/// <summary>
        /// Create an instance using the Agent configuration file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="agentConfig">Configuration file for the SIF Agent.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">agentConfig parameter is null.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="Systemic.Sif.Framework.Publisher.IteratorException">Error parsing student details from the Agent configuration file.</exception>
        public StudentPersonalIterator(AgentConfig agentConfig)
            if (agentConfig == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("agentConfig parameter is null.");

            Mappings mappings = agentConfig.Mappings.GetMappings("Default");

            if (mappings == null)
                throw new IteratorException("<mappings id=\"Default\"> has not been specified for Agent " + agentConfig.SourceId + ".");

            objectMapping = mappings.GetObjectMapping(typeof(StudentPersonal).Name, true);

            if (objectMapping == null)
                throw new IteratorException("An object mapping for StudentPersonal has not been specified for Agent " + agentConfig.SourceId + ".");

            string      xml        = objectMapping.XmlElement.InnerXml;
            IElementDef elementDef = Adk.Dtd.LookupElementDef(objectMapping.ObjectType);

                studentPersonal = (StudentPersonal)sifParser.Parse(xml);
            catch (AdkParsingException e)
                throw new IteratorException("The following event message from StudentPersonalIterator has parsing errors: " + xml + ".", e);
 public void Apply <T>(SerializationRegistry registry, ObjectMapping <T> mapping)
     // Java field naming convention.
     mapping.SetNamingConvention(new CamelCaseNamingConvention());
     // Do not serialize properties, only fields. Include both public and private fields.
     CollectFields(mapping, mapping.ObjectType);
Esempio n. 3
 public AccountHandler()
     TryLoadFromStorage = false;
     LastErrorMessage   = "";
     m_oObjectMapping   = new ObjectMapping();
     m_oSearchObjects   = new ObjectTextSearch();
     m_oAccounts        = new ObservableRangeCollection <IAccountInterface>();
Esempio n. 4
            public void Apply <T>(JsonSerializerOptions options, ObjectMapping <T> objectMapping)
                _defaultConvention.Apply(options, objectMapping);

                // restrict to members holding JsonPropertyNameAttribute
                                                .Where(m => m.MemberInfo != null && m.MemberInfo.IsDefined(typeof(JsonPropertyNameAttribute)))
Esempio n. 5
            public void Apply <T>(SerializationRegistry registry, ObjectMapping <T> objectMapping)
                _defaultConvention.Apply(registry, objectMapping);

                // restrict to members holding CborPropertyAttribute
                                                .Where(m => m.MemberInfo != null && m.MemberInfo.IsDefined(typeof(CborPropertyAttribute)))
Esempio n. 6
 protected void Application_Start()
     if (!ZooKeeperHelper.Exists(ZooKeeperHelper.ZooKeeperRootNode))
         ZooKeeperHelper.Create(ZooKeeperHelper.ZooKeeperRootNode, null);
     new AppHost().Init();
        public GameObject CreateMesh(CityModel cityModel, Vector3RD origin)
            GameObject container = new GameObject();

            //Terraindata terrainData = container.AddComponent<Terraindata>();

            verts = GetVerts(cityModel, origin);
            List <Vector3> newVerts = new List <Vector3>();

            triangleLists = GetTriangleLists(cityModel);

            Vector2Int textureSize = ObjectIDMapping.GetTextureSize(triangleLists.Count);


            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

            List <int>     triangles      = new List <int>();
            List <string>  objectIDs      = new List <string>();
            List <Vector2> uvs            = new List <Vector2>();
            List <int>     vectorIDs      = new List <int>();
            List <int>     triangleCount  = new List <int>();
            int            objectIDNumber = 0;
            int            vertexCounter  = 0;

            foreach (var item in triangleLists)
                vertexCounter = 0;
                Vector2 uv = ObjectIDMapping.GetUV(objectIDNumber, textureSize);
                foreach (int vertexIndex in item.Value)
                    triangles.Add(newVerts.Count - 1);

            mesh.indexFormat = UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt32;
            mesh.vertices    = newVerts.ToArray();
            mesh.triangles   = triangles.ToArray();
            mesh.uv          = uvs.ToArray();
            container.AddComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh;
            ObjectMapping objectMapping = container.AddComponent <ObjectMapping>();

            objectMapping.vectorIDs     = vectorIDs;
            objectMapping.BagID         = objectIDs;
            objectMapping.TriangleCount = triangleCount;
    public void Apply <T>(JsonSerializerOptions options, ObjectMapping <T> objectMapping) where T : class
        defaultObjectMappingConvention.Apply <T>(options, objectMapping);

        // use Autofac to create types that have been registered with it
        if (_container.IsRegistered(objectType))
            objectMapping.MapCreator(o => _container.Resolve <T>());
Esempio n. 9
 public void Apply <T>(JsonSerializerOptions options, ObjectMapping <T> objectMapping)
     defaultObjectMappingConvention.Apply <T>(options, objectMapping);
     foreach (IMemberMapping memberMapping in objectMapping.MemberMappings)
         if (memberMapping is MemberMapping <T> member)
             member.SetShouldSerializeMethod(o => fields.Contains(member.MemberName.ToLower()));
Esempio n. 10
            public void Apply <T>(JsonSerializerOptions options, ObjectMapping <T> objectMapping)
                _defaultConvention.Apply(options, objectMapping);

                foreach (IMemberMapping memberMapping in objectMapping.MemberMappings)
                    if (_fieldNameChanges.Count > 0 && _fieldNameChanges.TryGetValue(memberMapping.MemberInfo.Name, out string newName))
                        memberMapping.MemberName = newName;
            public void Apply <T>(SerializationRegistry registry, ObjectMapping <T> mapping)
                // Java field naming convention.
                mapping.SetNamingConvention(new CamelCaseNamingConvention());
                // Do not serialize properties, only fields. Include both public and private fields.
                CollectFields(mapping, mapping.ObjectType);
                // Allow serialization of objects without default constructor. We don't need deserialization.
                var constructors = mapping.ObjectType.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

                if (!constructors.Any(c => c.GetParameters().Length == 0))
                    mapping.SetCreatorMapping(new NoDefaultConstructor());
Esempio n. 12
        public void Reindex()

            var indexDefinition = new RootObjectMapping
                Properties = new Dictionary <PropertyNameMarker, IElasticType>()

            var paramsProperty = new ObjectMapping
                Properties = new Dictionary <PropertyNameMarker, IElasticType>()

            var numberMapping = new NumberMapping();
            var boolMapping   = new BooleanMapping();
            var stringMapping = new StringMapping
                Index = FieldIndexOption.NotAnalyzed

            IEnumerable <object> properties = GetAllProperties();

            foreach (var property in properties)
                //switch (property.DataType)
                //    case DataType.Logic:
                //        paramsProperty.Properties.Add(property.Id, boolMapping);
                //        break;
                //    case DataType.Numeric:
                //        paramsProperty.Properties.Add(property.Id, numberMapping);
                //        break;
                //    case DataType.Text:
                //        paramsProperty.Properties.Add(property.Id, stringMapping);
                //        break;

            indexDefinition.Properties.Add(Property.Name <ProductIndex>(p => p.Params), paramsProperty);
            indexDefinition.Properties.Add(Property.Name <ProductIndex>(p => p.Id), stringMapping);
            indexDefinition.Properties.Add(Property.Name <ProductIndex>(p => p.CategoryId), stringMapping);

            _client.Map <ProductIndex>(x => x.InitializeUsing(indexDefinition));

            IEnumerable <Product> products = GetAllProducts();

Esempio n. 13
 // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
 public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
     services.AddSession(options =>
         // Set a short timeout for easy testing.
         options.IdleTimeout     = TimeSpan.FromHours(2);
         options.Cookie.HttpOnly = true;
         // Make the session cookie essential
         options.Cookie.IsEssential = true;
Esempio n. 14
        public void testFieldMapping010()
            StudentPersonal sp       = new StudentPersonal();
            Mappings        mappings = fCfg.Mappings.GetMappings("Default");
            IDictionary     map      = buildIDictionaryForStudentPersonalTest();

            // Add a "default" to the middle name rule and assert that it gets
            // created
            ObjectMapping om             = mappings.GetObjectMapping("StudentPersonal", false);
            FieldMapping  middleNameRule = om.GetRule(3);

            middleNameRule.DefaultValue = "Jerry";

            StringMapAdaptor adaptor = new StringMapAdaptor(map);

            mappings.MapOutbound(adaptor, sp);
            SifWriter writer = new SifWriter(Console.Out);


            // For the purposes of this test, all we care about is the Ethnicity
            // mapping.
            // It should have the default outbound value we specified, which is "7"
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Middle Name should be Jerry", "Jerry", sp

            // Now, remap the student back into application fields
            IDictionary restoredData = new Hashtable();

            adaptor.Dictionary = restoredData;
            mappings.MapInbound(sp, adaptor);

            Assertion.AssertEquals("Middle Name should be Jerry", "Jerry",

            sp.Name.LastName = null;
            // Now, remap the student back into application fields
            restoredData       = new Hashtable();
            adaptor.Dictionary = restoredData;
            mappings.MapInbound(sp, adaptor);

            Object lastName = restoredData["LAST_NAME"];

            Assertion.AssertNull("Last Name should be null", lastName);
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor. Takes the path to the xml map file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapFile"></param>
        public ObjectMapper(string mapFile)
            mapList = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            StreamReader  str         = new StreamReader(mapFile);
            XmlSerializer xSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ObjectMapping));

            ObjectMapping deserialized = (ObjectMapping)xSerializer.Deserialize(str);

            foreach (var mapping in deserialized.Mapping)
                mapList.Add(mapping.src.FirstOrDefault().Value, mapping.dest.FirstOrDefault().Value);

Esempio n. 16
            static void CollectFields <T>(ObjectMapping <T> mapping, Type type)
                // Reflection will not give us private fields of base classes, so walk base classes explicitly.
                var parent = type.BaseType;

                if (parent != null)
                    CollectFields(mapping, parent);
                foreach (var field in type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly))
                    if (field.GetCustomAttribute <CompilerGeneratedAttribute>() == null)
                        mapping.MapMember(field, field.FieldType);
        private Mappings buildMappings1()
            // root
            Mappings root = new Mappings();

            // root.Default
            Mappings defaults = new Mappings(root, "Default", null, null, null);


            // root.Default.StudentPersonal
            ObjectMapping studentMappings = new ObjectMapping("StudentPersonal");

            studentMappings.AddRule(new FieldMapping("REFID", "@RefId"));

            // root.Default.MA
            Mappings massachusetts = new Mappings(defaults, "MA", null, null, null);


            // root.Default.MA.StudentPersonal
            studentMappings = new ObjectMapping("StudentPersonal");
            studentMappings.AddRule(new FieldMapping("LOCALID", "LocalId"));
            studentMappings.AddRule(new FieldMapping("FIRSTNAME",
            studentMappings.AddRule(new FieldMapping("LASTNAME",

            // root.Default.MA.Boston
            Mappings boston = new Mappings(massachusetts, "Boston", null, "Boston",


            // root.Default.MA.Boston.StudentPersonal
            studentMappings = new ObjectMapping("StudentPersonal");
            studentMappings.AddRule(new FieldMapping("BIRTHDAY",

Esempio n. 18
        public void testCreateMappings()
            // Create the root instance
            Mappings root = new Mappings();
            // Create the default set of universal mappings
            Mappings defaults = new Mappings(root, "Default");


            // Create an ObjectMapping for StudentPersonal
            ObjectMapping studentMappings = new ObjectMapping("StudentPersonal");

            // Add field rules
            studentMappings.AddRule(new FieldMapping("FIRSTNAME",
            studentMappings.AddRule(new FieldMapping("LASTNAME",

            // Create a set of mappings for the state of Wisconsin
            Mappings wisconsin = new Mappings(defaults, "Wisconsin");

            // Create a set of mappings for the Neillsville School District
            Mappings neillsville = new Mappings(wisconsin, "Neillsville");


            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument( );


            XmlElement n = root.ToDom(doc);

Esempio n. 19
 protected void Application_Start()
 public void Visit(ObjectMapping mapping)
Esempio n. 21
            public void Apply <T>(JsonSerializerOptions options, ObjectMapping <T> objectMapping)
                _defaultConvention.Apply(options, objectMapping);

Esempio n. 22
         * Asserts that the provided set of Mappings matches the one that was
         * created in createMappings();

        private void assertMappings(Mappings m)
            Mappings test = m.GetMappings("Test");

            Assertion.AssertNotNull("Test mappings is not present", test);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Should have a single Object Mapping", 1, test.GetObjectMappings().Length);

            // TODO: Test the version and sourceId filters more carefully

             * Assertion.AssertEquals( "SifVersion attr should be empty", 0,
             * test.SifVersionFilter().Length ); Assertion.AssertEquals( "SourceId attr
             * should be empty", 0, test.SourceIdFilter().Length ); Assertion.AssertEquals(
             * "Zone attr should be empty", 0, test.ZoneIdFilter().Length );

            // assert the object mapping
            ObjectMapping om = test.GetObjectMapping("StudentPersonal", false);

            Assertion.AssertNotNull("StudentPersonal mappings", om);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("There should be five rules", 5, om.RuleCount);
            IList <FieldMapping> rules = om.GetRulesList(false);

            // Field 1
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD1 name", "FIELD1", rules[0].FieldName);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD1 rule", "Name/FirstName", rules[0].GetRule().ToString());
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD1 ifNull", MappingBehavior.IfNullUnspecified, rules[0].NullBehavior);

            // Field 2
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD2 name", "FIELD2", rules[1].FieldName);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD2 rule", "Name/LastName", rules[1].GetRule().ToString());
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD2 valueset", "VS1", rules[1].ValueSetID);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD2 alias", "ALIAS1", rules[1].Alias);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD2 default", "DEFAULT1", rules[1].DefaultValue);
            MappingsFilter filter = rules[1].Filter;

            Assertion.AssertNotNull("FIELD2 filter is null", filter);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("filter direction", MappingDirection.Inbound, filter
            Assertion.AssertEquals("filter sif version", "=" + SifVersion.SIF11.ToString(),

            // Field 3
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD3 name", "FIELD3", rules[2].FieldName);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD3 rule", "Name/MiddleName", rules[2].GetRule().ToString());
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD3 valueset", "VS2", rules[2].ValueSetID);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD3 alias", "ALIAS2", rules[2].Alias);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD3 default", "DEFAULT2", rules[2].DefaultValue);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD3 ifNull", MappingBehavior.IfNullDefault, rules[2].NullBehavior);
            MappingsFilter filter2 = rules[2].Filter;

            Assertion.AssertNotNull("FIELD3 filter is null", filter2);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("filter2 direction", MappingDirection.Outbound, filter2.Direction);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("filter2 sif version",
                                   "=" + SifVersion.SIF15r1.ToString(), filter2.SifVersion);

            // Field 4
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD4 name", "FIELD4", rules[3].FieldName);
            Assertion.AssertNull("FIELD4 valueset", rules[3].ValueSetID);
            Assertion.AssertNull("FIELD4 alias", rules[3].Alias);
            Assertion.AssertNull("FIELD4 default", rules[3].DefaultValue);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD4 ifNull", MappingBehavior.IfNullSuppress, rules[3].NullBehavior);
            Rule r = rules[3].GetRule();

            Assertion.Assert("Rule should be OtherIdRule", r is OtherIdRule);

            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD5 name", "FIELD5", rules[4].FieldName);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD5 datatype", SifDataType.Date, rules[4]

            // TODO: The OtherIdRule doesn't have an API to get at the
            // OtherIdMapping. For now, just
            // convert it to a string and assert the results
            String ruleStr = r.ToString();

            Assertion.Assert("prefix should be BUSROUTE", ruleStr
                             .IndexOf("prefix='BUSROUTE'") > 1);
            Assertion.Assert("type should be ZZ", ruleStr.IndexOf("type='ZZ'") > 1);

            ValueSet vs = test.GetValueSet("VS1", false);

            Assertion.AssertNotNull("ValueSet VS1 should not be null", vs);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("VS1 should have 12 entries", 12, vs.Entries.Length);
            for (int a = 0; a < 10; a++)
                Assertion.AssertEquals("Mapping by appvalue", "SifValue" + a, vs.Translate("Value" + a));
                Assertion.AssertEquals("Mapping by sifvalue", "Value" + a, vs.TranslateReverse("SifValue" + a));
            // Test the default value entries
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Expecting app default value", "AppDefault", vs.TranslateReverse("abcdefg"));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Expecting app default value", "AppDefault", vs.TranslateReverse(null));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Expecting sif default value", "SifDefault", vs.Translate("abcdefg"));
            Assertion.AssertNull("Expecting NULL value", vs.Translate(null));

            vs = test.GetValueSet("VS2", false);
            Assertion.AssertNotNull("ValueSet VS2 should not be null", vs);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("VS2 should have 4 entries", 4, vs.Entries.Length);
            for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++)
                Assertion.AssertEquals("Mapping by appvalue", "w" + a, vs.Translate("q" + a));
                Assertion.AssertEquals("Mapping by sifvalue", "q" + a, vs
                                       .TranslateReverse("w" + a));
            // Test the default value entries
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Expecting app default value", "AppDefault", vs
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Expecting app default value", "AppDefault", vs
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Expecting sif default value", "0000", vs
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Expecting sif default value", "0000", vs.Translate(null));
Esempio n. 23
         * Creates a set of mappings that operations can be applied to, such as
         * saving to a DOM or Agent.cfg. The results can be asserted by calling
         * {@see #assertMappings(Mappings)}.
         * NOTE: This method returns an AgentConfig instance instead of a mappings
         * instance because there is no way set the Mappings instance on
         * AgentConfig. This might change in the future
         * @return

        private AgentConfig createMappings()
            Mappings root = fCfg.Mappings;

            // Remove the mappings being used

            Mappings newMappings = root.CreateChild("Test");

            // Add an object mapping
            ObjectMapping objMap = new ObjectMapping("StudentPersonal");

            // Currently, the Adk code requires that an Object Mapping be added
            // to it's parent before fields are added.
            // We should re-examine this and perhaps fix it, if possible

            objMap.AddRule(new FieldMapping("FIELD1", "Name/FirstName"));

            // Field 2
            FieldMapping field2 = new FieldMapping("FIELD2", "Name/LastName");

            field2.ValueSetID   = "VS1";
            field2.Alias        = "ALIAS1";
            field2.DefaultValue = "DEFAULT1";
            MappingsFilter mf = new MappingsFilter();

            mf.Direction  = MappingDirection.Inbound;
            mf.SifVersion = SifVersion.SIF11.ToString();
            field2.Filter = mf;

            // Field 3 test setting the XML values after it's been added to the
            // parent object (the code paths are different)
            FieldMapping field3 = new FieldMapping("FIELD3", "Name/MiddleName");

            field3.ValueSetID   = "VS2";
            field3.Alias        = "ALIAS2";
            field3.DefaultValue = "DEFAULT2";
            MappingsFilter mf2 = new MappingsFilter();

            mf2.Direction       = MappingDirection.Outbound;
            mf2.SifVersion      = SifVersion.SIF15r1.ToString();
            field3.Filter       = mf2;
            field3.NullBehavior = MappingBehavior.IfNullDefault;

            OtherIdMapping oim    = new OtherIdMapping("ZZ", "BUSROUTE");
            FieldMapping   field4 = new FieldMapping("FIELD4", oim);

            field4.DefaultValue = "Default";
            field4.ValueSetID   = "vs";
            field4.Alias        = "alias";
            field4.DefaultValue = null;
            field4.ValueSetID   = null;
            field4.Alias        = null;
            field4.NullBehavior = MappingBehavior.IfNullSuppress;

            // Field4 tests the new datatype attribute
            FieldMapping field5 = new FieldMapping("FIELD5",

            field5.DataType = SifDataType.Date;

            // Add a valueset translation
            ValueSet vs = new ValueSet("VS1");

            // Add a few definitions
            for (int a = 0; a < 10; a++)
                vs.Define("Value" + a, "SifValue" + a, "Title" + a);

            vs.Define("AppDefault", "0000", "Default App Value");
            vs.SetAppDefault("AppDefault", true);

            vs.Define("0000", "SifDefault", "Default Sif Value");
            vs.SetSifDefault("SifDefault", false);

            // Add a valueset translation
            vs = new ValueSet("VS2");
            // Add a few definitions
            for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++)
                vs.Define("q" + a, "w" + a, "t" + a);

            vs.Define("AppDefault", "0000", "Default Value");
            vs.SetAppDefault("AppDefault", true);
            vs.SetSifDefault("0000", true);

Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the documents for objects of the given type matching the given selection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer">
        /// The IndexWriter to delete the documents from.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="type">
        /// The type of the object to delete documents for.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="selection">
        /// The Query which selects the documents to delete.
        /// </param>
        public static void DeleteDocuments(this IndexWriter writer, Type type, Query selection)
            Query deleteQuery = new FilteredQuery(selection, ObjectMapping.GetTypeFilter(type));

Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the documents for objects of the given type matching the given selection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TObject">
        /// The type of the object to delete documents for.
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <param name="writer">
        /// The IndexWriter to delete the documents from.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="kind">
        /// The kind of type to restrict the search to.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="selection">
        /// The Query which selects the documents to delete.
        /// </param>
        public static void DeleteDocuments <TObject>(this IndexWriter writer, DocumentObjectTypeKind kind, Query selection)
            Query deleteQuery = new FilteredQuery(selection, ObjectMapping.GetTypeFilter <TObject>(kind));

 public void Apply <T>(SerializationRegistry registry, ObjectMapping <T> objectMapping)
     defaultObjectMappingConvention.Apply <T>(registry, objectMapping);
Esempio n. 27
        public void testFieldMapping020()
            Mappings    mappings = fCfg.Mappings.GetMappings("Default");
            IDictionary map      = buildIDictionaryForStudentPersonalTest();

            // Find the Ethnicity rule
            ObjectMapping om = mappings.GetObjectMapping("StudentPersonal", false);
            FieldMapping  inboundEthnicityRule  = null;
            FieldMapping  outboundEthnicityRule = null;

            for (int a = 0; a < om.RuleCount; a++)
                FieldMapping fm = om.GetRule(a);
                if (fm.FieldName.Equals("ETHNICITY"))
                    if (fm.Filter.Direction == MappingDirection.Inbound)
                        inboundEthnicityRule = fm;
                        outboundEthnicityRule = fm;

            // Put a value into the map that won't match the valueset
            map["ETHNICITY"] = "abcdefg";
            StudentPersonal sp = new StudentPersonal();

            MapOutbound(sp, mappings, map);

            // There's no default value defined, so we expect that what get's put in
            // is what we get out
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Outbound Ethnicity", "abcdefg", sp.Demographics.RaceList.ItemAt(0).Code);

            // Now, remap the student back into application fields
            IDictionary restoredData = new Hashtable();

            StringMapAdaptor adaptor = new StringMapAdaptor(restoredData);

            mappings.MapInbound(sp, adaptor);

            // The value "abcdefg" does not have a match in the value set
            // It should be passed back through
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Inbound Ethnicity", "abcdefg", restoredData["ETHNICITY"]);

            inboundEthnicityRule.DefaultValue  = "11111";
            outboundEthnicityRule.DefaultValue = "99999";
            sp = new StudentPersonal();
            MapOutbound(sp, mappings, map);

            // It should have the default value we specified, which is "99999"
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Outbound Ethnicity", "99999", sp.Demographics.RaceList.ItemAt(0).Code);

            // Now, remap the student back into application fields
            restoredData       = new Hashtable();
            adaptor.Dictionary = restoredData;
            mappings.MapInbound(sp, adaptor);

            // The value "9999" does not have a match in the value set
            // we want it to take on the default value, which is "111111"
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Inbound Ethnicity", "11111", restoredData["ETHNICITY"]);

            // Now, do the mapping again, this time with the Ethnicity value
            // completely missing
            sp = new StudentPersonal();
            MapOutbound(sp, mappings, map);

            // Ethnicity should be set to "99999" in this case because we didn't set
            // the "ifNull" behavior and the
            // default behavior is "NULL_DEFAULT"
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Outbound Ethnicity", "99999", sp.Demographics

            // Now, do the mapping again, this time with the NULL_DEFALT behavior.
            // The result should be the same
            outboundEthnicityRule.NullBehavior = MappingBehavior.IfNullDefault;
            sp = new StudentPersonal();
            MapOutbound(sp, mappings, map);

            // Ethnicity should be set to "99999" in this case because we set the
            // ifnull behavior to "NULL_DEFAULT"
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Outbound Ethnicity", "99999", sp.Demographics.RaceList.ItemAt(0).Code);

            outboundEthnicityRule.NullBehavior = MappingBehavior.IfNullSuppress;
            sp = new StudentPersonal();
            MapOutbound(sp, mappings, map);

            // Ethnicity should be null in this case because we told it to suppress
            // set the "ifNull" behavior
            Assertion.AssertNull("Ethnicity should not be set", sp.Demographics.RaceList);
Esempio n. 28
 public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
     ConfigurationManager.Configuration = configuration;
     Configuration = configuration;
 public void Apply <T>(SerializationRegistry registry, ObjectMapping <T> objectMapping)
     _defaultObjectMappingConvention.Apply <T>(registry, objectMapping);
     objectMapping.SetOrderBy(m => m.MemberName);
Esempio n. 30
        public GameObject CreateMeshesByIdentifier(List <Building> buildings, string identifiername, Vector3RD origin)
            offset = CoordConvert.RDtoUnity(new Vector2((float)origin.x, (float)origin.y));
            GameObject    container             = new GameObject();
            ObjectMapping objMap                = container.AddComponent <ObjectMapping>();
            List <string> identifiers           = new List <string>();
            List <List <SurfaceData> > surfdata = new List <List <SurfaceData> >();
            int buildingnumber = 0;

            foreach (Building building in buildings)
                string buildingname = "";
                foreach (Semantics item in building.semantics)
                    if (item.name == "name")
                        buildingname = item.value;
                objMap.Objectmap.Add(buildingnumber, buildingname);
                List <SurfaceData> surfaces = SortSurfacesBySemantics(building, identifiername, buildingnumber);

                foreach (SurfaceData surf in surfaces)
                    bool found = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.Count; i++)
                        if (identifiers[i] == surf.identifierValue)
                            found = true;
                    if (found == false)
                        surfdata.Add(new List <SurfaceData>());
                        surfdata[surfdata.Count - 1].Add(surf);

            int vertexcount = 0;
            int counter     = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < identifiers.Count; i++)
                List <CombineInstance> cis = new List <CombineInstance>();
                foreach (SurfaceData surf in surfdata[i])
                    if (vertexcount + surf.texturedMesh.mesh.vertexCount > 65535)
                        AddSubobject(container, cis, identifiers[i], counter);
                        counter    += 1;
                        cis         = new List <CombineInstance>();
                        vertexcount = 0;
                    CombineInstance ci = new CombineInstance();
                    ci.mesh = surf.texturedMesh.mesh;
                    surf.texturedMesh.mesh = null;

                    vertexcount += ci.mesh.vertexCount;
                surfdata[i] = null;
                AddSubobject(container, cis, identifiers[i], counter);
