private void ArrangeVirtualizingLayout( Size finalSize, LineAlignment lineAlignment, bool isWrapping, string layoutId) { // Walk through the realized elements one line at a time and // align them, Then call element.Arrange with the arranged bounds. int realizedElementCount = m_elementManager.GetRealizedElementCount(); if (realizedElementCount > 0) { int countInLine = 1; var previousElementBounds = m_elementManager.GetLayoutBoundsForRealizedIndex(0); var currentLineOffset = OM.MajorStart(previousElementBounds); var spaceAtLineStart = OM.MinorStart(previousElementBounds); double spaceAtLineEnd = 0; double currentLineSize = OM.MajorSize(previousElementBounds); for (int i = 1; i < realizedElementCount; i++) { var currentBounds = m_elementManager.GetLayoutBoundsForRealizedIndex(i); if (OM.MajorStart(currentBounds) != currentLineOffset) { spaceAtLineEnd = OM.Minor(finalSize) - OM.MinorStart(previousElementBounds) - OM.MinorSize(previousElementBounds); PerformLineAlignment(i - countInLine, countInLine, spaceAtLineStart, spaceAtLineEnd, currentLineSize, lineAlignment, isWrapping, finalSize, layoutId); spaceAtLineStart = OM.MinorStart(currentBounds); countInLine = 0; currentLineOffset = OM.MajorStart(currentBounds); currentLineSize = 0; } countInLine++; // for current element currentLineSize = Math.Max(currentLineSize, OM.MajorSize(currentBounds)); previousElementBounds = currentBounds; } // Last line - potentially have a property to customize // aligning the last line or not. if (countInLine > 0) { double spaceAtEnd = OM.Minor(finalSize) - OM.MinorStart(previousElementBounds) - OM.MinorSize(previousElementBounds); PerformLineAlignment(realizedElementCount - countInLine, countInLine, spaceAtLineStart, spaceAtEnd, currentLineSize, lineAlignment, isWrapping, finalSize, layoutId); } } }
// Align elements within a line. Note that this does not modify LayoutBounds. So if we get // repeated measures, the LayoutBounds remain the same in each layout. private void PerformLineAlignment( int lineStartIndex, int countInLine, double spaceAtLineStart, double spaceAtLineEnd, double lineSize, LineAlignment lineAlignment, bool isWrapping, Size finalSize, string layoutId) { for (int rangeIndex = lineStartIndex; rangeIndex < lineStartIndex + countInLine; ++rangeIndex) { var bounds = m_elementManager.GetLayoutBoundsForRealizedIndex(rangeIndex); OM.SetMajorSize(ref bounds, lineSize); if (!m_scrollOrientationSameAsFlow) { // Note: Space at start could potentially be negative if (spaceAtLineStart != 0 || spaceAtLineEnd != 0) { double totalSpace = spaceAtLineStart + spaceAtLineEnd; switch (lineAlignment) { case LineAlignment.Start: { OM.SetMinorStart(ref bounds, OM.MinorStart(bounds) - spaceAtLineStart); break; } case LineAlignment.End: { OM.SetMinorStart(ref bounds, OM.MinorStart(bounds) + spaceAtLineEnd); break; } case LineAlignment.Center: { OM.SetMinorStart(ref bounds, OM.MinorStart(bounds) - spaceAtLineStart); OM.SetMinorStart(ref bounds, OM.MinorStart(bounds) + totalSpace / 2); break; } case LineAlignment.SpaceAround: { double interItemSpace = countInLine >= 1 ? totalSpace / (countInLine * 2) : 0; OM.SetMinorStart(ref bounds, OM.MinorStart(bounds) - spaceAtLineStart); OM.SetMinorStart(ref bounds, OM.MinorStart(bounds) + interItemSpace * ((rangeIndex - lineStartIndex + 1) * 2 - 1)); break; } case LineAlignment.SpaceBetween: { double interItemSpace = countInLine > 1 ? totalSpace / (countInLine - 1) : 0; OM.SetMinorStart(ref bounds, OM.MinorStart(bounds) - spaceAtLineStart); OM.SetMinorStart(ref bounds, OM.MinorStart(bounds) + interItemSpace * (rangeIndex - lineStartIndex)); break; } case LineAlignment.SpaceEvenly: { double interItemSpace = countInLine >= 1 ? totalSpace / (countInLine + 1) : 0; OM.SetMinorStart(ref bounds, OM.MinorStart(bounds) - spaceAtLineStart); OM.SetMinorStart(ref bounds, OM.MinorStart(bounds) + interItemSpace * (rangeIndex - lineStartIndex + 1)); break; } } } } bounds.X -= m_lastExtent.X; bounds.Y -= m_lastExtent.Y; if (!isWrapping) { OM.SetMinorSize(ref bounds, Math.Max(OM.MinorSize(bounds), OM.Minor(finalSize))); } var element = m_elementManager.GetAt(rangeIndex); element.Arrange(bounds); } }
private void Generate( GenerateDirection direction, int anchorIndex, Size availableSize, double minItemSpacing, double lineSpacing, uint maxItemsPerLine, bool disableVirtualization, string layoutId) { if (anchorIndex != -1) { int step = (direction == GenerateDirection.Forward) ? 1 : -1; int previousIndex = anchorIndex; int currentIndex = anchorIndex + step; var anchorBounds = m_elementManager.GetLayoutBoundsForDataIndex(anchorIndex); double lineOffset = OM.MajorStart(anchorBounds); double lineMajorSize = OM.MajorSize(anchorBounds); uint countInLine = 1; bool lineNeedsReposition = false; while (m_elementManager.IsIndexValidInData(currentIndex) && (disableVirtualization || ShouldContinueFillingUpSpace(previousIndex, direction))) { // Ensure layout element. m_elementManager.EnsureElementRealized(direction == GenerateDirection.Forward, currentIndex, layoutId); var currentElement = m_elementManager.GetRealizedElement(currentIndex); var desiredSize = MeasureElement(currentElement, currentIndex, availableSize, m_context); // Lay it out. var previousElement = m_elementManager.GetRealizedElement(previousIndex); Rect currentBounds = new Rect(0, 0, desiredSize.Width, desiredSize.Height); var previousElementBounds = m_elementManager.GetLayoutBoundsForDataIndex(previousIndex); if (direction == GenerateDirection.Forward) { double remainingSpace = OM.Minor(availableSize) - (OM.MinorStart(previousElementBounds) + OM.MinorSize(previousElementBounds) + minItemSpacing + OM.Minor(desiredSize)); if (countInLine >= maxItemsPerLine || m_algorithmCallbacks.Algorithm_ShouldBreakLine(currentIndex, remainingSpace)) { // No more space in this row. wrap to next row. OM.SetMinorStart(ref currentBounds, 0); OM.SetMajorStart(ref currentBounds, OM.MajorStart(previousElementBounds) + lineMajorSize + lineSpacing); if (lineNeedsReposition) { // reposition the previous line (countInLine items) for (uint i = 0; i < countInLine; i++) { var dataIndex = currentIndex - 1 - i; var bounds = m_elementManager.GetLayoutBoundsForDataIndex((int)dataIndex); OM.SetMajorSize(ref bounds, lineMajorSize); m_elementManager.SetLayoutBoundsForDataIndex((int)dataIndex, bounds); } } // Setup for next line. lineMajorSize = OM.MajorSize(currentBounds); lineOffset = OM.MajorStart(currentBounds); lineNeedsReposition = false; countInLine = 1; } else { // More space is available in this row. OM.SetMinorStart(ref currentBounds, OM.MinorStart(previousElementBounds) + OM.MinorSize(previousElementBounds) + (minItemSpacing)); OM.SetMajorStart(ref currentBounds, lineOffset); lineMajorSize = Math.Max(lineMajorSize, OM.MajorSize(currentBounds)); lineNeedsReposition = OM.MajorSize(previousElementBounds) != OM.MajorSize(currentBounds); countInLine++; } } else { // Backward double remainingSpace = OM.MinorStart(previousElementBounds) - (OM.Minor(desiredSize) + minItemSpacing); if (countInLine >= maxItemsPerLine || m_algorithmCallbacks.Algorithm_ShouldBreakLine(currentIndex, remainingSpace)) { // Does not fit, wrap to the previous row var availableSizeMinor = OM.Minor(availableSize); OM.SetMinorStart(ref currentBounds, !double.IsInfinity(availableSizeMinor) ? availableSizeMinor - OM.Minor(desiredSize) : 0.0); OM.SetMajorStart(ref currentBounds, lineOffset - OM.Major(desiredSize) - lineSpacing); if (lineNeedsReposition) { var previousLineOffset = OM.MajorStart(m_elementManager.GetLayoutBoundsForDataIndex((int)(currentIndex + countInLine + 1))); // reposition the previous line (countInLine items) for (uint i = 0; i < countInLine; i++) { var dataIndex = currentIndex + 1 + (int)i; if (dataIndex != anchorIndex) { var bounds = m_elementManager.GetLayoutBoundsForDataIndex(dataIndex); OM.SetMajorStart(ref bounds, previousLineOffset - lineMajorSize - lineSpacing); OM.SetMajorSize(ref bounds, lineMajorSize); m_elementManager.SetLayoutBoundsForDataIndex(dataIndex, bounds); } } } // Setup for next line. lineMajorSize = OM.MajorSize(currentBounds); lineOffset = OM.MajorStart(currentBounds); lineNeedsReposition = false; countInLine = 1; } else { // Fits in this row. put it in the previous position OM.SetMinorStart(ref currentBounds, OM.MinorStart(previousElementBounds) - OM.Minor(desiredSize) - minItemSpacing); OM.SetMajorStart(ref currentBounds, lineOffset); lineMajorSize = Math.Max(lineMajorSize, OM.MajorSize(currentBounds)); lineNeedsReposition = OM.MajorSize(previousElementBounds) != OM.MajorSize(currentBounds); countInLine++; } } m_elementManager.SetLayoutBoundsForDataIndex(currentIndex, currentBounds); previousIndex = currentIndex; currentIndex += step; } // If we did not reach the top or bottom of the extent, we realized one // extra item before we knew we were outside the realization window. Do not // account for that element in the indicies inside the realization window. if (direction == GenerateDirection.Forward) { int dataCount = m_context.ItemCount; m_lastRealizedDataIndexInsideRealizationWindow = previousIndex == dataCount - 1 ? dataCount - 1 : previousIndex - 1; m_lastRealizedDataIndexInsideRealizationWindow = Math.Max(0, m_lastRealizedDataIndexInsideRealizationWindow); } else { int dataCount = m_context.ItemCount; m_firstRealizedDataIndexInsideRealizationWindow = previousIndex == 0 ? 0 : previousIndex + 1; m_firstRealizedDataIndexInsideRealizationWindow = Math.Min(dataCount - 1, m_firstRealizedDataIndexInsideRealizationWindow); } m_elementManager.DiscardElementsOutsideWindow(direction == GenerateDirection.Forward, currentIndex); } }