     * Creates an object from the supplied hash table
     * @param newParams
     *      TODO Fill this in
    private GameObject CreateObject(IDictionary Params, string Tag)
        string prefab = ObjectFactoryHelper.DeterminePrefab(Params, Tag);
        //Debug.Log("ObjectFactory: prefab: " + prefab);
        GameObject BaseObject = Resources.Load(prefab) as GameObject;
        //Debug.Log("Objectfactory: BaseObject: " + BaseObject);
        //Debug.Log("ObjectFactory: BaseObject transform: " + BaseObject.transform.position);

        //GameObject BaseObject = Resources.Load(prefab) as GameObject;
        ////Debug.Log("Objectfactory: BaseObject: " + BaseObject);
        GameObject GO = NetworkManager.NetworkInstance.InstancePrefabOnNetwork(prefab);

        // Iterate through all possible parameters for the game object.
        // If one of the parameters has not been supplied, use the default value.
        foreach (string ParamName in Params.Keys)
            IDictionary Value = Params[ParamName] as IDictionary;

            // Determines the controller that this parameter will be sent to.
            //string Ctrl = ParamName + "Controller";
            string Ctrl = ObjectFactoryHelper.DetermineControllerCreate(ParamName, prefab);
            // Send the value of the parameter to the controller

            PassToController(GO, Ctrl, Value);

        //Debug.Log(System.String.Format("ObjectFactory: GO.transform at end: {0}", GO.transform.position));
        // IMPORTANT NOTE: This method does not necessarily *create* (well, resolve) service instances itself - it returns a delegate which in-turn performs the resolution process - but as an optimization it returns the resolved service, if available as part of the testing process.
        private ObjectFactory RequiredObjectFactoryFactory(Type serviceType, ObjectFactoryHelper helper)
            // This is a convoluted operation:
            // 1. The first pass tests that the object is available from the serviceProvider, and if so, returns an ObjectFactory that uses the serviceProvider (regardless of scope depth).
            // 2. If nothing else works, then it returns an ObjectFactory for MEDI's ActivatorUtilities or Activator.
            // Now, this COULD work by performing the test, then discarding the returned object, and then invoking the ObjectFactory anyway...
            // but instead, we use the method argument to pass the returned object back to the caller to prevent needing to invoke the ObjectFactory twice whenever a new serviceType is requested for the first time.

            // 1:
                Object result = helper.ServiceProvider.GetService(serviceType);                   // Btw, don't use `GetRequiredService(Type)` because that throws an exception if it fails.
                if (result != null)
                    helper.Instance = result;
                    return(new ObjectFactory((sp, args) => sp.GetRequiredService(serviceType)));                          // this ObjectFactory will be used in future calls to GetService.

            // 2:
                // ActivatorUtilities.CreateFactory only throws InvalidOperationException if it cannot find a suitable constructor.
                // As the `ObjectFactory` itself isn't actually being invoked, we can be certain the exception is not being thrown from anywhere else.
                // See `CreateFactory` and `FindApplicableConstructor` in https://github.com/aspnet/DependencyInjection/blob/1.0.0-rc1/src/Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions/ActivatorUtilities.cs

                return(ActivatorUtilities.CreateFactory(instanceType: serviceType, argumentTypes: Array.Empty <Type>()));
            catch (InvalidOperationException)
                // Fallback to Activator:
    private IDictionary DeconstructObjectMultiThreaded(string toDeconstruct, iGameObjectDAO dao)
        Dictionary <string, System.Object> defaultDict = dao.LoadDefault();
        List <string> keys = new List <string>();


        IDictionary shell = ControllerShell.Container[toDeconstruct] as IDictionary;

        for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++)
            string tag  = toDeconstruct.Split('-')[0];
            string Ctrl = ObjectFactoryHelper.DetermineControllerDestroyMultiThreaded(keys[i], tag);

            defaultDict[keys[i]] = (shell[Ctrl] as ISetGetValues).GetValues();
    private IDictionary DeconstructObject(GameObject toDeconstruct, iGameObjectDAO dao)
        Dictionary <string, System.Object> defaultDict = dao.LoadDefault();
        List <string> keys = new List <string>();


        for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++)
            //string Ctrl = keys[i] + "Controller";
            string Ctrl = ObjectFactoryHelper.DetermineControllerDestroy(keys[i], toDeconstruct);

            defaultDict[keys[i]] = GetFromController(toDeconstruct, Ctrl);

        /// <summary>Gets the service object of the specified type from <paramref name="serviceProvider"/>. This method never returns a <c>null</c> object reference and will throw an exception if resolution fails.</summary>
        public Object GetRequiredService(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, Type serviceType)
            if (serviceProvider is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceProvider));
            if (serviceType     is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceType));


            // Optimziation: TryGet at first to avoid having to create ObjectFactoryHelper if we really don't need it:
            if (this.objectFactories.TryGetValue(serviceType, out ObjectFactory existingObjectFactoryFunc))
                return(existingObjectFactoryFunc(serviceProvider, arguments: null));
                ObjectFactoryHelper helper = new ObjectFactoryHelper(serviceProvider);

                ObjectFactory objectFactoryFunc = this.objectFactories.GetOrAdd(key: serviceType, valueFactory: this.RequiredObjectFactoryFactory, factoryArgument: helper);

                if (helper.Instance != null)
                    // A new service was requested for the first time, which necessarily meant creating it as part of the ObjectFactory-building process, so return it to avoid invoking the ObjectFactory twice:
                    // Otherwise, an existing ObjectFactory was returned (or a test helper instance wasn't created), so use the ObjectFactory:
                    return(objectFactoryFunc(serviceProvider: serviceProvider, arguments: null));
    public void AlterWeaponData(string key)
        AttackController uat = currentObject.GetComponent(
                "Attack", currentObject)) as AttackController;
        Single validator = 0.0f;
        Weapon wep       = uat.GetWeapon(key);

        string wnameval = WepNameVal.GetComponent <InputField> ().text;

        string wlethstring = WepLethalityVal.GetComponent <InputField> ().text;
        bool   lethvalid   = Single.TryParse(wlethstring, out validator);
        float  wlethval    = 0f;

        if (lethvalid)
            wlethval = Single.Parse(wlethstring);
            wlethval = wep.GetDamage();

        string wrangestring = WepRangeVal.GetComponent <InputField> ().text;
        bool   rangevalid   = Single.TryParse(wrangestring, out validator);
        float  wrangeval    = 0f;

        if (rangevalid)
            wrangeval = Single.Parse(wrangestring);
            wrangeval = wep.GetRange();

        string wprobstring = WepProbVal.GetComponent <InputField> ().text;
        bool   probvalid   = Single.TryParse(wprobstring, out validator);
        float  wprobval    = 0f;

        if (probvalid)
            wprobval = Single.Parse(wprobstring);
            wprobval = wep.GetHitChance();

        string wammostring = WepAmmoVal.GetComponent <InputField> ().text;
        bool   ammovalid   = Single.TryParse(wammostring, out validator);
        float  wammoval    = 0f;

        if (ammovalid)
            wammoval = Single.Parse(wammostring);
            wammoval = wep.GetMaxAmmo();

        string wcurrammostring = WepCurrAmmoVal.GetComponent <InputField> ().text;
        bool   currammovalid   = Single.TryParse(wcurrammostring, out validator);
        float  wcurrammoval    = 0f;

        if (currammovalid)
            wcurrammoval = Single.Parse(wcurrammostring);
            wcurrammoval = wep.GetCurAmmo();

        string wratestring = WepRateVal.GetComponent <InputField> ().text;
        bool   ratevalid   = Single.TryParse(wratestring, out validator);
        float  wrateval    = 0f;

        if (ratevalid)
            wrateval = Single.Parse(wratestring);
            wrateval = wep.GetMaxShots();

        uat.ThrowDamageChangeEvent(key, wlethval);
        uat.ThrowRangeChangeEvent(key, wrangeval);
        uat.ThrowHitChanceChangeEvent(key, wprobval);
        uat.ThrowMaxAmmoChangeEvent(key, (int)wammoval);
        uat.ThrowCurrentAmmoChangeEvent(key, (int)wcurrammoval);
        uat.ThrowMaxShotsChangeEvent(key, (int)wrateval);
    public void AlterUnitData()
        //		IdentityController uid = currentObject.GetComponent <IdentityController>();
        //		MoverController umov = currentObject.GetComponent <MoverController>();
        //		DetectorController udet = currentObject.GetComponent <DetectorController>();
        //		AttackController uat = currentObject.GetComponent <AttackController>();
        //		HealthController uhp = currentObject.GetComponent <HealthController>();
        IdentityController uid = currentObject.GetComponent(
                "Identity", currentObject)) as IdentityController;
        MoverController umov = currentObject.GetComponent(
                "Mover", currentObject)) as MoverController;
        DetectorController udet = currentObject.GetComponent(
                "Detector", currentObject)) as DetectorController;
        AttackController uat = currentObject.GetComponent(
                "Attack", currentObject)) as AttackController;
        HealthController uhp = currentObject.GetComponent(
                "Health", currentObject)) as HealthController;

        //Debug.Log ("max health at start: " + uhp.GetMaxHealth ());

        Single validator = 0.0f;
        //validate hp input
        string maxhpstring = MaxHealthVal.GetComponent <InputField> ().text;
        bool   maxhpvalid  = Single.TryParse(maxhpstring, out validator);

        float maxhp_event = uhp.GetMaxHealth();

        if (maxhpvalid)
            maxhp_event = Single.Parse(maxhpstring);

        string namestring = NameVal.GetComponent <InputField>().text;

        string curhpstring = CurHealthVal.GetComponent <InputField> ().text;
        bool   curhpvalid  = Single.TryParse(curhpstring, out validator);
        float  curhp_event = uhp.GetCurrentHealth();

        if (curhpvalid)
            curhp_event = Single.Parse(curhpstring);
        //same for movement
        string movstring = MoveVal.GetComponent <InputField> ().text;
        bool   movvalid  = Single.TryParse(movstring, out validator);
        float  mov_event = umov.GetMoveRange();

        if (movvalid)
            mov_event = Single.Parse(movstring);

        ////Debug.Log ("max health after: " + uhp.GetMaxHealth ());

        //same for ranges

        string airstring = AirRadarVal.GetComponent <InputField> ().text;
        bool   airvalid  = Single.TryParse(airstring, out validator);

        float airval = 0f;

        if (airvalid)
            airval = Single.Parse(airstring);
            airval = udet.AirRange;

        string surfstring = SurfRadarVal.GetComponent <InputField> ().text;
        bool   surfvalid  = Single.TryParse(surfstring, out validator);
        float  surfval    = 0f;

        if (surfvalid)
            surfval = Single.Parse(surfstring);
            surfval = udet.SurfaceRange;
        string substring = SubSonarVal.GetComponent <InputField> ().text;
        bool   subvalid  = Single.TryParse(substring, out validator);
        float  subval    = 0f;

        if (subvalid)
            subval = Single.Parse(substring);
            subval = udet.SonarRange;

        if (!namestring.Equals(name))

        udet.ThrowRangeChangeEvent(DetectorController.Event_Air_Change, airval);
        udet.ThrowRangeChangeEvent(DetectorController.Event_Surf_Change, surfval);
        udet.ThrowRangeChangeEvent(DetectorController.Event_Sonar_Change, subval);

        int    index     = WepDropdown.SelectedIndex;
        string comboname = WepDropdown.Items [index].LocalItem.ToString();

 public override object CreateNumber(string data)
     return(ObjectFactoryHelper.ParseInt64(this, data));