private void ProcessSkin(JSONNode skinNode, SkinnedMeshRenderer renderer) { Matrix4x4[] inverseBindMatrices = null; if (skinNode["inverseBindMatrices"] != null) { int inverseBindMatricesId = skinNode["inverseBindMatrices"].AsInt; var jsonInverseBindMatrices = m_jsonData["accessors"][inverseBindMatricesId]; OVRGLTFAccessor dataReader = new OVRGLTFAccessor(jsonInverseBindMatrices, m_jsonData); inverseBindMatrices = new Matrix4x4[dataReader.GetDataCount()]; dataReader.ReadAsMatrix4x4(m_binaryChunk, ref inverseBindMatrices, 0, GLTFToUnitySpace); } if (skinNode["skeleton"] != null) { var skeletonRootId = skinNode["skeleton"].AsInt; renderer.rootBone = m_Nodes[skeletonRootId].transform; } Transform[] bones = null; if (skinNode["joints"] != null) { var joints = skinNode["joints"].AsArray; bones = new Transform[joints.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < joints.Count; i++) { bones[i] = m_Nodes[joints[i]].transform; } } renderer.sharedMesh.bindposes = inverseBindMatrices; renderer.bones = bones; }
private OVRTextureData ProcessTexture(int textureId) { var jsonTexture = m_jsonData["textures"][textureId]; int imageSource = -1; var jsonExtensions = jsonTexture["extensions"]; if (jsonExtensions != null) { var baisuExtension = jsonExtensions["KHR_texture_basisu"]; if (baisuExtension != null) { imageSource = baisuExtension["source"].AsInt; } } else { imageSource = jsonTexture["source"].AsInt; } var jsonSource = m_jsonData["images"][imageSource]; int sampler = jsonTexture["sampler"].AsInt; var jsonSampler = m_jsonData["samplers"][sampler]; int bufferViewId = jsonSource["bufferView"].AsInt; var jsonBufferView = m_jsonData["bufferViews"][bufferViewId]; OVRGLTFAccessor dataReader = new OVRGLTFAccessor(jsonBufferView, m_jsonData, true); OVRTextureData textureData = new OVRTextureData(); if (jsonSource["mimeType"].Value == "image/ktx2") { = dataReader.ReadAsKtxTexture(m_binaryChunk); textureData.format = OVRTextureFormat.KTX2; } else { Debug.LogWarning("Unsupported image mimeType."); } return(textureData); }
private OVRMeshData ProcessMesh(JSONNode meshNode, bool loadMips) { OVRMeshData meshData = new OVRMeshData(); int totalVertexCount = 0; var primitives = meshNode["primitives"]; int[] primitiveVertexCounts = new int[primitives.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < primitives.Count; i++) { var jsonPrimitive = primitives[i]; var jsonAttrbite = jsonPrimitive["attributes"]["POSITION"]; var jsonAccessor = m_jsonData["accessors"][jsonAttrbite.AsInt]; primitiveVertexCounts[i] = jsonAccessor["count"]; totalVertexCount += primitiveVertexCounts[i]; } int[][] indicies = new int[primitives.Count][]; Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[totalVertexCount]; Vector3[] normals = null; if (primitives[0]["attributes"]["NORMAL"] != null) { normals = new Vector3[totalVertexCount]; } Vector4[] tangents = null; if (primitives[0]["attributes"]["TANGENT"] != null) { tangents = new Vector4[totalVertexCount]; } Vector2[] texcoords = null; if (primitives[0]["attributes"]["TEXCOORD_0"] != null) { texcoords = new Vector2[totalVertexCount]; } Color[] colors = null; if (primitives[0]["attributes"]["COLOR_0"] != null) { colors = new Color[totalVertexCount]; } BoneWeight[] boneWeights = null; if (primitives[0]["attributes"]["WEIGHTS_0"] != null) { boneWeights = new BoneWeight[totalVertexCount]; } // Begin async processing of material and its texture OVRMaterialData matData = default(OVRMaterialData); Task transcodeTask = null; var jsonMaterial = primitives[0]["material"]; if (jsonMaterial != null) { matData = ProcessMaterial(jsonMaterial.AsInt); matData.texture = ProcessTexture(matData.textureId); transcodeTask = Task.Run(() => { TranscodeTexture(ref matData.texture); }); } int vertexOffset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < primitives.Count; i++) { var jsonPrimitive = primitives[i]; int indicesAccessorId = jsonPrimitive["indices"].AsInt; var jsonAccessor = m_jsonData["accessors"][indicesAccessorId]; OVRGLTFAccessor indicesReader = new OVRGLTFAccessor(jsonAccessor, m_jsonData); indicies[i] = new int[indicesReader.GetDataCount()]; indicesReader.ReadAsInt(m_binaryChunk, ref indicies[i], 0); FlipTraingleIndices(ref indicies[i]); var jsonAttribute = jsonPrimitive["attributes"]["POSITION"]; if (jsonAttribute != null) { jsonAccessor = m_jsonData["accessors"][jsonAttribute.AsInt]; OVRGLTFAccessor dataReader = new OVRGLTFAccessor(jsonAccessor, m_jsonData); dataReader.ReadAsVector3(m_binaryChunk, ref vertices, vertexOffset, GLTFToUnitySpace); } jsonAttribute = jsonPrimitive["attributes"]["NORMAL"]; if (jsonAttribute != null) { jsonAccessor = m_jsonData["accessors"][jsonAttribute.AsInt]; OVRGLTFAccessor dataReader = new OVRGLTFAccessor(jsonAccessor, m_jsonData); dataReader.ReadAsVector3(m_binaryChunk, ref normals, vertexOffset, GLTFToUnitySpace); } jsonAttribute = jsonPrimitive["attributes"]["TANGENT"]; if (jsonAttribute != null) { jsonAccessor = m_jsonData["accessors"][jsonAttribute.AsInt]; OVRGLTFAccessor dataReader = new OVRGLTFAccessor(jsonAccessor, m_jsonData); dataReader.ReadAsVector4(m_binaryChunk, ref tangents, vertexOffset, GLTFToUnityTangent); } jsonAttribute = jsonPrimitive["attributes"]["TEXCOORD_0"]; if (jsonAttribute != null) { jsonAccessor = m_jsonData["accessors"][jsonAttribute.AsInt]; OVRGLTFAccessor dataReader = new OVRGLTFAccessor(jsonAccessor, m_jsonData); dataReader.ReadAsVector2(m_binaryChunk, ref texcoords, vertexOffset); } jsonAttribute = jsonPrimitive["attributes"]["COLOR_0"]; if (jsonAttribute != null) { jsonAccessor = m_jsonData["accessors"][jsonAttribute.AsInt]; OVRGLTFAccessor dataReader = new OVRGLTFAccessor(jsonAccessor, m_jsonData); dataReader.ReadAsColor(m_binaryChunk, ref colors, vertexOffset); } jsonAttribute = jsonPrimitive["attributes"]["WEIGHTS_0"]; if (jsonAttribute != null) { jsonAccessor = m_jsonData["accessors"][jsonAttribute.AsInt]; OVRGLTFAccessor weightReader = new OVRGLTFAccessor(jsonAccessor, m_jsonData); var jointAttribute = jsonPrimitive["attributes"]["JOINTS_0"]; var jointAccessor = m_jsonData["accessors"][jointAttribute.AsInt]; OVRGLTFAccessor jointReader = new OVRGLTFAccessor(jointAccessor, m_jsonData); Vector4[] weights = new Vector4[weightReader.GetDataCount()]; Vector4[] joints = new Vector4[jointReader.GetDataCount()]; weightReader.ReadAsBoneWeights(m_binaryChunk, ref weights, 0); jointReader.ReadAsVector4(m_binaryChunk, ref joints, 0,; for (int w = 0; w < weights.Length; w++) { boneWeights[vertexOffset + w].boneIndex0 = (int)joints[w].x; boneWeights[vertexOffset + w].boneIndex1 = (int)joints[w].y; boneWeights[vertexOffset + w].boneIndex2 = (int)joints[w].z; boneWeights[vertexOffset + w].boneIndex3 = (int)joints[w].w; boneWeights[vertexOffset + w].weight0 = weights[w].x; boneWeights[vertexOffset + w].weight1 = weights[w].y; boneWeights[vertexOffset + w].weight2 = weights[w].z; boneWeights[vertexOffset + w].weight3 = weights[w].w; } } vertexOffset += primitiveVertexCounts[i]; } Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.normals = normals; mesh.tangents = tangents; mesh.colors = colors; mesh.uv = texcoords; mesh.boneWeights = boneWeights; mesh.subMeshCount = primitives.Count; int baseVertex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < primitives.Count; i++) { mesh.SetIndices(indicies[i], MeshTopology.Triangles, i, false, baseVertex); baseVertex += primitiveVertexCounts[i]; } mesh.RecalculateBounds(); meshData.mesh = mesh; if (transcodeTask != null) { transcodeTask.Wait(); meshData.material = CreateUnityMaterial(matData, loadMips); } return(meshData); }