Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the recording session for webcam only.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frameRate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool ConfigureWebcamOnly(uint frameRate)

            var obsVideoInfo = new GenerateObsVideoInfoParameters
                BaseWidth    = Store.Data.Webcam.Source.Width,
                OutputWidth  = Store.Data.Webcam.Source.Width,
                BaseHeight   = Store.Data.Webcam.Source.Height,
                OutputHeight = Store.Data.Webcam.Source.Height,
                FrameRate    = GetFrameRate(frameRate)

            obs_video_info ovi = ObsHelper.GenerateObsVideoInfoObject(obsVideoInfo);

            if (!Obs.ResetVideo(ovi))

Esempio n. 2
        public void DetectClockJumpAndRepairTest()
            OFile ofile = OFile.Read(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Data", "rinex", "30900700.11o"));

            Assert.IsNotNull(ofile, "读取文件失败!");


            ObsHelper.DetectClockJumpAndRepair(ref ofile.Epoches, (int)ofile.Header.interval);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets and updates the video settings for video output.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool ResetVideoInfo(ResetVideoInfoParameters parameters)
            if (Store.Data.Obs.Presentation != null)
                if (Store.Data.Obs.Presentation.SelectedScene.GetName().ToLowerInvariant() != "main")

            Store.Data.Record.AppliedCrop = new obs_sceneitem_crop
                left   = parameters.CropLeft,
                top    = parameters.CropTop,
                right  = parameters.CropRight,
                bottom = parameters.CropBottom

            Store.Data.Record.ActiveScreen = ScreenHelper.GetScreen(parameters.ScreenX, parameters.ScreenY);

            //Set the proper display source
            if (Store.Data.Display.DisplaySource != null)
                ObsData displaySettings = new ObsData();
                displaySettings.SetBool("capture_cursor", true);

                displaySettings.SetInt("monitor", ObsHelper.GetObsDisplayValueFromScreen(Store.Data.Display.DisplaySource, Store.Data.Record.ActiveScreen));


            //Set the proper display bounds and crop
            if (Store.Data.Display.DisplayItem != null)
                Store.Data.Display.DisplayItem.SetBounds(new Vector2(0, 0), ObsBoundsType.None, ObsAlignment.Top);


            var obsVideoInfo = new GenerateObsVideoInfoParameters
                BaseWidth    = (uint)parameters.CanvasWidth,
                OutputWidth  = (uint)parameters.OutputWidth,
                BaseHeight   = (uint)parameters.CanvasHeight,
                OutputHeight = (uint)parameters.OutputHeight,
                FrameRate    = GetFrameRate(parameters.FrameRate)

            obs_video_info ovi = ObsHelper.GenerateObsVideoInfoObject(obsVideoInfo);

            if (!Obs.ResetVideo(ovi))

            Store.Data.Record.CanvasHeight = parameters.CanvasHeight;
            Store.Data.Record.CanvasWidth  = parameters.CanvasWidth;

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算对应o文件的P4,穿刺点
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oPath"></param>
        public static void Calculate(string oPath)
            FileInfo info = new FileInfo(oPath);

            if (info.Name.Length != 12)
                throw new ArgumentException("文件名称正确,请检查:" + info.FullName);

            // 分解出测站名,doy和年份
            string stationName;
            int    doy, year, week, dow;

            FileName.ParseRinex2(info.Name, out stationName, out doy, out year);

            Time.DOY2GPS(year, doy, out week, out dow);

            // 检查是否存在sp3文件
            string sp3Path = Path.Combine(info.DirectoryName, string.Format("igs{0}{1}.sp3", week, dow));

            if (!File.Exists(sp3Path))
                if (!Downloader.DownloadSp3(week, dow, info.DirectoryName))
                    throw new Exception("下载sp3文件失败...");

            // 读取文件
            OFile   oFile = new OFile(oPath);
            SP3File sp3   = new SP3File(sp3Path);


            //Observation.EliminateSatellites(ref oFile.AllEpoch);
            ObsHelper.CalP4(ref oFile.Epoches);
            ObsHelper.CalL4(ref oFile.Epoches);
            ObsHelper.DetectOutlier(ref oFile.Epoches);

            var arcs = oFile.Arcs;

            foreach (var prn in arcs.Keys)
                for (int i = 0; i < arcs[prn].Count; i++)
                    OArc arc = arcs[prn][i];
                    Smoother.SmoothP4ByL4(ref arc);

            double[,] ippb = new double[2880, 32];
            double[,] ippl = new double[2880, 32];
            double[,] sp4  = new double[2880, 32];

            if (oFile.Header.approxPos.X == 0d)
                throw new Exception("无法获得近似坐标");

            double recX = oFile.Header.approxPos.X;
            double recY = oFile.Header.approxPos.Y;
            double recZ = oFile.Header.approxPos.Z;

            double[] recp = { recX, recY, recZ };
            double   b, l, h;

            Coordinate.XYZ2BLH(recX, recY, recZ, out b, out l, out h, Ellipsoid.ELLIP_WGS84);
            for (int p = 0; p < arcs.Keys.Count; p++)
                string prn = arcs.Keys.ElementAt(p);
                for (int i = 0; i < arcs[prn].Count; i++)
                    OArc arc = arcs[prn][i];
                    List <double> x = new List <double>();
                    List <double> y = new List <double>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < arc.Length; j++)
                    PolynomialModel pm = new PolynomialModel();
                    pm.Order = 3;
                    pm.Fit(x, y);
                    var yy = pm.CalFit(x);
                    for (int j = 0; j < arc.Length; j++)
                        arc[j]["SP4"] = y[j] - yy[j];

                    for (int j = 0; j < arc.Length; j++)
                        GPST t0 = new GPST(arc[j].Epoch);
                        t0.AddSeconds(-arc[j]["P2"] / GeoFun.GNSS.Common.C0);

                        double[] satp = sp3.GetSatPos(t0, prn);
                        arc[j].SatCoor = satp;

                        double az, el;
                        MathHelper.CalAzEl(recp, satp, out az, out el);
                        double bb, ll;
                        MathHelper.CalIPP(b, l, 63781000, 450000, az, el, out bb, out ll);
                        arc[j].IPP[0]               = bb;
                        arc[j].IPP[1]               = ll;
                        arc[j].Azimuth              = az;
                        arc[j].Elevation            = el;
                        ippb[arc.StartIndex + j, p] = bb;
                        ippl[arc.StartIndex + j, p] = ll;

                        double tec = 9.52437 * arc[j]["SP4"];
                        if (tec > 0.5d || tec < -0.5d)
                            tec = 0d;
                        sp4[arc.StartIndex + j, p] = tec;

            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int j = i * 120; j < i * 120 + 120; j++)
                    var epoch = oFile.Epoches[j];
                    foreach (var prn in epoch.AllSat.Keys)
                        var sat = epoch[prn];
                        if (sat["SP4"] > 0.5d || sat["SP4"] < -0.5d)
                            sat["SP4"] = 0d;
                        if (sat["SP4"] != 0d)
                                            sat.IPP[1] * Angle.R2D,
                                            sat.IPP[0] * Angle.R2D,

                File.WriteAllText(string.Format("{0}.{1:0#}-{2:0#}.tec.txt", oPath, i, i + 1), sb.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8);

            //// 2个小时一幅图
            //for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
            //    List<double> lat = new List<double>();
            //    List<double> lon = new List<double>();
            //    List<double> tec = new List<double>();
            //    for (int j = i * 240; j < i * 240 + 240; j++)
            //    {
            //        if (j >= oFile.AllEpoch.Count)
            //        {
            //            break;
            //        }

            //        foreach (var item in oFile.AllEpoch[j].AllSat)
            //        {
            //            var epoch = oFile.AllEpoch[i].Epoch;
            //            var sunL0 = Coordinate.SunLon(epoch.CommonT.Hour,
            //                epoch.CommonT.Minute, (double)epoch.CommonT.second, 8);
            //            var sat = item.Value;
            //            if (sat["SP4"] != 0 && sat["SP4"] > 0)
            //            {
            //                lat.Add(sat.IPP[0]);
            //                lon.Add(sat.IPP[1] - sunL0);

            //                double vtec = Iono.STEC2VTEC(sat["SP4"], sat.Elevation);
            //                tec.Add(vtec);
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //    var shm = SphericalHamonicIonoModel.CalculateModel(5, 5, lat, lon, tec);
            //    for (int j = i * 240; j < i * 240 + 240; j++)
            //    {
            //        if (j - oFile.AllEpoch.Count >= 0)
            //        {
            //            break;
            //        }

            //        foreach (var item in oFile.AllEpoch[j].AllSat)
            //        {
            //            var epoch = oFile.AllEpoch[i].Epoch;
            //            var sunL0 = Coordinate.SunLon(epoch.CommonT.Hour,
            //                epoch.CommonT.Minute, (double)epoch.CommonT.second, 8);
            //            var sat = item.Value;
            //            if (sat["SP4"] != 0)
            //            {
            //                double sp4Est = shm.Calculate(sat.IPP[0], sat.IPP[1] - sunL0);
            //                double sp4Org = sat["SP4"];
            //                sat["SP4"] -= sp4Est;
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }

            Write(oPath + ".ipp.b.txt", ippb);
            Write(oPath + ".ipp.l.txt", ippl);
            Write(oPath + ".meas.p4.txt", sp4);