Esempio n. 1
        public static void Call(Arebis.CodeGeneration.IGenerationHost host,
                                IZetboxContext ctx,
                                Serialization.SerializationMembersList serializationList,
                                ObjectReferenceProperty prop)
            if (ctx == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ctx");
            if (prop == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("prop");
            if (!prop.IsList())
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("prop", "prop must be a List-valued property");

            string name            = prop.Name;
            string wrapperClass    = "OneNRelationList";
            var    rel             = RelationExtensions.Lookup(ctx, prop);
            var    relEnd          = rel.GetEnd(prop);
            var    otherEnd        = rel.GetOtherEnd(relEnd);
            var    exposedListType = rel.NeedsPositionStorage(otherEnd.GetRole()) ? "IList" : "ICollection";
            // the name of the position property
            var positionPropertyName = rel.NeedsPositionStorage(otherEnd.GetRole()) ? Construct.ListPositionPropertyName(otherEnd) : String.Empty;

            Call(host, ctx, serializationList, name, wrapperClass, exposedListType, rel, relEnd.GetRole(), positionPropertyName);
Esempio n. 2
        public static void Call(Arebis.CodeGeneration.IGenerationHost host,
            IZetboxContext ctx,
            Templates.Serialization.SerializationMembersList serializationList,
            ObjectReferenceProperty prop)
            if (host == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("host"); }
            if (ctx == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ctx"); }
            if (prop == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("prop"); }
            if (!prop.IsList()) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("prop", "prop must be a List-valued property"); }

            var rel = RelationExtensions.Lookup(ctx, prop);
            var relEnd = rel.GetEnd(prop);
            var otherEnd = rel.GetOtherEnd(relEnd);

            string name = prop.Name;

            // whether or not the collection will be eagerly loaded
            bool eagerLoading = relEnd.Navigator != null && relEnd.Navigator.EagerLoading;

            string wrapperName = "_" + name;
            string wrapperClass = "OneNRelationList";

            var exposedListType = otherEnd.HasPersistentOrder ? "IList" : "ICollection";
            // the name of the position property
            var positionPropertyName = rel.NeedsPositionStorage(otherEnd.GetRole()) ? Construct.ListPositionPropertyName(otherEnd) : String.Empty;
            var otherName = otherEnd.Navigator == null ? relEnd.RoleName : otherEnd.Navigator.Name;
            var referencedInterface = otherEnd.Type.GetDataTypeString();
            var referencedProxy = Mappings.ObjectClassHbm.GetProxyTypeReference(otherEnd.Type, host.Settings);

            Call(host, ctx, serializationList, name, eagerLoading, wrapperName, wrapperClass, exposedListType, positionPropertyName, otherName, referencedInterface, referencedProxy);
Esempio n. 3
        public static void Call(Arebis.CodeGeneration.IGenerationHost host,
                                IZetboxContext ctx,
                                Templates.Serialization.SerializationMembersList serializationList,
                                ObjectReferenceProperty prop)
            if (host == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("host");
            if (ctx == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ctx");
            if (prop == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("prop");
            if (!prop.IsList())
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("prop", "prop must be a List-valued property");

            var rel      = RelationExtensions.Lookup(ctx, prop);
            var relEnd   = rel.GetEnd(prop);
            var otherEnd = rel.GetOtherEnd(relEnd);

            string name = prop.Name;

            // whether or not the collection will be eagerly loaded
            bool eagerLoading = relEnd.Navigator != null && relEnd.Navigator.EagerLoading;

            string wrapperName  = "_" + name;
            string wrapperClass = "OneNRelationList";

            var exposedListType = otherEnd.HasPersistentOrder ? "IList" : "ICollection";
            // the name of the position property
            var positionPropertyName = rel.NeedsPositionStorage(otherEnd.GetRole()) ? Construct.ListPositionPropertyName(otherEnd) : String.Empty;
            var otherName            = otherEnd.Navigator == null ? relEnd.RoleName : otherEnd.Navigator.Name;
            var referencedInterface  = otherEnd.Type.GetDataTypeString();
            var referencedProxy      = Mappings.ObjectClassHbm.GetProxyTypeReference(otherEnd.Type, host.Settings);

            Call(host, ctx, serializationList, name, eagerLoading, wrapperName, wrapperClass, exposedListType, positionPropertyName, otherName, referencedInterface, referencedProxy);
Esempio n. 4
        public static void Call(Arebis.CodeGeneration.IGenerationHost host,
            IZetboxContext ctx,
            Serialization.SerializationMembersList serializationList,
            ObjectReferenceProperty prop)
            if (ctx == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ctx"); }
            if (prop == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("prop"); }
            if (!prop.IsList()) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("prop", "prop must be a List-valued property"); }

            string name = prop.Name;
            string wrapperClass = "OneNRelationList";
            var rel = RelationExtensions.Lookup(ctx, prop);
            var relEnd = rel.GetEnd(prop);
            var otherEnd = rel.GetOtherEnd(relEnd);
            var exposedListType = rel.NeedsPositionStorage(otherEnd.GetRole()) ? "IList" : "ICollection";
            // the name of the position property
            var positionPropertyName = rel.NeedsPositionStorage(otherEnd.GetRole()) ? Construct.ListPositionPropertyName(otherEnd) : String.Empty;

            Call(host, ctx, serializationList, name, wrapperClass, exposedListType, rel, relEnd.GetRole(), positionPropertyName);