Esempio n. 1
    public MainForm(GraphicsBackend backend, string exeDir, string shaderSubdir)

        Shown += (sender, e) => FormReady = true;

        GraphicsDeviceOptions options = new(

        Surface = new VeldridSurface(backend, options);
        Surface.VeldridInitialized += (sender, e) => VeldridReady = true;

        Content = Surface;

        ovpSettings = new OVPSettings();


        Driver = new VeldridDriver(ref ovpSettings, ref Surface)
            Surface             = Surface,
            ExecutableDirectory = exeDir,
            ShaderSubdirectory  = shaderSubdir

        // TODO: Make this binding actually work both ways.
        CmdAnimate.Bind <bool>("Checked", Driver, "Animate");
        CmdClockwise.Bind <bool>("Checked", Driver, "Clockwise");
    private static void saveViewportSVG(ref OVPSettings vpSettings, string svgFileName)
        SVGBuilder svg = new();

        // The polygons in the viewport are stored flipped due to drawing convention. We need to flip them here for SVG to match drawn viewport.

        // polys
        foreach (ovp_Poly t in vpSettings.polyList)
   = UIHelper.colorToMyColor(t.color);
   = UIHelper.colorToMyColor(t.color);
            GeoLibPointF[] temp = UIHelper.pointFArrayTomyPointFArray(t.poly);
            int count = temp.Length;
            Parallel.For(0, count, pt =>
                for (int pt = 0; pt < count; pt++)
                    temp[pt].Y = -temp[pt].Y;
Esempio n. 3
    public MainForm()
        myList = new List <ObservableCollection <string> > {
            new() { "First", "Second" }

        DataContext = new myStuff
            entries = myList

        refPoly    = new PointF[5];
        refPoly[0] = new PointF(-50, 50);
        refPoly[1] = new PointF(50, 50);
        refPoly[2] = new PointF(50, -50);
        refPoly[3] = new PointF(-50, -50);
        refPoly[4] = refPoly[0];

        drawingLock = new object();

        MinimumSize = new Size(200, 200);

        updateSimUIMTFunc = updateSimUIMT_;

        configureProgressBarFunc = configureProgressBar_;

        numberOfCases  = 25000;
        timer_interval = 10;

        ovpSettings  = new OVPSettings();
        ovp2Settings = new OVPSettings
            zoomFactor = 3

        Title = "My Eto Form";

         * Test flags.
         * 0 : stamdard viewports in splitter test.
         * 1 : viewports in tabs (WPF has issues here due to the deferred evaluation; still need a better fix)
         * 3 : single viewport in panel, dropdown switches out the view settings.

        int mode = 0;

        switch (mode)
        case 0:
            viewport      = new TestViewport(ref ovpSettings);
            viewport.Size = new Size(250, 250);

            viewport2      = new TestViewport(ref ovp2Settings);
            viewport2.Size = new Size(200, 200);

            Panel testing = new();
            testing.Size    = new Size(viewport.Width + viewport2.Width, viewport.Height);
            testing.Content = new Splitter
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                FixedPanel  = SplitterFixedPanel.None,
                Panel1      = viewport,
                Panel2      = viewport2

            Panel testing2 = new();
            testing2.Content = new Splitter
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                FixedPanel  = SplitterFixedPanel.None,
                Panel1      = statusLine,
                Panel2      = progressBar

            testComboBox_SelEntry        = new Button();
            testComboBox_SelEntry.Text   = "Change";
            testComboBox_SelEntry.Click += changeSelEntry;

            testComboBox             = new DropDown();
            testComboBox.DataContext = DataContext;
            testComboBox.BindDataContext(c => c.DataStore, (myStuff m) => m.entries[0]);
            testComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
            //testComboBox.SelectedIndexBinding.BindDataContext((myStuff m) => m.index);

            Panel testing3 = new();
            testing3.Content = new Splitter
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                FixedPanel  = SplitterFixedPanel.None,
                Panel1      = testComboBox_SelEntry,
                Panel2      = testComboBox

            Panel testing4 = new();
            testing4.Content = new Splitter
                Orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
                FixedPanel  = SplitterFixedPanel.None,
                Panel1      = testing3,
                Panel2      = testing

            Splitter mySplitter = new()
                Orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
                FixedPanel  = SplitterFixedPanel.None,
                Panel1      = testing4,
                Panel2      = testing2

            Content = mySplitter;

        case 1:
            TabControl tabControl_main = new();
            tabControl_main.Size = new Size(300, 300);
            Content = tabControl_main;

            TabPage tab_0 = new();
            tab_0.Text = "0";
            PixelLayout tabPage_0_content = new();
            tabPage_0_content.Size = new Size(280, 280);

            TabPage tab_1 = new();
            tab_1.Text = "1";
            PixelLayout tabPage_1_content = new();
            tabPage_1_content.Size = new Size(280, 280);
            tab_1.Content          = tabPage_1_content;

            TabPage tab_2 = new();
            tab_2.Text = "2";

            viewport      = new TestViewport(ref ovpSettings);
            viewport.Size = new Size(200, 200);
            tabPage_1_content.Add(viewport, 5, 5);

            viewport2      = new TestViewport(ref ovp2Settings);
            viewport2.Size = new Size(200, 200);
            tab_2.Content  = viewport2;

        case 2:
            ovpSettings.addPolygon(refPoly, Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0), 0.7f, false, 0);
            ovp2Settings.addPolygon(refPoly, Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0), 0.7f, false, 0);

            vSettings     = new OVPSettings();
            viewport      = new TestViewport(ref vSettings);
            viewport.Size = new Size(250, 250);

            Panel testing = new();
            testing.Size = new Size(viewport.Width, viewport.Height);
            PixelLayout p = new();
            p.Add(viewport, 0, 0);
            testing.Content = p;

            testComboBox_SelEntry        = new Button();
            testComboBox_SelEntry.Text   = "Change";
            testComboBox_SelEntry.Click += changeSelEntry;

            testComboBox             = new DropDown();
            testComboBox.DataContext = DataContext;
            testComboBox.BindDataContext(c => c.DataStore, (myStuff m) => m.entries[0]);
            testComboBox.SelectedIndex         = 0;
            testComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += adjustView_;
            //testComboBox.SelectedIndexBinding.BindDataContext((myStuff m) => m.index);

            Splitter testing3 = new()
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                FixedPanel  = SplitterFixedPanel.None,
                Panel1      = testComboBox_SelEntry,
                Panel2      = testComboBox

            Splitter testing4 = new()
                Orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
                FixedPanel  = SplitterFixedPanel.None,
                Panel1      = testing3,
                Panel2      = testing

            Splitter mySplitter = new()
                Orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
                FixedPanel  = SplitterFixedPanel.None,
                Panel1      = testing4,
                Panel2      = new Panel()

            Content = mySplitter;

        statusLine      = new Label();
        statusLine.Size = new Size(150, 11);
        statusLine.Text = "Hello world";

        progressBar          = new ProgressBar();
        progressBar.Height   = 15;
        progressBar.MaxValue = numberOfCases;

        // create a few commands that can be used for the menu and toolbar
        Command clickMe = new() { MenuText = "Run", ToolBarText = "Run" };

        clickMe.Executed += runCases;

        Command abort = new() { MenuText = "Abort", ToolBarText = "Abort" };

        abort.Executed += abortTheRun;

        Command adjustList = new() { MenuText = "Add to list", ToolBarText = "Add" };

        if (mode != 3)
            adjustList.Executed += adjustList_;

        Command quitCommand = new() { MenuText = "Quit", Shortcut = Application.Instance.CommonModifier | Keys.Q };

        quitCommand.Executed += (sender, e) => Application.Instance.Quit();

        Command aboutCommand = new() { MenuText = "About..." };

        aboutCommand.Executed += (sender, e) => MessageBox.Show(this, "About my app...");

        // create menu
        Menu = new MenuBar {
            Items =
                // File submenu
                new ButtonMenuItem {
                    Text = "&File", Items ={ clickMe          }
                // new ButtonMenuItem { Text = "&Edit", Items = { /* commands/items */ } },
                // new ButtonMenuItem { Text = "&View", Items = { /* commands/items */ } },
            ApplicationItems =
                // application (OS X) or file menu (others)
                new ButtonMenuItem {
                    Text = "&Preferences..."
            QuitItem  = quitCommand,
            AboutItem = aboutCommand

        // create toolbar
        ToolBar = new ToolBar {
            Items = { clickMe, abort, adjustList }

        //mySplitter.Panel1.SizeChanged += splitterSize;
        //mySplitter.Panel2.SizeChanged += splitterSize;

    private void adjustView_(object sender, EventArgs e)
        switch (testComboBox.SelectedIndex)
        case 0:
            viewport.changeSettingsRef(ref ovpSettings);

            viewport.changeSettingsRef(ref ovp2Settings);

    private void adjustList_(object sender, EventArgs e)
        myList[0].Add("Entry " + myList[0].Count.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
        testComboBox.SelectedIndex = testComboBox.SelectedIndex switch
            -1 => 0,
            _ => testComboBox.SelectedIndex
        if (testComboBox.SelectedIndex >= myList[0].Count)
            testComboBox.SelectedIndex = myList[0].Count - 1;
//			testComboBox.SelectedIndex = 1;

    /* These shouldn't be necessary
     * protected override void OnWindowStateChanged(EventArgs e)
     * {
     *      base.OnWindowStateChanged(e);
     *      viewport.updateViewport();
     *      viewport.updateViewport();
     *      if (viewport2 != null)
     *      {
     *              viewport2.updateViewport();
     *      }
     * }
     * void splitterSize(object sender, EventArgs e)
     * {
     *      viewport.updateViewport();
     *      viewport.updateViewport();
     *      if (viewport2 != null)
     *      {
     *              viewport2.updateViewport();
     *      }
     * }
     * protected override void OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e)
     * {
     *      base.OnSizeChanged(e);
     *      viewport.updateViewport();
     *      if (viewport2 != null)
     *      {
     *              viewport2.updateViewport();
     *      }
     * }
     * protected override void OnShown(EventArgs e)
     * {
     *      base.OnShown(e);
     *      viewport.updateViewport();
     *      viewport.updateViewport();
     *      if (viewport2 != null)
     *      {
     *              viewport2.updateViewport();
     *      }
     * }

public static class RNG