Esempio n. 1
        public static IList <Object> generateFacts(IRule rule, Rete.Rete engine)
            List <Object> facts = new List <Object>();

            if (rule != null)
                ICondition[] conditions = rule.Conditions;
                for (int idx = 0; idx < conditions.Length; idx++)
                    ICondition c = conditions[idx];
                    if (c is ObjectCondition)
                        ObjectCondition oc  = (ObjectCondition)c;
                        Deftemplate     tpl = (Deftemplate)engine.findTemplate(oc.TemplateName);
                        if (tpl.ClassName != null)
                            Object data = generateJavaFacts(oc, tpl, engine);
                            IFact data = generateDeffact(oc, tpl, engine);
                    else if (c is TestCondition)
        /// <summary> Method will compile exists quantifier
        /// </summary>
        public override void compile(ICondition condition, int position, Rule.IRule util, bool alphaMemory)
            ExistCondition  cond = (ExistCondition)condition;
            ObjectCondition oc   = (ObjectCondition)cond;

            conditionCompiler.compile(oc, position, util, alphaMemory);
Esempio n. 3
        public override void compileSingleCE(Rule.IRule rule)
            ICondition[]    conds = rule.Conditions;
            ObjectCondition oc    = (ObjectCondition)conds[0];

            if (oc.Negated)
                // the ObjectCondition is negated, so we need to
                // handle it appropriate. This means we need to
                // Add a LIANode to _IntialFact and attach a NOTNode
                // to the LIANode.
                ObjectTypeNode otn     = (ObjectTypeNode)ruleCompiler.Inputnodes.Get(ruleCompiler.Engine.InitFact);
                LIANode        lianode = ruleCompiler.findLIANode(otn);
                NotJoin        njoin   = new NotJoin(ruleCompiler.Engine.nextNodeId());
                njoin.Bindings = new Binding[0];
                lianode.addSuccessorNode(njoin, ruleCompiler.Engine, ruleCompiler.Memory);
                // Add the join to the rule object
                oc.LastNode.addSuccessorNode(njoin, ruleCompiler.Engine, ruleCompiler.Memory);
            else if (oc.Nodes.Count == 0)
                // this means the rule has a binding, but no conditions
                ObjectTypeNode otn     = ruleCompiler.findObjectTypeNode(oc.TemplateName);
                LIANode        lianode = new LIANode(ruleCompiler.Engine.nextNodeId());
                otn.addSuccessorNode(lianode, ruleCompiler.Engine, ruleCompiler.Memory);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="">cond
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">templ
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">engine
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// </returns>
        public static IFact generateDeffact(ObjectCondition cond, Deftemplate templ, Rete.Rete engine)
            List <object> list = new List <Object>();

            IConstraint[] cnstr = cond.Constraints;
            for (int idx = 0; idx < cnstr.Length; idx++)
                IConstraint cn = cnstr[idx];
                if (cn is LiteralConstraint)
                    Slot s = new Slot(cn.Name, cn.Value);
                else if (cn is PredicateConstraint)
                    PredicateConstraint pc = (PredicateConstraint)cn;
                    Object val             = generatePredicateValue(pc);
                    Slot   s = new Slot(cn.Name, val);
                else if (cn is BoundConstraint)
                    // for now we do the simple thing and just set
                    // any bound slots to 1
                    Slot s = new Slot(cn.Name, 1);
            IFact f = templ.createFact(list, engine.nextFactId());

Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary> 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="">cond
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="">templ
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="">engine
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// </returns>
 public static IFact generateDeffact(ObjectCondition cond, Deftemplate templ, Rete.Rete engine)
     List<object> list = new List<Object>();
     IConstraint[] cnstr = cond.Constraints;
     for (int idx = 0; idx < cnstr.Length; idx++)
         IConstraint cn = cnstr[idx];
         if (cn is LiteralConstraint)
             Slot s = new Slot(cn.Name, cn.Value);
         else if (cn is PredicateConstraint)
             PredicateConstraint pc = (PredicateConstraint) cn;
             Object val = generatePredicateValue(pc);
             Slot s = new Slot(cn.Name, val);
         else if (cn is BoundConstraint)
             // for now we do the simple thing and just set
             // any bound slots to 1
             Slot s = new Slot(cn.Name, 1);
     IFact f = templ.createFact(list, engine.nextFactId());
     return f;
Esempio n. 6
        public override void compileFirstJoin(ICondition condition, Rule.IRule rule)
            ObjectCondition cond = (ObjectCondition)condition;
            ObjectTypeNode  otn  = ruleCompiler.findObjectTypeNode(cond.TemplateName);
            // the LeftInputAdapterNode is the first node to propogate to
            // the first joinNode of the rule
            LIANode node = new LIANode(ruleCompiler.Engine.nextNodeId());

            // if the condition doesn't have any nodes, we want to Add it to
            // the objectType node if one doesn't already exist.
            // otherwise we Add it to the last AlphaNode
            if (cond.Nodes.Count == 0)
                // try to find the existing LIANode for the given ObjectTypeNode
                // if we don't do this, we end up with multiple LIANodes
                // descending directly from the ObjectTypeNode
                LIANode existingLIANode = ruleCompiler.findLIANode(otn);
                if (existingLIANode == null)
                    otn.addSuccessorNode(node, ruleCompiler.Engine, ruleCompiler.Memory);
                // Add the LeftInputAdapterNode to the last alphaNode
                // In the case of node sharing, the LIANode could be the last
                // alphaNode, so we have to check and only Add the node to
                // the condition if it isn't a LIANode
                BaseAlpha old = (BaseAlpha)cond.LastNode;
                //if the last node of condition has a LIANode successor,
                //the LIANode should be shared with the new CE followed by another CE.
                // Houzhanbin,10/16/2007
                BaseNode[] successors = (BaseNode[])old.SuccessorNodes;
                for (int i = 0; i < successors.Length; i++)
                    if (successors[i] is LIANode)

                if (!(old is LIANode))
                    old.addSuccessorNode(node, ruleCompiler.Engine, ruleCompiler.Memory);
        /// <summary> method compiles ObjectConditions, which include NOTCE
        /// </summary>
        public override BaseJoin compileJoin(ICondition condition, int position, Rule.IRule rule)
            Binding[]       binds    = getBindings(condition, rule, position);
            ObjectCondition oc       = (ObjectCondition)condition;
            BaseJoin        joinNode = null;

            //deal with the CE which is not NOT CE.
            if (!oc.Negated)
                if (binds.Length > 0 && oc.HasPredicateJoin)
                    joinNode = new PredicateBNode(ruleCompiler.Engine.nextNodeId());
                else if (binds.Length > 0 && oc.HasNotEqual)
                    joinNode = new HashedNotEqBNode(ruleCompiler.Engine.nextNodeId());
                else if (binds.Length > 0)
                    joinNode = new HashedEqBNode(ruleCompiler.Engine.nextNodeId());
                else if (binds.Length == 0)
                    joinNode = new ZJBetaNode(ruleCompiler.Engine.nextNodeId());

            //deal with the CE which is NOT CE.
            if (oc.Negated)
                if (binds.Length > 0 && oc.HasPredicateJoin)
                    joinNode = new NotJoin(ruleCompiler.Engine.nextNodeId());
                else if (oc.HasNotEqual)
                    joinNode = new HashedNotEqNJoin(ruleCompiler.Engine.nextNodeId());
                    joinNode = new HashedEqNJoin(ruleCompiler.Engine.nextNodeId());

            if (joinNode != null)
                joinNode.Bindings = binds;
Esempio n. 8
        public bool CanEdit(int workspaceId, int artifactTypeId)
            var query = new Query();
            var objectTypeCondition         = new ObjectCondition(PermissionFieldNames.ArtifactType, ObjectConditionEnum.EqualTo, artifactTypeId);
            var editPermissionTypeCondition = new TextCondition(PermissionFieldNames.PermissionType, TextConditionEnum.EqualTo, PermissionType.Edit.Name);

            query.Condition = new CompositeCondition(objectTypeCondition, CompositeConditionEnum.And, editPermissionTypeCondition).ToQueryString();
            var permissions = this.permissionManager.QueryAsync(workspaceId, query, 1).Result;

            if (permissions.Success)
                var permission = permissions.Results.FirstOrDefault().Artifact;
                var result     = this.permissionManager.GetPermissionSelectedAsync(workspaceId, new List <PermissionRef>()
                return(result.FirstOrDefault()?.Selected ?? false);

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary> The method uses Defclass, Class, Deftemplate and Rete to create a new
        /// instance of the java object. Once the instance is created, the method
        /// uses Defclass to look up the write method and calls it with the
        /// appropriate value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="">cond
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">templ
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">engine
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// </returns>
        public static Object generateJavaFacts(ObjectCondition cond, Deftemplate templ, Rete.Rete engine)
                Type          theclz = Type.GetType(templ.ClassName);
                Defclass      dfc    = engine.findDefclass(theclz);
                Object        data   = CreateNewInstance(theclz);
                IConstraint[] cnstr  = cond.Constraints;
                for (int idx = 0; idx < cnstr.Length; idx++)
                    IConstraint cn = cnstr[idx];
                    if (cn is LiteralConstraint)
                        MethodInfo meth = dfc.getWriteMethod(cn.Name);
                        meth.Invoke(data, (Object[])new Object[] { cn.Value });
                // for now the method doesn't inspect the bindings
                // later on it needs to be added


            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
            catch (ArgumentException e)
            catch (TargetInvocationException e)
            catch (Exception e)
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary> Remove a rule from this module
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void removeRule(Rule.IRule rl, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem)
            // we should iterate over the nodes of the rule and Remove
            // them if they are not shared
            ICondition[] cnds = rl.Conditions;
            // first Remove the alpha nodes
            for (int idx = 0; idx < cnds.Length; idx++)
                ICondition cnd = cnds[idx];
                if (cnd is ObjectCondition)
                    ObjectCondition oc    = (ObjectCondition)cnd;
                    String          templ = oc.TemplateName;
                    Deftemplate     temp  = (Deftemplate)deftemplates.Get(templ);
                    ObjectTypeNode  otn   = mem.RuleCompiler.getObjectTypeNode(temp);
                    removeAlphaNodes(oc.Nodes, otn);
            // now Remove the betaNodes, since the engine currently
            // doesn't share the betaNodes, we can just Remove it
            IList bjl = rl.Joins;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < bjl.Count; idx++)
                BaseJoin   bjoin = (BaseJoin)bjl[idx];
                ICondition cnd   = cnds[idx + 1];
                if (cnd is ObjectCondition)
                    ObjectCondition oc    = (ObjectCondition)cnd;
                    String          templ = oc.TemplateName;
                    Deftemplate     temp  = (Deftemplate)deftemplates.Get(templ);
                    ObjectTypeNode  otn   = mem.RuleCompiler.getObjectTypeNode(temp);
        /// <summary> The first step is to connect the exist join to the parent on the left side.
        /// The second step is to connect it to the parent on the right. For the right
        /// side, if the objectCondition doesn't have any nodes, we attach it to the
        /// objectType node.
        /// </summary>
        public void connectJoinNode(ICondition previousCondition, ICondition condition, BaseJoin previousJoinNode, BaseJoin joinNode)
            if (previousJoinNode != null)
                ruleCompiler.attachJoinNode(previousJoinNode, (BaseJoin)joinNode);
                ruleCompiler.attachJoinNode(previousCondition.LastNode, (BaseJoin)joinNode);
            // Current we have to Add the ExistJoin for the right side, which should be either
            // an alphaNode or the objectTypeNode
            ObjectCondition oc  = getObjectCondition(condition);
            ObjectTypeNode  otn = ruleCompiler.findObjectTypeNode(oc.TemplateName);

            if (oc.Nodes.Count > 0)
                ruleCompiler.attachJoinNode(oc.LastNode, (BaseJoin)joinNode);
                otn.addSuccessorNode(joinNode, ruleCompiler.Engine, ruleCompiler.Engine.WorkingMemory);
        /// <summary> Compile a single ObjectCondition and create the alphaNodes and/or Bindings
        /// </summary>
        public override void compile(ICondition condition, int position, Rule.IRule util, bool alphaMemory)
            ObjectCondition cond = (ObjectCondition)condition;
            ObjectTypeNode  otn  = ruleCompiler.findObjectTypeNode(cond.TemplateName);

            if (otn != null)
                BaseAlpha2 first    = null;
                BaseAlpha2 previous = null;
                BaseAlpha2 current  = null;
                ITemplate  templ    = cond.Deftemplate;

                IConstraint[] constrs = cond.Constraints;
                for (int idx = 0; idx < constrs.Length; idx++)
                    IConstraint cnstr = constrs[idx];
                    if (cnstr is LiteralConstraint)
                        current = ruleCompiler.compileConstraint((LiteralConstraint)cnstr, templ, util);
                    else if (cnstr is AndLiteralConstraint)
                        current = ruleCompiler.compileConstraint((AndLiteralConstraint)cnstr, templ, util);
                    else if (cnstr is OrLiteralConstraint)
                        current = ruleCompiler.compileConstraint((OrLiteralConstraint)cnstr, templ, util);
                    else if (cnstr is BoundConstraint)
                        ruleCompiler.compileConstraint((BoundConstraint)cnstr, templ, util, position);
                    else if (cnstr is PredicateConstraint)
                        current = ruleCompiler.compileConstraint((PredicateConstraint)cnstr, templ, util, position);
                    // we Add the node to the previous
                    if (first == null)
                        first    = current;
                        previous = current;
                    else if (current != previous)
                            previous.addSuccessorNode(current, ruleCompiler.Engine, ruleCompiler.Memory);
                            // now set the previous to current
                            previous = current;
                        catch (AssertException e)
                            // send an event
                if (first != null)
                    attachAlphaNode(otn, first, cond);
        /// <summary> the paramList should be clean and
        /// other codes surrounding this method in subclass may be removed into this method.
        /// Houzhanbin 10/16/2007
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="">condition
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">rule
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">Constraints
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">position
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">hasNotEqual
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">hasPredicateJoin
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// </returns>
        internal Binding[] getBindings(ICondition condition, Rule.IRule rule, int position)
            ObjectCondition oc          = getObjectCondition(condition);
            IList           Constraints = oc.BindConstraints;
            Deftemplate     tmpl        = oc.Deftemplate;

            Binding[] binds = new Binding[Constraints.Count];
            for (int idz = 0; idz < Constraints.Count; idz++)
                Object cst = Constraints[idz];
                if (cst is BoundConstraint)
                    BoundConstraint bc  = (BoundConstraint)cst;
                    Binding         cpy = rule.copyBinding(bc.VariableName);
                    if (cpy.LeftRow >= position)
                        binds = new Binding[0];
                        binds[idz] = cpy;
                        int rinx = tmpl.getColumnIndex(bc.Name);
                        // we increment the count to make sure the
                        // template isn't removed if it is being used
                        binds[idz].RightIndex = rinx;
                        binds[idz].Negated    = bc.Negated;
                        if (bc.Negated)
                            oc.HasNotEqual = true;
                else if (cst is PredicateConstraint)
                    PredicateConstraint pc = (PredicateConstraint)cst;
                    if (pc.Value is BoundParam)
                        oc.HasPredicateJoin = true;
                        BoundParam bpm = (BoundParam)pc.Value;
                        String     var = bpm.VariableName;
                        int        op  = ConversionUtils.getOperatorCode(pc.FunctionName);
                        // check and make sure the function isn't user defined
                        if (op != Constants.USERDEFINED)
                            // if the first binding in the function is from the object type
                            // we reverse the operator
                            if (pc.Parameters[0] != bpm)
                                op = ConversionUtils.getOppositeOperatorCode(op);
                            binds[idz] = rule.copyPredicateBinding(var, op);
                            ((Binding2)binds[idz]).RightVariable = pc.VariableName;
                            binds[idz] = rule.copyPredicateBinding(var, op);
                        binds[idz].PredJoin = true;
                        int rinx = tmpl.getColumnIndex(pc.Name);
                        // we increment the count to make sure the
                        // template isn't removed if it is being used
                        binds[idz].RightIndex = rinx;
                    else if (pc.Value is FunctionParam)
                        // this means there is a nested function
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary> The method uses Defclass, Class, Deftemplate and Rete to create a new
        /// instance of the java object. Once the instance is created, the method
        /// uses Defclass to look up the write method and calls it with the
        /// appropriate value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="">cond
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">templ
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">engine
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// </returns>
        public static Object generateJavaFacts(ObjectCondition cond, Deftemplate templ, Rete.Rete engine)
                Type theclz = Type.GetType(templ.ClassName);
                Defclass dfc = engine.findDefclass(theclz);
                Object data = CreateNewInstance(theclz);
                IConstraint[] cnstr = cond.Constraints;
                for (int idx = 0; idx < cnstr.Length; idx++)
                    IConstraint cn = cnstr[idx];
                    if (cn is LiteralConstraint)
                        MethodInfo meth = dfc.getWriteMethod(cn.Name);
                        meth.Invoke(data, (Object[]) new Object[] {cn.Value});
                // for now the method doesn't inspect the bindings
                // later on it needs to be added

                return data;

            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                return null;
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                return null;
            catch (TargetInvocationException e)
                return null;
            catch (Exception e)
                return null;