public void Analyze()
            int  errorCount = 0;
            ILog log        = Program.log;

            log.Info("getting all files ... might take some time");

            FileInfo[] allFiles = (from x in  _Storage.PartitionManager.AllDirectories
                                   from f in x.EnumerateFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                                   select f).ToArray();


            log.Info("parsing the sha256 from filename");
            IEnumerable <FileInfo>        files         = allFiles.Where(x => x.Name.EndsWith(ObjectStorage.OBJ_EXTENSION, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
            Dictionary <string, FileInfo> filesBySha256 = new Dictionary <string, FileInfo>();

            foreach (FileInfo f in files)
                string sha256 = f.Name.Substring(0, f.Name.Length - ObjectStorage.OBJ_EXTENSION.Length);
                filesBySha256.Add(sha256, f);

            log.Info("collecting all stored objects from manifest");
            Dictionary <string, ManifestItem> manifestBySha256 = _Storage.Manifest.ManifestObjects.ToDictionary(x => x.Sha256source);

            /// Phase 1
            log.Info("check if all manifest files are present as files");
            foreach (var x in manifestBySha256.Keys)
                if (!filesBySha256.ContainsKey(x))
                    log.Error("missing file in storage, which is present in the manifest! " + x);

            /// Phase 2
            log.Info("check if all files are present in the manifest");
            foreach (var x in filesBySha256.Keys)
                if (!manifestBySha256.ContainsKey(x))
                    log.Error("missing file in manifest, that was found in storage! " + x);

            /// Phase 3
            log.Info("check size of all files with the manifest");

            foreach (var hash in filesBySha256.Keys)
                ManifestItem mf;
                if (!manifestBySha256.TryGetValue(hash, out mf))

                long size  = mf.SizeTarget;
                long size2 = filesBySha256[hash].Length;

                if (size != size2)
                    log.Error("storage size mismatch! for " + hash);

            /// Phase 4
            log.Info("look for pending files");
            IEnumerable <FileInfo> pendingFiles = allFiles.Where(x => x.Name.EndsWith(ObjectStorage.PENDING_EXTENSION, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            foreach (var x in pendingFiles)
                log.Error("found pending file " + x.FullName);

            /// Phase 5
            log.Info("look for unknown files");

            foreach (var x in allFiles)
                if (!x.Name.EndsWith(ObjectStorage.OBJ_EXTENSION, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                    !x.Name.EndsWith(ObjectStorage.PENDING_EXTENSION, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    log.Error("unknown file " + x.FullName);

            /// Phase 6
            log.Info("look, if files from all inventories are present in manifest and nothing more");
            FileInfo[] invFiles = _Storage.GetInventoryFiles();

            HashSet <string> hashesFromAllInventories = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (FileInfo fi in invFiles)

                Inventory i = Inventory.FromXml(fi, _Configuration);

                IList <string> shas = i.Folder.AllFiles.Select(x => x.Sha256).ToList();

                foreach (string sha in shas)

                    if (!manifestBySha256.ContainsKey(sha))
                        log.Error("missing file in manifest from inventory " + fi.FullName + " " + sha);

            foreach (string sha in manifestBySha256.Keys)
                if (!hashesFromAllInventories.Contains(sha))
                    log.Error("found file in manifest, which is in no inventory " + sha);

            ManifestItem[] ml    = manifestBySha256.Values.ToArray();
            int            count = ml.Count();

            if (!_Fast)
                /// Phase 7
                    log.Info("test cecksums of all files in storage");

                    Action <ManifestItem> check = delegate(ManifestItem x)
                        string   shaTarget = x.Sha256target;
                        FileInfo fi        = new FileInfo(ObjectStorage.GetStorageTarget(x.Sha256source, _Storage.PartitionManager.GetDirByNumber(x.Partition)));
                        string   shaFile   = KeepHasher.GetHash(fi);

                        if (!string.Equals(shaTarget, shaFile, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            log.Error("storage hash mismatch! for " + x.Sha256source);
                            Interlocked.Increment(ref errorCount);

                    if (ml.Length > 0)
                            x => x.SizeSource,
                            x => x.Sha256source,
                            x => x.Sha256target,
                            x => check(x),

            if (_Decompress)
                // Phase 8 - SLOOWWW :-)
                log.Info("actually decode file and check size and checksum");
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    double percentFiles = ((double)i / (double)count) * 100.0;
                    Program.log.Info(string.Format("file {0} / {1} ({2:0.00}%)", i + 1, count, percentFiles));

                    var x = ml[i];

                    log.Info("checking decompression and decryption for " + x.Sha256source);

                    FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(ObjectStorage.GetStorageTarget(x.Sha256source, _Storage.PartitionManager.GetDirByNumber(x.Partition)));

                    long   sizeFile;
                    string shaFile = null;
                    using (Stream s = FileJob.JustDecryptAndDecompress(fi, _Configuration.Password, _Configuration.Salt))
                        sizeFile = s.Length;
                        shaFile  = KeepHasher.GetHash(s);

                    if (!string.Equals(x.Sha256source, shaFile, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        log.Error("decompressed and decrypted hash mismatch! for " + x.Sha256source);

                    if (x.SizeSource != sizeFile)
                        log.Error("decompressed and decrypted size mismatch! for " + x.Sha256source);

            log.Info(errorCount + " errors !!");