public async Task FindAllPeople() { var client = new ODataClient(new ODataClientSettings { BaseUri = _serviceUri, IncludeAnnotationsInResults = true }); var annotations = new ODataFeedAnnotations(); int count = 0; var people = await client .For<PersonWithAnnotations>("Person") .FindEntriesAsync(annotations); count += people.Count(); while (annotations.NextPageLink != null) { people = await client .For<PersonWithAnnotations>() .FindEntriesAsync(annotations.NextPageLink, annotations); count += people.Count(); foreach (var person in people) { Assert.NotNull(person.Annotations.Id); Assert.NotNull(person.Annotations.ReadLink); Assert.NotNull(person.Annotations.EditLink); } } Assert.Equal(count, annotations.Count); }
public async Task FindEntryNuGetV1() { var client = new ODataClient(""); var package = await client.FindEntryAsync("Packages?$filter=Title eq 'EntityFramework'"); Assert.NotNull(package["Id"]); Assert.NotNull(package["Authors"]); }
internal EntityTracker(ODataClient oDataClient, object entity) { Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(oDataClient != null); Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(entity != null); _oDataClient = oDataClient; _entity = entity; _entityTypeInfo = oDataClient.GetEntityTypeInfoFor(entity.GetType()); if (_entityTypeInfo == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Entity type " + entity.GetType() + " is unknown in the OData Client."); } _linkCollectionTrackers = new LinkCollectionTracker[_entityTypeInfo.CollectionProperties.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < _entityTypeInfo.CollectionProperties.Length; ++i) { PropertyInfo property = _entityTypeInfo.CollectionProperties[i]; IEnumerable collection = (IEnumerable) property.GetValue(_entity, null); if (collection != null) { _linkCollectionTrackers[i] = new LinkCollectionTracker(this, property.Name, collection); } } INotifyPropertyChanged inpc = _entity as INotifyPropertyChanged; if (inpc != null) { // Use change tracking for more efficiency (possibly) inpc.PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged; } }
public void RetrieveSchemaFromUrlWithoutFilename() { var client = new ODataClient(""); var schema = client.Schema; Assert.IsTrue(schema.Tables.Any()); }
public void TypedCombinedConditionsFromODataOrg() { var client = new ODataClient(""); var product = client .For<ODataOrgProduct>("Product") .Filter(x => x.Name == "Bread" && x.Price < 1000) .FindEntry(); Assert.AreEqual(2.5m, product.Price); }
static void AddProduct(Default.Container container, ODataClient.OData.Models.Product product) { container.AddToProducts(product); var serviceResponse = container.SaveChanges(); foreach (var operationResponse in serviceResponse) { Console.WriteLine("Response: {0}", operationResponse.StatusCode); } }
public void AllEntriesFromODataOrg() { var client = new ODataClient(""); var products = client .For("Product") .FindEntries(); Assert.IsNotNull(products); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, products.Count()); }
public void CombinedConditionsFromODataOrg() { var client = new ODataClient(""); var x = ODataFilter.Expression; var product = client .For("Product") .Filter(x.Name == "Bread" && x.Price < 1000) .FindEntry(); Assert.Equal(2.5m, product["Price"]); }
public TestBase() { #if NETFX_CORE _serviceUri = "http://NORTHWIND/Northwind/Northwind.svc/"; #else _service = new TestService(typeof(NorthwindService)); _serviceUri = _service.ServiceUri.AbsoluteUri; #endif _client = CreateClientWithDefaultSettings(); }
public void GetEntryNonExistingIgnoreException() { var settings = new ODataClientSettings { UrlBase = _serviceUri, IgnoreResourceNotFoundException = true, }; var client = new ODataClient(settings); Assert.Null(client.GetEntry("Products", new Entry() { { "ProductID", -1 } })); }
public async Task AsyncWithPartialFailures() { using (var batch = new ODataBatch(_serviceUri)) { var client = new ODataClient(batch); await client.InsertEntryAsync("Products", new Entry() { { "ProductName", "Test1" }, { "UnitPrice", 10m } }, false); await client.InsertEntryAsync("Products", new Entry() { { "ProductName", "Test2" }, { "UnitPrice", 10m }, { "SupplierID", 0xFFFF } }, false); Assert.Throws<WebRequestException>(() => batch.Complete()); } }
public void SyncWithAllFailures() { using (var batch = new ODataBatch(_serviceUri)) { var client = new ODataClient(batch); client.InsertEntry("Products", new Entry() { { "UnitPrice", 10m } }, false); client.InsertEntry("Products", new Entry() { { "UnitPrice", 20m } }, false); Assert.Throws<WebRequestException>(() => batch.Complete()); } }
public void DynamicCombinedConditionsFromODataOrg() { var client = new ODataClient(""); var x = ODataDynamic.Expression; var product = client .For(x.Product) .Filter(x.Name == "Bread" && x.Price < 1000) .FindEntry(); Assert.AreEqual(2.5m, product.Price); }
public void AllEntriesFromODataOrg() { AsyncContext.Run (async () => { var client = new ODataClient(""); var products = await client .For("Product") .FindEntriesAsync(); Assert.IsNotNull(products); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, products.Count()); }); }
public async Task FindSinglePersonWithEntryAnnotations() { var client = new ODataClient(new ODataClientSettings { BaseUri = _serviceUri, IncludeAnnotationsInResults = true }); var person = await client .For<PersonWithAnnotations>("Person") .Filter(x => x.UserName == "russellwhyte") .FindEntryAsync(); Assert.NotNull(person.Annotations.Id); }
public async Task AsyncWithSuccess() { using (var batch = new ODataBatch(_serviceUri)) { var client = new ODataClient(batch); await client.InsertEntryAsync("Products", new Entry() { { "ProductName", "Test1" }, { "UnitPrice", 10m } }, false); await client.InsertEntryAsync("Products", new Entry() { { "ProductName", "Test2" }, { "UnitPrice", 20m } }, false); batch.Complete(); } var product = await _client.FindEntryAsync("Products?$filter=ProductName eq 'Test1'"); Assert.NotNull(product); product = await _client.FindEntryAsync("Products?$filter=ProductName eq 'Test2'"); Assert.NotNull(product); }
public void CheckODataOrgNorthwindSchema() { var client = new ODataClient(""); var table = client.Schema.FindTable("Product"); Assert.Equal("ProductID", table.PrimaryKey[0]); var association = table.FindAssociation("Categories"); Assert.Equal("Categories", association.ReferenceTableName); Assert.Equal("0..1", association.Multiplicity); table = client.Schema.FindTable("Employees"); association = table.FindAssociation("Employees"); Assert.Equal("Employees", association.ReferenceTableName); Assert.Equal("0..1", association.Multiplicity); }
public async Task FilterWithMetadataDocument() { var metadataDocument = await _client.GetMetadataDocumentAsync(); ODataClient.ClearMetadataCache(); var settings = new ODataClientSettings() { BaseUri = _serviceUri, PayloadFormat = _payloadFormat, MetadataDocument = metadataDocument, }; var client = new ODataClient(settings); var products = await client .For("Products") .Filter("Name eq 'Milk'") .FindEntriesAsync(); Assert.Equal("Milk", products.Single()["Name"]); }
public void CheckPluralsightComSchema() { var client = new ODataClient(""); var table = client.Schema.FindTable("Modules"); Assert.AreEqual("Title", table.PrimaryKey[0]); Assert.IsNotNull(table.FindColumn("Author")); Assert.IsNotNull(table.FindColumn("Description")); var association = table.FindAssociation("Course"); Assert.AreEqual("Courses", association.ReferenceTableName); Assert.AreEqual("*", association.Multiplicity); Assert.AreEqual(5, client.Schema.EntityTypes.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(0, client.Schema.ComplexTypes.Count()); }
public async Task UpdateEntryNoResult() { var client = new ODataClient(CreateDefaultSettings().WithHttpMock()); var key = new Entry() { { "ProductID", 1 } }; var product = await client.UpdateEntryAsync("Products", key, new Entry() { { "ProductName", "Chai" }, { "UnitPrice", 123m } }, false); Assert.Null(product); product = await client.GetEntryAsync("Products", key); Assert.Equal(123m, product["UnitPrice"]); }
public async Task DeleteEntry() { var client = new ODataClient(CreateDefaultSettings().WithHttpMock()); var product = await client.InsertEntryAsync("Products", new Entry() { { "ProductName", "Test3" }, { "UnitPrice", 18m } }, true); product = await client.FindEntryAsync("Products?$filter=ProductName eq 'Test3'"); Assert.NotNull(product); await client.DeleteEntryAsync("Products", product); product = await client.FindEntryAsync("Products?$filter=ProductName eq 'Test3'"); Assert.Null(product); }
public async Task DeleteEntrySubCollectionWithAnnotations() { var client = new ODataClient(CreateDefaultSettings().WithAnnotations().WithHttpMock()); var ship = await client.InsertEntryAsync("Transport/Ships", new Entry() { { "ShipName", "Test3" } }, true); ship = await client.FindEntryAsync("Transport?$filter=TransportID eq " + ship["TransportID"]); Assert.NotNull(ship); await client.DeleteEntryAsync("Transport", ship); ship = await client.FindEntryAsync("Transport?$filter=TransportID eq " + ship["TransportID"]); Assert.Null(ship); }
public async Task SuccessWithResults() { var settings = CreateDefaultSettings().WithHttpMock(); Product product1 = null; Product product2 = null; var batch = new ODataBatch(settings); batch += async c => product1 = await c .For <Product>() .Set(new Product() { ProductName = "Test1", UnitPrice = 10m }) .InsertEntryAsync(); batch += async c => product2 = await c .For <Product>() .Set(new Product() { ProductName = "Test2", UnitPrice = 20m }) .InsertEntryAsync(); await batch.ExecuteAsync(); Assert.NotEqual(0, product1.ProductID); Assert.NotEqual(0, product2.ProductID); var client = new ODataClient(settings); product1 = await client .For <Product>() .Filter(x => x.ProductName == "Test1") .FindEntryAsync(); Assert.NotNull(product1); product2 = await client .For <Product>() .Filter(x => x.ProductName == "Test2") .FindEntryAsync(); Assert.NotNull(product2); }
public async Task Get_movie_count_by_year_untyped() { var settings = CreateDefaultSettings().WithHttpMock(); var client = new ODataClient(settings); var result = await client .WithExtensions() .For <Movie>() .Apply(b => b.GroupBy((x, a) => new { x.Year, Count = a.Count() })) .OrderByDescending(x => x.Count) .FindEntriesAsync(); Assert.Equal(3, result.Count()); Assert.Equal(new [] { 1990, 1989, 1995 }, result.Select(x => x.Year).ToArray()); Assert.Equal(new [] { 10, 9, 1 }, result.Select(x => x.Count).ToArray()); }
public async Task FunctionWithComplexType() { var client = new ODataClient(CreateDefaultSettings().WithHttpMock()); var address = new Address { City = "Oslo", Country = "Norway", Region = "Oslo", PostalCode = "1234" }; var result = await client .Unbound <IDictionary <string, object> >() .Action("PassThroughAddress") .Set(new Entry() { { "address", address } }) .ExecuteAsSingleAsync(); result = result["PassThroughAddress"] as IDictionary <string, object>; Assert.Equal("Oslo", result["City"]); Assert.Equal("Norway", result["Country"]); }
public async Task ExpandMultipleLevelsWithCollectionAndSelect() { var client = new ODataClient(CreateDefaultSettings().WithHttpMock()); var product = (await client .For("Products") .OrderBy("ProductID") .Expand("Category/Products/Category") .Select(new[] { "Category/Products/Category/CategoryName" }) .FindEntriesAsync()).Last(); Assert.Equal(1, product.Count); Assert.Equal(1, (product["Category"] as IDictionary <string, object>).Count); Assert.Equal(1, (((product["Category"] as IDictionary <string, object>)["Products"] as IEnumerable <object>) .First() as IDictionary <string, object>).Count); Assert.Equal(1, ((((product["Category"] as IDictionary <string, object>)["Products"] as IEnumerable <object>) .First() as IDictionary <string, object>)["Category"] as IDictionary <string, object>).Count); Assert.Equal("Condiments", ((((product["Category"] as IDictionary <string, object>)["Products"] as IEnumerable <object>) .First() as IDictionary <string, object>)["Category"] as IDictionary <string, object>)["CategoryName"]); }
public virtual async Task TestTimeZonesInUrlWithClientDemand() { using (BitOwinTestEnvironment testEnvironment = new BitOwinTestEnvironment()) { TokenResponse token = await testEnvironment.Server.Login("ValidUserName", "ValidPassword", clientId : "TestResOwner"); ODataClient client = testEnvironment.Server.BuildODataClient(token: token, beforeRequest: message => { message.Headers.Add("Desired-Time-Zone", "Iran Standard Time"); message.Headers.Add("Current-Time-Zone", "Afghanistan Standard Time"); }); IEnumerable <TestModel> testModels = await client.Controller <TestModelsController, TestModel>() .Filter(tm => tm.DateProperty == new DateTimeOffset(2016, 1, 1, 9, 30, 0, TimeSpan.Zero)) .FindEntriesAsync(); Assert.AreEqual(1, testModels.Count()); } }
protected override void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry) { containerRegistry.RegisterForNavigation <NavigationPage>("Nav"); containerRegistry.RegisterForNavigation <LoginView, LoginViewModel>("Login"); containerRegistry.RegisterForNavigation <MainView, MainViewModel>("Main"); Simple.OData.Client.V4Adapter.Reference(); containerRegistry.GetBuilder().Register(c => { ISecurityService securityService = c.Resolve <ISecurityService>(); ODataClient odataClient = new ODataClient(new ODataClientSettings(new Uri(c.Resolve <IConfigProvider>().HostUri, "odata/Test/")) { OnCreateMessageHandler = () => new TokenHandler(securityService, new HttpClientHandler()) }); return(odataClient); }); containerRegistry.GetBuilder().Register(c => { ISecurityService securityService = c.Resolve <ISecurityService>(); HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(new TokenHandler(securityService, new HttpClientHandler())) { BaseAddress = c.Resolve <IConfigProvider>().HostUri }; return(httpClient); }).SingleInstance(); containerRegistry.GetBuilder().Register(c => { IConfigProvider configProvider = c.Resolve <IConfigProvider>(); return(new TokenClient(address: new Uri(configProvider.HostUri, "core/connect/token").ToString(), clientId: configProvider.OAuthResourceOwnerFlowClientId, clientSecret: configProvider.OAuthResourceOwnerFlowSecret)); }).SingleInstance(); containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton <BitOAuth2Authenticator>(); containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton <OAuthLoginPresenter>(); containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton <ISecurityService, DefaultSecurityService>(); containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton <IConfigProvider, TestConfigProvider>(); containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton <IDateTimeProvider, DefaultDateTimeProvider>(); containerRegistry.GetBuilder().Register(c => AccountStore.Create()).SingleInstance(); }
public async void OnSearchTextChanged() { _CancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); _CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchText) && SearchText.Length > 2) { var customers = (await ODataClient.Customers() .Where(c => c.FirstName.Contains(SearchText) || c.LastName.Contains(SearchText)) .FindEntriesAsync(_CancellationTokenSource.Token)).ToList(); Customers = new ObservableCollection <CustomerDto>(customers); } else { await Get(); } }
public async Task InterceptRequestAsync() { var settings = new ODataClientSettings { BaseUri = _serviceUri, BeforeRequestAsync = x => { x.Method = new HttpMethod("PUT"); var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <HttpRequestMessage>(); var task = tcs.Task; tcs.SetResult(x); return(task); } }; var client = new ODataClient(settings); await AssertThrowsAsync <WebRequestException>(async() => await client.FindEntriesAsync("Products")); }
async Task DeleteCustomer(CustomerDto customerDto) { try { customerDto.CurrentState = State.Saving; await ODataClient.Customers() .Key(customerDto.Id) .DeleteEntryAsync(); CustomersView.Remove(customerDto); await UserDialogs.AlertAsync($"{customerDto.FullName} Successfully Deleted!"); } finally { customerDto.CurrentState = State.None; } }
public async Task UpdateDerived() { var client = new ODataClient(CreateDefaultSettings().WithHttpMock()); var x = ODataDynamic.Expression; var ship = await client .For(x.Transport) .As(x.Ship) .Set(x.ShipName = "Test1") .InsertEntryAsync(); ship = await client .For(x.Transport) .As(x.Ship) .Key(ship.TransportID) .Set(x.ShipName = "Test2") .UpdateEntryAsync(); Assert.Equal("Test2", ship.ShipName); }
public void CheckODataOrgODataSchema() { var client = new ODataClient(""); var table = client.Schema.FindTable("Product"); Assert.AreEqual("ID", table.PrimaryKey[0]); var association = table.FindAssociation("Category_Products"); Assert.AreEqual("Categories", association.ReferenceTableName); Assert.AreEqual("*", association.Multiplicity); var function = client.Schema.FindFunction("GetProductsByRating"); Assert.AreEqual(RestVerbs.GET, function.HttpMethod); Assert.AreEqual("rating", function.Parameters[0]); Assert.AreEqual(10, client.Schema.EntityTypes.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(1, client.Schema.ComplexTypes.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(5, client.Schema.ComplexTypes.First().Properties.Count()); }
public async Task SelectMultipleRename() { var settings = new ODataClientSettings { BaseUri = _serviceUri, IgnoreUnmappedProperties = true, }; var client = new ODataClient(CreateDefaultSettings().WithHttpMock()); //var client = new ODataClient(settings); var product = await client .For <ProductWithUnmappedProperty>("Products") .Filter(x => x.ProductName == "Chai") .Select(x => new { x.ProductID, UnmappedName = x.ProductName }) .FindEntryAsync(); Assert.Equal("Chai", product.UnmappedName); Assert.Null(product.ProductName); }
public async Task TestPartialUpdate() { using (BitOwinTestEnvironment testEnvironment = new BitOwinTestEnvironment()) { TokenResponse token = await testEnvironment.Server.Login("ValidUserName", "ValidPassword", clientId : "TestResOwner"); ODataClient client = testEnvironment.Server.BuildODataClient(token: token); long modelBeforeUpdateId = await client.Controller <TestModelsController, TestModel>() .Top(1) .Select(t => t.Id) .FindScalarAsync <long>(); TestModel modelAfterUpdate = await client.Controller <TestModelsController, TestModel>() .Key(modelBeforeUpdateId) .Set(new { StringProperty = "Test2" }) .UpdateEntryAsync(); Assert.AreEqual("Test2", modelAfterUpdate.StringProperty); TestModelsController testModelsController = TestDependencyManager.CurrentTestDependencyManager.Objects .OfType <TestModelsController>() .Last(); A.CallTo(() => testModelsController.PartialUpdate(modelBeforeUpdateId, A <Delta <TestModel> > .That.Matches( testModelDelta => testModelDelta.GetChangedPropertyNames().Single() == nameof(TestModel.StringProperty)), A <CancellationToken> .Ignored)) .MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once); IRepository <TestModel> testModelsRepository = TestDependencyManager.CurrentTestDependencyManager.Objects .OfType <IRepository <TestModel> >() .Last(); A.CallTo(() => testModelsRepository.UpdateAsync( A <TestModel> .That.Matches(testModel => testModel.StringProperty == "Test2"), A <CancellationToken> .Ignored)) .MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once); } }
public async Task NestedBatch() { var settings = CreateDefaultSettings().WithHttpMock(); var batch1 = new ODataBatch(settings); batch1 += c => c.InsertEntryAsync("Products", new Entry() { { "ProductName", "Test1" }, { "UnitPrice", 10m } }, false); batch1 += c => c.InsertEntryAsync("Products", new Entry() { { "ProductName", "Test2" }, { "UnitPrice", 20m } }, false); var batch2 = new ODataBatch(settings); batch2 += c => c.InsertEntryAsync("Products", new Entry() { { "ProductName", "Test3" }, { "UnitPrice", 30m } }, false); batch2 += c => c.InsertEntryAsync("Products", new Entry() { { "ProductName", "Test4" }, { "UnitPrice", 40m } }, false); await batch2.ExecuteAsync(); await batch1.ExecuteAsync(); var client = new ODataClient(settings); var product = await client.FindEntryAsync("Products?$filter=ProductName eq 'Test1'"); Assert.NotNull(product); product = await client.FindEntryAsync("Products?$filter=ProductName eq 'Test2'"); Assert.NotNull(product); product = await client.FindEntryAsync("Products?$filter=ProductName eq 'Test3'"); Assert.NotNull(product); product = await client.FindEntryAsync("Products?$filter=ProductName eq 'Test4'"); Assert.NotNull(product); }
public async Task MetadataErrorIsNotCached() { var baseUri = new Uri("ftp://localhost/"); var settings = new ODataClientSettings { BaseUri = baseUri }; var client = new ODataClient(settings); try { await client.GetMetadataAsync(); } catch (ArgumentException) { //only HTTP and HTTPS supported } catch (AggregateException ex) { ex = ex.Flatten(); if (ex.InnerExceptions.Count != 1) { throw; } var arg = ex.InnerException as ArgumentException; if (arg == null) { throw; } //only HTTP and HTTPS supported } var wasCached = true; var cached = EdmMetadataCache.GetOrAdd("ftp://localhost/", x => { wasCached = false; return(null); }); Assert.False(wasCached); Assert.Null(cached); }
//private IODataClient SetOdataSettingsAndReturnFOClient() //{ // string apiEndpoint = configuration[AppConfigurationKeys.FOApiEndpoint] + configuration[AppConfigurationKeys.FOApiEndpointSuffix]; // var settings = new ODataClientSettings(new Uri(apiEndpoint)); // settings.BeforeRequest += SetRequestHeadersForFOToken; // var client = new ODataClient(settings); // return client; //} public static async Task <ODataClient> GetODataClient() { string token = await GetAccessToken(); string apiEndPoint = ""; apiEndPoint = apiEndPoint + "api/data/v9.1/"; var settings = new ODataClientSettings(new Uri(apiEndPoint)); settings.BeforeRequest += delegate(HttpRequestMessage message) { message.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token); // message.Headers.Add("Prefer", "odata.include-annotations=\"*\""); message.Headers.Add("Prefer", "odata.include-annotations=OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue"); }; var client = new ODataClient(settings); return(client); }
public void TypedWithPluralizerFromODataOrg() { AsyncContext.Run(async () => { var client = new ODataClient(""); var products = await client .For<Product>() .FindEntriesAsync(); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, products.Count()); }); AsyncContext.Run(async () => { var client = new ODataClient(""); var products = await client .For<Products>() .FindEntriesAsync(); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, products.Count()); }); }
public async Task CheckODataOrgNorthwindSchema() { var client = new ODataClient(""); var schema = await client.GetSchemaAsync(); var table = schema.FindTable("Product"); Assert.AreEqual("ProductID", table.PrimaryKey[0]); var association = table.FindAssociation("Categories"); Assert.AreEqual("Categories", association.ReferenceTableName); Assert.AreEqual("0..1", association.Multiplicity); table = schema.FindTable("Employees"); association = table.FindAssociation("Employees"); Assert.AreEqual("Employees", association.ReferenceTableName); Assert.AreEqual("0..1", association.Multiplicity); Assert.AreEqual(26, schema.EntityTypes.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(0, schema.ComplexTypes.Count()); }
public async Task ErrorMessage_ResponseContent() { try { var client = new ODataClient(CreateDefaultSettings(x => x.WebRequestExceptionMessageSource = WebRequestExceptionMessageSource.ResponseContent)); await client .For("Products") .Filter("NonExistingProperty eq 1") .FindEntryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.False(true, "Expected exception"); } catch (WebRequestException ex) { Assert.NotNull(ex.Message); Assert.Equal(ex.Response, ex.Message); } }
public async Task UpdateDerived() { var client = new ODataClient(CreateDefaultSettings().WithHttpMock()); var ship = await client .For <Transport>() .As <Ship>() .Set(new Ship { ShipName = "Test1" }) .InsertEntryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); ship = await client .For <Transport>() .As <Ship>() .Key(ship.TransportID) .Set(new { ShipName = "Test2" }) .UpdateEntryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.Equal("Test2", ship.ShipName); }
public async Task DeleteByKey() { var client = new ODataClient(CreateDefaultSettings().WithHttpMock()); var product = await client .For <Product>() .Set(new { ProductName = "Test1", UnitPrice = 18m }) .InsertEntryAsync(); await client .For <Product>() .Key(product.ProductID) .DeleteEntryAsync(); product = await client .For <Product>() .Filter(x => x.ProductName == "Test1") .FindEntryAsync(); Assert.Null(product); }
public void TypedWithPluralizerFromODataOrg() { AsyncContext.Run(async() => { var client = new ODataClient(""); var products = await client .For <Product>() .FindEntriesAsync(); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, products.Count()); }); AsyncContext.Run(async() => { var client = new ODataClient(""); var products = await client .For <Products>() .FindEntriesAsync(); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, products.Count()); }); }
public async Task ErrorMessage_PhraseAndContent() { try { var client = new ODataClient(CreateDefaultSettings(x => x.WebRequestExceptionMessageSource = WebRequestExceptionMessageSource.Both)); await client .For("Products") .Filter("NonExistingProperty eq 1") .FindEntryAsync(); Assert.False(true, "Expected exception"); } catch (WebRequestException ex) { Assert.NotNull(ex.Message); Assert.True(ex.Message.Contains(ex.ReasonPhrase) && ex.Message.Contains(ex.Response)); } }
public async Task MetadataIsCached() { var settings = new ODataClientSettings { BaseUri = _serviceUri }; var client = new ODataClient(settings); await client.GetMetadataAsync(); EdmMetadataCache.GetOrAdd(_serviceUri.ToString(), x => throw new Exception("metadata was not cached.")); settings.BeforeRequest = x => throw new Exception("metadata cache was not used."); await client.GetMetadataAsync(); settings = new ODataClientSettings { BaseUri = _serviceUri, BeforeRequest = x => throw new Exception("not reusing settings will defeat metadata cache.") }; client = new ODataClient(settings); await client.GetMetadataAsync(); }
public async Task LinkEntry() { var client = new ODataClient(CreateDefaultSettings().WithHttpMock()); var category = await client.InsertEntryAsync("Categories", new Entry() { { "CategoryName", "Test4" } }, true); var product = await client.InsertEntryAsync("Products", new Entry() { { "ProductName", "Test5" } }, true); await client.LinkEntryAsync("Products", product, "Category", category); product = await client.FindEntryAsync("Products?$filter=ProductName eq 'Test5'"); Assert.NotNull(product["CategoryID"]); Assert.Equal(category["CategoryID"], product["CategoryID"]); }
public async Task DeleteByKey() { var client = new ODataClient(CreateDefaultSettings().WithHttpMock()); var product = await client .For("Products") .Set(new { ProductName = "Test1", UnitPrice = 18m }) .InsertEntryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); await client .For("Products") .Key(product["ProductID"]) .DeleteEntryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); product = await client .For("Products") .Filter("ProductName eq 'Test1'") .FindEntryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.Null(product); }
public virtual async Task WebApiTraceWritterShouldLogCorrelationIdAndExceptionDetails() { IEmailService emailService = A.Fake <IEmailService>(); A.CallTo(() => emailService.SendEmail(A <string> .Ignored, A <string> .Ignored, A <string> .Ignored)) .Throws(new AppException("Test")); using (BitOwinTestEnvironment testEnvironment = new BitOwinTestEnvironment(new TestEnvironmentArgs { AdditionalDependencies = manager => { manager.RegisterInstance(emailService); } })) { TokenResponse token = await testEnvironment.Server.Login("ValidUserName", "ValidPassword", clientId : "TestResOwner"); ODataClient client = testEnvironment.Server.BuildODataClient(token: token); try { await client.Controller <TestModelsController, TestModel>() .Action(nameof(TestModelsController.SendEmail)) .Set(new TestModelsController.EmailParameters { to = "Someone", title = "Email title", message = "Email message" }) .ExecuteAsync(); Assert.Fail(); } catch (WebRequestException) { ILogger logger = TestDependencyManager.CurrentTestDependencyManager.Objects .OfType <ILogger>().Last(); Assert.IsTrue(logger.LogData.Single(ld => ld.Key == "X-CorrelationId").Value is Guid); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(AppException).GetTypeInfo().FullName, logger.LogData.Single(ld => ld.Key == "WebExceptionType").Value); Assert.IsTrue(((string)(logger.LogData.Single(ld => ld.Key == "WebException").Value)).Contains("Bit.Owin.Exceptions.AppException: Test")); } } }
public async Task InsertUpdateDeleteSeparateBatchesRenewHttpConnection() { var settings = CreateDefaultSettings().WithHttpMock(); var batch = new ODataBatch(settings); batch += c => c.InsertEntryAsync("Products", new Entry() { { "ProductName", "Test12" }, { "UnitPrice", 21m } }, false); await batch.ExecuteAsync(); var client = new ODataClient(new ODataClientSettings { BaseUri = _serviceUri, RenewHttpConnection = true }); var product = await client.FindEntryAsync("Products?$filter=ProductName eq 'Test12'"); Assert.Equal(21m, product["UnitPrice"]); var key = new Entry() { { "ProductID", product["ProductID"] } }; batch = new ODataBatch(settings); batch += c => c.UpdateEntryAsync("Products", key, new Entry() { { "UnitPrice", 22m } }); await batch.ExecuteAsync(); product = await client.FindEntryAsync("Products?$filter=ProductName eq 'Test12'"); Assert.Equal(22m, product["UnitPrice"]); batch = new ODataBatch(settings); batch += c => c.DeleteEntryAsync("Products", key); await batch.ExecuteAsync(); product = await client.FindEntryAsync("Products?$filter=ProductName eq 'Test12'"); Assert.Null(product); }
private async void syncCauseData() { // flag == false; IsProgress = true; isHits = false; try { if (flag == false) { var x = ODataDynamic.Expression; var client = new ODataClient(""); var sproductList = await client.For("CauseSet").FindEntriesAsync(); var data = sproductList; //foreach (var data in sproductList) //{ // int ID = int.Parse(data["ID"].ToString()); // using (SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection(new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT(), App.DB_PATH)) // { // conn.RunInTransaction(() => // { // conn.Insert(new Products(data["Name"].ToString(), ID, data["Description"].ToString())); // }); // } //} //flag = true; //IsProgress = false; //isHits = true; //await _dialogService.ShowMessage("Sync Successfully Check Your Data Base..!", "Success"); //ProductsListCollection = new DatabaseHelperClass().ReadAllProducts(); } } catch (Exception e) { await _dialogService.ShowMessage(e.Message, "Warning"); } }
public async Task InsertUsingModifiedSchema() { await AssertThrowsAsync<Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException>(async () => await _client.InsertEntryAsync("Customers", new Entry() { { "CompanyName", null } })); var metadataDocument = await _client.GetMetadataDocumentAsync(); metadataDocument = metadataDocument.Replace(@"Name=""CompanyName"" Type=""Edm.String"" Nullable=""false""", @"Name=""CompanyName"" Type=""Edm.String"" Nullable=""true"""); ODataClient.ClearMetadataCache(); var settings = new ODataClientSettings { BaseUri = _serviceUri, MetadataDocument = metadataDocument, }; var client = new ODataClient(settings); var model = await client.GetMetadataAsync<IEdmModel>(); var type = model.FindDeclaredType("NorthwindModel.Customers"); var property = (type as IEdmEntityType).DeclaredProperties.Single(x => x.Name == "CompanyName"); Assert.Equal(true, property.Type.IsNullable); await AssertThrowsAsync<WebRequestException>(async () => await client.InsertEntryAsync("Customers", new Entry() { { "CompanyName", null } })); ODataClient.ClearMetadataCache(); }
public void AllDerivedClassEntriesWithResourceTypes() { var clientSettings = new ODataClientSettings { UrlBase = _serviceUri, IncludeResourceTypeInEntryProperties = true, }; var client = new ODataClient(clientSettings); var transport = client .For<Transport>() .As<Ship>() .FindEntries(); Assert.Equal("Titanic", transport.Single().ShipName); }
public void BaseClassEntriesWithResourceTypes() { var clientSettings = new ODataClientSettings { UrlBase = _serviceUri, IncludeResourceTypeInEntryProperties = true, }; var client = new ODataClient(clientSettings); var transport = client .For<Transport>() .FindEntries(); Assert.Equal(2, transport.Count()); }
public async Task AllDerivedClassEntriesWithAnnotations() { var clientSettings = new ODataClientSettings { BaseUri = _serviceUri, IncludeAnnotationsInResults = true, }; var client = new ODataClient(clientSettings); var transport = await client .For<Transport>() .As<Ship>() .FindEntriesAsync(); Assert.Equal("Titanic", transport.Single().ShipName); }
public async Task BaseClassEntriesWithAnnotations() { var clientSettings = new ODataClientSettings { BaseUri = _serviceUri, IncludeAnnotationsInResults = true, }; var client = new ODataClient(clientSettings); var transport = await client .For<Transport>() .FindEntriesAsync(); Assert.Equal(2, transport.Count()); }
public async Task SelectMultipleRename() { var settings = new ODataClientSettings { BaseUri = _serviceUri, IgnoreUnmappedProperties = true, }; var client = new ODataClient(settings); var product = await client .For<ProductWithUnmappedProperty>("Products") .Filter(x => x.ProductName == "Chai") .Select(x => new { x.ProductID, UnmappedName = x.ProductName }) .FindEntryAsync(); Assert.Equal("Chai", product.UnmappedName); Assert.Null(product.ProductName); }
public async Task IgnoredUnmappedColumn() { var settings = new ODataClientSettings { BaseUri = _serviceUri, IgnoreUnmappedProperties = true, }; var client = new ODataClient(settings); var product = await client .For<ProductWithUnmappedProperty>("Products") .Set(new ProductWithUnmappedProperty { ProductName = "Test1" }) .InsertEntryAsync(); await client .For<ProductWithUnmappedProperty>("Products") .Key(product.ProductID) .Set(new ProductWithUnmappedProperty { ProductName = "Test2" }) .UpdateEntryAsync(false); product = await client .For<ProductWithUnmappedProperty>("Products") .Key(product.ProductID) .FindEntryAsync(); Assert.Equal("Test2", product.ProductName); }
public async Task UpdateEntrySubcollectionWithAnnotations() { var clientSettings = new ODataClientSettings { BaseUri = _serviceUri, IncludeAnnotationsInResults = true, }; var client = new ODataClient(clientSettings); var ship = await client.InsertEntryAsync("Transport/Ships", new Entry() { { "ShipName", "Test1" } }, true); var key = new Entry() { { "TransportID", ship["TransportID"] } }; await client.UpdateEntryAsync("Transport/Ships", key, new Entry() { { "ShipName", "Test2" }, { FluentCommand.ResourceTypeLiteral, "Ships" } }); ship = await client.GetEntryAsync("Transport", key); Assert.Equal("Test2", ship["ShipName"]); }