IsOnSale = true }; Game game4 = new Game { GameID = 4, GameName = "Civilization VI", GamePrice = 35, GameStock = 12, IsOnSale = true }; Game game5 = new Game { GameID = 5, GameName = "Red Dead Redemption", GamePrice = 80, GameStock = 101, IsOnSale = true }; Game[] games = new Game[] { game1, game2, game3, game4 }; List <Game> lstGames = new List <Game> { game1, game2, game3, game4 }; Customer customer1 = new Customer { Id = 1, FirstName = "Ozan", LastName = "Şengül", Password = "******", DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1997, 11, 05), NationalityID = "29300054534" }; Customer customer2 = new Customer { Id = 2, FirstName = "Tuncay", LastName = "Göçkon", Password = "******", DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1997, 07, 30), NationalityID = "21568251100" }; Customer customer3 = new Customer { Id = 3, FirstName = "Defne", LastName = "Demirbaş", Password = "******", DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1998, 09, 05), NationalityID = "13450066892" }; Customer[] customers = new Customer[] { customer1, customer2, customer3 }; Offer offer1 = new Offer { GameName = "Red Dead Redemption II", Discount = 30, OfferEnds = new DateTime(2021, 04, 01) }; List <Offer> allOffers = new List <Offer> { offer1 }; OfferManager offerManager = new OfferManager(); GameManager gameManager = new GameManager(); EDevletManager eDevletManager = new EDevletManager(); CustomerManager customerManager = new CustomerManager(); while (true) { menu : Console.WriteLine("Please choose an option: \r\n 1. Player Options \r\n 2. Games"); string o1 = null; o1 = Console.ReadLine(); switch (o1) { case "1": Console.WriteLine("Please choose an option: \r\n 1. Sign Up \r\n 2. Delete Account \r\n 3. Update Account"); string o2 = null; o2 = Console.ReadLine(); switch (o2) { case "1": Console.WriteLine("Please enter your Nationality ID Number:"); string enteredID = null; enteredID = Console.ReadLine(); for (int y = 0; y < customers.Length; y++) { if (enteredID == customers[y].NationalityID) { eDevletManager.IsValidCustomer(); customerManager.SignUp(new Customer()); goto menu; } } Console.WriteLine("You have entered a wrong Nationality ID Number."); break; case "2": Console.WriteLine("Please enter your password to continue:"); customerManager.Delete(Console.ReadLine()); break; case "3": customerManager.Update(); goto menu; } break; case "2": Console.WriteLine("All Games:"); gameManager.ListAll(lstGames); Console.WriteLine("------------------"); offerManager.ShowOffers(allOffers); Console.WriteLine("------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Games on sale:"); gameManager.ListOnSale(lstGames); Console.WriteLine("\r\nPlease enter a game ID to continue"); int enteredNo = new int(); enteredNo = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); #region for (int i = 0; i < games.Length; i++) { if (enteredNo == games[i].GameID) { Console.WriteLine("Please choose: \r\n 1. Add to cart \r\n 2. Buy now"); string o3 = null; o3 = Console.ReadLine(); switch (o3) { case "1": gameManager.AddToCart(game2); Console.WriteLine("You have special offers:"); Console.WriteLine("Rather than $" + game2.GamePrice + "\n"); offerManager.CalculateOffer(game2); goto menu; case "2": gameManager.BuyNow(game1); Console.WriteLine("You have special offers:"); Console.WriteLine("Rather than $" + game1.GamePrice + "\n"); offerManager.CalculateOffer(game1); goto menu; } } } Console.WriteLine("You have entered a false game ID"); #endregion goto menu; case "3": customerManager.Update(); goto menu; } } }
public void Test_Find() { #region Arrange var tmpCustomer = new CustomerConnector().Create(new Customer() { Name = "TmpCustomer", CountryCode = "SE", City = "Testopolis" }); var tmpArticle = new ArticleConnector().Create(new Article() { Description = "TmpArticle", Type = ArticleType.Stock, PurchasePrice = 100 }); #endregion Arrange IOfferConnector connector = new OfferConnector(); var newOffer = new Offer() { Comments = "TestOrder", CustomerNumber = tmpCustomer.CustomerNumber, OfferDate = new DateTime(2019, 1, 20), //"2019-01-20", OfferRows = new List <OfferRow>() { new OfferRow() { ArticleNumber = tmpArticle.ArticleNumber, Quantity = 10 }, new OfferRow() { ArticleNumber = tmpArticle.ArticleNumber, Quantity = 20 }, new OfferRow() { ArticleNumber = tmpArticle.ArticleNumber, Quantity = 15 } } }; //Add entries for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { connector.Create(newOffer); MyAssert.HasNoError(connector); } //Apply base test filter connector.CustomerNumber = tmpCustomer.CustomerNumber; var fullCollection = connector.Find(); MyAssert.HasNoError(connector); Assert.AreEqual(5, fullCollection.TotalResources); Assert.AreEqual(5, fullCollection.Entities.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, fullCollection.TotalPages); Assert.AreEqual(tmpCustomer.CustomerNumber, fullCollection.Entities.First().CustomerNumber); //Apply Limit connector.Limit = 2; var limitedCollection = connector.Find(); MyAssert.HasNoError(connector); Assert.AreEqual(5, limitedCollection.TotalResources); Assert.AreEqual(2, limitedCollection.Entities.Count); Assert.AreEqual(3, limitedCollection.TotalPages); //Delete entries (DELETE not supported) #region Delete arranged resources new CustomerConnector().Delete(tmpCustomer.CustomerNumber); new ArticleConnector().Delete(tmpArticle.ArticleNumber); #endregion Delete arranged resources }
private void OffersUpdated(Offer[] offers) { gui.OnPopulateOffers(offers); }
public void Create(Offer item) { Db.Offers.Add(item); }
public static string JsonSerialize(Offer offer) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(offer)); }
private bool IsOfferValid(Offer offer) { bool hasItemsToGive = offer.ItemsToGive != null && offer.ItemsToGive.Count != 0; bool hasItemsToReceive = offer.ItemsToReceive != null && offer.ItemsToReceive.Count != 0; return hasItemsToGive || hasItemsToReceive; }
public Task UpdateOffer(Offer auction) { return(_offerRepository.Update(auction)); }
public AddOffer(Offer offer) { this.offer = offer; }
public void Update(Offer item) { Db.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Modified; }
public void UnlockItems(Offer offer) { LoggerHelper.LogOffer(offer); if (offer.Features.Count > 0) { UnlockFeatures(offer.Features); } foreach (var resource in offer.Resources) { if (LIVES_REFERENCE.Equals(resource.Reference, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { LivesCount += resource.Quantity; } } }
public ActionResult SaveOffer(Offer ObjOffer) { if (ObjOffer != null) { ObjOffer.objProductList = new List <OfferProduct>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ObjOffer.ProductString)) { var objects = JArray.Parse(ObjOffer.ProductString); // parse as array foreach (JObject root in objects) { OfferProduct objTemp = new OfferProduct(); foreach (KeyValuePair <String, JToken> app in root) { if (app.Key == "ProdCode") { objTemp.ProductCode = app.Value.ToString(); } else if (app.Key == "ProductName") { objTemp.ProductName = app.Value.ToString(); } else if (app.Key == "FreeQty") { objTemp.Qty = (decimal)app.Value; } else if (app.Key == "BVApplied") { objTemp.IsBvApplied = app.Value.ToString(); } else if (app.Key == "OnMRP") { objTemp.OnMRP = app.Value.ToString(); } else if (app.Key == "IsBuyProduct") { objTemp.IsParent = false; } else if (app.Key == "PVVal") { objTemp.PVValue = (decimal?)app.Value; } else if (app.Key == "PVPer") { objTemp.PVPer = (decimal?)app.Value; } else if (app.Key == "Discount") { objTemp.Discount = (decimal?)app.Value; ///Convert.ToDecimal( (string) app.Value ); } else if (app.Key == "DiscountPer") { objTemp.DiscountPer = (decimal?)app.Value; } else if (app.Key == "Scheme") { objTemp.Scheme = (string)app.Value; } else if (app.Key == "Rupee") { objTemp.Rupee = (decimal?)app.Value; } else if (app.Key == "Confirm") { objTemp.Confirm = (string)app.Value; } } ObjOffer.objProductList.Add(objTemp); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ObjOffer.ParentProductString)) { var objects = JArray.Parse(ObjOffer.ParentProductString); // parse as array foreach (JObject root in objects) { OfferProduct objTemp = new OfferProduct(); foreach (KeyValuePair <String, JToken> app in root) { if (app.Key == "ProdCode") { objTemp.ProductCode = app.Value.ToString(); } else if (app.Key == "ProductName") { objTemp.ProductName = app.Value.ToString(); } else if (app.Key == "FreeQty") { objTemp.Qty = (decimal)app.Value; } else if (app.Key == "OnMRP") { objTemp.OnMRP = app.Value.ToString(); } else if (app.Key == "IsBuyProduct") { objTemp.IsParent = true; } else if (app.Key == "IEProduct") { var t = app.Value.ToString(); if (t == "Include") { objTemp.IncludeInOffer = true; } else { objTemp.IncludeInOffer = false; } } } ObjOffer.objProductList.Add(objTemp); } } } var detail = objOfferManager.SaveOffer(ObjOffer); if (detail.ResponseStatus == "OK") { //Added log string hostName = Dns.GetHostName(); string myIP = Dns.GetHostEntry(hostName).AddressList[0].ToString(); string currentDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"); objLogManager.SaveLog(Session["LoginUser"] as User, ObjOffer.ActionName + "Offer" + ObjOffer.OfferName, myIP + currentDate); } return(Json(detail, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public void NotifyOfRejectedOffer(Offer.Offer offer) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public IActionResult DeleteOffer(Offer offer) { offerRepo.Delete(offer); return(RedirectToAction("AllOffers", "Offers")); }
/// <summary> /// Store offers data from response and print it /// </summary> /// <param name="session"></param> /// <param name="response"></param> /// <param name="sInstrument"></param> public void PrintOffers(O2GSession session, O2GResponse response, string sInstrument) { O2GResponseReaderFactory readerFactory = session.getResponseReaderFactory(); if (readerFactory == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot create response reader factory"); } O2GOffersTableResponseReader responseReader = readerFactory.createOffersTableReader(response); for (int i = 0; i < responseReader.Count; i++) { O2GOfferRow offerRow = responseReader.getRow(i); Offer offer; if (mOffers.FindOffer(offerRow.OfferID, out offer)) { if (offerRow.isTimeValid && offerRow.isBidValid && offerRow.isAskValid) { offer.Date = offerRow.Time; offer.Bid = offerRow.Bid; offer.Ask = offerRow.Ask; } } else { offer = new Offer(offerRow.OfferID, offerRow.Instrument, offerRow.Digits, offerRow.PointSize, offerRow.Time, offerRow.Bid, offerRow.Ask); mOffers.AddOffer(offer); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sInstrument) || offerRow.Instrument.Equals(sInstrument)) { Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, Bid={2}, Ask={3}", offer.OfferID, offer.Instrument, offer.Bid, offer.Ask); } } }
public IActionResult OfferDetails(int id) { Offer offers = offerRepo.GetOfferByID(id); return(View(offers)); }
public IActionResult DeleteOffer(int id) { Offer offer = offerRepo.GetOfferByID(id); return(View(offer)); }
public Task CreateOffer(Offer offer) { return(_offerRepository.Create(offer)); }