public SerializationManagerDescr( String typeName, Type type, ObjectAllocator <ISerializable <SerializedType> > allocator) { __allocator = allocator; __instance = null; Type = type; TypeName = typeName; } // End of Custom Constructor
} // End of Static Constructor public SerializationManagerDescr this [String typeName] { get { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(typeName)) { return(null); } SerializationManagerDescr retVal; if (__serMgrColl.TryGetValue(typeName, out retVal)) { return(retVal); } Type type = Type.GetType(typeName); if (type == null) { return(null); } ObjectAllocator <ISerializable <SerializedType> > allocator = null; if ((allocator = ImplLookForSingleton(type)) == null) { allocator = ImplLookForConstructor(type); } retVal = new SerializationManagerDescr(typeName, type, allocator); __serMgrColl.Add(retVal); return(retVal); } }