public void TestAddOrUpdate_TryRemove()
            var npc = new NotifyPropertyChangedImpl();

            const string testKey = "One";

            var ocd = new ObservableConcurrentDictionary <string, NotifyPropertyChangedImpl>();

            ocd.AddOrUpdate(testKey, npc, (s, impl) => throw new InvalidOperationException());

            // Register without doing, just to make sure we also test the event generation for now
            ocd.CollectionChanged += (sender, args) =>
                Log.Info().WriteLine($"Old location: {args.OldStartingIndex}");

            var isNpcTriggered = false;

            // Subscribe to the PropertyChanged
            using (ocd.OnPropertyChanged().Subscribe(args => isNpcTriggered = true))
                // change a value, a NPC is triggered
                npc.Name = "Robin1";
                // Test trigger

                // Reset the trigger test value
                isNpcTriggered = false;

                // Remove the item, this should remove the event registration
                Assert.True(ocd.TryRemove(testKey, out _));

                // change a value, a NPC is triggered
                npc.Name = "Robin2";
                // Make sure we DID NOT get the trigger