public void DecrementUnreadMessages(string appName, ObjectId userId, int decrementBy)
     var dataBase = _serverWrapper.ServerConnection.GetDatabase(appName);
     var collection = dataBase.GetCollection<DatingBookUserInfo>(DATING_BOOK_USERS_COLLECTION_NAME);
     var selectQuery = Query.EQ("_id", userId);
     collection.Update(selectQuery, Update.Inc("new_messages", -decrementBy));
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// 查询角色下面所有用户
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="UserRoleId"></param>
 /// <returns>返回所有用户</returns>
 public BsonArray UserInRole(ObjectId UserRoleId)
     BsonDocument Query = new BsonDocument {
         { "UserRole", UserRoleId}
     return GetUsersToArray(Query);
Esempio n. 3
        public DatingBookUserInfo GetDatingBookUserInfo(string appName, ObjectId userId)
            var datingBookUserInfo = _userDataProvider.GetDatingBookUserInfoByFacebookId(appName, userId);

            if (datingBookUserInfo == null)
                return null;

            if (!CheckIfUserPictureExist(appName, datingBookUserInfo))
                DownloadUserPicture(appName, datingBookUserInfo);

            datingBookUserInfo.LastVisit = DateTime.Now;
            ObjectId visitId = ObjectId.Empty;
            var whiteList = _userDataProvider.GetUsersWhitelist(appName);

            if (!whiteList.Exists((usr) => usr == datingBookUserInfo.FacebookId))
                BsonDocument visit = new BsonDocument();
                visit.Add("dating_book_id", datingBookUserInfo.ObjectId);
                visit.Add("entered_at", datingBookUserInfo.LastVisit);
                visitId = _userDataProvider.InsertVisit(appName, visit);

            datingBookUserInfo = _userDataProvider.UpdateDatingBookLastVisit(appName, datingBookUserInfo, visitId);

            var userEventInfo = new UserEventInfo
                UserId = datingBookUserInfo.ObjectId,
                EventType = 1,
                DateCreated = DateTime.Now

            _userDataProvider.InsertUserEvent(appName, userEventInfo);

            return datingBookUserInfo;
Esempio n. 4
 public void ObjectIdWithDifferentValuesAreNotEqual()
     var a = new ObjectId("4b883faad657000000002665");
     var b = new ObjectId("4b883faad657000000002666");
     Assert.NotEqual(a, b);
     Assert.True(a != b);
Esempio n. 5
        public dynamic GetSessionDetails(string appName, ObjectId from, string to)
            MessageSessionInfo session = _userMessagesDataProvider.GetSession(appName, CalculateSessionId(from.ToString(), to));
            ObjectId fromWho = ObjectId.Empty;

            if (from == session.User1)
                fromWho = session.User1;
            else if (from == session.User2)
                fromWho = session.User2;
            if (fromWho == ObjectId.Empty)
                return new
                    error = "1"
            var toUser = _userDataProvider.GetDatingBookUserInfo(appName, session.User1 == from ? session.User2 : session.User1, "facebook_user_id", "user_id", "picture", "location", "fname", "real_birthday");
            return new
                from = from.ToString(),
                to = toUser.Id.ToString(),
                to_picture = GenerateUserProfilePictureUrl(appName, toUser, 45, 55),
                to_location = toUser.Location,
                to_name = toUser.FirstName,
                to_age = (int)(Math.Round((DateTime.Now.Subtract(toUser.RealBirthday).TotalDays) / 365)),
                session_updated = session.LastUpdated.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy dddd hh:mm")
Esempio n. 6
        public void TestFromRqlIds()
            var rqlIds = new RqlId[]
                new RqlId("$0"),
                new RqlId("$0"),
                new RqlId("$1F2mgA9gNyZtkTIf6"),
                new RqlId("$1Ad4Xro7A6yeAl77J")  // This one caused problems


            var objIds = new ObjectId[]
                new ObjectId(0, 0, 0, 0),
                new ObjectId("8000000000006400c800ffff"),
                new ObjectId("53d5244dec98e866c0d800f4")

            for (int i = 0; i < rqlIds.Length; i++)
                var objId = rqlIds[i].ToObjectId();
                var rqlId = objId.ToRqlId();
                var objId2 = rqlId.ToObjectId();

                Assert.AreEqual(rqlIds[i], rqlId, "ObjectId value {0}", i);
                Assert.AreEqual(objIds[i], objId2, "RqlId value {0}", i);
        public ActionResult Delete(ObjectId id)
            var collection = Database.GetCollection<ProfileProperty>("ProfileProperty");
            collection.Remove(Query.EQ("_id", id));

            return RedirectToAction("Index");
        public void GivenAMongoMessageDataRepository_WhenPuttingMessageDataWithExpiration()
            var db = new MongoClient().GetDatabase("messagedatastoretests");
            _bucket = new GridFSBucket(db);

            _now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var fixture = new Fixture();

            var resolver = new Mock<IMongoMessageUriResolver>();
            resolver.Setup(x => x.Resolve(It.IsAny<ObjectId>()))
                .Callback((ObjectId id) => _id = id);

            var nameCreator = new Mock<IFileNameCreator>();
            nameCreator.Setup(x => x.CreateFileName())
            var sut = new MongoMessageDataRepository(resolver.Object, _bucket, nameCreator.Object);
            _expectedTtl = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream(fixture.Create<byte[]>()))
                sut.Put(stream, _expectedTtl).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Esempio n. 9
        public DatingBookUserInfo UpsertDatingBookUserInfo(string appName, ObjectId userId, DatingBookUserInfo datingBookUserInfo)
            datingBookUserInfo = _userDataProvider.UpsertDatingbookUserInfo(appName, userId, datingBookUserInfo);

            if (datingBookUserInfo.IsNew)
                if (!CheckIfUserPictureExist(appName, datingBookUserInfo))
                    DownloadUserPicture(appName, datingBookUserInfo);

                var userEventInfo = new UserEventInfo
                    UserId = datingBookUserInfo.ObjectId,
                    EventType = 0,
                    DateCreated = DateTime.Now

                _userDataProvider.InsertUserEvent(appName, userEventInfo);

                datingBookUserInfo.IsNew = false;

            datingBookUserInfo.LastVisit = DateTime.Now;
            datingBookUserInfo = _userDataProvider.UpdateDatingBookLastVisit(appName, datingBookUserInfo);

            return datingBookUserInfo;
Esempio n. 10
 public FetchHeadRecord(ObjectId newValue, bool notForMerge, string sourceName, URIish sourceUri)
     NewValue = newValue;
     NotForMerge = notForMerge;
     SourceName = sourceName;
     SourceURI = sourceUri;
Esempio n. 11
 public ReadRangeRequest(ObjectId objectIdentifier, PropertyIdentifier propertyIdentifier, Option<uint> propertyArrayIndex, Option<RangeType> range)
     this.ObjectIdentifier = objectIdentifier;
     this.PropertyIdentifier = propertyIdentifier;
     this.PropertyArrayIndex = propertyArrayIndex;
     this.Range = range;
Esempio n. 12
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var client = new MongoClient();
            var db = client.GetDatabase("CustomerDb");
            var CustColl = db.GetCollection<Customer>("Customer");

            // query customer
            var customerID = new ObjectId("xxx");

            var customers = CustColl
                            .Find(c => c.Id == customerID)
                            .SortBy(c => c.fullName)

            foreach (var customer in customers)

            //Update Customer
            var cust = customers.First();
            cust.fullName = cust.fullName.ToUpper();
Esempio n. 13
 public MockCommit(ObjectId id = null)
     idEx = id ?? new ObjectId(Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "")+ "00000000");
     MessageEx = "";
     ParentsEx = new List<Commit> { null };
     CommitterEx = new Signature("Joe", "*****@*****.**", DateTimeOffset.Now);
Esempio n. 14
 public IAmRequest(ObjectId iAmDeviceIdentifier, uint maxAPDULengthAccepted, Segmentation segmentationSupported, uint vendorID)
     this.IAmDeviceIdentifier = iAmDeviceIdentifier;
     this.MaxAPDULengthAccepted = maxAPDULengthAccepted;
     this.SegmentationSupported = segmentationSupported;
     this.VendorID = vendorID;
Esempio n. 15
 // GET: /Project/Details/5
 public ActionResult Details(ObjectId id)
     var project = session.GetById<Project>(id);
     ViewBag.ProjectConfigurations =
         session.GetAll<Configuration>().Where(c => c.ProjectId == project.Id).ToArray();
     return View(project);
Esempio n. 16
 public Comment(String contentID)
         Comment obj = new Comment();
         MongoDatabase md = MongoDBHelper.MongoDB;
         MongoCollection<Comment> mc = md.GetCollection<Comment>(Comment.GetCollectionName());
         obj = mc.FindOne(Query.EQ("_id", ObjectId.Parse(contentID)));
         this._id = obj._id;
         this.MemberID = obj.MemberID;
         this.Creater = new Moooyo.BiZ.Creater.Creater(obj.MemberID);
         this.CommentToID = obj.CommentToID;
         this.Content = obj.Content;
         this.CreatedTime = obj.CreatedTime;
         this.UpdateTime = obj.UpdateTime;
         this.CommentType = obj.CommentType;
         this.DeleteFlag = obj.DeleteFlag;
     catch (System.Exception err)
         throw new CBB.ExceptionHelper.OperationException(
Esempio n. 17
        public void TestFromObjectIds()
            var objIds = new ObjectId[]
                new ObjectId(0, 0, 0, 0),
                new ObjectId(0, 100, 200, 65535),
                new ObjectId(int.MaxValue, 0xffffff, short.MaxValue, 0xffffff),

            var rqlIds = new RqlId[]
                new RqlId("$0"),
                new RqlId("$0"),
                new RqlId("$1F2mgA9gNyZtkTId2"),
                new RqlId("$1F2si9jk4p8AzQuuP")

            for (int i = 0; i < objIds.Length; i++)
                var rqlId = objIds[i].ToRqlId();
                var objId = rqlId.ToObjectId();
                var rqlId2 = objId.ToRqlId();

                Assert.AreEqual(objIds[i], objId, "ObjectId value {0}", i);
                Assert.AreEqual(rqlIds[i], rqlId2, "RqlId value {0}", i);
        public static void PublishChatMessages(this BahamutPubSubService service, ObjectId senderId, ShareChat chat, ChatMessage msg)
            foreach (var user in chat.UserIds)
                if (user != senderId)

                    var idstr = user.ToString();
                    var cacheModel = new BahamutCacheModel
                        AppUniqueId = Startup.Appname,
                        CacheDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        UniqueId = idstr,
                        DeserializableString = msg.Id.ToString(),
                        Type = ChatMessage.NotifyType,
                        ExtraInfo = chat.Id.ToString()
                    var pbModel = new BahamutPublishModel
                        NotifyType = "Toronto",
                        ToUser = idstr,
                        CustomCmd = "UsrNewMsg",
                        NotifyInfo = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { LocKey = "NEW_MSG_NOTIFICATION" })
                    Startup.ServicesProvider.GetBahamutPubSubService().PublishBahamutUserNotifyMessage(PublishConstants.NotifyId, pbModel);
        public PersistentFiddlerSession GetSessionWithId(string id)
            var repo = new MongoRepository.MongoRepository<PersistentFiddlerSession>();

            var resultSession = repo.GetById(id);

            if (null == resultSession)
                throw new KeyNotFoundException(string.Format("Could not find a session id '{0}'", id));

            // checked if actual data is compressed vs expected length
            //if (resultSession.Len > resultSession.Data.Length)
            //    var uncompressed = Utility.UnZip(resultSession.Data);
            //    resultSession.Data = uncompressed;

            var gridFsId = new ObjectId(resultSession.Data);

            var sessions = LoadSessionsFromGridFs(gridFsId);

            return resultSession;
        public EmailTracking Get(ObjectId id)
            var query = Builders<EmailTracking>.Filter.Eq(e => e.Id, id);
            var temp = _collection.Find(query).ToListAsync();

            return temp.Result.FirstOrDefault();
Esempio n. 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ReflogEntry"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entryHandle">a <see cref="SafeHandle"/> to the reflog entry</param>
 public ReflogEntry(SafeHandle entryHandle)
     _from = Proxy.git_reflog_entry_id_old(entryHandle);
     _to = Proxy.git_reflog_entry_id_new(entryHandle);
     _commiter = Proxy.git_reflog_entry_committer(entryHandle);
     message = Proxy.git_reflog_entry_message(entryHandle);
Esempio n. 22
        public IEnumerable<Tuple<Category, IEnumerable<Category>>> GetCategoryTree(ObjectId categoryId)
            var category = Get(categoryId);
            if (category == null) {
                // 分类不存在,返回顶级分类
                return GetByParentNumber(null).Select(c => new Tuple<Category, IEnumerable<Category>>(c, null));

            // 获取下级分类
            var subCategories = GetBySourceAndParentNumber(category.Source, category.Number).ToList();
            var brotherCategories = GetBySourceAndParentNumber(category.Source, category.ParentNumber).ToList();
            if (subCategories.Count > 0) {
                // 有下级分类,返回兄弟分类及当前分类的下级分类
                return brotherCategories.Select(bc => new Tuple<Category, IEnumerable<Category>>(bc, bc.Id == categoryId ? subCategories : null));

            // 无下级分类
            var parentCategory = GetBySourceAndNumber(category.Source, category.ParentNumber);
            if (parentCategory != null) {
                // 返回父分类的兄弟分类及当前分类的兄弟分类
                var parentBrotherCategories = GetBySourceAndParentNumber(parentCategory.Source, parentCategory.ParentNumber);
                return parentBrotherCategories.Select(pbc => new Tuple<Category, IEnumerable<Category>>(pbc, pbc.Number == category.ParentNumber ? brotherCategories : null));
            else {
                // 没有父分类也没有子分类,返回当前分类的兄弟分类
                return brotherCategories.Select(bc => new Tuple<Category, IEnumerable<Category>>(bc, null));
Esempio n. 23
 public async Task<Sharelinker> GetUserOfUserId(string userId)
     var collection = Client.GetDatabase("Sharelink").GetCollection<Sharelinker>("Sharelinker");
     var uOId = new ObjectId(userId);
     var user = await collection.Find(u => u.Id == uOId).SingleAsync();
     return user;
        public async Task<bool> RemoveTodoItem(ObjectId id)
            var query = Builders<TodoItem>.Filter.Eq(e => e.Id, id);
            await this.collection.DeleteOneAsync(query);

            return await GetTodoItem(id) == null;
Esempio n. 25
 public void ObjectIdWithSameValueAreEqual()
     var a = new ObjectId("4b883faad657000000002665");
     var b = new ObjectId("4b883faad657000000002665");
     Assert.Equal(a, b);
     Assert.True(a == b);
Esempio n. 26
 public SubscribeCOVRequest(uint subscriberProcessIdentifier, ObjectId monitoredObjectIdentifier, Option<bool> issueConfirmedNotifications, Option<uint> lifetime)
     this.SubscriberProcessIdentifier = subscriberProcessIdentifier;
     this.MonitoredObjectIdentifier = monitoredObjectIdentifier;
     this.IssueConfirmedNotifications = issueConfirmedNotifications;
     this.Lifetime = lifetime;
Esempio n. 27
        public dynamic AddMessage(string appName, ObjectId from, string to, string header, string message, long appId)
            string fromStr = from.ToString();

            var toObjId = new ObjectId(to);

            MessageInfo msgInfo = _userMessagesDataProvider.InsertMessage(appName, CalculateSessionId(fromStr, to),
                from, toObjId, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(header), HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(message));

            var toUserInfo = _userDataProvider.GetDatingBookUserInfo(appName, toObjId);
            var fromUserInfo = _userDataProvider.GetDatingBookUserInfo(appName, from);
            var appInfo = _appsDataProvider.GetAppInfo(appId);

            //inc the to user unread
            _userMessagesDataProvider.IncrementUnreadMessages(appName, toObjId);

            string msg = string.Format("You received a new message from {0} !", fromUserInfo.FirstName);

            _facebookDataProvider.SendFacebookAppNotification(toUserInfo.FacebookId, msg, msg, appInfo.AppAccessToken);

            return new
                mid = msgInfo.Id.ToString(),
                text = msgInfo.Body,
                date = msgInfo.DateCreated,
                from_id = msgInfo.From.ToString(),
                picture = GenerateUserProfilePictureUrl(appName, fromUserInfo, 50, 50),
                from_name = fromUserInfo.FirstName
Esempio n. 28
 public double? GetPriceInDay(ObjectId id, DateTime day)
     var prices = GetPricesInDay(id, day);
     if (prices.Length > 0)
         return prices[0];
     return null;
Esempio n. 29
 internal Commit(Repo repo, ObjectId objId, byte[] objectContents)
     : base(repo, objId)
     var texty = TextyObject.Parse(objectContents);
     var parents = new List<ObjectId>();
     foreach (var kvp in texty.Attributes)
         switch (kvp.Key)
             case "tree":
                 if (!Tree.IsZero)
                     throw new Exception("Too many trees!");
                 Tree = ObjectId.Parse(kvp.Value);
             case "parent":
             case "author":
                 Author = PersonTime.Parse(kvp.Value);
             case "committer":
                 Committer = PersonTime.Parse(kvp.Value);
                 throw new Exception("Unexpected commit attribute: " + kvp.Key);
Esempio n. 30
        public static Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors.Color GetColorByLayer(ObjectId layer)
            Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors.Color cl = new Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors.Color();
                using (var loc = AcadApp.AcaDoc.LockDocument())
                    using (var trans = StartTransaction())
                        LayerTableRecord ltr = trans.GetObject(layer, OpenMode.ForRead) as LayerTableRecord;
                        if (ltr == null)
                            LufsGenplan.AcadApp.AcaEd.WriteMessage("\nDEBUG: GetColorByLayer ltr == null\n");
                        cl = ltr.Color;

                return cl;
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                AcadApp.AcaEd.WriteMessage("\nERROR: AcadApp.GetColorByLayer() " + ex.Message + "\n");
            return cl;