Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the deserialized path set given its content hash
        /// </summary>
        public virtual async Task <Possible <ObservedPathSet> > TryRetrievePathSetAsync(
            OperationContext operationContext,

            // TODO: Do we need this fingerprint given that the path set hash is provided by this interface in the first place
            WeakContentFingerprint weakFingerprint,
            ContentHash pathSetHash)
            using (operationContext.StartOperation(PipExecutorCounter.TryLoadPathSetFromContentCacheDuration))
                Possible <Stream> maybePathSetStream = await TryLoadAndOpenPathSetStreamAsync(pathSetHash);

                if (!maybePathSetStream.Succeeded)

                using (operationContext.StartOperation(PipExecutorCounter.TryLoadPathSetFromContentCacheDeserializeDuration))
                    using (var pathSetReader = new BuildXLReader(debug: false, stream: maybePathSetStream.Result, leaveOpen: false))
                        var maybeDeserialized = ObservedPathSet.TryDeserialize(PathTable, pathSetReader, m_pathExpander);
                        if (!maybeDeserialized.Succeeded)

Esempio n. 2
        public ProcessStrongFingerprintComputationData(BinaryLogReader.EventReader reader)
            PathSetHash = reader.ReadContentHash();
            var maybePathSet = ObservedPathSet.TryDeserialize(reader.PathTable, reader, pathReader: r => r.ReadAbsolutePath(), stringReader: r => ((BinaryLogReader.EventReader)r).ReadDynamicStringId());

            PathSet = maybePathSet.Result;
            PriorStrongFingerprints = reader.ReadReadOnlyList(r => r.ReadStrongFingerprint());
            Succeeded = reader.ReadBoolean();

            if (Succeeded)
                IsStrongFingerprintHit    = reader.ReadBoolean();
                ObservedInputs            = reader.ReadReadOnlyArray(r => ObservedInput.Deserialize(r));
                ComputedStrongFingerprint = reader.ReadStrongFingerprint();
                IsNewlyPublishedAugmentedWeakFingerprint = reader.ReadBoolean();
                AugmentedWeakFingerprint = reader.ReadNullableStruct(r => r.ReadWeakFingerprint());
                IsStrongFingerprintHit    = false;
                ObservedInputs            = default;
                ComputedStrongFingerprint = default;
                IsNewlyPublishedAugmentedWeakFingerprint = false;
                AugmentedWeakFingerprint = default;
Esempio n. 3
        private static ObservedPathSet SerializeRoundTripAndAssertEquivalent(PathTable pathTable, ObservedPathSet original, PathExpander pathExpander = null)
            using (var mem = new MemoryStream())
                using (var writer = new BuildXLWriter(stream: mem, debug: true, leaveOpen: true, logStats: true))
                    original.Serialize(pathTable, writer, pathExpander);

                mem.Position = 0;

                ObservedPathSet roundtrip;
                using (var reader = new BuildXLReader(stream: mem, debug: true, leaveOpen: true))
                    var maybeRoundtrip = ObservedPathSet.TryDeserialize(pathTable, reader, pathExpander);
                    XAssert.IsTrue(maybeRoundtrip.Succeeded, "Failed to deserialize a path set unexpectedly");
                    roundtrip = maybeRoundtrip.Result;

                ObservedPathSetTestUtilities.AssertPathSetsEquivalent(original, roundtrip);
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialize result from reader
        /// </summary>
        public ExecutionResult Deserialize(BuildXLReader reader, uint workerId)
            int minAbsolutePathValue = reader.ReadInt32();

                minAbsolutePathValue == m_maxSerializableAbsolutePathIndex,
                "When deserializing for distribution, the minimum absolute path value must match the serialized minimum absolute path value");

            var result           = (PipResultStatus)reader.ReadByte();
            var converged        = reader.ReadBoolean();
            var numberOfWarnings = reader.ReadInt32Compact();
            var weakFingerprint  = reader.ReadNullableStruct(r => r.ReadWeakFingerprint());
            ProcessPipExecutionPerformance performanceInformation;

            if (reader.ReadBoolean())
                performanceInformation = ProcessPipExecutionPerformance.Deserialize(reader);

                // TODO: It looks like this is the wrong class for WorkerId, because the serialized object has always WorkerId == 0.
                performanceInformation.WorkerId = workerId;
                performanceInformation = null;

            var outputContent = ReadOnlyArray <(FileArtifact, FileMaterializationInfo, PipOutputOrigin)> .FromWithoutCopy(ReadOutputContent(reader));

            var directoryOutputs = ReadOnlyArray <(DirectoryArtifact, ReadOnlyArray <FileArtifact>)> .FromWithoutCopy(ReadDirectoryOutputs(reader));

            var mustBeConsideredPerpetuallyDirty       = reader.ReadBoolean();
            var dynamicallyObservedFiles               = reader.ReadReadOnlyArray(ReadAbsolutePath);
            var dynamicallyProbedFiles                 = reader.ReadReadOnlyArray(ReadAbsolutePath);
            var dynamicallyObservedEnumerations        = reader.ReadReadOnlyArray(ReadAbsolutePath);
            var allowedUndeclaredSourceReads           = reader.ReadReadOnlySet(ReadAbsolutePath);
            var absentPathProbesUnderOutputDirectories = reader.ReadReadOnlySet(ReadAbsolutePath);

            ReportedFileAccess[] fileAccessViolationsNotWhitelisted;
            ReportedFileAccess[] whitelistedFileAccessViolations;
            ReportedProcess[]    reportedProcesses;
            ReadReportedProcessesAndFileAccesses(reader, out fileAccessViolationsNotWhitelisted, out whitelistedFileAccessViolations, out reportedProcesses, readPath: m_readPath);

            var twoPhaseCachingInfo = ReadTwoPhaseCachingInfo(reader);
            var cacheDescriptor     = ReadPipCacheDescriptor(reader);

            if (cacheDescriptor != null)
                cacheDescriptor.OutputContentReplicasMiniBloomFilter = reader.ReadUInt32();

            ObservedPathSet?pathSet = null;

            if (reader.ReadBoolean())
                var maybePathSet = ObservedPathSet.TryDeserialize(m_executionContext.PathTable, reader, pathReader: ReadAbsolutePath);
                pathSet = maybePathSet.Succeeded
                    ? (ObservedPathSet?)maybePathSet.Result
                    : null;

            CacheLookupPerfInfo cacheLookupCounters = null;

            if (reader.ReadBoolean())
                cacheLookupCounters = CacheLookupPerfInfo.Deserialize(reader);

            if (!result.IndicatesNoOutput())
                // Successful result needs to be changed to not materialized because
                // the process outputs are not materialized on the local machine.
                result = PipResultStatus.NotMaterialized;

            var pipProperties  = ReadPipProperties(reader);
            var hasUserRetries = reader.ReadBoolean();

            var processExecutionResult = ExecutionResult.CreateSealed(

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a strong fingerprint and returns the deserialized contents of
        /// the input assertion list file that corresponds to it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sfp">The strong fingerprint to get the input assertion
        /// list file contents for</param>
        /// <param name="cacheErrors">Any cache errors that are found will be
        /// added to this collection</param>
        /// <returns>Deserialized contents of the input assertion list file
        /// corresponding to the specified strong fingerprint</returns>
        private async Task <string> GetInputAssertionListFileContentsAsync(StrongFingerprint sfp, ConcurrentDictionary <CacheError, int> cacheErrors)
            // Check for the NoItem
            if (sfp.CasElement.Equals(CasHash.NoItem))

            // Pin the input assertion list file
            Possible <string, Failure> possibleString = await m_readOnlySession.PinToCasAsync(sfp.CasElement).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!possibleString.Succeeded)

            // Get the stream for the input assertion list file
            Possible <Stream, Failure> possibleStream = await m_readOnlySession.GetStreamAsync(sfp.CasElement).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!possibleStream.Succeeded)
                    new CacheError(
                        "The input assertion list for SFP " + sfp.ToString() + " was not found in CAS"), 0);

            // Read the stream contents while hashing
            return(await Task.Run(() =>
                using (var hasher = ContentHashingUtilities.HashInfo.CreateContentHasher())
                    using (var hashingStream = hasher.CreateReadHashingStream(possibleStream.Result))
                        using (var reader = new BuildXLReader(false, hashingStream, false))
                            var maybePathSet = ObservedPathSet.TryDeserialize(s_pathTable, reader);

                            // Check if deserialization was successful
                            if (!maybePathSet.Succeeded)
                                // Deserialization failed
                                    new CacheError(
                                        "The input assertion list for SFP " + sfp.ToString() + " could not be deserialized"), 0);
                                return string.Empty;

                            CasHash newCasHash = new CasHash(hashingStream.GetContentHash());

                            // Check if the hashes match
                            if (!sfp.CasElement.Equals(newCasHash))
                                    new CacheError(
                                        "The input assertion list for SFP " + sfp.ToString() + " has been altered in the CAS"), 0);
                                return string.Empty;

                            // Deserialization was successful and file was unaltered
                            StringBuilder fileContents = new StringBuilder();
                            foreach (ObservedPathEntry entry in maybePathSet.Result.Paths)

                            return fileContents.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Check the input list against the regex
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="weak">The weak fingerprint (for logging on failure)</param>
        /// <param name="casElement">The CasElement of the strong fingerprint</param>
        /// <param name="hashElement">The hashElement of the strong fingerprint (for logging on failure)</param>
        /// <param name="urgencyHint">Pass-through</param>
        /// <param name="activityId">Pass-through activityId</param>
        /// <returns>false if the check was not performed, true if the checks were performed, failure if the regex checks failed</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This will attempt to validate the CAS stored input list against the regex rules
        /// </remarks>
        private async Task <Possible <bool, Failure> > CheckInputList(WeakFingerprintHash weak, CasHash casElement, Hash hashElement, UrgencyHint urgencyHint, Guid activityId)
            // If we either have no CasHash item or we have no regex to check, just return false
            // (that we did nothing)
            if (casElement.Equals(CasHash.NoItem) || ((Cache.MustIncludeRegex == null) && (Cache.MustNotIncludeRegex == null)))

            // mustInclude start out false if we need to check for mustInclude
            // Once we get a mustInclude match we no longer need to check.
            // If we have no mustInclude regex, we set it to true such that
            // we don't bother checking it
            bool mustInclude = Cache.MustIncludeRegex == null;

            // This is just to make a faster check for the MustNotinclude
            // case.  If we have the regex then we must check each entry
            // but in many cases we don't have the regex so let this be a quick out.
            bool checkMustNot = Cache.MustNotIncludeRegex != null;

            // Try to get the observed inputs from the CasHash given
            var possibleStream = await GetStreamAsync(casElement, urgencyHint, activityId);

            if (!possibleStream.Succeeded)
                // If we could not get a stream to the CasEntery in the fingerprint.
                return(new InputListFilterFailure(Cache.CacheId, weak, casElement, hashElement, "Failed to get stream of CasElement"));

            // Deserialize the contents of the path set.
            using (possibleStream.Result)
                PathTable     pathTable    = new PathTable();
                BuildXLReader reader       = new BuildXLReader(false, possibleStream.Result, true);
                var           maybePathSet = ObservedPathSet.TryDeserialize(pathTable, reader);
                if (maybePathSet.Succeeded)
                    // Deserialization was successful
                    foreach (ObservedPathEntry entry in maybePathSet.Result.Paths)
                        string filepath = entry.Path.ToString(pathTable);

                        // Have we seen a must-have entry yet?  If not check if this is one
                        // that way once we found one we want we stop checking this regex
                        if (!mustInclude)
                            mustInclude = Cache.MustIncludeRegex.IsMatch(filepath);

                        // Now, if we are looking for a must not include, we just check for that
                        // and if it matches we fail
                        if (checkMustNot)
                            if (Cache.MustNotIncludeRegex.IsMatch(filepath))
                                return(new InputListFilterFailure(Cache.CacheId, weak, casElement, hashElement, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Failed due to a MustNotInclude file: {0}", filepath)));
                    return(new InputListFilterFailure(Cache.CacheId, weak, casElement, hashElement, "Failed to deserialize observed inputs"));

            if (!mustInclude)
                return(new InputListFilterFailure(Cache.CacheId, weak, casElement, hashElement, "Failed due to not including at least one MustInclude file"));
