Esempio n. 1
        private async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <object> AktualizacjaDanychAsync()
            var commity = @params.Session.GetGitHubExtension().Commity;

                var github   = new Octokit.GitHubClient(new Octokit.ProductHeaderValue("sonetaGitHubConnector"));
                var branches = await github.Repository.Branch.GetAll(@params.pWlasciciel, @params.pNazwa);

                //var commits = await github.Repository.Commit.GetAll("Pavlino", "enovaGitHubAnalyser");

                List <Octokit.GitHubCommit> commits = new List <Octokit.GitHubCommit>();
                foreach (var branch in branches)
                    var commitRequest = new Octokit.CommitRequest();
                    commitRequest.Sha = branch.Name;
                    var branchCommits = await github.Repository.Commit.GetAll(@params.pWlasciciel, @params.pNazwa, commitRequest);


                if (commits.Count > 0)
                    using (var t = @params.Session.Logout(true))
                        List <string> shas = new List <string>();
                        foreach (Octokit.GitHubCommit c in commits)
                            if (!shas.Contains(c.Sha))
                                if (!commity.CommitExists(c.Sha))
                                    Commit commit = new Commit
                                        SHA   = c.Sha,
                                        Autor = c.Commit.Author.Name,
                                        Data  = c.Commit.Author.Date.UtcDateTime




                return("Operacja zakończona pomyślnie");
            catch (Exception e)
                return("Błąd poczdas operacji: " + e.Message);
        public async Task<IList<GitHubHostedDocument>> ExtractCommitDocuments(string organization, string repository) {
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(organization))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(organization), "must be specified");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(repository))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(repository), "must be specified");

            var client = GetClient();
            var documents = new List<GitHubHostedDocument>();

            Octokit.CommitRequest request = new Octokit.CommitRequest();
            request.Since = this.Settings.Since;
            request.Sha = "master";

            // get all the latest commits for the master branch 
            var commits = await client.Repository.Commits.GetAll(organization, repository, request);
            // recover the data of the branch looking for the master
            var repo = await client.Repository.GetBranch(organization, repository, "master");

            var head = repo.Commit.Sha;

            foreach (var currentCommit in commits) {
                //var compareResult = await client.Repository.Commits.Compare(organization, repository, currentCommit.Sha, head);
                //head = currentCommit.Sha;

                var myCommit = await client.Repository.Commits.Get(organization, repository, currentCommit.Sha);
                if (myCommit.Files != null) {

                    foreach (var file in myCommit.Files)
                        if (file.Filename.ToLower().EndsWith(".rst", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            var fileData = new GitHubHostedDocument();
                            fileData.Commit = currentCommit.Sha;
                            fileData.FileName = file.Filename;
                            fileData.Status = file.Status;
                            fileData.TsCommit = currentCommit.Commit.Committer.Date;
                            fileData.Organization = organization;
                            fileData.Repository = repository;



            return documents;