Esempio n. 1
        public App()
            OMGITServiceClient _client;
            EndpointAddress    EndPoint = new EndpointAddress("");
            BasicHttpBinding   binding  = CreateBasicHttp();

            _client = new OMGITServiceClient(binding, EndPoint);
            // _client.AddLogMessageTickerAppAsync("Reached App", "Contains Last Log in: " + Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("LastLoggedInUser").ToString());
            _client.AddLogMessageMobileAsync("Reached App version: " + GlobalData.OMGAppVersion, Helpers.Settings.UserName, 0, GlobalData.loginData);

            byte[] token     = null;
            byte[] salt      = null;
            string username  = string.Empty;
            string authToken = string.Empty;

            OMGITWebServices.OMGAuthTokenData atd = new OMGITWebServices.OMGAuthTokenData();

            //if (Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("LastLoggedInUser"))
            if (Helpers.Settings.UserName != string.Empty)
                //username = Application.Current.Properties["LastLoggedInUser"] as string;
                username     = Helpers.Settings.UserName;
                atd.UserName = username;
                _client.AddLogMessageMobileAsync("Last Logged In User:"******"Token"))
                if (Helpers.Settings.AuthToken != string.Empty)
                    //token = Application.Current.Properties[username + "Token"] as byte[];
                    token = Convert.FromBase64String(Helpers.Settings.AuthToken);

                //Check to make sure a salt exists for the last logged in user
                //if (Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey(username + "Salt"))
                if (Helpers.Settings.Salt != string.Empty)
                    //salt = Application.Current.Properties[username + "Salt"] as byte[];
                    salt = Convert.FromBase64String(Helpers.Settings.Salt);

                //If both the token and salt exist decrypt the token
                if (token != null && salt != null)
                    authToken     = Crypto.DecryptAes(token, username, salt);
                    atd.AuthToken = authToken;

            atd.MobilePlatform  = Device.OS.ToString();
            atd.OMGAppID        = Constants.AppName;
            atd.PhoneIdentifier = DependencyService.Get <IGetDeviceInfo>().GetDeviceInfo();
            _client.ValidateAuthenticationTokenCompleted += completedValidation;

            while (orm.ErrorMessage == "None" || orm.ErrorMessage == null)
            //If the token is a valid non-expired token open the TickerDisplayPage page if not open the Login page

            if (orm.Success)
                OMGITWebServices.OMGLoginData loginData = new OMGITWebServices.OMGLoginData();
                loginData.UserName = username;
                loginData.OMGAppID = Constants.AppName + GlobalData.OMGAppVersion;

                if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS)
                    loginData.MobilePlatform = "iOS";
                else if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android)
                    loginData.MobilePlatform = "Android";
                    loginData.MobilePlatform = "Unknown Platform";
                loginData.PhoneIdentifier = DependencyService.Get <IGetDeviceInfo>().GetDeviceInfo();

                string ipaddress = DependencyService.Get <IIPAddressManager>().GetIPAddress();
                _client.GetNotificationAdminsCompleted += ClientNotificationAdminsCompleted;

                while (NotificationAdmins == null)

                bool isAdmin = false;

                foreach (string s in NotificationAdmins)
                    if (loginData.UserName == s)
                        isAdmin = true;

                if (isAdmin)
                    MainPage = new NavigationPage(new AdminMainPage());
                    MainPage = new NavigationPage(new UserNotificationSettingsPage());
                // The root page of your application
                MainPage = new LoginPage();
Esempio n. 2
        public App(string alertMessage)
            OMGITServiceClient _client;
            EndpointAddress    EndPoint = new EndpointAddress("");
            BasicHttpBinding   binding  = CreateBasicHttp();

            _client = new OMGITServiceClient(binding, EndPoint);
            _client.AddLogMessageTickerAppAsync("Reached App tickerPage overload", "Contains Last Log in: " + Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("LastLoggedInUser").ToString());
            byte[] token     = null;
            byte[] salt      = null;
            string username  = string.Empty;
            string authToken = string.Empty;

            OMGITWebServices.OMGAuthTokenData atd = new OMGITWebServices.OMGAuthTokenData();

            if (Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("LastLoggedInUser"))
                username     = Application.Current.Properties["LastLoggedInUser"] as string;
                atd.UserName = username;
                _client.AddLogMessageTickerAppAsync("Last Logged In User:"******"Token"))
                    token = Application.Current.Properties[username + "Token"] as byte[];

                //Check to make sure a salt exists for the last logged in user
                if (Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey(username + "Salt"))
                    salt = Application.Current.Properties[username + "Salt"] as byte[];

                //If both the token and salt exist decrypt the token
                if (token != null && salt != null)
                    authToken     = Crypto.DecryptAes(token, username, salt);
                    atd.AuthToken = authToken;

            atd.MobilePlatform  = Device.OS.ToString();
            atd.OMGAppID        = Constants.AppName;
            atd.PhoneIdentifier = DependencyService.Get <IGetDeviceInfo>().GetDeviceInfo();
            _client.ValidateAuthenticationTokenCompleted += completedValidation;

            while (orm.ErrorMessage == "None" || orm.ErrorMessage == null)
            //If the token is a valid non-expired token open the TickerDisplayPage page if not open the Login page

            if (orm.Success)
                if (username == "hfowler" || username == "dfowler" || username == "sliu" || username == "khellwege")
                    MainPage = new NavigationPage(new AdminMainPage(alertMessage));
                    MainPage = new NavigationPage(new TickerDisplayPage(alertMessage));
                // The root page of your application
                MainPage = new NavigationPage(new LoginPage(alertMessage));