/// <summary> /// Creates a node /// </summary> /// <param name="opt">The option</param> /// <returns>The node</returns> private static unsafe Node byID(OPT opt) { Node node = new Node(); node.Flags = NodeFlags.DIRECTORY; node.FindDir = findDirImpl; IDCookie cookie = new IDCookie((int)opt); node.Cookie = cookie; return(node); }
public void TS_File_Load_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Paths.DefaultDirectory = OPT.GetString("data.load.directory"); string filePath = Paths.FilePath; if (Paths.FileResult != DialogResult.OK) { return; } load(filePath); }
static void Main(string[] args) { OPT.LoadSettings(); DesCipher = new XDes(OPT.GetString("des.key")); clientList = new Dictionary <int, Client>(); Console.WriteLine("Indexing legacy file names..."); OPT.LoadLegacyFiles(); Console.WriteLine("\t- {0} legacy files indexed!", OPT.LegacyCount); Console.WriteLine("Indexing delete file names..."); OPT.LoadDeleteFiles(); Console.WriteLine("\t- {0} delete files indexed!", OPT.DeleteCount); IndexManager.Build(false); Console.Write("Checking for tmp directory..."); if (!Directory.Exists(tmpPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tmpPath); } Console.Write("[OK]\n\t- Cleaning up temp files..."); int cleanedCount = 0; foreach (string filePath in Directory.GetFiles(tmpPath)) { File.Delete(filePath); cleanedCount++; } Console.WriteLine("[OK] ({0} files cleared!)", cleanedCount); Console.Write("Initializing client listener... "); if (ClientManager.Instance.Start()) { Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); } Console.Write("Initializing Index Rebuild Service..."); int rebuildInterval = OPT.GetInt("rebuild.interval") * 1000; indexTimer = new Timer(indexTick, null, rebuildInterval, rebuildInterval); Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); Console.Write("Initializing OTP Reset Service..."); otpTimer = new Timer(otpTick, null, 0, 300000); Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); Console.ReadLine(); }
private async void extensions_cs_export_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string buildDirectory = OPT.GetString("build.directory"); string ext = extensions.SelectedNode.Text; if (ext.Length == 3) { List <IndexEntry> entries = core.GetEntriesByExtension(ext); ts_status.Text = string.Format("Exporting: {0}...", ext); tab_disabled = true; try { await Task.Run(() => { if (ext == "all") { core.ExportAllEntries(buildDirectory); } else { buildDirectory += string.Format(@"\{0}\", ext); if (!Directory.Exists(buildDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(buildDirectory); } core.ExportExtEntries(buildDirectory, ext); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Extension Export Exception", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); lManager.Enter(Logs.Sender.DATA, Logs.Level.ERROR, ex); } finally { lManager.Enter(Logs.Sender.DATA, Logs.Level.NOTICE, "Exported {0} Rows from Tab: {1}", entries.Count, tManager.Text); } ts_status.Text = string.Empty; tab_disabled = false; } }
public Item() { InitializeComponent(); imageList = new ImageList(); imageList.ImageSize = new Size(34, 34); bool backup = OPT.GetBool("data.backup"); int codepage = OPT.GetInt("data.encoding"); Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(codepage); Core = new Core(backup, encoding); spr = new SPR(); loadCore(); itemList.LargeImageList = imageList; setEnums(); }
private void TelnetSendSubopt(OPT option, string val) { byte[] bval = (new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding()).GetBytes(val); byte[] data = new byte[6 + val.Length]; int i = 0; data[i++] = (byte)CMD.IAC; data[i++] = (byte)CMD.SB; data[i++] = (byte)option; data[i++] = 0; bval.CopyTo(data, i); i += bval.Length; data[i++] = (byte)CMD.IAC; data[i++] = (byte)CMD.SE; _RequestData(data); }
private void CS_RequestSendType(Client client, PacketStream stream) { if (debug) { Output.Write(new Message() { Text = string.Format("Client [{0}] requested send.type", client.Id), AddBreak = true }); } PacketStream outStream = new PacketStream(0x0040); outStream.WriteInt32(OPT.GetInt("send.type")); ClientManager.Instance.Send(client, outStream); }
/// <summary> /// FS readdir /// </summary> /// <param name="node">The node</param> /// <param name="index">The index</param> /// <returns>The directory entry</returns> private static unsafe DirEntry* readDirImpl(Node node, uint index) { IDCookie cookie = (IDCookie)node.Cookie; OPT opt = (OPT)cookie.ID; // Do list ;) if (opt == OPT.LIST) { if (index == 0) return makeByName("bind"); else if (index == 1) return makeByName("connect"); } return null; }
private void TelnetSendSubopt(OPT option, string val) { byte[] bval = (new ASCIIEncoding()).GetBytes(val); byte[] data = new byte[6 + val.Length]; int i = 0; data[i++] = (byte)CMD.IAC; data[i++] = (byte)CMD.SB; data[i++] = (byte)option; data[i++] = 0; bval.CopyTo(data, i); i += bval.Length; data[i++] = (byte)CMD.IAC; data[i++] = (byte)CMD.SE; this.stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string processName_1 = "launcher"; string processName_2 = "client"; Console.Write("Loading configuration info from config.opt..."); OPT.Read(); Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); Console.Write("Checking for open Launcher..."); if (Process.GetProcessesByName(processName_1).Length > 0) { foreach (var process in Process.GetProcessesByName(processName_1)) { process.Kill(); } } if (Process.GetProcessesByName(processName_2).Length > 0) { foreach (var process in Process.GetProcessesByName(processName_2)) { process.Kill(); } } Console.Write("[OK]\nConnecting to the Portal Server..."); try { if (ServerManager.Instance.Start(OPT.GetString("ip"), OPT.GetInt("port"))) { Console.Write("[OK]\nRequesting communication key..."); ServerPackets.Instance.US_RequestDesKey(); } else { Console.WriteLine("[FAIL]"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Errors:\n\t{0}", ex.ToString()); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public void TS_Load_File_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!structLoaded) { MessageBox.Show("You can not do that until a structure has been loaded!", "Structure Exception", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); return; } Paths.DefaultDirectory = OPT.GetString("rdb.load.directory"); string fileName = Paths.FilePath; if (Paths.FileResult != DialogResult.OK) { lManager.Enter(Logs.Sender.RDB, Logs.Level.NOTICE, "User cancelled file load on tab: {0}", tManager.Text); return; } load_file(fileName); }
public AutoMapperProfiles() { CreateMap <AppUser, MemberDTO>() .ForMember( dest => dest.PhotoUrl, opt => opt.MapFrom( src => src.Photos.FirstOrDefault( x => x.IsMain ).Url)) .ForMember( dest => dest.Age, OPT => OPT.MapFrom( src => src.DateOfBirth.CalculateAge() )); CreateMap <Photo, PhotoDTO>(); CreateMap <MemberUpdateDTO, AppUser>(); }
private void updatesGrid_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { int saveType = 99; string fileName = updatesGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); bool state = (bool)updatesGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value; if (e.ColumnIndex == updatesGrid.Columns[2].Index && e.RowIndex != -1) // Legacy { OPT.AlterLegacyIndex(fileName, state); saveType = 0; } else if (e.ColumnIndex == updatesGrid.Columns[3].Index && e.RowIndex != -1) // Delete { OPT.AlterDeleteIndex(fileName, state); saveType = 1; } OPT.SaveIndex(saveType); }
public ClientPackets() { debug = OPT.GetBool("debug"); // Loads PacketsDb PacketsDb = new Dictionary <ushort, PacketAction>(); #region Packets PacketsDb.Add(0x0001, CS_RequestUpdateDateTime); PacketsDb.Add(0x0002, CS_RequestSelfUpdate); PacketsDb.Add(0x0003, CS_RequestUpdater); PacketsDb.Add(0x0010, CS_RequestUpdateIndex); PacketsDb.Add(0x0040, CS_RequestSendType); PacketsDb.Add(0x0041, CS_RequestFileTransfer); PacketsDb.Add(0x0030, CS_RequestArguments); PacketsDb.Add(0x0100, CS_RequestValidation); PacketsDb.Add(0x00DC, CS_RequestDisconnect); PacketsDb.Add(0x9999, CS_RequestDesKey); #endregion }
public MappingUserProfile() { CreateMap <M.Request.UsuarioRequest, M.Entidades.USER_LAB>() .ForMember(DEST => DEST.EMAIL, OPT => OPT.MapFrom(input => input.correo)) .ForMember(DEST => DEST.FIRST_LAST_NAME, OPT => OPT.MapFrom(input => input.apellidoPaterno)) .ForMember(DEST => DEST.SECOND_LAST_NAME, OPT => OPT.MapFrom(input => input.apellidoMaterno)) .ForMember(DEST => DEST.FIRST_NAME, OPT => OPT.MapFrom(input => input.primerNombre)) .ForMember(DEST => DEST.SECOND_NAME, OPT => OPT.MapFrom(input => input.segundoNombre)) .ForMember(DEST => DEST.PASSWORD, OPT => OPT.MapFrom(input => input.contrasena)) .ForMember(DEST => DEST.USR, OPT => OPT.MapFrom(input => input.usuario)) .ForMember(DEST => DEST.ID_USER_ROL, OPT => OPT.MapFrom(input => input.idRol)).ReverseMap(); CreateMap <M.Response.UsuarioResponse, M.Entidades.USER_LAB>() .ForMember(DEST => DEST.EMAIL, OPT => OPT.MapFrom(input => input.correo)) .ForMember(DEST => DEST.FIRST_LAST_NAME, OPT => OPT.MapFrom(input => input.apellidoPaterno)) .ForMember(DEST => DEST.SECOND_LAST_NAME, OPT => OPT.MapFrom(input => input.apellidoMaterno)) .ForMember(DEST => DEST.FIRST_NAME, OPT => OPT.MapFrom(input => input.primerNombre)) .ForMember(DEST => DEST.SECOND_NAME, OPT => OPT.MapFrom(input => input.segundoNombre)) .ForMember(DEST => DEST.PASSWORD, OPT => OPT.MapFrom(input => input.contrasena)) .ForMember(DEST => DEST.USR, OPT => OPT.MapFrom(input => input.usuario)) .ForMember(DEST => DEST.ID_USER_ROL, OPT => OPT.MapFrom(input => input.idRol)).ReverseMap(); }
/// <summary> /// Triggered when a client tries to connect /// </summary> /// <param name="ar"></param> private void AcceptCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { Socket listener = (Socket)ar.AsyncState; Socket socket = listener.EndAccept(ar); // Starts to accept another connection listener.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(AcceptCallback), listener); Client client = new Client(socket); if (OPT.GetBool("debug")) { Console.WriteLine("Client [{0}] connected from: {1} [{2}]", client.Id, client.Ip, client.Port); } clientList.Add(client); socket.BeginReceive( client.Buffer, 0, PacketStream.MaxBuffer, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(ReadCallback), client ); }
/// <summary> /// FS finddir /// </summary> /// <param name="node">The node</param> /// <param name="name">The name to look for</param> /// <returns>The node</returns> private static unsafe Node findDirImpl(Node node, string name) { IDCookie cookie = (IDCookie)node.Cookie; OPT opt = (OPT)cookie.ID; if (opt == OPT.LIST) { if (name.Equals("bind")) return byID(OPT.BIND); else if (name.Equals("connect")) return byID(OPT.SOCK); } else if (opt == OPT.SOCK) { return UDPSocketDevice.Open(name); } else if (opt == OPT.BIND) { return UDPBindSocketDevice.Open(name); } return null; }
private async void saveFileBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataCore.Core dCore = new DataCore.Core(); if (RDBControls.GridRows > 0) { string savePath = OPT.GetString("save.directory"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(savePath)) { string structFileName = structFileName = string.Format(@"{0}.{1}", StructureManager.FileName(RDBControls.StructureListValue), rCore.Extension); string fileName = OPT.GetBool("save.hashed") ? dCore.EncodeName(structFileName) : structFileName; using (SaveFileDialog sfDlg = new SaveFileDialog() { Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*|RDB files (*.rdb)|*.rdb|REF files (*.ref)|*.ref", Title = "Define the name of your rdb", FileName = fileName }) { if (sfDlg.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sfDlg.FileName)) { savePath = sfDlg.FileName; } } } } else { savePath += GuessName.Result(RDBControls.StructureListValue, NameType.File); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(savePath)) { await Task.Run(() => { rdbCores[tabIdx].WriteRDB(savePath); }); } } }
private void insert_files(string[] filePaths) { using (GUI.MessageListBox msgbox = new GUI.MessageListBox("Review Files", "You are about to import the following files!\r\n\r\nAre you sure you want to do that?", filePaths)) { msgbox.ShowDialog(GUI.Main.Instance); if (msgbox.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } } try { foreach (string filePath in filePaths) { tab_disabled = true; string msg = string.Format("Importing: {0}...", Path.GetFileName(filePath)); ts_status.Text = msg; lManager.Enter(Logs.Sender.DATA, Logs.Level.NOTICE, msg); core.ImportFileEntry(filePath); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Import Exception", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); lManager.Enter(Logs.Sender.DATA, Logs.Level.ERROR, ex); } finally { core.Save(OPT.GetString("build.directory")); tab_disabled = false; ts_status.Text = string.Empty; } }
private void networkListenerMaintenance_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OPT.UpdateSetting("maintenance", (OPT.GetBool("maintenance") ? "0" : "1")); }
private void TelnetSendSubopt(OPT option, string val) { byte[] bval = (new ASCIIEncoding()).GetBytes(val); byte[] data = new byte[6 + val.Length]; int i = 0; data[i++] = (byte) CMD.IAC; data[i++] = (byte) CMD.SB; data[i++] = (byte) option; data[i++] = 0; bval.CopyTo(data, i); i += bval.Length; data[i++] = (byte) CMD.IAC; data[i++] = (byte) CMD.SE; this._RequestData(data); }
private void useASCIIBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { useASCIIBtn.Checked = (useASCIIBtn.Checked) ? false : true; OPT.UpdateSetting("use.ascii", Convert.ToInt32(useASCIIBtn.Checked).ToString()); }
private async void GUI_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { OPT.LoadSettings(); DesCipher = new XDes(OPT.GetString("des.key")); Statistics.SetIO(); Statistics.StartUptime(); clientList = new Dictionary <int, Client>(); Output.Write(new Structures.Message() { Text = "Indexing legacy file names..." }); OPT.LoadLegacyIndex(); Output.Write(new Structures.Message() { Text = string.Format("[OK]\n\t- {0} legacy files indexed!", OPT.LegacyCount), AddBreak = true }); Output.Write(new Structures.Message() { Text = "Indexing delete file names..." }); OPT.LoadDeleteFiles(); Output.Write(new Structures.Message() { Text = string.Format("[OK]\n\t- {0} delete files indexed!", OPT.DeleteCount), AddBreak = true }); await Task.Run(() => { IndexManager.Build(false); }); Output.Write(new Structures.Message() { Text = "Checking for tmp directory..." }); if (!Directory.Exists(tmpPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tmpPath); } Output.Write(new Structures.Message() { Text = "[OK]", AddBreak = true }); clearTmp(); Output.Write(new Structures.Message() { Text = string.Format("Initializing client listener...{0}", (ClientManager.Instance.Start()) ? "[OK]" : "[FAIL]"), AddBreak = true }); Output.Write(new Structures.Message() { Text = "Initializing Index Rebuild Service..." }); int rebuildInterval = OPT.GetInt("rebuild.interval") * 1000; indexTimer = new Timer() { Enabled = true, Interval = rebuildInterval }; indexTimer.Tick += indexTick; indexTimer.Start(); Output.Write(new Structures.Message() { Text = "[OK]", AddBreak = true }); Output.Write(new Structures.Message() { Text = "Initializing OTP Reset Service..." }); otpTimer = new Timer() { Enabled = true, Interval = 300000 }; otpTimer.Tick += otpTick; Output.Write(new Structures.Message() { Text = "[OK]", AddBreak = true }); Output.Write(new Structures.Message() { Text = "Initializing Statistics Update Service..." }); Statistics.StartUpdating(); Output.Write(new Structures.Message() { Text = "[OK]", AddBreak = true }); toolTip.SetToolTip(setWTBtn, "Sets the Updates folder last write time to the current time"); }
private void TelnetSendSubopt(OPT option, string val) { byte[] bval = (new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding()).GetBytes(val); byte[] data = new byte[6+val.Length]; int i=0; data[i++] = (byte)CMD.IAC; data[i++] = (byte)CMD.SB; data[i++] = (byte)option; data[i++] = 0; bval.CopyTo(data, i); i += bval.Length; data[i++] = (byte)CMD.IAC; data[i++] = (byte)CMD.SE; stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); }