Esempio n. 1
        void Objects_OnObjectUpdated(Simulator simulator, ObjectMovementUpdate update, ulong regionHandle, ushort timeDilation)
            if (!update.Avatar)
                Primitive prim;

                if (prims.TryGetValue(update.LocalID, out prim))
                    lock (prim)
                        if (Program.Verbosity > 1)
                            Logger.Log("Updating state for " + prim.ID.ToString(), Helpers.LogLevel.Info);

                        prim.Acceleration    = update.Acceleration;
                        prim.AngularVelocity = update.AngularVelocity;
                        prim.CollisionPlane  = update.CollisionPlane;
                        prim.Position        = update.Position;
                        prim.Rotation        = update.Rotation;
                        prim.PrimData.State  = update.State;
                        prim.Textures        = update.Textures;
                        prim.Velocity        = update.Velocity;

 public static void updateToPrim(Primitive prim, ObjectMovementUpdate update)
     prim.Acceleration    = update.Acceleration;
     prim.AngularVelocity = update.AngularVelocity;
     prim.CollisionPlane  = update.CollisionPlane;
     prim.Position        = update.Position;
     prim.Rotation        = update.Rotation;
     prim.PrimData.State  = update.State;
     if (update.Textures != null)
         prim.Textures = update.Textures;
     prim.Velocity = update.Velocity;
        public static ObjectMovementUpdate updateDiff(ObjectMovementUpdate fromPrim, ObjectMovementUpdate diff)
            ObjectMovementUpdate update;// = new ObjectMovementUpdate();

            update.LocalID         = fromPrim.LocalID;
            update.Avatar          = fromPrim.Avatar;
            update.Acceleration    = fromPrim.Acceleration - diff.Acceleration;
            update.AngularVelocity = fromPrim.AngularVelocity - diff.AngularVelocity;
            update.CollisionPlane  = fromPrim.CollisionPlane - diff.CollisionPlane;
            update.Position        = fromPrim.Position - diff.Position;
            update.Rotation        = fromPrim.Rotation - diff.Rotation;
            update.State           = (byte)(fromPrim.State - diff.State);
            update.Textures        = fromPrim.Textures != diff.Textures ? diff.Textures : null;
            update.Velocity        = fromPrim.Velocity - diff.Velocity;
        public void Objects_OnPrimitiveUpdateRealDead(Simulator simulator, ObjectMovementUpdate update, ulong regionHandle,
                                                      ushort timeDilation)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Objects_OnObjectProperties");
            /// return;
            if (simulator.Handle != regionHandle)
                Debug("Strange update" + simulator);
                //base.Objects_OnObjectUpdated(simulator, update, regionHandle, timeDilation);
            // return;
            //all things if (update.Avatar)

            Primitive av = GetPrimitive(update.LocalID, simulator);

            Objects_OnObjectUpdated1(simulator, av, update, regionHandle, timeDilation);
        public static ObjectMovementUpdate updatFromSimObject(SimObject from)
            ObjectMovementUpdate update = new ObjectMovementUpdate();

            if (from.Prim != null)
                update.Acceleration    = from.Prim.Acceleration;
                update.AngularVelocity = from.Prim.AngularVelocity;
                update.CollisionPlane  = from.Prim.CollisionPlane;
                update.Position        = from.Prim.Position;
                update.Rotation        = from.Prim.Rotation;
                update.State           = from.Prim.PrimData.State;
                if (from.Prim.Textures != null)
                    update.Textures = from.Prim.Textures;
                update.Velocity = from.Prim.Velocity;
                update.LocalID  = from.Prim.LocalID;
            update.Avatar = (from is SimAvatar);
Esempio n. 6
        public void OnTerseObjectUpdate(object sender, TerseObjectUpdateEventArgs e)
            ObjectMovementUpdate omu = e.Update;
            Avatar avatar;

            m_GridClient.Network.CurrentSim.ObjectsAvatars.TryGetValue(e.Update.LocalID, out avatar);

            if (avatar != null && avatar.Name != "")
                if (avatar.Name == CONDUCTOR)
                    m_ir.UpdateState(m_GridClient.Self.RelativePosition, avatar.Position);
                    Debug.WriteLine("UUID = " + avatar.ID);

                    if (Vector3.Distance(m_GridClient.Self.RelativePosition, avatar.Position) < 5)
                        Debug.WriteLine("collision happened between player and " + m_GridClient.Self.Name);

                // follow avatar
 public override void UpdateObject(ObjectMovementUpdate objectUpdate, ObjectMovementUpdate objectUpdateDiff)
Esempio n. 8
        // Processes object update packets (Avatars and Objects entering drawing distance)
        private Packet ProcessObjectUpdate(Packet packet, IPEndPoint endpoint)
            ObjectUpdatePacket update = (ObjectUpdatePacket)packet;

            for (int b = 0; b < update.ObjectData.Length; b++)
                ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock block = update.ObjectData[b];

                ObjectMovementUpdate objectupdate = new ObjectMovementUpdate();
                NameValue[]          nameValues;
                string firstname = "";
                string lastname  = "";
                PCode  pcode     = (PCode)block.PCode;

                #region NameValue parsing

                string nameValue = Utils.BytesToString(block.NameValue);
                if (nameValue.Length > 0)
                    string[] lines = nameValue.Split('\n');
                    nameValues = new NameValue[lines.Length];

                    for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lines[i]))
                            NameValue nv = new NameValue(lines[i]);
                            if (nv.Name == "FirstName")
                                firstname = nv.Value.ToString();
                            if (nv.Name == "LastName")
                                lastname = nv.Value.ToString();
                            nameValues[i] = nv;
                    nameValues = new NameValue[0];

                #endregion NameValue parsing

                #region Decode Object (primitive) parameters
                Primitive.ConstructionData data = new Primitive.ConstructionData();
                data.State            = block.State;
                data.Material         = (Material)block.Material;
                data.PathCurve        = (PathCurve)block.PathCurve;
                data.profileCurve     = block.ProfileCurve;
                data.PathBegin        = Primitive.UnpackBeginCut(block.PathBegin);
                data.PathEnd          = Primitive.UnpackEndCut(block.PathEnd);
                data.PathScaleX       = Primitive.UnpackPathScale(block.PathScaleX);
                data.PathScaleY       = Primitive.UnpackPathScale(block.PathScaleY);
                data.PathShearX       = Primitive.UnpackPathShear((sbyte)block.PathShearX);
                data.PathShearY       = Primitive.UnpackPathShear((sbyte)block.PathShearY);
                data.PathTwist        = Primitive.UnpackPathTwist(block.PathTwist);
                data.PathTwistBegin   = Primitive.UnpackPathTwist(block.PathTwistBegin);
                data.PathRadiusOffset = Primitive.UnpackPathTwist(block.PathRadiusOffset);
                data.PathTaperX       = Primitive.UnpackPathTaper(block.PathTaperX);
                data.PathTaperY       = Primitive.UnpackPathTaper(block.PathTaperY);
                data.PathRevolutions  = Primitive.UnpackPathRevolutions(block.PathRevolutions);
                data.PathSkew         = Primitive.UnpackPathTwist(block.PathSkew);
                data.ProfileBegin     = Primitive.UnpackBeginCut(block.ProfileBegin);
                data.ProfileEnd       = Primitive.UnpackEndCut(block.ProfileEnd);
                data.ProfileHollow    = Primitive.UnpackProfileHollow(block.ProfileHollow);
                data.PCode            = pcode;

                #region Decode Additional packed parameters in ObjectData
                int pos = 0;
                switch (block.ObjectData.Length)
                case 76:
                    // Collision normal for avatar
                    objectupdate.CollisionPlane = new Vector4(block.ObjectData, pos);
                    pos += 16;
                    goto case 60;

                case 60:
                    // Position
                    objectupdate.Position = new Vector3(block.ObjectData, pos);
                    pos += 12;
                    // Velocity
                    objectupdate.Velocity = new Vector3(block.ObjectData, pos);
                    pos += 12;
                    // Acceleration
                    objectupdate.Acceleration = new Vector3(block.ObjectData, pos);
                    pos += 12;
                    // Rotation (theta)
                    objectupdate.Rotation = new Quaternion(block.ObjectData, pos, true);
                    pos += 12;
                    // Angular velocity (omega)
                    objectupdate.AngularVelocity = new Vector3(block.ObjectData, pos);
                    pos += 12;

                case 48:
                    // Collision normal for avatar
                    objectupdate.CollisionPlane = new Vector4(block.ObjectData, pos);
                    pos += 16;
                    goto case 32;

                case 32:
                    // The data is an array of unsigned shorts

                    // Position
                    objectupdate.Position = new Vector3(
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -0.5f * 256.0f, 1.5f * 256.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -0.5f * 256.0f, 1.5f * 256.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 4, -256.0f, 3.0f * 256.0f));
                    pos += 6;
                    // Velocity
                    objectupdate.Velocity = new Vector3(
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 4, -256.0f, 256.0f));
                    pos += 6;
                    // Acceleration
                    objectupdate.Acceleration = new Vector3(
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 4, -256.0f, 256.0f));
                    pos += 6;
                    // Rotation (theta)
                    objectupdate.Rotation = new Quaternion(
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -1.0f, 1.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -1.0f, 1.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 4, -1.0f, 1.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 6, -1.0f, 1.0f));
                    pos += 8;
                    // Angular velocity (omega)
                    objectupdate.AngularVelocity = new Vector3(
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 4, -256.0f, 256.0f));
                    pos += 6;

                case 16:
                    // The data is an array of single bytes (8-bit numbers)

                    // Position
                    objectupdate.Position = new Vector3(
                        Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                        Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 1, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                        Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -256.0f, 256.0f));
                    pos += 3;
                    // Velocity
                    objectupdate.Velocity = new Vector3(
                        Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                        Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 1, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                        Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -256.0f, 256.0f));
                    pos += 3;
                    // Accleration
                    objectupdate.Acceleration = new Vector3(
                        Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                        Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 1, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                        Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -256.0f, 256.0f));
                    pos += 3;
                    // Rotation
                    objectupdate.Rotation = new Quaternion(
                        Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -1.0f, 1.0f),
                        Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 1, -1.0f, 1.0f),
                        Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -1.0f, 1.0f),
                        Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 3, -1.0f, 1.0f));
                    pos += 4;
                    // Angular Velocity
                    objectupdate.AngularVelocity = new Vector3(
                        Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                        Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 1, -256.0f, 256.0f),
                        Utils.ByteToFloat(block.ObjectData, pos + 2, -256.0f, 256.0f));
                    pos += 3;

                    SayToUser("ERROR: Got an ObjectUpdate block with ObjectUpdate field length of " + block.ObjectData.Length);

                // Determine the object type and create the appropriate class
                switch (pcode)
                    #region Prim and Foliage
                case PCode.Grass:
                case PCode.Tree:
                case PCode.NewTree:
                case PCode.Prim:
                    #endregion Prim and Foliage

                    #region Avatar
                case PCode.Avatar:
                    if (block.FullID == this.frame.AgentID)
                        mylocalid = block.ID;

                    #region Create an Avatar from the decoded data

                    Avatar avatar = new Avatar();
                    if (Avatars.ContainsKey(block.ID))
                        avatar = Avatars[block.ID];

                    objectupdate.Avatar = true;
                    // Textures
                    objectupdate.Textures = new Primitive.TextureEntry(block.TextureEntry, 0,

                    uint oldSeatID = avatar.ParentID;

                    avatar.ID              = block.FullID;
                    avatar.LocalID         = block.ID;
                    avatar.CollisionPlane  = objectupdate.CollisionPlane;
                    avatar.Position        = objectupdate.Position;
                    avatar.Velocity        = objectupdate.Velocity;
                    avatar.Acceleration    = objectupdate.Acceleration;
                    avatar.Rotation        = objectupdate.Rotation;
                    avatar.AngularVelocity = objectupdate.AngularVelocity;
                    avatar.NameValues      = nameValues;
                    avatar.PrimData        = data;
                    if (block.Data.Length > 0)
                        SayToUser("ERROR: Unexpected Data field for an avatar update, length " + block.Data.Length);
                    avatar.ParentID     = block.ParentID;
                    avatar.RegionHandle = update.RegionData.RegionHandle;

                    // Textures
                    avatar.Textures = objectupdate.Textures;

                    // Save the avatar
                    lock (Avatars) Avatars[block.ID] = avatar;

                    // Fill up the translation dictionaries
                    lock (AvatarIDtoUUID) AvatarIDtoUUID[block.ID] = block.FullID;
                    lock (AvatarUUIDtoID) AvatarUUIDtoID[block.FullID] = block.ID;
                    lock (AvatarUUIDToName) AvatarUUIDToName[block.FullID] = firstname + " " + lastname;
                    lock (AvatarNameToUUID) AvatarNameToUUID[firstname + " " + lastname] = block.FullID;

                    #endregion Create an Avatar from the decoded data

                    #endregion Avatar

                case PCode.ParticleSystem:
//                            ConsoleWriteLine("ERROR: Got a particle system update.");
//                            // TODO: Create a callback for particle updates

                    SayToUser("ERROR: Got an ObjectUpdate block with an unrecognized PCode " + pcode.ToString());
        private Object notifyUpdate(SimObject objectUpdated, ObjectMovementUpdate before, ObjectMovementUpdate after, DoWhat didUpdate)
            ObjectMovementUpdate diff  = updateDiff(before, after);
            bool wasChanged            = false;
            bool wasPositionUpdateSent = false;

            if (before.Acceleration != after.Acceleration)
                after.Acceleration =
                    didUpdate(objectUpdated, "Acceleration", before.Acceleration, after.Acceleration, diff.Acceleration);
                wasChanged = true;
            if (before.AngularVelocity != after.AngularVelocity)
                after.AngularVelocity =
                    didUpdate(objectUpdated, "AngularVelocity", before.AngularVelocity, after.AngularVelocity,
                wasChanged = true;
            if (false)
                if (before.CollisionPlane != after.CollisionPlane)
                    after.CollisionPlane =
                        didUpdate(objectUpdated, "CollisionPlane", before.CollisionPlane, after.CollisionPlane,
                    wasChanged = true;
            if (before.Position != after.Position)
                after.Position =
                    (Vector3)didUpdate(objectUpdated, "Position", before.Position, after.Position, diff.Position);
                wasChanged            = true;
                wasPositionUpdateSent = true;
            Quaternion diff1 = before.Rotation - after.Rotation;

            if (diff1.Length() > 0.1f)
                after.Rotation =
                    (Quaternion)didUpdate(objectUpdated, "Rotation", before.Rotation, after.Rotation, diff.Rotation);
                wasChanged = true;
            if (false)
                if (before.State != after.State)
                    didUpdate(objectUpdated, "State", before.State, after.State, diff.State);
                    wasChanged = true;
            if (before.Textures != after.Textures)
                //didUpdate(objectUpdated, "Textures", before.Textures, after.Textures, diff.Textures);
                //wasChanged = true;
            if (before.Velocity != after.Velocity)
                // didUpdate(objectUpdated, "Velocity", before.Velocity, after.Velocity, diff.Velocity);
                if (before.Velocity == Vector3.Zero)
                    SendNewUpdateEvent("on-object-start-velocity", objectUpdated, after.Velocity);
                    if (!wasPositionUpdateSent)
                        SendNewUpdateEvent("on-object-position", objectUpdated, after.Position);
                else if (after.Velocity == Vector3.Zero)
                    if (!wasPositionUpdateSent)
                        SendNewUpdateEvent("on-object-position", objectUpdated, after.Position);
                    SendNewUpdateEvent("on-object-stop-velocity", objectUpdated, -before.Velocity);
                    //SendNewUpdateEvent("on-object-change-velosity", objectUpdated, after.Velocity);
                    if (!wasPositionUpdateSent)
                        SendNewUpdateEvent("on-object-position", objectUpdated, after.Position);
                wasChanged = true;
            if (!wasChanged)
        public void Objects_OnObjectUpdated1(Simulator simulator, Primitive objectUpdated, ObjectMovementUpdate update, ulong regionHandle,
                                             ushort timeDilation)
            if (!IsMaster(simulator))
            if (objectUpdated != null)
                //lock (objectUpdated)
                    // other OMV code already updated the Primitive
                    // updateToPrim(prim, update);

                    if (objectUpdated.Properties != null)
                        DeclareProperties(objectUpdated, objectUpdated.Properties, simulator);
                        describePrimToAI(objectUpdated, simulator);
                        EnsureSelected(objectUpdated, simulator);

                    // Make a Last Object Update from the Primitive if we knew nothing about it
                    if (MaintainObjectUpdates)
                        SimObject simObject = GetSimObject(objectUpdated, simulator);
                        if (simObject != null)
                            lock (LastObjectUpdate)
                                if (!LastObjectUpdate.ContainsKey(simObject))
                                    LastObjectUpdate[simObject] = updatFromSimObject(simObject);
                            if (m_TheSimAvatar != null)
                                //double dist = simObject.Distance(TheSimAvatar);
                                //if (dist > 30 && !update.Avatar) return;
                            // Make a "diff" from previous
                            ObjectMovementUpdate up;
                            lock (LastObjectUpdate) up = LastObjectUpdate[simObject];
                            Object diffO = notifyUpdate(simObject, up, update,
                            if (diffO != null)
                                ObjectMovementUpdate diff = (ObjectMovementUpdate)diffO;
                                //if (lastObjectUpdateDiff.ContainsKey(objectUpdated.ID))
                                //    notifyUpdate(objectUpdated, lastObjectUpdateDiff[objectUpdated.ID], diff, InformUpdateDiff);
                                lock (LastObjectUpdateDiff) LastObjectUpdateDiff[objectUpdated.ID] = diff;

                                // someThingElseNeedsUpdate(objectUpdated);
                                //  needsOsdDiff = true;
                            ObjectMovementUpdate TheDiff = default(ObjectMovementUpdate);
                            lock (LastObjectUpdateDiff)
                                if (LastObjectUpdateDiff.ContainsKey(objectUpdated.ID))
                                    TheDiff = LastObjectUpdateDiff[objectUpdated.ID];
                                    LastObjectUpdateDiff[objectUpdated.ID] = TheDiff;
                            simObject.UpdateObject(update, TheDiff);
                            lock (LastObjectUpdate) LastObjectUpdate[simObject] = update;
                //WriteLine("missing Objects_OnObjectUpdated");
        private void Objects_OnPrimitiveUpdateReal(Simulator simulator, Primitive av, ObjectMovementUpdate update, ulong RegionHandle, ushort TimeDilation)
            if (!IsMaster(simulator))
            if (av == null)
            if (av.ID == UUID.Zero)
                return; // too early
            SimObject AV = null;
            Object    Obj;

            //lock (uuidTypeObject)
            if (UUIDTypeObjectTryGetValue(av.ID, out Obj))
                AV = Obj as SimObject;
                if (av.ID == client.Self.AgentID)
                    AV = GetSimObject(av, simulator);
            if (AV != null)
                Primitive prev = AV.Prim;
                if (prev == null)
                if (av.ParentID == 0 && !SimRegion.OutOfRegion(av.Position))
                    AV.ResetPrim(av, client, simulator);
                if (prev != null)
                    // parent changed?
                    if (prev.ParentID != av.ParentID)
                        AV.Parent = null;

                if (av.ParentID == 0 && !SimRegion.OutOfRegion(update.Position))
                    if (update.Avatar)
                        SimRegion.GetRegion(simulator).UpdateTraveled(av.ID, av.Position, av.Rotation);
                if (!MaintainObjectUpdates)
                EventQueue.Enqueue(() => Objects_OnObjectUpdated1(simulator, av, updatFromSimObject(AV), RegionHandle, TimeDilation));
        private void PrimtiveBlockUpdate(Simulator simulator, ObjectMovementUpdate objectupdate0,
                                         Primitive prim, ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock block, Primitive.ConstructionData data)
            bool isNewPrim = prim.Scale == Vector3.Zero && prim.Position == Vector3.Zero && prim.NameValues == null;

            if (prim.ID == UUID.Zero)
                if (!simulator.Client.Settings.OBJECT_TRACKING)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Need to enable object tracking!!");
                SimObject O = GetSimObjectFromUUID(block.FullID);
                if (O == null)
                    Debug("PrimData ZERO for " + prim);
                    if (block.ID > 0)
                        uint localID = block.ID;
                        prim.LocalID = localID;
                        prim.ID      = block.FullID;
                        // var p = simulator.Client.Objects.GetPrimitive(simulator, block.ID, block.FullID, false);
                        // simulator.GetPrimitive(
                    Debug("SimData ZERO for " + prim);
                    uint localID = block.ID;
                    prim.LocalID  = localID;
                    prim.ID       = block.FullID;
                    O.IsDebugging = true;
            // else
                if (prim.RegionHandle == simulator.Handle && prim.ID != UUID.Zero)
                    if (!prim.PrimData.Equals(data)

                        /* || prim.Scale != block.Scale
                        || prim.Position != objectupdate.Position
                        || prim.Rotation != objectupdate.Rotation
                        || prim.ParentID != block.ParentID*/
                        SimObject O = GetSimObjectFromUUID(prim.ID);
                        if (O != null)
                            if (!isNewPrim)
                                Debug("PrimData changed for " + prim);
                            // the old OnNewPrim code will force the reindexing
                            //Debug("PrimData new for " + prim);
                            O = GetSimObject(prim, simulator);
                    if (!isNewPrim)
                        DeclareProperties(prim, prim.Properties, simulator);
                        SendNewRegionEvent(SimEventType.DATA_UPDATE, "on-data-updated", prim);
                    //Objects_OnPrimitiveUpdate(simulator, prim, objectupdate0, simulator.Handle, 0);
                    //if (prim.RegionHandle == 0)
                    //    prim.RegionHandle = simulator.Handle;
                    if (prim.ID != UUID.Zero)
                        SimObject O = GetSimObjectFromUUID(prim.ID);
                        if (O != null && prim.Properties != null && prim.RegionHandle == simulator.Handle)
                            Objects_OnPrimitiveUpdateReal(simulator, prim, objectupdate0, simulator.Handle, 0);
                            //O = GetSimObject(prim, simulator);